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With a growing awareness of water pollution problems, in recent years there has been a considerable increased effort in developing and applying numerical models to predict accurately the contaminant distributions, particularly in free surface flows. This numerical study presents a predictive hydrodynamic model in order to explore the dispersion phenomenon of a pollutant injected from time-dependent sources in a turbulent free surface flow. More precisely, we study the impact of pulsation on the dispersion of an injected material. The air/water interface was modeled with the volume of fluid method and sharpness of the free surface was assured by means of Geo-Reconstruct scheme. The numerical results showed that the pulsation played a dominant role at the early stage of the pollutant transport. It was also observed that the pulsation affected the distribution of the injected material especially near the front and that a major swirling action was developed compared to the constant-rate-injection case.  相似文献   

The hydrodynamics of super- and sub-critical shallow uniform free-surface flows are assessed using laboratory experiments aimed at identifying and quantifying flow structure at scales larger than the flow depth. In particular, we provide information on probability distributions of horizontal velocity components, their correlation functions, velocity spectra, and structure functions for the near-water-surface flow region. The data suggest that for the high Froude number flows the structure of the near-surface layer resembles that of two-dimensional turbulence with an inverse energy cascade. In contrast, although large-scale velocity fluctuations were also present in low Froude number flow its behaviour was different, with a direct energy cascade. Based on our results and some published data we suggest a physical explanation for the observed behaviours. The experiments support Jirka’s [Jirka GH (2001) J Hydraul Res 39(6):567–573] hypothesis that secondary instabilities of the base flow may generate large-scale two-dimensional eddies, even in the absence of transverse gradients in the time-averaged flow properties.  相似文献   

The kinematics of hydrodynamic turbulent flows developed in vertical slot fishways (VSF) was studied in detail in flow patterns not yet published to date for the purposes of modifying existing devices and to allow for the passage of all fishes, particularly the smaller species. A transparent device based on the typical prototype dimensions of VSF in France was constructed for the experiment. The velocity measurements were carried out by Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). These measurements were used to determine the various kinematics parameters characterizing the flow. From the dimensions and slope of the fishway, two flow topologies highlighting the swirling pattern were proposed. The method of Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) was used to undertake unsteady and energetic analyses to characterize the main phases of flow evolution that fish passing through the passage may encounter.  相似文献   

Environmental Fluid Mechanics - Linear stability analysis is used to investigate the behavior of small perturbations of a uniform flow in a straight channel with an erodible bed composed by a...  相似文献   

This paper presents a mathematical model to investigate type II profile of suspension concentration distribution (i.e., the concentration profile where the maximum concentration appears at some distance above the bed surface) in a steady, uniform turbulent flow through open-channels. Starting from the mass and momentum conservation equations of two-phase flow, a theoretical model has been derived. The distribution equation is derived considering the effects of fluid lift force, drag force, particle inertia, particle–particle interactions, particle velocity fluctuations and drift diffusion. The equation is solved numerically and is compared with available experimental data as well as with other models existing in the literature. Good agreement between the observed value and computed result, and minimum error in comparison to other models indicate that the present model can be applied in predicting particle concentration distribution for type II profile for a wide range of flow conditions. The proposed model is also able to show the transition from type I profile to type II profile.  相似文献   

Environmental Fluid Mechanics - In this study, the stability dependence of turbulent Prandtl number ( $$Pr_t$$ ) is quantified via a novel and simple analytical approach. Based on the variance and...  相似文献   

枯水径流时间演化规律研究的内容非常广泛,如枯水径流发生的时间、频率分布、趋势和周期分析等,但从研究现状来看,处在丰水地区的广东省对枯水径流时间演化规律的研究还十分少见,因此文章根据广东省枯水所具备的特点,选取枯水径流发生时间和频率分布两个方面进行了研究。首先选取1956—2000年广东省境内8大水系上各控制站点的最小月径流量,采用统计分析的方法,对各站最小月径流量发生时间规律进行了研究,结果表明,广东省内出现最小月径流量的大多数月份是2月,占总统计月份数的32.3%,其次为12月、1月和3月;其次选取较为典型的西枝江流域九洲站1959—2002年44年间的实测径流最小日流量资料,分别采用两参数对数正态、P-Ⅲ型、对数P-Ⅲ型和耿贝尔型四种分布曲线进行适线,结果表明,P-Ⅲ型最为符合年最小日流量频率分布。  相似文献   

Environmental Fluid Mechanics - A physical study of hydraulic jump is often undertaken using down-scaled Froude-similar models with Reynolds numbers much smaller than in prototype (e.g. spillway...  相似文献   

A hydraulic jump is a turbulent shear flow with a free-surface roller. The turbulent flow pattern is characterised by the development of instantaneous three-dimensional turbulent structures throughout the air–water column up to the free surface. The length and time scales of the turbulent structures are key information to describe the turbulent processes, which is of significant importance for the improvement of numerical models and physical measurement techniques. However, few physical data are available so far due to the complexity of the measurement. This paper presents an investigation of a series of characteristic turbulent scales for hydraulic jumps, covering the length and time scales of turbulent flow structures in bubbly flow, on free surface and at the impingement point. The bubbly-flow turbulent scales are obtained for Fr = 7.5 with 3.4 × 104 < Re < 1.4 × 105 in both longitudinal and transverse directions, and are compared with the free-surface scales. The results highlight three-dimensional flow patterns with anisotropic turbulence field. The turbulent structures are observed with different length and time scales respectively in the shear flow region and free-surface recirculation region. The bubbly structures next to the roller surface and the free-surface fluctuation structures show comparable length and time scales, both larger than the scales of vortical structures in the shear flow and smaller than the scales of impingement perimeter at the jump toe. A decomposition of physical signals indicates that the large turbulent scales are related to the unsteady motion of the flow in the upper part of the roller, while the high-frequency velocity turbulence dominates in the lower part of the roller. Scale effects cannot be ignored for Reynolds number smaller than 4 × 104, mainly linked to the formation of large eddies in the shear layer. The present study provides a comprehensive assessment of turbulent scales in hydraulic jump, including the analyses of first data set of longitudinal bubbly-flow integral scales and transverse jump toe perimeter integral scales.  相似文献   

Environmental Fluid Mechanics - In this article we describe the details of an ABLE-LBM (Atmospheric Boundary Layer Environment-Lattice Boltzmann Model) validation study for urban building array...  相似文献   

This study represents the first determination of lipids and fatty acids in fish scales. Scales collected from groups of Atlantic salmon reared on fish farms and in experimental tanks were analyzed by chromatography. The complete suite of fatty acids normally found in marine organisms was detected in the scales, with the following fatty acids dominating: 16:0, 18:0, 18:1n9, 20:5n3, 22:6n3 and 24:1n9. Scales contained relatively high levels of furan fatty acids, and the level of cholesterol (2.5–5 mg/g tissue) was much higher than the levels found in the edible parts of marine fishes (0.2–1 mg/g tissue). The fatty acid profile of scales was distinct between groups of salmon originating from different commercial strains reared on the same farm, between salmon groups originating from the same strains but reared at different farms, and between groups of fed and unfed salmon in experimental tanks. Together, these data indicate that the fatty acid composition of fish scales is dependent upon both environmental and genetic factors. The fatty acid composition of fish scales may be used in stock/population identification, for example identification of escaped Atlantic salmon to farm of origin.  相似文献   

Most of the large surface reservoirs are stably stratified throughout most or all of the year. One means of assisting in the management is to allow for the selective withdrawal from the reservoir. The value of the intake’s submergence when the upper layer fluids begin to be drawn into the intake is known as “critical submergence”. In this study, the critical submergence for a circular intake pipe in a stratified body is investigated. Experiments were conducted on a vertically flowing downward intake pipe in a still-water reservoir. Experimental results are compared with that of the neuro-fuzzy models.  相似文献   

When wind-induced water waves appear over the free-surface flows such as natural rivers and artificial channels, large amounts of oxygen gas and heat are transported toward the river bed through the interface between water and wind layers. In contrast, a bed region is a kind of turbulent boundary layer, in which turbulence generation and its transport is promoted by the production of bed shear stress. In particular, coherent hairpin vortices, together with strong ejection events toward the outer part of the layer, promote mass and momentum exchanges between the inner and outer layers. It is inferred that such a near-bed turbulence may be influenced significantly by these air–water interfacial fluctuations accompanied with free-surface velocity shear and wind-induced water waves. However, these wind effects on the wall-turbulence structure are less understood. To address these exciting and challenging topics, we conducted particle imagery velocimetry (PIV) measurements in open-channel flows combined with air flows, and furthermore the present measured data allows us to investigate the effects of air–water interactions on turbulence structure through the whole depth region.  相似文献   

A mechanism of formation of small-scale inhomogeneities in spatial distributions of aerosols and droplets associated with clustering instability in the atmospheric turbulent flow is discussed. The particle clustering is a consequence of a spontaneous breakdown of their homogeneous space distribution due to the clustering instability, and is caused by a combined effect of the particle inertia and a finite correlation time of the turbulent velocity field. In this paper a theoretical approach proposed in Elperin et al. (2002) Phys Rev E 66:036302 is further developed and applied to investigate the mechanisms of formation of small-scale aerosol inhomogeneities in the atmospheric turbulent flow. The theory of the particle clustering instability is extended to the case when the particle Stokes time is larger than the Kolmogorov time scale, but is much smaller than the correlation time at the integral scale of turbulence. We determined the criterion of the clustering instability for the Stokes number larger than 1. We discussed applications of the analyzed effects to the dynamics of aerosols and droplets in the atmospheric turbulent flow.  相似文献   

An analytical solution for the vertical profiles of the horizontal velocity of channel flow with submerged shrub-like vegetation is investigated in this paper. At first, a shape function is proposed to fit the diameter change of different types of shrub-like vegetation. Using the momentum theorem and the mixing-length turbulence model, an analytical solution for the vertical profile of the horizontal velocity within the vegetation is obtained. The velocity distribution of the whole column is determined in tandem with the logarithmic velocity profile above the vegetation. The solution is compared with experimental data in excellent agreement. The results show that the flow above the vegetation has a logarithmic velocity profile while the flow within the vegetation is impacted greatly by the shape and density of vegetation. The flows within shrub-like vegetations are non-uniform and vary inversely with the shrub diameter.  相似文献   

Several reaction schemes, based on the conserved scalar theory, are implemented within a stochastic Lagrangian micromixing model to simulate the dispersion of reactive scalars in turbulent flows. In particular, the formulation of the reaction-dominated limit (RDL) reaction scheme is here extended to improve the model performance under non-homogeneous conditions (NHRDL scheme). The validation of the stochastic model is obtained by comparison with the available measurements of reactive pollutant concentrations in a grid-generated turbulent flow. This test case describes the dispersion of two atmospheric reactant species (NO and O3) and their reaction product (NO2) in an unbounded turbulent flow. Model inter-comparisons are also assessed, by considering the results of state-of-the-art models for pollutant dispersion. The present validation shows that RDL reaction scheme provides a systematic overestimation (relative error of ca. 85% around the centreline) in computing the local reactant consumption/production rate, whereas the NHRDL scheme drastically reduces this gap (relative error lower than 5% around the centreline). In terms of NO2 production (or reactant consumption), neglecting concentration fluctuations determines overestimations of the product mean of around 100% and a NO2 local production of one order of magnitude higher than the reference simulation. In terms of standard deviations, the concentration fluctuations of both the passive and reactive scalars are generally of the same order of magnitude or up to 1 or 2 orders of magnitudes higher than the corresponding ensemble mean values, except for the background reactant close to the plume edges. The study highlights the importance of modelling pollutant reactions depending on the instantaneous instead of the mean concentrations of the reactants, thus quantifying the role of the turbulent fluctuations of concentration, in terms of scalar statistics (mean, standard deviation, intensity of fluctuations, skewness and kurtosis of concentration, segregation coefficient, simulated reaction rate). This stochastic particle method represents an efficient numerical technique to solve the convection–diffusion equation for reactive scalars and involves several application fields: micro-scale air quality (urban and street-canyon scales), accidental releases, impact of odours, water quality and fluid flow industrial processes (e.g. combustion).  相似文献   

Consecutive groynes and embayments form dead water zones, where sedimentation and high concentrations of pollutants are often observed. It is thus very important to understand the mass and momentum exchange between the main channel and side cavities in rivers and hydraulic engineering structures. The spanwise gradient of the streamwise velocity near the junction produces small-scale turbulent vortices because of shear instability. Furthermore, large-scale horizontal circulation is also generated in the cavity zone. These coherent turbulent structures play a significant role in mass and sediment transfer at the boundary between the mainstream and embayment. However, the relation between turbulence and mass transfer is poorly understood. In this study, we performed particle image velocity and laser-induced fluorescence experiments using a laboratory flume, laser light sheets and a high-speed CMOS camera. We examined the exchange properties of a dye as a function of bed configuration and sedimentation effect. Both primary and secondary gyres were observed in the flat bed and downward-sloping bed, whereas the primary gyre was prevalent in the upward-sloping bed. Moreover, the horizontal circulation strongly affected the mass-transfer properties between the mainstream and side cavity.  相似文献   

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