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There are many bioindicators. However, it remains largely unknown which metal–bioindicator systems will give the reasonable detection ranges of bioavailable metals in the aquatic ecosystem. Various experimental data make the demonstration of biomonitoring processes challenging. Ingested inorganic arsenic is strongly associated with a wide spectrum of adverse health outcomes. Freshwater clam Corbicula fluminea, one of the most commonly used freshwater biomomitoring organisms, presents daily activity in valve movement and demonstrates biotic uptake potential to accumulate arsenic. Here, a systematical way was provided to dynamically link valve daily activity in C. fluminea and arsenic bioavailability and toxicokinetics to predict affinity at arsenic-binding site in gills and arsenic body burden. Using computational ecotoxicology methods, a valve daily rhythm model can be tuned mathematically to the responsive ranges of valve daily activity system in response to varied bioavailable arsenic concentration. The patterned response then can be used to predict the site-specific bioavailable arsenic concentration at the specific measuring time window. This approach can yield predictive data of results from toxicity studies of specific bioindicators that can assist in prediction of risk for aquatic animals and humans.  相似文献   

Asiatic clams, Corbicula spp., are filter-feeding freshwater bivalves that are widely distributed, abundant, and fast growing with a lifespan of 1–3 yrs. A review of the existing literature demonstrates that Asiatic clams can concentrate organic pollutants from both water and sediment and heavy metals from water. In conjunction with these traits, they exhibit a high tolerance for the effects resulting from exposure to toxic substances. While an organism must possess these traits to serve as an effective biological monitor, they have also permitted the Asiatic clam to rapidly colonize natural and industrial environments resulting in purported ecological disturbances and severe economic repurcussions, respectively. Its invasive biofouling attributes therefore restrict the use of Asiatic clams for biomonitoring purposes from Corbicula-free drainage systems.  相似文献   

Organophosphates are known to inhibit the enzyme acetylcholinesterase. In this study, the AChE activity from the total soft tissues of Corbicula fluminea Mull. was used as a biomarker of organophosphate pollution in Pinacanauan River. Clams were collected from two different sites and at different seasons of the year. A colorimetric assay on the total soft tissues of the clams showed a directly proportional relationship between enzyme activity and condition of the riverine system. In vitro experiments on the total soft tissue, adductor muscles, digestive glands, and gills were conducted to assess the degree of localization of AChE as well as the sensitivity and tolerance of the enzymes in these tissues to varying concentrations of malathion. The degree of enzyme localization from highest to lowest is as follows: adductor muscle > gills > digestive gland whereas sensitivity to OP from greatest to least is: gills > adductor muscles > digestive gland.  相似文献   

Asian clam Corbicula fluminea, the amphipod Dikerogammarus villosus and the macrophyte Nuphar lutea were tested for investigating spatial and temporal variability in the bioavailability of tin and arsenic in the River Lippe, Germany. Samples were collected from September 2002 to May 2003 at a tin polluted site (source pollution) and a reference site. Additional screening sampling was carried out twice in April 2003 to test the extent of As and Sn concentration in periphyton (aufwuchs) samples. Accumulated Sn and As concentrations were measured with ICP-MS after sample processing (dissection, cryo-milling) and digestion. Quality control was performed by parallel analysis of three certified reference materials. Measurable As and Sn contents in plant tissues were only detectable in roots (below 30 microg kg(-1) and 20 microg kg(-1) for As and Sn, respectively). Homogenates from C. fluminea and D. villosus tissues showed site-dependent trace metal contents. Elevated bioavailability of Sn is present downstream of the sewage discharge of the world's biggest producer of tributyltin (TBT) at Luenen (northern Ruhr region). In comparison to C. fluminea, D. villosus shows higher concentrations of tin in samples from both sites. Arsenic concentrations in C. fluminea remain constant with increasing shell size, whereas tin shows a size-dependent accumulation. The results indicate that Corbicula fluminea and Dikerogammarus villosus are suitable passive biomonitoring organisms for Sn, but As levels might be actively regulated. The concentration of tin in the periphyton (aufwuchs) samples was found to be much higher in samples from a contaminated site (428 +/- 63 vs. 1949 +/- 226 microg kg(-1)).  相似文献   

A simple and fast solid phase extraction procedure was developed to pre-concentrate traces of Cu and Zn prior to their determination in honey samples by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. The sample preparation included dissolution of honey samples and the passage (at 20 ml/min) of resulting 10 % m/v solutions (100 ml) through Dowex 50W?×?8-400 resin beds in order to quantitatively retain Cu and Zn and separate them from the glucose and fructose matrix. Enriched Cu and Zn traces were recovered with 5.0 ml of a 3.0 mol/l HCl solution and quantified by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. The procedure proposed was used to analyze sixty nine commercially available and freshly ripened honey samples coming from the Lower Silesia region (Poland). It enabled to measure Cu and Zn within the range of 0.01–1.42 and 0.03–15.38 μg/g, respectively, with precision better than 4 %. Accuracy, assessed on the basis of the recovery test and the comparison of results with those obtained using wet digestion and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry, was ranged from ?4 % to +6 %. Detection limits of Cu and Zn achieved with this method were 5 and 7 ng/g, respectively.  相似文献   

Pesticide residues in five freshwater areas that are directly affected by rice paddy effluents in southern Japan were measured to determine their maximum concentrations and temporal variations. Water samples were collected every week during the 2005 rice planting season in Kagoshima Prefecture and stations were established in Amori River, Sudo River, Nagaida River (that drains into the bigger Kotsuki River), rice paddy drainage canal, and wastewater reservoir (that collects effluents from rice paddy fields). Of the 14 target pesticides examined, a total of 11 were detected in all stations. Mefenacet, fenobucarb, and flutolanil were the three pesticides with the highest maximum concentrations and were also detected frequently. Analysis of temporal variations of pesticides showed that herbicides had relatively higher concentrations in the earlier stages of the rice planting season, while insecticides and fungicides had relatively higher concentrations at the later stages. There was no significant difference among stations with regards to the temporal patterns of the top three pesticides. The calculated toxic units were less than 1 in all stations, implying low or negligible environmental risk of pesticides detected to freshwater organisms.  相似文献   

A new electrochemical adsorptive stripping voltammetry method was developed for the determination of trace amounts of copper in food and water samples. The study of electrochemical behavior of Cu ion indicated that Cu(II) and Schiff base formed a complex in H3BO4–NaOH buffer solution (pH?=?7.25). An accumulation potential of ?100 mV (vs Ag/AgCl) was applied while the solution was stirred for 60 s. The response curve was recorded by scanning the potential, and the peak current of ?0.31 V (vs Ag/AgCl) was recorded. The peak current and concentration of copper accorded with linear relationship in the range of 0.04–120 ng mL?1. The relative standard deviation (for 12 ng mL?1 of copper) was 1.73 %, and the detection limit was 0.007 ng mL?1. The possible interference of some common ions was studied. The proposed method was applied to the determination of copper in water, rice, wheat, tea, milk, and tomato with satisfactory results.  相似文献   

采用在线蒸馏-无人值守连续流动分析法对污水中氨氮进行检测,方法在0.00~10.0 mg/L范围内线性良好,检出限为0.014 mg/L,实际样品测定的相对标准偏差为1.24%~4.15%,加标回收率为93.0%~108%,精密度和准确度均能满足污水中氨氮的测定要求。  相似文献   

A simple and sensitive method was developed for determination of trace copper by direct precipitation preconcentration and detection with Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (FAAS). The reagent 2-[2'-(6-methyl-benzothiazolylazo)]-4-aminophenol (Me-BTAP) was used as precipitating agent. The experimental conditions for the quantitative precipitation of copper, such as pH, amount of reagents, temperature and the effect of diverse ions on the precipitation have been investigated. It was found that copper is quantitatively extracted (> or =95%) and the method provides a sensitivity enhancement of 40-fold for a 10 ml sample volume with a detection limit of 0.5 microg l(-1). The proposed method was successfully applied for the determination of trace copper in water, urine and biological samples.  相似文献   

通过分析位于钦州湾的2个海水水质自动监测站2009-2010年的自动监测数据,发现钦州湾水温、盐度、溶解氧季节变化明显,海水表层水温变化是引起钦州湾溶解氧含量变动的主要原因;钦州湾海水表层盐度及pH值主要受钦江、茅岭江径流及潮汐涨落的影响;处于河口区域,受大陆径流影响显著的海域使用海水水质标准来评价有欠妥当。  相似文献   

The presence of inorganic nitrogen species in water can be unsuitable for drinking and detrimental to the environment. In this study, a surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) method coupled with a commercially available gold nanosubstrate (a gold-coated silicon material) was evaluated for the detection of nitrate and nitrite in water and wastewater. Applications of SERS coupled with gold nanosubstrates resulted in an enhancement of Raman signals by a factor of ~104 compared to that from Raman spectroscopy. The new method was able to detect nitrate with linear ranges of 1–10,000 mg NO3 ?/L (R 2?=?0.978) and 1–100 mg NO3 ?/L (R 2?=?0.919) for water and wastewater samples, respectively. Among the common anions, phosphate appeared to be the major interfering anion affecting nitrate measurement. Nevertheless, the percentage error of nitrate measurement in wastewater by the proposed SERS method was comparable to that by ion chromatography. The nitrate detection limits in water and wastewater samples were about 0.5 mg/L. The SERS method could simultaneously detect sulfate, which may serve as a reference standard in water. These results suggested that the SERS coupled with nanosubstrates is a promising method to determine nitrate concentrations in water and wastewater.  相似文献   

炸药废水中TNR含量直接光度法测定的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以三硝基间苯二酚 ( TNR)溶于水后 ,溶液呈现出明显的亮黄色 ,据此直接用光度法对炸药废水中 TNR的含量进行了测定 ,并论证了光度法的测试条件。同时以消解测氮法进行印证 ,结果表明方法具有可行性  相似文献   

An in vitro study was carried out to understand the effects of salinity shock and variation in pH on phytoplankton communities in a tropical freshwater system of the Godavari River (a major peninsular river in India). The distributions of, and variations in, phytoplankton communities were assessed by quantitative determination of their class specific marker pigments, using HPLC. Subtle changes in salinity of the freshwater by one practical salinity unit (PSU) completely removed green algae from the system and allowed the cyanobacteria to come into dominance. The cyanobacteria were found to tolerate higher osmotic stress until the salinity reached a PSU of 16. The higher salinity tolerance range of the cyanobacteria was attributed to the enhanced synthesis of zeaxanthin as protective xanthophylls against the osmotic stress. However, the effects of changing pH were not as dramatic as salinity where the green algae and the cyanobacteria from the same freshwater system showed a considerable acclimation towards the fluctuating pH. These findings are environmentally relevant to understand the likely impact of salt water intrusion and pH variation on phytoplankton communities in a tropical freshwater system.  相似文献   

Accumulation of metals in soil at elevated concentrations causes risks to the environmental quality and human health for more than one hundred million people globally. The rate of metal release and the alteration of metal distribution in soil phases after soil washing with a sulfosuccinamate surfactant solution (Aerosol 22) were evaluated for four contaminated soils. Furthermore, a sequential extraction scheme was carried out using selective extractants (HAcO, NH(2)OH·HCl, H(2)O(2) + NH(4)AcO) to evaluate which metal species are extracted by A22 and the alteration in metal distribution upon surfactant-washing. Efficiency of A22 to remove metals varied among soils. The washing treatment released up to 50% of Cd, 40% of Cu, 20% of Pb and 12% of Zn, mainly from the soluble and reducible soil fractions, therefore, greatly reducing the fraction of metals readily available in soil. Metal speciation analysis for the solutions collected upon soil washing with Aerosol 22 further confirmed these results. Copper and lead in solution were mostly present as soluble complexes, while Cd and Zn were present as free ions. Besides, redistribution of metals in soil was observed upon washing. The ratios of Zn strongly retained in the soil matrix and Cd complexed with organic ligands increased. Lead was mobilized to more weakly retained forms, which indicates a high bioavailability of the remaining Pb in soil after washing. Comprehensive knowledge on chemical forms of metals present in soil allows a feasible assessment of the environmental impact of metals for a given scenario, as well as possible alteration of environmental conditions, and a valuable prediction for potential leaching and groundwater contamination.  相似文献   

发生氢气分离离子色谱法间接测定水中硫化物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用KBH4在酸性条件下分解产生的氢气为载气分离水中硫化物,用NaOH—H2O2溶液吸收H2S,并将其氧化为SO2-4,用离子色谱法测定SO2-4。方法用于各种水样中硫化物的测定,相对标准偏差为1.58%,回收率在90.5%到98.2%之间。方法适用于水中硫化物的测定  相似文献   

Expression of the stress biomarkers 70-kDa heat shock proteins (Hsp70) and manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) was measured as the molecular basis of adaptive response against increased experimental temperatures (32–40 °C for a span of 24–72 h) on the fresh water molluscan species, Bellamya bengalensis (Lamark 1882). The experimental snail specimens were collected during summer and winter seasons from two contrasting wetlands: an ecorestored (free from human interference) site (SI) and other experiencing anthropogenic stresses (SII). The mortality rate of the B. bengalensis and the immunoblotting of MnSOD and Hsp70 of their digestive glands were performed at regular intervals during the period of heat stress. The SI provided a lower stress environment based on physicochemical parameters such as pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), and alkalinity for the survival of test species, although both sites experienced mortality due to thermal stresses. The parity in protein expressions displayed a uniform mode of adaptive impact to temperature elevations in both field and laboratory exposure. The Hsp70 expression was minimal at lower thermal stress, but increased with a rise in temperature. It is very likely that higher Hsp70 levels are not directly related to survival or adaptation. In contrast, MnSOD levels appeared to be an indicator of adaptive responses vis-a-vis survival of the animals. So, the expression levels of a universal free radical scavenger like MnSOD are recognized as a potential biomarker in a bioindicator species like Bellamya.  相似文献   

Monitoring drinking water quality is an important public health issue. Two objectives from the 4 years, six nations, EU Project μAqua were to develop hierarchically specific probes to detect and quantify pathogens in drinking water using a PCR-free microarray platform and to design a standardised water sampling program from different sources in Europe to obtain sufficient material for downstream analysis. Our phylochip contains barcodes (probes) that specifically identify freshwater pathogens that are human health risks in a taxonomic hierarchical fashion such that if species is present, the entire taxonomic hierarchy (genus, family, order, phylum, kingdom) leading to it must also be present, which avoids false positives. Molecular tools are more rapid, accurate and reliable than traditional methods, which means faster mitigation strategies with less harm to humans and the community. We present microarray results for the presence of freshwater pathogens from a Turkish lake used drinking water and inferred cyanobacterial cell equivalents from samples concentrated from 40 into 1 L in 45 min using hollow fibre filters. In two companion studies from the same samples, cyanobacterial toxins were analysed using chemical methods and those dates with highest toxin values also had highest cell equivalents as inferred from this microarray study.  相似文献   

通过优化样品保存、前处理、分析条件,建立了水中15种典型全氟烷基化合物(PFASs)在线固相萃取-液相色谱-串联质谱分析方法,并对饮用水水源地和末梢水中PFASs进行定量检测。水样过膜后,准确移取700 μL水样、300 μL甲醇至1.5 mL聚丙烯进样瓶,并加入同位素内标后直接进样800 μL至在线固相萃取流路,进行萃取富集,再通过十通阀切换将洗脱的PFASs转移至分析流路进行分离,质谱检测,内标法定量。方法分析总时长22 min,15种全氟烷基化合物的方法检出限为0.31~1.20 ng/L,纯水高、中、低浓度加标样品回收率为70%~115%,相对标准偏差为0.2%~14.0%(n=6)。经实际样品验证,该方法与传统手动固相萃取方法分析结果基本一致。结果表明,该方法操作简单、自动化程度高、有机试剂用量少、灵敏度高、方法稳定,可满足地表水和末梢水中PFASs的快速测定。  相似文献   

Polar organic compound integrative samplers (POCIS) in combination with instrumental techniques such as LC-MS-MS were previously used to monitor environmental pollutants but the performance of alternative immunochemical methods such as ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) has been explored less. In the present study, POCIS technology was applied to surface water sampling in the Czech Republic, and ELISA was used as a detection technique for the herbicide atrazine. In the first study, 28 samples from streams around small municipal waste water treatment plants (WWTPs) were collected using two different devices (POCISpest and POCISpharm) over the course of 21 days. Elevated atrazine concentrations (up to 25 ng per POCIS) were found in samples down-stream of WWTPs. This observation was also confirmed in another two year study (4 sampling periods) investigating 7 river sites around a major city of Brno as well as the inlet and outlet of the city's WWTP. High atrazine levels were systematically determined at the outlet from the WWTPs (120-605 ng per POCIS). A decreasing trend in the atrazine concentrations in rivers around the city of Brno has been observed, with the highest levels observed within the first sampling period in spring 2007 (100-600 ng per POCIS, with an extreme value of 2760 ng per POCIS). Results of the atrazine ELISA were closely correlated with LC-MS/MS, which confirmed good applicability of ELISA as a cost-effective screening tool.  相似文献   

建立了在线富集固相萃取-超高效液相色谱串联质谱法测定水中对硝基苯酚的方法。经过滤的水样用在线固相萃取系统富集后,以氨水-甲醇系统作为流动相进行梯度洗脱,通过超高效液相色谱串联质谱仪进行检测。方法的检出限为3. 52 ng/L,回收率为91. 6%~108%,相对标准偏差为5. 5%~9. 5%。该方法可大大简化复杂的前处理过程,提高灵敏度及准确性,可用于大批量地表水中对硝基苯酚的测定。  相似文献   

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