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为有效降低地铁施工过程中的不安全行为风险,预防事故发生,提出一种基于智能监控的工人不安全行为改进的统计过程控制(ISPC)方法。首先,依据安全标准和操作规程,利用摄像头行为分析功能自动识别施工现场工人的不安全行为,并将其分类;然后,通过智能视频动态监控,发现不安全行为的异常变化征兆,建立工人不安全行为的实时预警机制;最后,以武汉地铁某车站工程现场"起重吊装过程中,无关人员进入危险区域"不安全行为为例,验证该方法的有效性。结果表明:用该方法可智能监控施工现场,及时有效控制不安全行为的发展。  相似文献   

当前工人不安全行为研究多侧重从理论和方法的角度出发,而通过数据挖掘探究规律性方面的研究存在不足,因此,提出了地铁施工工人不安全行为关联规则研究。首先,构建关联规则挖掘数据库,以大量反映现场不安全行为的照片为数据来源。然后,利用Apriori算法,通过SPSS Modeler软件建模,以地铁车站施工机械操作人员为例介绍关联规则挖掘过程和结果。结果表明:机械操作人员存在有效强关联项为“开挖降水→挖土机作业时周围区域内有其余工人作业活动”。说明针对不同工种岗位的工人,在不同施工阶段存在易出现的不安全行为,可以有针对性地进行控制与管理,从而降低事故率。  相似文献   

为有效评估装配式建筑吊装施工中的安全风险状态,识别关键风险因素,运用系统理论过程分析方法(STPA)构建吊装施工过程中的控制反馈结构,识别导致危险的不安全控制行为,确定不安全控制行为的致因因素;基于风险因素间的关联关系构建贝叶斯网络(BN)模型,推理计算装配式建筑吊装施工安全风险状态概率,并结合反向诊断推理分析影响安全事故的风险因素;通过敏感性分析,识别装配式建筑吊装施工安全中的关键风险因素。结果表明:装配式建筑吊装施工安全风险处于低风险状态;起重机械超负荷运行、现场安全管理不到位和吊索吊具存在缺陷等因素是影响装配式建筑吊装施工安全风险的关键风险因素。  相似文献   

为实时监控现场工人不安全行为,有效降低建筑事故发生率,实现主动的安全与组织管理模式,结合基于智能安全帽的施工人员不安全行为监测与管理系统,构建了工人安全行为绩效考核模型并设计激励机制。通过在温银施工项目的应用,进行了现场工人安全行为绩效的横向与纵向对比。研究结果表明:依据现场行为进行监控和绩效考核能够有效地改善工人的安全行为,有助于形成施工现场的安全生产竞争氛围,有助于建筑工地的安全管理。  相似文献   

唐东  闫芬 《劳动保护》2013,(11):70-71
起重吊装施工是工程建设中容易出现生产安全事故的环节之一,由于施工技术难度大、涉及人员众多、现场环境复杂、管理水平参差不齐,容易引发高处坠落、触电、吊物坠落伤人、物体打击等事故。本文通过对一起起重吊装施工事故原因进行分析,提出了整改建议,防范类似事故再次发生。  相似文献   

起重机吊装重物,除使用专用吊具外,还经常使用系物钢丝绳(简称系物绳或捆绑绳)。为防止吊装重物时系物绳断裂造成设备和人身事故,必须在吊物前准确估算重物的重量,并严格控制在设备的额定起重量之内;同时,要保证系物绳具有足够的强度,并有一定的安全储备。 系物绳的强度可以根据使用工况进行计算,但在吊装现场不可能也没有必要每吊装一次重物,都需经过详细的计算,才可选择系物绳的规格、直径、长度,确定捆绑位置和吊点,最后进行吊装。本文推荐一种简单可靠的计算方法,既可使起重工人能快速选择系物绳的直径,保证吊装工作安全可靠,又便于安技…  相似文献   

为有效的控制建筑工人的不安全行为,从而减少事故,须分析出建筑工人不安全行为主要影响因素,并提出针对性控制措施。从各种不安全行为中提取13个影响因子,在此基础上通过访谈和调研获得直接影响矩阵,借助决策试验和评价实验室方法(DEMATEL)计算出每个因子的影响度、原因度和中心度,由此分析出安全态度、安全技能、安全认知和安全培训在影响因素体系中最为重要,领导的重视对建筑工人的不安全行为也有很大影响。结果表明:个人因素是影响工人安全行为的主要因素,环境因素和管理因素通过影响个人因素影响工人的安全行为。最后,针对个人影响因素,提出了合理开展安全培训、加强现场行为管理、加强安全心理干预、完善用工制度等措施。  相似文献   

研究提出采用基于ZigBee无线网络,运用BIM技术、无线传感器和改进的人员定位等技术,建立隧道管片吊装施工安全管理平台。结合实际工程,通过对管片吊装施工仿真分析,可实现管片吊装区域人员定位,为管理人员提供实时报警、信息查询和三维可视化展示,从而加强管片吊装施工安全控制。  相似文献   

为深入解析情绪对不安全行为的影响作用机制,探究情绪控制视角下的不安全行为矫正方法。从信息认知过程入手,结合眼动追踪技术和情绪唤醒方法,基于个体信息认知模型,设计情绪对建筑工人不安全行为的影响试验,通过测量不同情绪状态下工人的注意力分配、隐患识别和风险倾向,采用眼动热点图和方差分析(ANOVA),探究情绪在信息认知加工过程中对建筑工人不安全行为的具体影响。研究结果表明:在认知过程的信息获取阶段,正性情绪能够促进工人对现场危险的感知活动,而在信息分析阶段,正性情绪比负性情绪的工人具有更为显著的不安全行为倾向;基于个体信息认知的情绪不安全行为模型,正性情绪状态下的建筑工人更倾向于有意不安全行为,而负性情绪状态下的建筑工人则更倾向于无意不安全行为。建议施工企业应根据工人的情绪状态采取针对性的不安全行为管控措施,提高现场安全管理效率。  相似文献   

为预防天然气管道施工事故的发生,利用行为安全"2-4"模型原因因素编码系统,分析32起天然气管道施工事故的原因。按照4个层级29个原因因素,统计得到事故涉及的原因因素16项,并对其中发生频率最高的5项作详细的原因分析。研究结果表明:在所调查的天然气管道施工事故中,违章的不安全操作中的人员错误操作、不安全物态中的施工前外部条件不符合要求、安全知识中的对设备和材料特性掌握不够、安全意识中的未意识到按程序施工的重要性、安全管理组织结构缺陷中的现场安全监督人员配置不合理和自然因素中的连续下雨是导致事故最主要的原因。  相似文献   

Despite the efforts to enhance knowledge transfer in organizations, success has been elusive. It is becoming clear that in many instances employees are unwilling to share their knowledge even when organizational practices are designed to facilitate transfer. Consequently, this paper develops and investigates a novel construct, knowledge hiding. We establish that knowledge hiding exists, we distinguish knowledge hiding from related concepts (knowledge hoarding and knowledge sharing), and we develop a multidimensional measure of this construct. We also identify several predictors of knowledge hiding in organizations. The results of three studies, using different methods, suggest that knowledge hiding is comprised of three related factors: evasive hiding, rationalized hiding, and playing dumb. Each of these hiding behaviors is predicted by distrust, yet each also has a different set of interpersonal and organizational predictors. We draw implications for future research on knowledge management. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In our introduction to this special issue on understanding knowledge hiding in organizations, we provide some context to how and why this phenomenon should be studied. We then describe the five articles that comprise the special issue, and we note some common themes and divergences in this collection. Our introduction concludes with some suggestions for future research on knowledge hiding in organizations.  相似文献   

Little research to date has focused on understanding employee motivation to share and hide knowledge. Using self‐determination theory, we tested the premise that knowledge sharing and hiding might be differentially motivated and that work design characteristics might influence the motivation to share knowledge with colleagues. In a panel survey of Australian knowledge workers and in a Chinese knowledge‐intensive organization, we asked knowledge workers, using time‐lagged designs, about perceptions of work design, motivation to share knowledge, and self‐reported knowledge sharing and hiding behaviors. Results, largely replicated across both samples, indicated that cognitive job demands and job autonomy were positively related to future reports of knowledge‐sharing frequency and usefulness via autonomous motivation to share knowledge. Unexpectedly, task interdependence was positively related to the three forms of knowledge hiding (evasive and rationalized hiding, and playing dumb) via external regulation to share knowledge. Implications for the design of jobs that motivate knowledge sharing and demotivate knowledge hiding are discussed.  相似文献   

Creativity is an increasingly important domain of performance largely based on knowledge held and exchanged among employees. Despite the necessity of knowledge exchange, individual employees tend to experience mixed motivation caused by the inherent social dilemma of knowledge sharing. To pragmatically explain how individuals deal with this motivational dilemma, we propose an expanded framework of knowledge management behavior (KMB) that includes knowledge sharing, hiding, and manipulation. Individual choices among these KMBs may be driven by dispositional goal orientations. We also propose that the effects of KMB on creativity of employees vary depending on their social status in a work group. Our analyses based on 214 employees from 37 teams reveal that (i) learning goal orientation increases knowledge sharing and decreases knowledge manipulation; (ii) avoiding goal orientation increases knowledge sharing and manipulation; and (iii) proving goal orientation increases knowledge hiding and manipulation. Knowledge hiding is negatively related to employee creativity, particularly for employees with high social status. Knowledge manipulation is positively related to creativity, particularly for those with high social status. This study develops and validates a theoretical framework explaining the formative process and distinct outcomes of the multifaceted and strategic approaches to KMB at the individual level. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined how and when transformational leadership affected team knowledge exchange. Taking a goal pursuit perspective, we hypothesized two parallel mediating mechanisms—team knowledge goal generation and team knowledge goal striving—linking transformational leadership to team knowledge exchange. In addition, we investigated whether team-level team-member exchange served as a boundary condition that qualified the effects of transformational leadership on team knowledge goal generation and striving. We tested our hypotheses using time-lagged data from 118 work teams of a large Chinese manufacturing firm. Our findings provided support for the proposed parallel mediating mechanisms (i.e., team knowledge goal generation and team knowledge goal striving) that linked transformational leadership to team knowledge exchange. In addition, we found that team-level team-member exchange could strengthen the positive effect of transformational leadership on team knowledge exchange via team knowledge goal generation. By taking the novel lens of team goal pursuit, this study contributes to the literature on leadership and teams by shedding light on how transformational leadership triggers the goal pursuit process of team knowledge exchange.  相似文献   

基于发电企业设备自身的特点及工作人员对风险知识认知的局限性,有必要分析发电企业设备在运行、检修中潜在的风险.分析了设备风险知识与风险管理的关系,并以发电企业各类大型设备中应用最广泛的电动机为例,解决了电动机风险知识的表达及推理问题,为实现基于知识的设备风险管理提供了一种思路,对指导发电企业的设备日常维护、巡检以及状态监测、避免不必要的损失有着积极的意义.  相似文献   

In this article, we sought to identify a new interpersonal antecedent of knowledge hiding, namely, leader–member exchange (LMX). Drawing on the group engagement model (an extension of social identity theory within the group/organization context), we built a theoretical model linking LMX and knowledge hiding. This model focuses on the mediating role of organizational identification and the moderating role of relative LMX in influencing the mediation. Using two time‐lagged studies (Study 1: n = 317; Study 2: n = 248) conducted in China, we examined our research model. Study 1 provided support for the proposed hypotheses for evasive hiding and playing dumb but not for rationalized hiding. Study 2 replicated and extended our findings. Results revealed that (a) LMX was negatively related to evasive hiding and playing dumb but not to rationalized hiding; (b) organizational identification mediated the influence of LMX on evasive hiding and playing dumb but not on rationalized hiding; and (c) relative LMX not only moderated the relationship between LMX and organizational identification but also reinforced the indirect effect of LMX on evasive hiding and playing dumb but not on rationalized hiding (via organizational identification). The implications, limitations, and future research directions are also discussed.  相似文献   

为了研究个体死亡引发反馈环断裂对安全知识积累和扩散的影响,采用元胞自动机方法,构建了多层次、多状态、多行为的安全知识积累和扩散演化模型。然后运用交替变量控制法进行仿真实验,获取605组数据,并对所得数据进行层次回归分析。研究结果表明:个体死亡会阻碍安全知识积累且会加剧个体间知识差异,同时事故率的增加会提高知识积累机会和个体死亡机会,产生复杂的双向对冲效应;替代者知识水平能够对安全知识积累和扩散产生较大的正向影响,并能削弱个体死亡的负向影响;事故见证者的增加也能够产生一定的正向影响。据此提出“数量型死亡悖论”,并指出促进安全知识积累和扩散的重点方向。  相似文献   

为了从源头上提高工业项目整个过程的安全绩效,基于安全知识设计的实践性、分散性和两重性等特点,对工业项目安全设计各阶段的知识流动进行阐述,提出安全设计策划、安全设计展开和安全设计评价各阶段的知识获取、存储、共享应用和创新,并应用知识管理的思想对基于安全知识的安全设计持续改进流程进行探讨。得出安全设计能有效管理并扩充安全知识数据库,供工业项目各参与方使用,并不断交流与深化改进工业项目的安全设计,使安全知识能在整个行业内广泛共享和再利用。  相似文献   

工程项目安全预警与应急控制隐性知识集成与共享研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
针对一些企业在安全预警、风险控制等方面的隐性知识难以集成、个体知识难以转换为组织知识、内部员工难以共享、行业组织之间难以交流等一系列问题,笔者从知识管理观念、隐性知识集成与共享激励制度、知识共享文化、知识管理组织系统、知识共享和知识交易平台等方面入手,构建了适应于工程项目安全预警与应急控制的隐性知识集成与共享系统。该研究成果为工程师们缩短在紧急状态下的应急补救决策时间,提升其对质量安全事故控制能力,提供了切实可行的实践思路。  相似文献   

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