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Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Carbon emission reduction under the Belt and Road Initiative has great significance on China’s goal of carbon peak. To better promote carbon...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - This paper examines the pattern of convergence in electricity intensity in a sample of 79 countries. We apply the residual augmented least squares...  相似文献   

李进  于海琴  陈蕊 《环境工程学报》2015,9(7):3419-3425
在分析IPCC推荐的碳排放量计算方法的基础上,通过对燃煤发电厂固定源排放的解析,对发电厂特定的活动数据如机组发电量,标煤耗和燃料特性数据的分析,提出了发电厂固定源基于燃料燃烧的碳平衡CO2排放的计算方法,并应用该方法对某电力公司旗下的11个燃煤电厂40台不同容量机组CO2排放强度进行了计算。为CO2减排政策的制定提供了参考。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Belt and Road initiative has been proposed by China to initiate the cooperation among relevant countries in sector of energy and Trade. The...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Abstract The aim of the “One Belt and One Road” (OBOR) project proposed by China is to encourage extension of global value chains,...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Because ‘border carbon adjustment (BCA)’ may violate the presently operational National Emission Inventory (NEI) accounting practised...  相似文献   

构建了双室混合生物阴极微生物燃料电池(microbial fuel cell,MFC)处理高盐榨菜废水,探讨了不同电流强度对混合膜 MFC 脱氮的影响,并分析了产电特性及微生物群落特征。结果表明,高电流通量可缩短双室混合膜MFC的完全脱氮周期,且主要缩短的是稳定期周期。相对于其他3个实验组,电流强度最大的S3实验组硝酸盐平均去除速率((5.72±0.10) mg·(L·d)−1)与硝酸盐最高去除速率((8.45±0.15) mg·(L·d)−1)均最大,且实现总氮100%去除的时间最短(19 d),稳定期硝酸盐去除速率k (6.122 5 mg·(L·d)−1)最大,这说明增大电流强度可促进混合膜MFC 电营养反硝化。电营养反硝化菌可直接利用电子进行反硝化反应,而较大的电子通量给阴极电活性自养脱氮微生物提供了丰富的生命燃料。在产电方面,曝气阶段开路电压(S1、S2、S3、S4分别为750、729、721、699 mV)随外加电阻的增大而增大,最大功率密度相差却并不显著(1.09、0.94、1.04、1.02 W·m−3);停止曝气阶段,阴极室电子受体的减少,导致MFC产电性能普遍下降,外电阻最大的S1实验组开路电压(746 mV)与最大功率密度(0.77 W·m−3)为最高。高通量测序结果表明,承担电营养反硝化功能的菌群可能为norank_f_Hydrogenophaga,Azoarcus。以上研究结果可为后续双室混合膜 MFC处理高盐废水提供技术参考。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The Belt and Road initiative (BRI) mainly relies on the traditional and underdeveloped logistical trade routes including the terrestrial and oceanic...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The international community has generally recognized the key role of developing countries’ cities in reducing carbon emissions, an elemental way...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The Southeast Asian countries have experienced significant degrees of economic growth over the years but have not managed to safeguard their...  相似文献   

In previous work, we showed that the intake fraction (iF) for nonreactive primary air pollutants was 20 times higher in central tendency for small-scale, urban-sited distributed electricity generation (DG) sources than for large-scale, central station (CS) power plants in California [Heath, G.A., Granvold, P.W., Hoats, A.S., Nazaroff, W.W., 2006. Intake fraction assessment of the air pollutant exposure implications of a shift toward distributed electricity generation. Atmospheric Environment 40, 7164–7177]. The present paper builds on that study, exploring pollutant- and technology-specific aspects of population inhalation exposure from electricity generation. We compare California's existing CS-based system to one that is more reliant on DG units sited in urban areas. We use Gaussian plume modeling and a GIS-based exposure analysis to assess 25 existing CSs and 11 DG sources hypothetically located in the downtowns of California's most populous cities. We consider population intake of three pollutants—PM2.5, NOx and formaldehyde—directly emitted by five DG technologies—natural gas (NG)-fired turbines, NG internal combustion engines (ICE), NG microturbines, diesel ICEs, and fuel cells with on-site NG reformers. We also consider intake of these pollutants from existing CS facilities, most of which use large NG turbines, as well as from hypothetical facilities located at these same sites but meeting California's best-available control technology standards. After systematically exploring the sensitivity of iF to pollutant decay rate, the iFs for each of the three pollutants for all DG and CS cases are estimated. To efficiently compare the pollutant- and technology-specific exposure potential on an appropriate common basis, a new metric is introduced and evaluated: the intake-to-delivered-energy ratio (IDER). The IDER expresses the mass of pollutant inhaled by an exposed population owing to emissions from an electricity generation unit per quantity of electric energy delivered to the place of use. We find that the central tendency of IDER is much greater for almost every DG technology evaluated than for existing CS facilities in California.  相似文献   

采用生命周期评价方法对杭州市某年处理10万t的典型建筑垃圾资源化处理项目进行技术过程的碳减排效益分析,主要包括破碎分选、高值外售、再生利用、除尘系统和最终处置5个工艺单元.结果显示,建筑垃圾资源化处理项目的技术过程具有明显的碳减排效益,处理1.00 t建筑垃圾的碳排放量为-423.85 kg(以CO2当量计),主要得益...  相似文献   

微生物燃料电池近年来被证实可以用来同步脱氮,然而微生物燃料电池中阴阳极室通常以不同成分的污水作为底物。为了实现废水脱氮,往往需要进行出水调配或停曝等复杂的操作。为解决上述问题,本研究构建了阴极硝化耦合阳极反硝化的四室微生物燃料电池(four chamber microbial fuel cell,FC-MFC),阳极室与阴极室之间用阳离子交换膜(cation exchange membrane,CEM)与阴离子交换膜(anion exchange membrane,AEM)进行交替分隔。在浓度差作用下离子进行定向迁移,最终实现阳极室有机物和氨氮的同步去除。探讨了阳极COD(即进水碳氮比)对FC-MFC产电及污染物去除效果的影响,并分析FC-MFC的氮去除途径。结果表明:随着阳极室COD的增加,各MFC模块的产电周期、峰值输出电压和最大功率密度随之增加,同时阳极室COD和TN的去除率也呈上升趋势,该系统对高碳氮比污水具有良好的抵抗负荷。当进水COD和NH4+-N质量浓度分别为1 100 mg·L−1和100 mg·L−1时,4个MFC模块的峰值输出电压介于526~619 mV,最大功率密度为103.47~121.00 mW·m−2,阳极室COD去除率和TN去除率分别高达94%和96%以上。氮去除途径分析结果表明,阳极室微生物吸附代谢作用、阴极室内源反硝化、阴极室通过AEM迁移至后序位阳极室进行反硝化过程分别贡献了25.96%~25.97%、0.91%~5.18%、68.87%~73.20%。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - This study investigates the heterogeneous impact of air transport intensity, air passenger transport, and air freight transport on air...  相似文献   

采用双室方形微生物燃料电池(MFC),以葡萄糖作为共基质,研究了共基质浓度对典型偶氮染料甲基橙在MFC阳极室中脱色效率及同步产电的影响。结果表明,在0~1.5 g/L浓度范围内,共基质浓度越大,甲基橙脱色率、COD去除率和最大输出电压越高。在共基质浓度为1.5 g/L,进水甲基橙为300 mg/L的条件下,8 h的脱色率高达95%,且在1 000 Ω外电阻下,最大输出电压达到662 mV;在无共基质条件下,8 h内对300 mg/L甲基橙的脱色率仅为7.5%,最大输出电压仅达到140 mV。厌氧对照实验表明,甲基橙在MFC中可以实现加速脱色,反应8 h后甲基橙在MFC中的脱色率提高了57%。该研究为开发新型MFC降解偶氮染料废水技术提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

研究了厌氧流化床微生物燃料电池(AFB-MFC)除碳脱氮产电性能的影响因素。结果表明:(1)AFB-MFC对NH4+-N的去除不起作用。电压下降主要是由于进水有机基质浓度下降造成。(2)不添加NO3--N时,在满足AFB-MFC脱氮所需的电子供体条件下增加进水COD/TN有利于AFB-MFC产电。(3)3种无机氮共存下,AFB-MFC在进水有机碳与无机氮质量比(C/N)不低于1.37时,对COD、NO2--N和NO3--N具有理想的去除效果。AFB-MFB在一定进水C/N范围内(1.37~2.50),能得到稳定的输出电压及功率密度。(4)固定进水C/N时,AFB-MFC在高碳氮负荷下仍能得到较理想的NO2--N、NO3--N、COD去除效果,AFB-MFC对NH4+-N去除效果不明显;增加碳氮负荷,AFB-MFC输出电压及功率密度没有明显的改变。(5)有机基质浓度不变下,AFB-MFC中充足的电子供体可保证较高的NO3--N、COD去除率。AFB-MFC输出电压及功率密度随着时间延长而先增加至稳定值后下降。  相似文献   

Islas J  Manzini F  Martínez M 《Ambio》2002,31(1):35-39
This study presents 4 scenarios relating to the environmental futures of electricity generation in Mexico up to the year 2025. The first scenario emphasizes the use of oil products, particularly fuel oil, and represents the historic path of Mexico's energy policy. The second scenario prioritizes the use of natural gas, reflecting the energy consumption pattern that arose in the mid-1990s as a result of reforms in the energy sector. In the third scenario, the high participation of renewable sources of energy is considered feasible from a technical and economic point of view. The fourth scenario takes into account the present- and medium-term use of natural-gas technologies that the energy reform has produced, but after 2007 a high and feasible participation of renewable sources of energy is considered. The 4 scenarios are evaluated up to the year 2025 in terms of greenhouse gases (GHG) and acid rain precursor gases (ARPG).  相似文献   

城市水务系统是单位产值能耗较高且与各行各业联系紧密的行业。在“双碳”背景下,开展碳排放核算及减碳策略研究是水务系统高质量发展的重要内容。通过构建成都市水务系统碳排放框架,基于大量统计数据,对水务系统中各个环节 (取、制、供、排等) 产生的直接及间接碳排放进行统筹核算。结果显示,2019年成都市水务系统碳排放总量约为70.3万吨 (以CO2计) ,主要碳排放领域为污水处理系统,其中的污水处理及污泥处理处置环节的碳排放贡献最为突出。基于核算结果,对水务系统减污降碳目标及实现路径进行系统分析及定量测算,提出包括“节水优先、高效管网、源头提质、低碳工艺及能源回用”的五大策略推进水务系统减碳转型,为成都市及类似城市的“双碳”水务系统建设提供参考。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Although the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) member countries are largely regarded as a high human development index and...  相似文献   

构建了3室榨菜生产废水微生物脱盐燃料电池系统(microbial desalination cell,MDC),探讨了其阳极COD对榨菜废水MDC产电、脱盐的影响;通过微生物群落分析,探查了脱盐室${{\rm{NH}}_4^ + }$-N的去除途径。结果表明:在产电性能方面,MDC阳极COD为900 mg·L−1时较400 mg·L−1与1 400 mg·L−1时更优,在1 000 Ω的外电阻负载下,其输出电压、最大功率密度、库仑效率分别为550 mV、2.91 W·m−3、(15.7±0.5)%;在脱盐方面,阳极COD为400 mg·L−1时,较其他2种情况更优,MDC的脱盐时间、脱盐速率、电子利用效率分别为910.5 h、5.15 mg·h−1、111%。阳极COD不同的MDC脱盐室,其${{\rm{NH}}_4^ + }$-N的去除途径基本相同。脱盐室部分${{\rm{NH}}_4^ + }$-N转化为${{\rm{NO}}_3^ - }$-N后,通过自身的反硝化或以NO3形式迁移至阳极得以去除,剩余的大部分${{\rm{NH}}_4^ +} $-N以${{\rm{NH}}_4^ + }$形式迁移至阴极,在碱性环境下转化为NH3并排出。高通量测序分析结果表明,水解发酵菌属(总丰度为33.21%)为MDC阳极的核心微生物群落。阳极生物膜中的电化学活性菌(总丰度为11.78%)可实现电池的产电功能,反硝化菌属(总丰度为14.61%)的存在证明,脱盐室盐室${{\rm{NO}}_3^ - }$-N迁移至阳极室后进行了反硝化并得以去除。在脱盐室水体中检测到了氨氧化菌属(总丰度为6.93%)及反硝化菌属(总丰度为15.82%),这也是脱盐室中${{\rm{NO}}_3^ - }$-N快速产生和随后浓度陡降的原因。  相似文献   

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