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P. Castro 《Marine Biology》1978,46(3):237-245
Trapezia ferruginea appears to depend entirely on its coral host (Pocillopora spp.) for shelter and food. Field and laboratory experiments have shown that the brightly colored crabs move between colonies at night. Analysis of movements in crabs randomly distributed among randomized Pocillopora damicornis colonies under laboratory conditions showed that after 6 days there was a significant increase in the number of heterosexual pairs (P<0.001) and a significant correlation between the number of crabs and the size of colonies (P=0.003), as well as between the size of crabs and the size of colonies (P=0.020) — conditions which are also observed in the field. No such correlations were obtained (P>0.05) in a similar experiment where very intense predation by carnivorous fishes was present. This host selection by adults appears to be elicited by the lack of a suitable partner and the inadequate size of their established territory in the colony.  相似文献   

Larvae of the xanthid crab Pilumnoides perlatus (Poeppig, 1836) have been reared in the laboratory at 3 different temperatures (10.2°, 15° and 20°C) from hatching to megalopa stage. The 5 zoea stages and the megalopa, as well as the setation of the functional appendages are described and illustrated. The main characteristics useful to differentiate the larval stages of P. perlatus from those of Homalaspis plana, the other Chilean species of the same family so far reared, are discussed. Data on duration of zoea development, length of moulting intervals, and mortality at the 3 test temperatures are also given.This study was partially supported by the Chilean National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICYT).  相似文献   

Responses of the four zoeal stages of the crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Gould) to step and continuous changes in hydrostatic pressure were analyzed with a video system. Crabs were collected from the Neuse River estuary (North Carolina, USA) from June to August, 1987. The lower thresholds for step increases and decreases in pressure were 3 and 8 to 10 mbar, respectively. There was little change in sensitivity with zoeal development. Tests of larval responses in a light field that simulated the underwater angular light distribution indicated positive phototaxis does not occur upon pressure changes. In darkness, rates of pressure increase at and above 0.175 mbar s-1 induced high barokinesis and negative geotaxis in all but Stage IV zoeae, which had a threshold of 1.19 mbar s-1. Since larval sinking and descent swimming speeds exceed these threshold rates, larvae can move rapidly enough to produce suprathreshold changes in pressure which evoke behavioral responses. Slow rates of pressure decrease induced passive sinking while rapid rates caused an active ascent. This ascent response upon a pressure decrease is unreported among crustaceans, and is hypothesized to function for avoidance of feeding and respiratory currents of benthic invertebrates. The descent response occurs in all zoeal stages, except IV, at rates of pressure decrease (0.4 to 0.71 mbar s-1) that are within the range of ascent swimming speeds. These results support Sulkin's negative feedback depth regulation model. The absolute distances moved before corrective vertical responses to threshold rates of pressure change are initated delimit the depth regulatory window. In darkness, the asymmetry of the window would lead to an ascent. It is hypothesized that light is an additional component in depth regulation, and that the limits and symmetry of the depth regulatory window may be controlled by the level of light adaptation.  相似文献   

The crab genus Xantho Leach, 1814 is restricted to the northeastern Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. It consists of four species, Xantho hydrophilus (Herbst, 1790), X. poressa (Olivi, 1792), X. pilipes A. Milne-Edwards, 1867, and X. sexdentatus (Miers, 1881). X. hydrophilus has been divided into two geographic forms, of which one, X. h. granulicarpus (Forest, 1953), is postulated to be endemic to the Mediterranean Sea. In this study, we reconstruct phylogenetic relationships of the genus Xantho and related genera from the Atlantic Ocean or Mediterranean Sea and compare different geographic populations of Xantho hydrophilus and, to a lesser extent, of X. poressa by means of population genetic and morphometric analyses. The molecular phylogeny is based on two mitochondrial genes (large subunit rRNA and cytochrome oxidase I) and indicates that X. poressa, X. hydrophilus and X. sexdentatus form a monophyletic group, the latter two species sharing identical haplotypes. On the other hand, X. pilipes shows affinities to Xanthodius denticulatus. Population genetics based on the COI gene reveal genetic differentiation within X. hydrophilus. Morphometric results also give evidence for distinct geographic forms in X. hydrophilus with a clear discrimination. In comparison, morphometric discrimination between different geographic populations of X. poressa is less clear, but still significant. We therefore suggest a recent/ongoing morphological and genetic differentiation within Xantho hydrophilus, restricted gene flow between its Atlantic and Mediterranean populations (not allowing subspecific differentiation) and possible mtDNA introgression between the species X. hydrophilus and X. sexdentatus.  相似文献   

Larval Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Gould) show nocturnal vertical migration. Larval behavioral responses to different rates of increase and decrease in light intensity were measured in an apparatus with a natural angular light distribution. A central objective was to establish whether phototaxis actually participates in vertical migration. At sunset the level of light adaptation controlled the readiness of the larvae to migrate, while an ascent was initiated by a preductable relative decrease in intensity (e.g. 4.0x10-3s-1). Rates of relative decrease around sunset would evoke continuous upward swimming. Gravity was the orienting cue and there was no change in swimming speed during the ascent. At sunrise, the larval descent was initiated by exposure to an absolute light intensity of about 0.23 log unit above the lower visual threshold. Light served as an orienting cue, as larvae descended by a negative phototaxis. Thus, phototaxis is not a laboratory artifact and does participate in vertical migration. A consideration of behavioral responses of other crustacean zooplankton indicates there is considerable variation in the initiating and directing cues for vertical movements. The variety of behavioral responses of R. harrisii suggests that a synthesis of hypotheses about migration may provide the proper basis for explaining the mechanisms underlying diel vertical migration.  相似文献   

Morphological characters and 14 enzyme loci were examined for 1 040 sea stars, currently recognized as forms ofLeptasterias hexactis, from Lynn Canal, Alaska, and Puget Sound, Washington, USA, between March 1988 and April 1989. Three morphologically and two genetically distinctLeptasterias forms were identified. The most common form found at both localities wasL. epichlora (Brandt)sensu Verrill.L. hexactis (Stimpson)sensu Verrill co-occurred withL. epichlora at all study sites and apparently hybridizes extensively withL. epichlora in the Puget Sound region, but rarely, if at all, in Alaska. The presumptive product of this hybridization morphologically resembledL. aequalis (Stimpson)sensu Fisher, and was conspicuously absent from Alaskan samples. Considerable genetic distance existed betweenL. epichlora andL. hexactis (Nei'sD=0.19±0.01) and moderate genetic differentiation occurred between populations of each species from Alaska and Washington (Weir and Cockerham'sF RT =0.29±0.04 forL. epichlora and 0.21±0.15 forL. hexactis). A significant (p<0.05) deficiency in the proportion of heterozygous individuals was found compared to Hardy-Weinberg expectations (Wright's fixation index,F ID=0.12±0.04 and 0.31±0.08 forL. epichlora andL. hexactis, respectively). However, mean observed heterozygosity for each species (0.09±0.03, 0.14±0.04 and 0.14±0.04 forL. epichlora, L. hexactis andL. aequalis, respectively) fell within the range of reported values for other asteroid species (ca. 0.04 to 0.37). The results of this study indicate that considerable genetic integrity is maintained betweenL. epichlora andL. hexactis, which warrants their recognition as distinct species despite their apparent hybridization in the Puget Sound region.  相似文献   

Influences of salinity, Na, K, Ca and Mg on Na–K-ATPase activity in the posterior gills of Carcinus maenas (L.) have been investigated with respect to the role of the enzyme in hyperosmotic regulation. K and Mg ions were obligatory for enzyme activity. The dependence on the K concentration can be seen in a saturation curve of the Michaelis-Menten type. Low concentrations of Ca (0.2–3 mM) in the incubation medium strongly inhibited Na–K-ATPase activity. Activities inhibited by Ca could be reactivated to non-inhibited values by the addition of higher amounts of Mg (25 mM). Activity increased along with the salinity of the sea water used as incubation medium up to about 10 S. Here, maximum activity was observed. Further salinity increases of the incubating sea water were inhibitory. Salinity dependence is assumed to be based on Na dependence of the Na-pump. Comparative investigations of the Na–K-ATPase activity and its affinity to sodium in five species of decapod crustaceans indicated that levels of Na–K-ATPase differed in the posterior gills of stenohaline and euryhaline species. The results obtained confirm previous assumptions of a central role of the branchial Na–K-ATPase in hyperosmotic regulation. Properties of the Na–K-ATPase, such as affinity for substrates or dependence on ionic sea water constituents, are kept constant with respect to salinity changes. Modifications due to salinity only concern enzyme amounts especially in the posterior gills. The finding that the Na-pump is localized in basolateral parts of ion-transporting epithelial cells confirms the aforementioned results.  相似文献   

Larvae of Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Gould) were reared from hatching to the first or second crab stages in 11 combinations of salinities and cyclic temperatures (5, 20, and 35 S at 20° to 25°C, 25° to 30°C, and 30° to 35°C; 25 S at 20° to 25°C and 30° to 35°C). The larvae survived to the megalops and first crab stages in all salinities and cycles of temperature other than 5 S at 30° to 35°C. The best survival to the megalops (94%) and first crab (90%) stages occurred in 20 S, 20° to 25°C. In all other combinations of salinities and temperatures there was a reduction in survival to the first crab stage. The duration of the larval stages was affected significantly by temperature, whereas the effect of salinity on the mean days from hatching to the first crab stage was not consistent at the different temperature cycles. Development to the first crab stage required the shortest time in 20 S, 30° to 35°C (mean 12.3 days), and the longest time in 5 and 35 S, 20° to 25°C (mean 22.6 days and 21.6 days, respectively). Megalops larvae reared in 35 S at all cycles of temperature, as well as larvae in 20 and 25 S, 30° to 35°C, showed a high percentage of abnormality, with the highest percentage occurring in 35 S, 30° to 35°C. It appears that larval development of R. harrisii is strongly influenced by environmental factors and not solely related to genetic differences.This research was supported by grants from the Nordic Council for Marine Biology and the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission [Grant No. At-(40-1)-4377].Contribution No. 116, Zoological Museum, University of Oslo, Norway.  相似文献   

Epizoic worms were found to occur on certain coral colonies from reefs off the coast of Eilat (Red Sea). We identified 14 coral species infested by acoelomorph worms at a depth range of 2–50 m. The host corals were all zooxanthellate and included both massive and branching stony corals and a soft coral. Worms from all hosts were identified as belonging to the genus Waminoa and contained two distinct algal symbionts differing in size. The smaller one was identified as Symbiodinium sp. and the larger one is presumed to belong to the genus Amphidinium. Worm-infested colonies of the soft coral, Stereonephthya cundabiluensis, lacked a mucus layer and exhibited distinct cell microvilli, a phenotype not present in colonies lacking Waminoa sp. In most cases, both cnidarian and Acoelomorph hosts displayed high specificity for genetically distinctive Symbiodinium spp. These observations show that the epizoic worms do not acquire their symbionts from the “host” coral.  相似文献   

The population genetics and historical demography of the swimming crab Callinectes bellicosus from the eastern Pacific were assessed using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences from portions of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and cytochrome b (Cytb) genes. Analysis of molecular variance of sequence data from crabs collected from nine localities, ranging from the upper to lower Gulf of California and the outer coast of the Baja California peninsula, revealed an absence of population structure, suggesting a high level of gene flow over a wide geographic area. Maximum-likelihood estimates of long-term effective population size obtained with the program FLUCTUATE, in addition to highly significant values obtained from neutrality tests (Tajimas D, Fu and Lis D, and Fus FS) and mismatch analysis, are consistent with a population expansion dating to the Pleistocene epoch. Phylogenetic analysis of C. bellicosus sequences using both neighbor-joining and Bayesian methods revealed a widely distributed subclade (clade II) cryptically embedded at low frequency in the main (clade I) population. Although sequence divergence between the two clades was low (1.1% COI; 0.6% Cytb), statistical support for the split was high. The Kimura-2-parameter genetic distance between C. bellicosus and the sympatric and morphologically similar C. arcuatus was high (d=0.17) and similar to the genetic distance between C. bellicosus and the allopatric C. sapidus from the western Atlantic (d=0.18), suggesting an ancient (Miocene) divergence of C. bellicosus and C. arcuatus.Communicated by P.W. Sammarco, Chauvin  相似文献   

We developed quantitative PCR (qPCR) assays to distinguish each of the four clades (AD) of dinoflagellate endosymbionts (genus Symbiodinium) commonly found in Caribbean corals. We applied these primer sets, which target portions of the multi-copy ribosomal DNA (rDNA) gene family, to assess the presence/absence of symbionts in clade D (as indicated by the detection of clade D DNA). We detected these symbionts in five of six Caribbean host species/genera (21% of samples analyzed, N = 10 of 47 colonies), from which clade D had rarely or never been observed. This suggests that Symbiodinium in clade D are present in a higher diversity of coral species than previously thought. This qPCR-based approach can improve our understanding of the total microbial diversity associated with corals, particularly in hosts thought to be relatively specific, and has many other potential applications for studies of coral reef ecology and conservation.  相似文献   

Sediment-rejection rates of 22 Australian midshelf coral species were studied in situ between March and July 1988 at Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef. Rejection rates of non-branching species were positively correlated with calice size and were faster for fine (63 to 250 m) than for coarse (500 to 1000 m) sediment at influxes of 200 mg/cm2. Increasing water turbulence was a more important influence on rejection rates for some species than for others. Most replicates of most species cleared all sediment in 2 d. Of those that did not, some Favia stelligera and Leptoria phrygia showed partial tissue death within 48 h, and Gardineroseris planulata showed partial tissue death within 6 d. Montipora aequituberculata, Porites lobata and P. lutea tolerated sediment for at least 6 d, and exhibited extensive tissue bleaching, but these tissues recovered after sediment removal. Sediment-rejection efficiency and sediment tolerance are not directly related, and wide interspecific differences may occur in both. These findings are correlated with differences in sediment-rejection mechanisms and with ecological distributions on the reef.  相似文献   

D. Gove  J. Paula 《Marine Biology》2000,136(4):685-691
 A study of rhythmicity of larval release in three species of intertidal brachyuran crabs, based on laboratory and field experiments, was undertaken at Inhaca Island, southern Mozambique, using Leptodius exaratus and Macrophthalmus grandidieri from December 1994 to January 1995, and Arcotheres palaensis from April to July 1995. L. exaratus and M. grandidieri showed a semi-lunar cycle in larval release. The release of larvae for L. exaratus, a species having conspicuous larvae, occurred in the first half of the night, after the post-crepuscular high tide, which suggests maximisation of protection of larvae from visual predation. The larval release activity matched the late spring and early neap tides. Results from the field were similar to those from the laboratory. M. grandidieri, having inconspicuous larvae, did not show a pattern related to the light–dark cycle and hatched during spring tides (around full and new moons) to maximise larval dispersion. A. palaensis, living inside the host mussel which inhabits the lowest section of the intertidal zone, did not show a relation with moon phase, tidal or light–dark cycles. Received: 16 February 1999 / Accepted: 8 December 1999  相似文献   

 We examined the mating behaviour of the New Zealand ocypodid crab Macrophthalmus hirtipes in the laboratory between February and June 1998. This species has a discrete breeding season. Mating and moulting were not linked and only intermoult females with mobile gonopore opercula were attractive to males. Allometry and compatibility of gonopods and gonopores of different-sized crabs was investigated. Under laboratory conditions, the opercula of intermoult females remained mobile on average for 11.4 d, but the duration of receptivity did not appear to be under female control. The operational sex ratio in the laboratory fluctuated greatly, but was always male-dominated. During the period of opercular mobility, females mated many times with several different males. Matings in the absence of burrows were relatively short (mean duration = 23 min, max. = 122 min) and the mating behaviour of M. hirtipes lacked courtship and mate-guarding. Males used a search-intercept method to acquire mates, with very low levels of intrasexual competition. There was no evidence of mate preference in M. hirtipes, and males spent just as long mating with ovigerous females as with non-ovigerous ones. Although M. hirtipes has ventral-type spermathecae, as do several other ocypodid crabs, it is unclear whether this promotes last-male sperm precedence. The role of burrows in modifying the mating behaviour of M. hirtipes in the field remains to be established. Received: 7 January 2000 / Accepted: 5 June 2000  相似文献   

Gravid female Uca pugilator (Bosc) maintained in conditions of 14h L: 10h D light regime and constant temperature without simulated tides showed a significant positive correlation between time of hatch and time of the nighttime high tide. Light: Dark experiments showed no entrainment by LD cues. Larval hatching was delayed until dark when high tide occurred between 1900 and 2130 hrs. Hatch time was a positive linear function of the time of the nighttime high tide when high tide occurred after 2130 hrs. Time of hatch was delayed by the light period on days lacking a nighttime high tide. Experiments conducted under constant light (LL) and temperature, without simulated tides, indicated a persistent free-running rhythm of approximately 25 h 03 min, suggesting an endogenous timer. Rhythmic larval release on the nighttime high tide may be adaptive as a predator-avoidance mechanism for adult gravid females.Contribution No. 366 from the Belle W. Baruch Institute for Marine Biology and Coastal Research, University of South Carolina  相似文献   

The pattern of settlement over time of three broadcast spawning coral species (Cyphastrea serailia, Acanthastrea lordhowensis, and Goniastrea australensis) from the Solitary Islands (30°00′S; 153°20′E) was studied in 1995 and 1996 in order to determine the maximum length of time these larvae could remain in the water column and still retain the ability to settle and metamorphose. Larvae were maintained in aquaria and the number which had settled on biologically-conditioned tile pairs was monitored every 5 to 10 d. While the majority of larvae settled quickly after becoming competent, some larvae survived and settled for extended periods after spawning. Competency periods ranged from 26 d for C. serailia to 56 d for G. australensis and 78 d for A. lordhowensis. These data greatly extend the known competency periods for larvae of broadcast-spawning corals and indicate the potential for transport of broadcast-spawned coral larvae over large distances. Medium to long-distance larval dispersal of the species studied provides a mechanism for their widespread distribution in subtropical regions, on reefs which are often widely spaced and relatively isolated. Received: 27 May 1997 / Accepted: 27 November 1997  相似文献   

K. Wada 《Marine Biology》1987,95(2):299-303
The burrow living ocypodid crab Ilyoplax pusillus (De Haan, 1835) sometimes plugs the burrow of neighbors situated from 1.0 to 8.3 cm away with surface mud, while the neighbor, termed the pluggee, is in the burrow. Most pluggers were large males, whereas pluggees were smaller than pluggers and had a sex ratio close to 1:1. After being plugged, most pluggees usually reemerged on the surface within 5 min, but occasionally took up to 77 min to do so. The plugger always foraged or performed waving displays around the burrow of the pluggee while the pluggee stayed inside the burrow. Although the activity site of the pluggee was originally directed toward the burrow of the plugger or the adjacent area, after reemergence its activity site was oriented toward another direction. From these observations, it is suggested that neighbor burrow-plugging is a behavior adopted mainly by large males as a means of maintaining the area of their surface activities against smaller neighbors. My observations were made from June 1984 to June 1985 at Fukuro River Estuary, central Japan.  相似文献   

The ocypodid crab Ilyoplax pingi, observed in Kanghwa I., Korea in 1992, builds a mound at the burrow entrance, by piling mud dug out from the burrow. The mounds were made by both waving and non-waving males, and by both ovigerous and non-ovigerous females. The burrow diameter at the widest part tended to be larger in crabs with mounds than in crabs without mounds, whereas the burrow depth was not different between them. The mound density increased in the late exposure period, when the crabs' surface activities declined. Mound removal and rebuilding experiments revealed that the presence of the mounds has the effect of keeping neighboring crabs away.  相似文献   

The nurse shark, Ginglymostoma cirratum, inhabits shallow, tropical, and subtropical waters in the Atlantic and the eastern Pacific. Unlike many other species of sharks, nurse sharks are remarkably sedentary. We assayed the mitochondrial control region and eight microsatellite loci from individuals collected primarily in the western Atlantic to estimate the degree of population subdivision. Two individuals from the eastern Atlantic and one from the Pacific coast of Panama also were genotyped. Overall, the mtDNA haplotype (h = 48 ± 5%) and nucleotide (π = 0.08 ± 0.06%) diversities were low. The microsatellite data mirror the mitochondrial results with the average number of alleles ([`(N)]A \bar{N}_{A}  = 9) and observed heterozygosity ([`(H)]O \bar{H}_{O}  = 0.58) both low. The low levels of diversity seen in both the mtDNA and the microsatellite may be due to historical sea level fluctuations and concomitant loss of shallow water habitat. Eight of the 10 pair-wise western Atlantic F ST estimates for mtDNA indicated significant genetic subdivision. Pair-wise F ST values for the microsatellite loci indicated a similar pattern as the mtDNA. The western Atlantic population of nurse sharks is genetically subdivided with the strongest separation seen between the offshore islands and mainland Brazil, likely due to deep water acting as a barrier to dispersal. The eastern and western Atlantic populations were closely related. The eastern Pacific individual is quite different from Atlantic individuals and may be a cryptic, sister species.  相似文献   

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