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苜蓿浓缩饲料是将晒干后的苜蓿草切碎成小于15cm的长纤维,充分搅拌,添加总重量5%的添加剂,造粒定型挤出,冷却至室温,再计量包装制成。以100%干物计算,该饲料含粗蛋白12%~18%,能够长期提供质量稳定的产品,保持饲料清洁和苜蓿草的鲜味和水份,减少牲畜因误食杂草患病的现象;增加货运密度1倍以上,降低喂养成本10%,降低饲喂劳动强度80%;促进牲畜生长,提高产奶量,每头奶牛日产奶量平均为30kg~33kg,产奶期超过300天。该饲料特别适宜喂饲反刍牲畜和病弱牲畜使用苜蓿浓缩饲料及其生产方法  相似文献   

1 有利影响及其经验 1.1 农牧结合,草田轮作,用养结合,提高土壤肥力实行牧草轮作和小麦套种草木、绿肥就地种植,就地翻压等适于机械操作的措施,既不减少粮食播种面积,又达到增加土壤肥力的效果,这不失为一种用养结合的好方法。伊宁县多浪农场自尝试农牧结合、草田轮用后,种植苜蓿的面积逐年增加,粮食面积逐年减少,但粮食的单产和总产却逐年提高,说明土地的生产能力逐步得到提高,从而给人们提供愈来愈多的粮食和畜料。  相似文献   

据联邦德国杂志《斯卡拉》报道,太平洋沿岸45国国际化学会议不久前在火奴鲁土召开。会上提出了利用天然抗植物毒素来抑制野草生长的设想。科学家们发现许多植物从根部排出毒素,破坏附近植物的生长。以偃草为例,其根部分泌的物质使附近的大豆、苜蓿根部无法长出固氮细菌,即使用除草剂除去偃麦草,其毒素仍可在土壤中残留一年。许多植物的种籽在吸收水份准备发芽时,即将毒素散入土壤,以阻碍其它种籽在其“势力范围”内发芽。但有些多年生植物在土壤中残留了许多毒素,最终将危及自身,咖啡、柑桔、葡萄等都是这样;如咖啡生长10—25年后就不再高产了, 根据以上原理,如果在作物播种之前先种植能产生抗野草毒素植物,就可少用除草剂,以保持生态平衡。  相似文献   

综述了近十年来我国袋式除尘技术的发展状况,论述并分析了目前国内燃煤锅炉、水泥、钢铁以及垃圾焚烧等重点行业应用的袋式除尘器的技术要点以及使用效果。  相似文献   

通过对氯、二氧化氯、紫外线等常见消毒工艺以及去除已生成消毒副产物的深度处理工艺进行了分析,探讨了各种消毒工艺的消毒性能和对消毒副产物的控制效果以及各种深度处理工艺对消毒副产物的去除性能,为实际水处理中消毒以及深度处理工艺的选择提供了参考。  相似文献   

本文着重评述了水中隐孢子虫卵囊的检测技术,具体介绍了EPA1622法和1623法、流式细胞计、荧光原位杂交、SPR生物传感器以及PCR等方法,并对其操作技术、检测周期、回收率、检测限、可靠性、敏感性、稳定性以及能否种类鉴别等方面进行了比较。笔者认为我国应致力于开展快速检测卵囊活性与传染性的研究;随着IMS、细胞分类法等纯化手段不断完善,PCR技术对研究水中隐孢子虫的检测将会有更广阔的发展空间。  相似文献   

采用绿色水处理技术是实现水资源可持续发展、环境保护和生态安全的重要措施。文章列举了膜分离、绿色氧化、绿色絮凝以及超声波、微波、电磁场等环保水处理技术,以及在国内外的研究应用现状探讨了绿色水处理技术的发展趋势。  相似文献   

综述了我国袋式除尘技术的发展概况,重点分析了袋式除尘技术在水泥、钢铁、电力等行业的应用情况,详细介绍了袋式除尘器的专用纤维和滤料,以及袋式除尘器的配件等。  相似文献   

由于放电时延影响着二次放电的参数如放电电流、上升时间等,并对消费类电子产品的放电保护装置有着直接的影响。因此放电时延对放电过程以及器件放电保护有着非常重要的作用。通过测量时延分析了湿度、电压、电场强度、间隙大小等参数对时延的影响。这些实验结果对研究放电保护以及放电模型等都有着非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

多氯联苯光化学降解研究的最新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了近10年以来多氯联苯(PCBs)在有机相、表面活性剂中的直接光化学降解行为,以及PCBs在水相中的光敏化反应和光催化反应等间接光化学降解行为。从光解动力学、光解途径、光解机理以及光解产物等几方面阐述了PCBs的光化学行为,光催化降解有机污染物是一种很有发展前景的有机污染物治理技术。  相似文献   

Regulation and control of agricultural water pollution is unique and difficult to accomplish. Water quality standards are often proposed without adequate consideration of the overall economic impact on agricultural production. This article illustrates how economists and physical scientists can cooperate to develop appropriate control strategies for agricultural water pollution. Data provided by physical scientists and economists are used in a linear programming model to describe salt discharge as a function of water management, production levels, and an associated effluent charge. Four water management activities were chosen on the basis of different costs of production (including a parametrically varied effluent charge), water requirements, alfalfa yields, and levels of salt discharge. Results indicate that when the effluent charge is low (<$0.20/metric ton salt discharged), maximum production with maximum salt discharge is most profitable. As the effluent charge is increased ($0.20–$0.40/metric ton salt discharged), it becomes progressively less profitable to produce alfalfa at maximum levels of pollutant discharge. When the effluent charge is >$0.40/metric ton salt discharged, alfalfa production is no longer economically feasible. An important aspect of this approach is that it permits policy makers to identify explicitly the relationship between the environmental standard and the effect on agricultural production.  相似文献   

以绿色农业理念为基础,针对河西走廊绿洲灌区环境资源特点、产业优势及生产中存在的问题,通过对当地玉米、小麦两大主栽作物秸秆饲料化利用、肉牛健康养殖、废弃物综合利用、农畜产品生产全程质量监控等技术的组装配套,研究总结形成种养结合、资源循环利用、清洁生产的绿色农业发展模式,即种养结合型模式"玉米-牛-沼-肥"、大田设施配套型模式"小麦-菇-肥-果(葡萄)"、小型养殖场型模式"牛-沼/蚯蚓-肥/饲料",并对模式的原理、特点、技术集成要点及效益进行阐述分析。对该3种模式在武威市凉州区谢河镇示范验证,农田节水30%,秸秆养殖利用率达到60%,牛羊良种化率提高30%,奶牛母犊牛生产率达88%,减少化肥施用量20%,减少生活能源支出55%,减少农业废弃物排放75%,提高农业综合效益36%。  相似文献   

本文根据在安宁河流域实施高产高效种植模式的实践,就高产高效栽培的功能目标和技术调控等问题进行了探讨。作物高产高效种植集生物、环境、经济、技术于一体,其中,技术居主导地位,对整个组合进行调控,使之按高产稳产优质低耗高效的目标发展。社会的需求量、农民的积极性、生态良性性、环境吻合性和能量高效转化性是评价高产高效种植模式功能目标的原则。系统的调控机制有三个层次,即自然调控、直接调控、间接调控。农业科技通过生态环境调控、输入输出调控、物种结构调控、综合关系调控等途径实现调控机制。科学技术的选择原则是:生物生理生态适应性、自然环境吻合性、社会经济允许性、配套有序整体性和推广普及性。  相似文献   

何爱兰 《四川环境》2005,24(3):49-51
无公害产品产地农业生态环境质量是影响无公害产品质量的重要因子之一,对丽水市庆元县甜桔柚基地农业环境质量的调查和监测表明,庆元县无公害甜桔柚基地符合无公害产品的环境质量要求。  相似文献   

乐亭县地处滨海,农业用水效率低,加之上游连年缺水,造成田间荒芜撂荒现象严重.乐亭县是农业大县,工业相对薄弱,掀起一场提高农业用水效率的革命势在必行.主要途径:大力推进节水灌溉制度,调整农业种植结构,积极引进、开发、培育节水高产品种,减少无效蒸发,节水高产施肥、培肥技术.  相似文献   

This study assesses the water availability and the water scarcity based on the hydrologic behavior under different weather conditions and crop coverages in an irrigated agricultural area of Rincon Valley in New Mexico using the SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) model. Two spatial crop coverages included normal (2008) and dry (2011) years with 14 different crop sets for each year. The SWAT was applied to generate the five essential indicators (surface flow, evapotranspiration, soil water, groundwater recharge, and irrigation water) to evaluate the integrated water availability based on hydrologic response units (HRUs) along with the Arrey Canal to supply irrigation water in the crop areas. The water availability index scores (0–1 range with 1 being the most available and 0 the least available) of alfalfa, corn, cotton, and pecans were 0.21, 0.56, 0.91, and 0.20, respectively, in the normal year and 0.16, 0.78, 0.88, and 0.24, respectively, in the dry year. In the dry year, water scarcity values were high in mostly alfalfa areas, whereas cotton areas have mostly no stress with good water availability. The major water users of crops, ranked in order, were alfalfa, pecans, cotton, and corn. During the dry year, water availability showed to be balanced in terms of water supply and demand by controlling crop patterns from reducing alfalfa acreage by 12% and increasing cotton acreage by 13%.  相似文献   

Agricultural utilization of biosolids poses a potential risk to ruminant animals due to transfer of Mo from biosolids to forage to the animal in amounts large enough to suppress Cu uptake by the animal. Alkaline-stabilized biosolids (ASB) must be given particular consideration in assessment of Mo risk because the high pH of these biosolids could increase Mo and decrease Cu uptake by forage legumes. In this 3-yr field experiment, ASB and ground agricultural limestone (AL) were applied based on their alkalinity at rates equivalent to 0, 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 times the lime requirement of the soil and alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) was grown. Alfalfa yield was similar with AL and ASB except in the second year when ASB produced larger yields, apparently due to increased B availability with ASB. Application of ASB did not detectably increase extractable soil Mo (0- to 15-cm depth), but increased alfalfa Mo uptake in all cuttings with yield-weighted uptake coefficients (UCs) of 8.07 and 7.11 following the first and second ASB applications, respectively. Although ASB increased extractable soil Cu, and alfalfa Cu content was greater with ASB than with AL, yield-weighted alfalfa Cu to Mo ratio was decreased by ASB to levels near 3. These results suggest that ASB may have a greater effect on Mo uptake and Cu to Mo ratio of forage legumes than do other biosolids. Additional research is needed to determine implications of larger Mo cumulative loading with ASB for Mo risk, particularly in the soil pH range of 7 to 8.  相似文献   

从高校食品工作的特点出发,总结了高校食品安全的特点,提出了"农校对接"的解决途径,并分析了开展农校对接的意义,从高校食品安全管理者、食品供应者、物流等角度阐述了开展农校对接的具体措施。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Benthic macroinvertebrate samples representing 151 taxa were collected in August 1995 to examine the linkage between land use, water quality, and aquatic biointegrity in seven tributaries of the Blackfoot River watershed, Montana. The tributaries represent silvicultural (timber harvesting), agricultural (irrigated alfalfa and hay and livestock grazing), and wilderness land uses. A 2.4 km (1.5 mile) reach of a recently restored tributary also was sampled for comparison with the other six sites. A geographic information system (GIS) was used to characterize the seven subwatersheds and estimate soil erosion, using the Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation, and sediment delivery. The wilderness stream had the highest aquatic biointegrity. Two agricultural streams had the largest estimated soil erosion and sediment delivery rates, the greatest habitat impairment from nonpoint source pollution, and the most impoverished macroinvertebrate communities. The silvicultural subwatersheds had greater rates of estimated soil erosion and sediment delivery and lower aquatic biointegrity than the wilderness reference site but evinced better conditions than the agricultural sites. A multiple-use (forestry, grazing, and wildlife management) watershed and the restored site ranked between the silvicultural and agricultural sites. This spectrum of land use and aquatic biointegrity illustrates both the challenges and opportunities that define watershed management.  相似文献   

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