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Obligate mutualists are predicted to benefit more from mutualism than facultative mutualists and harbor traits that help derive this extra benefit. I tested these predictions with a shrimp–goby mutualism. Individual shrimp (Alpheus floridanus) construct burrows that are shared with individual gobiid fishes that warn shrimp when emergence from burrows is unsafe. The benefit to gobies is refuge from predation. I compared predator avoidance performance of obligate (Nes longus) and facultative (Ctenogobius saepepallens) shrimp-associated gobies with access to a shell, a shrimp burrow, or no shelter. The two gobies performed similarly with shells and no shelter, but N. longus outperformed C. saepepallens with shrimp burrows. Thus, N. longus benefits more from mutualism than C. saepepallens. Also, N. longus has four behavioral traits that likely allow it to benefit from mutualism more than does C. saepepallens: (1) diving into the nearest shrimp burrow when confronted with predators, (2) long flight initiation distance, (3) long time-until-re-emergence after taking refuge, and (4) remaining close to shelter. The latter three likely come with a cost to foraging or mate acquisition as they limit searching range outside the burrow and detract from time spent outside burrows. Thus, N. longus likely harbors traits that allow it to deal with these costs. I discuss a framework for determining whether traits crucial to obligate association with shrimp (both for reaping benefits and dealing with costs) are pre-adaptations or are created through coevolution with shrimp.  相似文献   

Relative body size (carapace width) and weapon size (chela length) were used as indicators of resource holding potential (RHP) in the agonistic behaviour of male shore crabs, Carcinus maenas (L.). Weapon size was found to be a more reliable predictor of the outcome of pairwise fights than body size. Crabs with longer chelae than their opponents were more likely to win fights than crabs with relatively larger bodies. Body size had less influence on the outcome of fights. Relative body and weapon size did not influence initiation of contests but did affect the likelihood of winning; however, this was significant only for weapon size. Winning crabs had heavier claws with greater surface area than losing crabs. There was no relationship between relative size and fight duration. The frequency of cheliped display increased with chela length and win- ners performed significantly more displays than losers. Received: 5 February 1997 / Accepted after revision: 20 May 1997  相似文献   

Active female sampling occurs in the fiddler crab Uca annulipes. Females sample the burrows of several males before remaining to mate in the burrow of the chosen partner. Females time larval release to coincide with the following nocturnal spring tide and must therefore leave sufficient time for embryonic development after mating. Here we show how this temporal constraint on search time affects female choosiness. We found that, at the start of the sampling period (when time constraints are minimal), females selectively sample the larger males in the population. Towards the end of the sampling period (when the temporal constraints increase the costs of sampling), females are less selective. Furthermore, we suggest that the number of males sampled (and other indices of ‘‘sampling effort’’) may not be reliable indicators of female choosiness and may not reflect the strength of female mating preferences under certain conditions. Burrow quality also emerged as an important criterion in final mate choice. Burrow structure potentially influences reproductive success, and mate acceptance based on burrow structure appears to involve a relatively invariant threshold criterion. Since there is no relationship between male size and burrow quality, females are using at least two independent criteria when choosing potential mates. We envisage mate choice as a two-stage process. First, females select which males to sample based on male size. They then decide whether or not to mate with a male based on burrow features. This sampling process explains how two unrelated variables can both predict male mating success. Received: 23 March 1995/Accepted after revision: 14 January 1996  相似文献   

Male fiddler crabs Uca musica sometimes build sand hoods and male Uca beebei sometimes build mud pillars next to their burrows to which they attract females for mating. Mate-searching females preferentially approach these structures and subsequently mate with structure builders. Here we show that the preference for structures is not species-specific and argue that it may not have evolved for mate choice. When not near burrows, many species of fiddler crabs approach and temporarily hide near objects, suggesting that hoods and pillars may attract females because they elicit this general predator-avoidance behavior. To test this sensory trap hypothesis we individually released female U. musica, U. beebei and Uca stenodactylus, a non-builder, in the center of a circular array of empty burrows to which we added hoods and pillars and then moved a model predator toward the females. All species ran to structures to escape the predator and the two builders preferred hoods. Next, we put hood replicas on male U. beebei burrows and pillar replicas on male U. musica burrows. When courted, females of both species preferentially approached hoods as they did when chased with a predator. However, males of both species with hoods did not have higher mating rates than males with pillars perhaps because hoods block more of a male's visual field so he sees and courts fewer females. Sexual selection may often favor male signals that attract females because they facilitate general orientation or navigation mechanisms that reduce predation risk in many contexts, including during mate search.  相似文献   

Resource value is often considered the most important nonstrategic variable in the fighting behavior of invertebrates. In our study, we tested whether the experience of shells of a given quality, occupied in the recent past, might affect the agonistic behavior of the hermit crab Pagurus longicarpus. We analyzed the fights battled by 84 test crabs against size-matched unknown rivals before (premanipulation phase) and after (postmanipulation phase) having modified the quality of the domicile shell of the contestants. Specifically, we compared the behavior of crabs that had been subject to either a worsening or an improvement in the quality of their shell with crabs that, although being similarly subject to a shell manipulation, occupied a shell of the same quality as in the premanipulation phase. We found that the crabs subject to a worsening in the quality of their shell were more aggressive than those subject to its improvement and that the former were even more aggressive than those that occupied a bad quality shell also in the premanipulation phase. Crabs seemed not to gather information about the opponent’s shell during fights or not to use this information, most often behaving in accordance with the quality of the domicile shell. These results are clear in showing the role played by the experience of a previously occupied shell, also confirming that the agonistic behavior of P. longicarpus is mainly based on decision rules of the type “own resource value dependency.”  相似文献   

Summary I removed resident pairs of great tits from their territories for short periods and released them after replacement pairs had occupied the spaces. When two pairs are manipulated in this way into occupying the same territory an escalated contest ensures. Contests between residents and replacements are longer, more likely to involve physical fights and longer fights or displays than contests between established neighbours or residents and intruders. The degree of escalation between residents and replacements is an increasing function of replacement time. It rises to a peak and then diminishes again. The probability that the replacement will defeat the former resident is an increasing function of replacement time, reaching 90% after several days. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that territorial residents win in contests against intruders because of an asymmetry in payoff rather than an asymmetry in resource holding potential or an arbitary convention. A possibly asymmetry in payoff in the great tit is the cost of defending the territory against neighbours. The cost is higher for replacements than for residents.  相似文献   

Functions of the major cheliped in pagurid hermit crabs have been studied in fights for shells. The major cheliped often shows sexual size dimorphism, suggesting that sexual selection favors the development of the male major cheliped. The function of the major cheliped in male–male competition was examined in Pagurus nigrofascia collected from April to June 2009 on the intertidal rocky shore in southern Hokkaido, Japan (41°N, 140°E). Sexual size dimorphism of the major cheliped was observed, and precopulatory guarding males had larger major chelipeds than solitary ones. Guarding males used the major cheliped to deter intruders during competitive interactions. Males without a major cheliped were disadvantaged even if they were larger than opponents and had ownership. Cheliped size affected the outcomes of contests between similar sized males. This suggests that the male major cheliped in P. nigrofascia protects mates from competitors and, consequently, enhances male mating success. Sexual selection may favor the development of the major cheliped in male pagurids.  相似文献   

Contests often occur between members of the same sex when they compete for access to mates, but inter-sexual contests may occur over access to other essential resources such as food or shelter. Despite the possibility that such contests are common, most studies focus on male fighting, and very few have analysed fights between males and females. Because males and females differ physically and physiologically, fighting ability or resource-holding potential (RHP) may also be subject to inter-sexual variation. In this study, we investigate size-controlled inter-sexual contests over the ownership of empty gastropod shells in the hermit crab Pagurus bernhardus. During these fights, there are two roles, attacker and defender, and we use a fully orthogonal experimental design to compare the performance of males and females in each role, when fighting either a male or female opponent. Although females fight more intensely, male attackers have an advantage when compared to females playing the attacker role, as they are more likely to evict the defender from its shell and thus win the resource. Further, in the defender role, male defenders are subject to shorter attacks than female defenders. The differences in agonistic performance could not be attributed to differences in perceived resource value between the sexes or to differences in body or weapon size. There are clear differences in the agonistic behaviour of males and females, and this possibility should be incorporated into models of contest behaviour. In particular, evolutionarily stable strategies may be expected to vary with sex ratios.  相似文献   

Summary Postcopulatory mate guarding in crustaceans traditionally has been viewed as a behavioral mechanism that prevents predation on the soft post-molt female. This study tests the effects of sexual selection and predation on the postcopulatory guarding durations of male stone crabs, Menippe mercenaria, M. adina, and their hybrid. Male stone crabs were held with a pre-molt female, and either another adult male stone crab, an intermolt female, or a male blue crab, which corresponded to intermale competition, control, and predation treatments, respectively. The mating behavior of the heterosexual pair was recorded with a time lapse video system and the durations of copulation and postcopulatory guarding were measured. Males guarded longer in the intermale competition treatment than either the control or predation treatments. In the competition treatment, agonistic encounters occurred between the males at the den containing the female and several mate takeovers occurred. Females survived the predation treatment in trials in which the guarding durations were the longest, whereas females were eaten by the blue crab in trials with the shortest guarding durations. Sexual selection appears to be important in maintaining postcopulatory mate guarding in stone crabs.  相似文献   

A positive correlation between the parental effort of a male and female should promote stable biparental care. Risk-taking (as assessed by injuries) against infanticidal intruders by Nicrophorus pustulatus females was expected to be low when females had a low probability of successful defense of the young. I tested the hypothesis that when the presence of a male partner increased the probability of successful defense from low to moderate that female risk-taking would increase. Single females and pairs with first instar larvae were confronted by potentially infanticidal male and female conspecific intruders. Male intruders routinely took over nests from unpaired females (30 of 36 trials). Unpaired females and male intruders were injured infrequently, indicating less intense fights despite the high probability of infanticide. A resident female defending against a male intruder was injured more often when paired than unpaired, suggesting greater risk-taking. A male parent that delays desertion, therefore, receives fitness benefits not only from his own defense of the young, but from greater female defense against male intruders as well. It is hypothesized that the threat of infanticidal takeovers by males promotes extended biparental care in burying beetles. When the intruder was female, on the other hand, a female parent on her own had a moderate probability of successfully defending the brood (22 of 36 trials). The presence of a male partner against female intruders almost guaranteed successful defense (35 of 36 trials) and female intruders did not appear to contest pairs vigorously. Against female intruders the presence of a male partner did not significantly change injury rates of the defending female.  相似文献   

In 1991/1992, we studied the sand disposal behavior of the painted ghost crabs Ocypode gaudichaudii on the Pacific coast of Panamá. O. gaudichaudii either kick, dump or tamp sand they excavate from their burrows. Here we relate these three kinds of sand disposal to burrow structure and distribution, as well as to crab size and sex. Our objective was to determine whether tamping may be a male courtship signal. Burrows whose owners tamped sand were on average longer, deeper, and higher on the beach than were burrows whose owners kicked or dumped sand. Five burrow shapes were distinguished, with half-spiral and spiral shapes being most common among tamped burrows. All crabs excavated from tamped burrows were males. Tamped burrows peaked in abundance around full and new moons. These observations, together with what is known about mating and breeding behavior of other ghost crabs, suggest that tamping may be involved in O. gaudichaudii courtship.  相似文献   

A game model for dominance relations among group-living animals   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We present here an attempt to understand behaviors of dominant individuals and of subordinate individuals as behavior strategies in an asymmetric “hawk-dove” game. We assume that contestants have perfect information about relative fighting ability and the value of the resource. Any type of asymmetry, both relevant to and irrelevant to the fighting ability, can be considered. It is concluded that evolutionarily stable strategies (ESSs) depend on the resource value (V), the cost of injury (D), and the probability that the individual in one role will win (x). Different ESSs can exist even when values of V, D, and x are the same. The characteristics of dominance relations detected by observers may result from the ESSs that the individuals are adopting. The model explains some characteristics of dominance relations, for example, the consistent outcome of contests, the rare occurrence of escalated fights, and the discrepancy between resource holding potential (RHP) and dominance relations, from the viewpoint of individual selection. Received: 7 May 1997 / Accepted after revision: 17 October 1997  相似文献   

Male butterflies compete over mating territories via aerial interactions. It has often been suggested that flight performance, and thus flight-related traits, would play an important role in butterflies’ contest resolution; however, most studies have not demonstrated a clear relationship between these traits and territory ownership in butterflies. Males of the satyrine butterfly Lethe diana compete over territories via linear chases, a behavior that is uncommon among butterflies: rather, contests of most butterfly species consist of circling flights. In the present study, some morphological and physiological traits of L. diana were compared between territory owners and intruders to search for traits correlated with resource holding power (RHP). Territory owners had higher flight-muscle ratio (FMR) and were heavier than intruders, indicating that flight performance plays a key role in their contest resolution. Contest duration was not affected by the owners’ FMR or body mass, and thus I obtained no evidence supporting the hypothesis that contestants assess their relative RHP before making a decision to retreat. I speculate that the fact that these traits had an effect on territorial status in L. diana was a result of the characteristics of the contest behavior of this butterfly. During their contests, males L. diana fly faster in their linear flights than males of most other butterflies, which engage in slower circling flights. Therefore, males of L. diana probably need higher flight performance capabilities in order to win their contests.  相似文献   

Male velvet swimming crabs [Necora puber (L.)] were observed to engage in long and vigorous agonistic interactions to gain possession of a sexually receptive female. The role of agonistic behaviour in male mate competition in this species was examined by investigating the effect of the perceived presence of sexually receptive females on interactions between males. Exposing male crabs to water conditioned by sexually receptive females resulted in prolonged interactions, with a greater incidence of potentially injurious behaviour than interactions between control crabs, exposed only to sea water. Maleconditioned water also resulted in more offensive behaviour, but these interactions were of shorter duration and not significantly different from sea water controls. Agonistic superiority was strongly correlated with contestant relative size when males were exposed to male-conditioned water or sea water, but not when exposed to female-conditioned water. Overall, the results conformed with the general predictions of game theoretic models in relation to the influence of resource value on agonistic behaviour. Crabs were more persistent and probably incurred greater fitness costs in the perceived presence of a sexually receptive female, when interactions may have been resolved on the basis of factors more closely related to actual fighting ability than the relative body sizes of contestants.  相似文献   

Predation risk and foraging behavior of the hoary marmot in Alaska   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary I observed hoary marmots for three field seasons to determine how the distribution of food and the risk of predation influenced marmots' foraging behavior. I quantified the amount of time Marmota caligata foraged in different patches of alpine meadows and assessed the distribution and abundance of vegetation eaten by marmots in these meadows. Because marmots dig burrows and run to them when attacked by predators, marmot-toburrow distance provided an index of predation risk that could be specified for different meadow patches.Patch use correlated positively with food abundance and negatively with predation risk. However, these significant relationships disappeared when partial correlations were calculated because food abundance and risk were intercorrelated. Using multiple regression, 77.0% of the variance in patch use was explained by a combination of food abundance, refuge burrow density, and a patch's distance from the talus where sleeping burrows were located. Variations in vigilance behavior (look-ups to search for predators while feeding) according to marmots' ages, the presence of other conspecifics, and animals' proximity to their sleeping burrows all indicated that predation risk influenced foraging.In a forage-manipulation experiment, the use of forage-enhanced patches increased six-fold, verifying directly the role of food availability on patch used. Concomitant with increased feeding, however, was the intense construction of refuge burrows in experimental patches that presumably reduced the risk of feeding. Thus, I suggest that food and predation risk jointly influence patch use by hoary marmots and that both factors must be considered when modeling the foraging behavior of species that can be predator and prey simultaneously.  相似文献   

Courting male fiddler crabs Uca terpsichores (1 cm carapace width) sometimes build mounds of sand called hoods at the entrances to their burrows. Males wave their single enlarged claws to attract females to their burrows for mating. It was shown previously that burrows with hoods are more attractive to females and that females visually orient to these structures. In this study, we test whether males also use their hoods to find their burrows. We first determined the maximum distance that males can see and find a burrow opening without a hood. Males were removed from their burrows and placed on the sand at a range of distances from a burrow opening. If they were more than about 8 cm (seven units of eye-height) away, they were unable find the burrow. In contrast, males that were burrow residents used a non-visual path map to return to their burrows from much greater distances. To determine if hoods help males find their burrows when there are errors in their path maps, we moved residents 1–49 cm on sliding platforms producing errors equal to the distances they were moved. Males with self-made hoods or hood models at their burrows relocated their burrows at significantly greater distances than did males with unadorned burrows. Hood builders also relocated their burrows faster. Hence, hoods have two functions: they attract females and they provide a visual cue that males use to find their burrows quickly and reliably when their path maps fail. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

In an experiment on territorial brown trout (Salmo trutta), we addressed the novel hypothesis that protective cover increases the value of a territory in relation to the perceived level of predation risk. We predicted that territory holders should invest more resources defending territories with cover than territories without cover, and that defence should increase as predation risk increases. First, trout were allowed to establish ownership in territories with or without overhead cover. Second, predation risk was manipulated by simulating aerial predator attacks in half of the territories of each type, whereupon the preference for cover was estimated. Third, owners of the four types of territories were staged in dyadic contests against size-matched intruders. Territory owners showed a preference for cover, which increased further after simulated predator attacks. In subsequent contests, conflicts over territories with cover were settled faster than conflicts over territories without cover, which may suggest that the value of cover increases the motivational asymmetry between owner and intruder. Consistent with our hypothesis, owners of territories with cover were much more aggressive if they had been subjected to predator attacks the day before the conflict. These results suggest that territory owners are able to estimate the value of protective cover in response to variation in the level of predation risk in the habitat.Communicated by J. Krause  相似文献   

We studied sampling behaviour and mate choice in the fiddler crab Uca mjoebergi. Once a female selects a mate, she copulates in his burrow and remains there until releasing her aquatic larvae. U. mjoebergi occurs in habitats that are inundated only by the highest amplitude spring tides. Females can only release their larvae during these tides, and release before or after will result in complete failure of reproductive effort. Matings occur over a 5-day period near the end of neap tides. Our results suggest that within the mating period, females adjust their larval developmental rates by selecting specific burrows in which to incubate their clutches. We found that at the start of the mating period, females chose larger males as mates. Since male size was positively correlated to burrow width, females were selecting wide burrows and effectively incubating at lower temperatures. This would slow down the developmental rates of larvae. In contrast, females that mated late in the mating period selectively chose small males. By incubating in narrower, warmer burrows, these females may increase the developmental rates of larvae. We propose that females are selecting burrows to influence incubation rate and ensure timely release of their larvae. Female U. mjoebergi appear to adjust their preference for the direct benefits of mate choice to increase their reproductive success.  相似文献   

M. Thiel 《Marine Biology》1999,135(2):321-333
The isopod Sphaeroma terebrans Bate, 1866 burrows in aerial roots of the red mangrove Rhizophora mangle L. The burrows serve as shelter and as a reproductive habitat, and females are known to host their offspring in their burrows. I examined the reproductive biology of S. terebrans in the Indian River Lagoon, a shallow lagoon stretching for ∼200 km along the Atlantic coast of Florida, USA. Reproductive isopods were found throughout the year, but reproductive activity was highest in the fall and during late spring/early summer. During the latter periods, large numbers of subadults established their own burrows in aerial roots. The average numbers of S. terebrans per root were high during the fall, but decreased during the winter and reached lowest levels at the end of the summer. Females reached maturity at a larger size than males, but also grew to larger sizes than the males. The average size of females varied between 8 and 10 mm, the average size of males between 6.5 and 8.5 mm. The number of embryos female−1 was strongly correlated with female body length. No indication for embryo mortality during development was found. Parental females (i.e. with juveniles in their burrows) hosted on average between 5 and 20 juveniles in their burrows (range 1 to 59). Most juveniles found in female burrows were in the manca stage and 2 to 3 mm in body length. Juveniles did not increase in size while in the maternal burrow, and juveniles of similar sizes could also be found in their own burrows. Males did not participate in extended parental care, since most of them left the females after copulation. Many females that were born in the summer produced one brood in the fall and a second during winter/early spring. Females that were born in the fall produced one brood during spring/early summer, but then probably died. Extended parental care in S. terebrans is short compared to other peracarid crustaceans. It is concluded that this reproductive strategy in S. terebrans serves primarily to shelter small juveniles immediately after they emerge from the female body, when their exoskeleton is still hardening and their physiological capabilities are still developing. Thus, in S. terebrans, extended parental care probably aids to protect small juveniles from adverse physical conditions in their subtropical intertidal habitat. Received: 9 December 1998 / Accepted: 24 June 1999  相似文献   

To understand the evolution of weapons, we must understand both their functions and relative importance compared to body size in determining fighting success. Many decapod crustaceans develop disproportionately large chelipeds for their body size and use them as a weapon in agonistic interaction. There are, however, examples where weapons are merely signals of resource holding potential (RHP) and the RHP is actually determined by body size. We investigated the function and relative efficacy of body size and major cheliped size in male–male contests for females in the hermit crab Diogenes nitidimanus. Contests over females took two forms: (1) males preemptively guarded females and opponents did not fight with the guarding male. Cheliped size contributed significantly to the settlement of these contests and probably functioned as a visual signal for the opponents. (2) Guarding males engaged in physical combat with an opponent. In these cases, both body and cheliped sizes affected contest outcomes. The effect size for cheliped size was as strong, or stronger, than that for body size. These results suggest that large chelipeds have evolved as a true weapon and are effective in escalated fights for resources. Therefore they are also efficient visual signals for settling contests with only display. Our results are a rare example that clearly demonstrate that weapons are a more important determinant of fights than body size when both body and weapon size affect resource acquisition.  相似文献   

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