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ABSTRACT: The meteorology flood hydroclimatolog and socioeconomic impacts of the Flood of January 1996 in the Susquehanna River Basin are explored. The analysis explains how an unusual storm system brought high humidities, high temperatures, strong winds, and heavy rain to the basin. The rapid melt of the deep snowpack, combined with the heavy rainfall, produced the sudden release of large volumes of water. Because the ground surface was frozen or saturated, this water moved primarily as overland flow. Thus, the flood waters were not restricted to areas immediately adjacent to stream channels and, consequently, some of the largest impacts were on people, property, and infrastructure in areas not normally prone to flooding. Socioeconomic patterns of flooding over time and space are investigated to put this flood into context and to highlight its impacts. The analysis concludes that if such overland flooding is a more common feature of climate change, then the current vulnerability to this form of flooding and its economic implications must be considered carefully.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Low flow augmentation from multipurpose reservoirs may yield significant water quality benefits. Cost allocation assigns a portion of reservoir expense to water quality consumers, waste water dischargers who benefit from increased receiving flow. Whereas such allocation currently is not authorized for Federal projects, the procedure is increasingly appropriate for efficient multiobjective management. Waste water treatment costs, multipurpose reservoir costs, and water quality are modeled for Oregon's Willamette River. Water quality is expressed as a function of treatment and augmentation levels. Treatment cost necessary to achieve a given water quality without augmentation less treatment cost with augmentation is an alternative cost of water quality maintenance. With a cost allocation procedure, this alternative cost is used to determine water quality's share of reservoir cost. Under current conditions, water quality beneficiaries could be charged approximately seven percent of annualized reservoir expense. This charge is one-fourth the expense of additional treatment facilities required were augmentation not provided.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: With the increasing availability of digital and remotely sensed data such as land use, soil texture, and digital elevation models (DEMs), geographic information systems (GIS) have become an indispensable tool in preprocessing data sets for watershed hydrologic modeling and post processing simulation results. However, model inputs and outputs must be transferred between the model and the GIS. These transfers can be greatly simplified by incorporating the model itself into the GIS environment. To this end, a simple hydrologic model, which incorporates the curve number method of rainfall‐runoff partitioning, the ground‐water base‐flow routine, and the Muskingum flow routing procedure, was implemented on the GIS. The model interfaces directly with stream network, flow direction, and watershed boundary data generated using standard GIS terrain analysis tools; and while the model is running, various data layers may be viewed at each time step using the full display capabilities. The terrain analysis tools were first used to delineate the drainage basins and stream networks for the Susquehanna River. Then the model was used to simulate the hydrologic response of the Upper West Branch of the Susquehanna to two different storms. The simulated streamflow hydrographs compare well with the observed hydrographs at the basin outlet.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The water quality in the Brazos River in Texas is seriously degraded by natural salt pollution in the upper Brazos River. Controlling the natural salt springs and seeps in the Dove Creek area will reduce the chloride concentration in the Brazos River by nearly 45 percent. The brine that is discharged as natural springs and seeps in the Dove Creek area is from two sources: (1) local recharge and (2) deep-basin. A preliminary design of the brine recovery system was developed in this phase of the study. A three-dimensional, finite element model to simulate groundwater flow in anisotropic and heterogeneous media under steady state conditions was developed to assist with the design and evaluation of brine recovery systems in the Dove Creek area. Model simulations indicate that a shallow-well brine recovery system pumping about 56 l/s (2 cfs) of brine will eliminate approximately 45 percent of chloride discharging into the upper Brazos River.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Tabletop water quality modeling still plays an important role in the water pollution control activities of the Georgia Environmental Protection Division. Tabletop models are those developed with out the aid of extensive field data. One important component of GEORGIA DOSAG, our basic water quality model, is the equation used to predict flow through velocity. However, Georgia is characterized by wide physiographic diversity which reduces the effectiveness of uncalibrated velocity equations. Using 15 years of accumulated time-of-travel studies, a series of empirical velocity equations were developed and calibrated to various physiographic conditions in Georgia. Equations are available for each major soil province and for three stream flow ranges within each province - Q<100 cfs, 100<Q<1000 cfs, and Q>1000 cfs. Now, in the absence of extensive field data, we have data based velocity equations which can be tailored to each site under study.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: An implicit price model relating residential lot value to price determining characteristics of land is developed to measure the benefits of a structural flood control project. Special attention is given to the selection of relevant price determining characteristics of residential lots. An implicit price equation is estimated for both the with and without project conditions. Flood damages are quantified through the use of a dummy variable indicating a flood plain location. The analysis shows that annual flood damages were reduced by $15,275.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Over the last 30 years, average annual riverine flood damages have exceed $2 billion. Damages associated with the Mississippi River Flood of 1993 exceeded $12 billion and these costs do not include the non-quantifiable, human impacts of this disaster. In a report submitted to the White House in June 1994, a federal interagency floodplain management review committee proposed better ways to manage the nation's floodplains. The committee indicated that the 1993 Mississippi River flood was the result of a significant hydrometeorological event, that federal flood control efforts in the Mississippi basin had prevented nearly $20 billion in potential damages, and that, in spite of federal flood damage reduction efforts, throughout the nation people and property remain at risk to inevitable future flooding. It recommended that the division of decision and cost-sharing responsibilities among federal, state and local governments be more clearly defined, and that the nation adopt a strategy of, sequentially, avoiding inappropriate use of the flood-plain, minimizing vulnerability to damage through both nonstruc-tural and structural means, and mitigating damages as they occur. The report did not call for abandonment of human use of the flood-plain but argued for full consideration of the economic, social and environmental costs and benefits of all future floodplain activity.  相似文献   

The level of water demand for supplemental irrigation and the impact of such demand on water supplies were estimated, as a function of the price of corn (Zea Mays L.). The method of estimation was based on an economic analysis of irrigation practice which assumed constant irrigation costs, profit maximizing behavior on the part of irrigators, and which was deliberately structured to underestimate the level of irrigation water use. The analysis was applied to and used data from the Little Wabash basin in Illinois. No irrigation was predicted at a corn price below $3.50 per bushel. Between $3.50 and about $6.50 per bushel, irrigation was estimated to be profitable for a small region of the basin where acceptable groundwater was available. Above about $6.50 to $7.50, irrigation was found to be profitable in the remainder of the basin, where impoundment storage was required. The potential impact on the water resources of the basin is significant. For a corn price between $3.50 and about $6.50, the probability of a shortfall, defined as the event where the potential demand exceeds the supply, was estimated to be between 2 percent and 20 percent during the growing season. Above about $7.50, this probability was found to be about one-third. The development of policies to control withdrawals for irrigation and other uses is endorsed.  相似文献   

The size of multipurpose reservoir development is usually determined by an economic analysis of reservoir capabilities and the present and projected water resources needs which can be satisfied. This analysis is referred to as project formulation, wherein optimum conditions are sought. In responding to multiple objectives, i.e., national economic development, regional development and environmental quality, which are being considered in river basin planning in recent years, reservoirs should provide for reasonably full hydrologic development. Additional storage will be needed to provide opportunities for economic development, as well as meet unexpected development. Also, it provides more flow regulation capability for quality of environment considerations. An analysis has been made on twelve reservoir sites in the New York State portion of the Susquehanna River Basin to determine the so-called “reasonably full hydrologic development of reservoir sites.” Hydrologic, economic, environmental and physical characteristics of the sites are taken into consideration. For normal conditions, it can be concluded that a yield equivalent to about 80 percent of the average discharge (runoff) can be considered as reasonably full hydrologic development for reservoir sites in the Susquehanna River Basin in New York. The same technique can be applied elsewhere to determine reasonably full hydrologic development of reservoir sites.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This study assesses the potential impact of climate change on stream flow and nutrient loading in six watersheds of the Susquehanna River Basin using the Generalized Watershed Loading Function (GWLF). The model was used to simulate changes in stream flow and nutrient loads under a transient climate change scenario for each watershed. Under an assumption of no change in land cover and land management, the model was used to predict monthly changes in stream flow and nutrient loads for future climate conditions. Mean annual stream flow and nutrient loads increased for most watersheds, but decreased in one watershed that was intensively cultivated. Nutrient loading slightly decreased in April and late summer for several watersheds as a result of early snowmelt and increasing evapotranspiration. Spatial and temporal variability of stream flow and nutrient loads under the transient climate scenario indicates that different approaches for future water resource management may be useful.  相似文献   

The exemption for groundwater wells for residential uses from the prior appropriations system, common in the western United States, has eroded in Washington State since about 2000 due to a series of legal cases. Water markets can allow the transfer of an existing water right, typically from an agricultural use, to compensate for the effect of a new residential well. But water must be legally and physically available in a way suitable to satisfy mitigation requirements. A recent court case in the Skagit basin in Northwestern Washington State has effectively halted residential development in rural areas of the basin because no suitable water rights are available to purchase for mitigation. This paper presents and examines the cost‐effectiveness of various water supply mitigation strategies. We find a small‐scale, distributed stream‐side storage system for augmenting instream flow purchased from downstream sources is relatively cost‐effective to mitigate against the effects of domestic groundwater use compared to more common alternatives. We consider transporting water to storage sites by both small‐gauge pipe and by truck. Overall, trucking water to stream‐side storage and release points tends to be more cost‐effective to mitigate against indoor‐use only given current subbasin housing densities, whereas piping for direct streamflow augmentation is more cost‐effective for higher mitigation needs associated with indoor and outdoor use and higher housing densities.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This study investigated low flow augmentation as a means of meeting inorganic water quality standards for the Truckee River at the California-Nevada state line. A digital inorganic water quality model was combined with a deterministic dynamic reservoir operating model in an iterative process which allowed the optimization of releases subject to selected inorganic water quality constraints as well as downstream demands. Results from model runs with varied flow and river loading data indicate that flow augmentation may be a feasible and relatively inexpensive way of meeting standards for this system except in time of severe drought.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Of the 1,700 streams located in the state of Florida, the northwest area contains approximately 1,000 streams and three of the five largest rivers, namely the Apalachicola, the Choctawhatchee, and the Escambia. This 11,200 square-mile area contains 11 drainage basins and receives an average annual rainfall which ranges from 53 inches in the east to 67 inches in the west. Basin water yields range from a high of 3,376 cfs (2,180 mgd) to a low of 672 cfs (434 mgd). Individual basin outflows range from a high of 25,743 cfs (16,630 mgd) to a low of 844 cfs (545 mgd). Approximately 67 percent of the total northwest Florida basin outflows to the Gulf of Mexico, or 36,805 cfs (23,766 mgd), are received in the form of surface water inflows from Alabama and Georgia. In the absence of any interstate mechanism for water management between Alabama, Florida, and Georgia, the basin outflow estimates presented in this paper depend greatly on the upstream usage in the neighboring states. The establishment of a tri-state water management program could eliminate the uncertainty involved in predicting water availability in northwest Florida and ensure sufficient quantities of flows in the streams.  相似文献   

We performed two‐dimensional (2D) hydrodynamic modeling to aid recovery of the endangered razorback sucker (Xyrauchen texanus) by reconnecting the Green River with its historic bottomland floodplain wetlands at Ouray National Wildlife Refuge, Utah. Reconnection allows spring flood flows to overtop the river levee every two to three years, and passively transport razorback sucker larvae to the wetlands to grow in critical habitat. This study includes (1) river hydrologic analysis, (2) simulation of a levee breach/weir, overtopping of river flood flows, and 2D flow through the wetlands using Hydrologic Engineering Center River Analysis System 2D, and (3) modeling flow and restoration scenarios. Indicators of hydrologic alteration were used to evaluate river flow metrics, in particular flood magnitudes, frequency, and duration. Results showed a target spring flow of 16,000 cfs (453 m3/s) and a levee breach elevation of 4,663 ft (1,421 m) amsl would result in a median flow >6,000 acre‐feet (7.4 million m3) over five days into the wetlands, which is adequate for razorback sucker larvae transport and rearing. Modeling of flow/restoration scenarios showed using gated water control structures and passive low‐water crossings between wetland units can provide adequate control of flow movement into and storage in multiple units. Levee breaching can be a relatively simple, cost‐effective method to reconnect rivers and historic floodplains, and hydrodynamic modeling is an important tool for analyzing and designing wetland reconnection.  相似文献   

Effects of proportion of watersheds in forest and watershed physiographic factors on mean annual streamflow (1965-76), median flow, and 12 flood flow characteristics were regionally analyzed for 19 unregulated streams in East Texas. Annual streamflow increased with decreasing proportion of forest area. Differences in annual streamflow between full forest cover and bare watersheds could be as much as 200 mm. Other things being equal, the minimum watershed area required to generate 0.142 cm (5 cfs), a criterion used by the U.S. Corps of Engineering in regulating dredge and fill activity for water pollution abatement in East Texas streams, is 70 km2 (27 mi2). Of the 31 physio-climatic parameters analyzed, watershed area, percent forest area, shape index, spring precipitation, and annual temperature were the most significant in affecting streamflow characteristics in East Texas. Using 2-3 of these five variables, all of the 14 streamflow characteristics can be estimated with accuracy ranging from acceptable to excellent levels.  相似文献   

Abstract: For over 10 years, several species of salmon have been identified as either threatened or endangered in the Snake River Basin of Idaho. The United States Bureau of Reclamation, in cooperation with the National Marine Fisheries Service, has proposed a variety of plans to increase stream flows in the Snake River Basin to facilitate movement by juvenile salmon smolts to the ocean. This research examines two of the flow augmentation plans proposed by the Bureau of Reclamation as well as two alternative plans, one founded purely on existing priority‐based water rights and another geared toward minimizing the effects of flow augmentations on farms profitability. Results from a basin‐wide model of agricultural production in the Snake River Basin, the Snake River Agricultural Model, present evidence that (1) older water rights are used towards production of less valuable crops, (2) flow augmentation scenarios have unequal effects on farms profitability across agricultural regions within the basin, and (3) irrigation water is valued from US$4 to US$59 an acre‐foot.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Municipalities typically seek additional water supplies whenever prospective population and economic growth suggests the inadequacy of currently available water supply. The benefit of supply enhancement is usually construed as avoiding debilitating water scarcity. A more effective approach to planning is to compare the benefits and costs of supply augmentation. The net present value of benefits for a supply increase in a representative Texas community is calculated for alternative scenarios relating to population growth, rate growth, and the temporal distribution of the increased supply. Consumer surplus measures are sensitive to all three of these factors and vary from $0 to over $4000 per acre-foot. A notable finding is that the added supply may offer zero values in cases where real water prices increase at an annualized rate of 4 percent (or greater) which is half the rate occurring in Texas from 1981–1985.  相似文献   

A hedonic price function is estimated that illustrates how the price per acre of open space paid by public buyers such as counties or land trusts, is influenced by local demand and supply factors. The empirical regression model is illustrated using 133 public transactions (73% are purchases and 27% are easements) of open space in the Front Range of Colorado. The mean price per acre was $13 635. If a property provides access to water bodies, this feature increases the price per acre by $937, while adjacency of the parcel to existing park or open space adds $11 039 an acre. A 1% increase in county population results in a 0.27% increase in price per acre. Easements cost $6783 less than purchases, a sizeable cost saving. The prediction capability of the hedonic price equation may be an alternative to traditional real estate appraisal techniques when agencies must determine fair market values of prospective open space parcels that vary in attributes from existing ones.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Water quality in the Brazos River of Texas is seriously degraded by natural salt pollution. Two thousand tons/day of total dissolved solids emanate from brine springs and seeps in the Upper Brazos River drainage. Approximately 45 percent of the total salt load comes from a relatively small flow in the Dove Creek area. The companion paper demonstrates that a system of wells pumping brine at a constant rate of about 2 cfs from the near surface aquifer should eliminate the brine springs in this area. In this paper, injection into deep brine aquifers is shown to be a feasible brine disposal alternative. Four brine aquifers were determined from the literature to be possible injection zones. Accurate net aquifer thickness maps were generated in a 23 by 14 mile area centered on the Dove Creek area for three of the aquifers from an interpretation of 41 well logs. Constant injection for a project life of 100 years was simulated using the SWIFT/486 software. Modeling suggests that one well would be sufficient to inject the entire disposal volume into either the Strawn or Ellenburger Formation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Dams were built by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers on the Kaskaskia River at Shelbyville and Carlyle in Illinois, in 1969 and 1967, respectively. The operation of the Shelbyville and Carlyle Lakes has changed over the years because of considerably lower bankfull channel capacities downstream of the dams than were adopted in the project designs. This study was conducted to review the present operation policy. Intent was to derive a policy for maximizing the overall benefits (or minimizing the overall damages) and to compare these benefits or damages with those with the present policy. The operating rules were optimized through a simulation model which was structured considering the physical nature of the system and the desirable operation in the best interest of various beneficial uses. The expected annual value of overall benefits from recreation and agriculture is shown to increase by $0.2 million with the optimal policy. With the optimal operation, the overall damages are reduced by 76 percent on the average over the 24 years of flow record at Shelbyville and Carlyle.  相似文献   

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