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Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Industrial wastes have been increasingly discharged into water and soil, and causing environmental pollution in Ethiopia. This study examined the...  相似文献   

用水生生物对重金属污染土壤进行生态毒理评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用斜生栅藻(Scenedesmus obliquus)和明亮发光杆菌T3(Photobacterium phosphoreum)急性毒性实验方法对重金属污染土壤的进行生态毒理评价,结果表明,斜生栅藻的生长繁殖率和发光菌的相对发光度与土壤中的重金属含量明显相关,并且随重金属投加量的增加,其生长繁殖率和发光度逐渐降低。对3种测试参数进行比较可知,斜生栅藻细胞数增长率是最敏感的土壤毒性检测指标。土壤的毒性在复合污染的条件下比在单一污染的条件下高很多。本研究的结果可以为污染土壤的优先修复提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Consumption of food crops contaminated with heavy metals is a major food chain route for human exposure. We studied the health risks of heavy metals in contaminated food crops irrigated with wastewater. Results indicate that there is a substantial buildup of heavy metals in wastewater-irrigated soils, collected from Beijing, China. Heavy metal concentrations in plants grown in wastewater-irrigated soils were significantly higher (P相似文献   

Huang SS  Liao QL  Hua M  Wu XM  Bi KS  Yan CY  Chen B  Zhang XY 《Chemosphere》2007,67(11):2148-2155
We investigated concentrations of Hg, Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu, As, Ni, and Cr in samples of soil, cereal, and vegetables from Yangzhong district, China. Compared to subsoils, the sampled topsoils are enriched in Hg, Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, and As. High levels of Cd and Hg are observed in most agricultural soils. Concentrations of Cr and Ni show little spatial variation, and high Cu, Pb, and Zn contents correspond well to areas of urban development. High As contents are primarily recorded at the two ends of the sampled alluvion. The contents of Cd, Hg, and total organic carbon (TOC) increase gradually to maximum values in the upper parts of soil profiles, while Cr and Ni occur in low concentrations within sampled profiles. As, Pb, Cu, and Zn show patterns of slight enrichment within the surface layer. Compared to data obtained in 1990, Cd and Hg show increased concentrations in 2005; this is attributed to the long-term use of agrochemicals. Cr and Ni contents remained steady over this interval because they are derived from the weathering of parent material and subsequent pedogenesis. The measured As, Cu, Pb, and Zn contents show slight increases over time due to atmospheric deposition of material sourced from urban anthropogenic activity. Low concentrations of heavy metals are recorded in vegetables and cereals because the subalkaline environment of the soil limits their mobility. Although the heavy metal concentrations measured in this study do not pose a serious health risk, they do affect the quality of agricultural products.  相似文献   

Viard B  Pihan F  Promeyrat S  Pihan JC 《Chemosphere》2004,55(10):1349-1359
To assess the contamination induced by traffic at the vicinity of a highway (A31, France), several complementary studies were carried out on two sites, with different profiles and traffic intensity. Concentrations of zinc, lead and cadmium were measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry in deposits, roadside soil and autochthonous plants (Graminaceae) gathered at the vicinity of the highway (1-320 m), and in the viscera of snails Helix aspersa, transferred as sentinel in the sites. According to the results obtained for different compartments, the highway induces a contamination on the surrounding environment, up to 320 m, but with the maximum contamination observed between 5 and 20 m: the concentrations measured in plants at the vicinity of the highway were 2.1 mg Pb kg(-1) DW, 0.06 mg Cd kg(-1) DW, 62 mg Zn kg(-1) DW and the concentrations measured in snails were 21.3 mg Pb kg(-1) DW, 5.7 mg Cd kg(-1) DW, 510.8 mg Zn kg(-1) DW. The levels measured decreased with increasing distance from the highway. Results of the three metals studied indicated that lead seems to be the best metal to evaluate road transport contamination.  相似文献   

Assessment of heavy metal (HM) pollution in soil is critical for human health, ecological remediation, and soil conservation. In this study, statistical analyses and geochemical approaches such as enrichment factor (EF), the index of geoaccumulation (Igeo), and potential ecological risk index (RI) were used for characterization and risk assessment of soil HMs through a high-spatial-resolution 385 samples from Tongnan District, an important agricultural practice area in Chongqing Municipality in Southwest China. Igeo and EF indicated that Hg and Cd could be considered as low and moderate polluted, respectively, and others HMs were not a major concern. Comprehensive ecological risk information further demonstrated that the HMs have caused a moderate risk. Principal component analysis (PCA) extracted two principal components (PCs) with eigenvalue >1 explaining about 66.1% of the total variance in the HM data sets, demonstrating major source of anthropogenic activity, phosphate fertilizers, vehicle, and pesticides. These multi-index methods have the capacity of HM assessment in soil, which are useful for soil conservation and ecological remediation.  相似文献   

Floodplains of the European rivers Rhine and Meuse are heavily polluted. We investigated the risk of heavy metal pollution (Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn) for detritivores living in a floodplain area, the Biesbosch, the Netherlands, affected by these rivers. Total soil, pore water and 0.01 M CaCl(2) extractable concentrations and concentrations in plant leaves, earthworms, isopods and millipedes were measured in two sites and compared with literature data to assess possible risks. Based on total metal concentrations in soil, serious effects on detritivores were expected. However, 0.01 M CaCl(2) extractable, pore water and plant leaf concentrations were similar to metal concentrations found in unpolluted areas. Concentrations of Cu and Cd in earthworms and Cu in millipedes were higher in the Biesbosch than in animals from reference areas. All other measured concentrations of heavy metals in earthworms, isopods and millipedes were similar to the ones found in reference areas. Despite high total soil concentrations, effects of Zn, Cu, Pb and Cd pollution on isopods are therefore not expected, while millipedes may only be affected by Cu. Since Cu and Cd levels in earthworms were increased compared to animals in unpolluted soils, this faunal group seems to be most at risk. Given the engineering role of earthworms in ecosystems, effects on the ecological functioning of floodplain soils therefore cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

Toxic doses of zinc and cadmium inhibit shoot growth but increase the capacity of several leaf enzymes in dwarf beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Both effects were studied as a function of the metal concentration applied to the plant. There was a linear relationship between the metal content of the primary leaf and the nutrient solution. When leaf metal content exceeded a toxic threshold value, shoot growth became inhibited and an increase in capacity of the following enzymes was measured in the leaf: glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, glutamate dehydrogenase, isocitrate dehydrogenase, malic enzyme, glutamate-oxaloacetate transminase, peroxidase. The threshold values were similar for growth inhibition as well as for enzyme capacity induction. Both effects were strongly correlated to each other, especially under conditions of toxic zinc treatment. Measurement of enzyme capacity might therefore provide a useful criterion for the evaluation of the phytotoxicity of soils, contaminated by zinc and/or cadmium.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Globally, various types of soil amendments have been used to improve the fertility and quality of soils in agricultural lands. In heavy metal(loid)...  相似文献   

The toxicity of commercially-available CuO and ZnO nanoparticles (NPs) to pathogenic bacteria was compared for a beneficial rhizosphere isolate, Pseudomonas chlororaphis O6. The NPs aggregated, released ions to different extents under the conditions used for bacterial exposure, and associated with bacterial cell surface. Bacterial surface charge was neutralized by NPs, dependent on pH. The CuO NPs were more toxic than the ZnO NPs. The negative surface charge on colloids of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) was reduced by Cu ions but not by CuO NPs; the EPS protected cells from CuO NPs-toxicity. CuO NPs-toxicity was eliminated by a Cu ion chelator, suggesting that ion release was involved. Neither NPs released alkaline phosphatase from the cells’ periplasm, indicating minimal outer membrane damage. Accumulation of intracellular reactive oxygen species was correlated with CuO NPs lethality. Environmental deposition of NPs could create niches for ion release, with impacts on susceptible soil microbes.  相似文献   

Nowadays, e-waste is a major source of environmental problems and opportunities due to presence of hazardous elements and precious metals. This study was aimed to evaluate the pollution risk of heavy metal contamination by informal recycling of e-waste. Environmental risk assessment was determined using multivariate statistical analysis, index of geoaccumulation, enrichment factor, contamination factor, degree of contamination and pollution load index by analysing heavy metals in surface soils, plants and groundwater samples collected from and around informal recycling workshops in Mandoli industrial area, Delhi, India. Concentrations of heavy metals like As (17.08 mg/kg), Cd (1.29 mg/kg), Cu (115.50 mg/kg), Pb (2,645.31 mg/kg), Se (12.67 mg/kg) and Zn (776.84 mg/kg) were higher in surface soils of e-waste recycling areas compared to those in reference site. Level exceeded the values suggested by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). High accumulations of heavy metals were also observed in the native plant samples (Cynodon dactylon) of e-waste recycling areas. The groundwater samples collected form recycling area had high heavy metal concentrations as compared to permissible limit of Indian Standards and maximum allowable limit of WHO guidelines for drinking water. Multivariate analysis and risk assessment studies based on total metal content explains the clear-cut differences among sampling sites and a strong evidence of heavy metal pollution because of informal recycling of e-waste. This study put forward that prolonged informal recycling of e-waste may accumulate high concentration of heavy metals in surface soils, plants and groundwater, which will be a matter of concern for both environmental and occupational hazards. This warrants an immediate need of remedial measures to reduce the heavy metal contamination of e-waste recycling sites.  相似文献   

The amphipod Hyalella azteca was exposed for 28 d to different combinations of Zn contaminated sediment and food. Sediment exposure (+clean food) resulted in increased Zn body burdens, increased mortality and decreased body mass when the molar concentrations of simultaneously extracted Zn were greater than the molar concentration of Acid Volatile Sulfide (SEMZn-AVS > 0), suggesting that dissolved Zn was a dominant route of exposure. No adverse effect was noted in the foodexposure (+clean sediment), suggesting selective feeding or regulation. Combined exposure (sediment + food) significantly increased adverse effects in comparison with sediment exposure, indicating contribution of dietary Zn to toxicity and bioaccumulation. The observed enhanced toxicity also supports the assumption on the presence of an avoidance/selective feeding reaction of the amphipods in the single sediment or food exposures. During 14 d post-exposure in clean medium, the organisms from the same combined exposure history received two feeding regimes, i.e. clean food and Zn spiked food. Elevated Zn bioaccumulation and reduced reproduction were noted in amphipods that were offered Zn spiked food compared to the respective organisms that were fed clean food. This was explained by the failure of avoidance/selective feeding behavior in the absence of an alternative food source (sediment), forcing the amphipods to take up Zn while feeding. Increasing Zn body burdens rejected the assumption that Zn uptake from food was regulated by H. azteca. Our results show that the selective feeding behavior should be accounted for when assessing ecological effects of Zn or other contaminants, especially when contaminated food is a potential exposure route.  相似文献   

The important role of earthworms in the biomagnification of heavy metals in terrestrial ecosystems is widely recognised. Differences in earthworm biomass between sites is mostly not accounted for in ecological risk assessment. These differences may be large depending on soil properties and pollution status. A survey of earthworm biomass and colonisation rate was carried out on dredged sediment-derived soils (DSDS). Results were compared with observations for the surrounding alluvial plains. Mainly grain size distribution and time since disposal determined earthworm biomass on DSDS, while soil pollution status of the DSDS was of lesser importance. Highest earthworm biomass was observed on sandy loam DSDS disposed at least 40 years ago.  相似文献   

Zhao Y  Shi X  Yu D  Wang H  Sun W 《Chemosphere》2005,59(11):1527-1535
The spatial patterns of soil organic carbon (SOC) are closely related to the global climate change. In quantifying the spatial patterns of SOC density, the concept of uncertainty of the SOC density values at unsampled locations is particularly important because such uncertainty can be propagated into the subsequent global climate change modelling and has fundamental impacts on the ultimate results of the model. A total of 361 SOC density data of topsoil (0–20 cm) in Hebei province and sequential indicator simulation (SIS) were applied to perform a conditional stochastic simulation in this study to quantitatively assess the uncertainty of mapping SOC density. The results showed that a great variation exists in the SOC density data. The conditional variance of 500 realizations generated by SIS was larger in mountainous areas of the study area where the SOC density fluctuated the most, and the uncertainty was smaller on the plain area where SOC density was consistently small. Realizations generated by SIS can represent the possible spatial patterns of SOC density without smoothing effect. A set of realizations can be used to explore all possible spatial patterns of SOC density and provide a visual and quantitative measure of the spatial uncertainty of mapping SOC density. With a given threshold of SOC density, SIS can quantitatively assess both local uncertainty and spatial uncertainty of SOC density that is greater the threshold.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Chlorophenols are not only noticed in an effluvium of industries but also can emerge from the water treatment plants for domestic supply which poses a...  相似文献   

To obtain robust data on the toxicity of LAS, tests with the collembolan Folsomia candida L., the oligochaetes Aporrectodea caliginosa Savigny (earthworm) and Enchytraeus crypticus Westheide and Graefe (enchytraeid) were performed in a sandy loam soil. Additionally limited tests with LAS spiked to sewage sludge, and subsequently mixed into soil, were performed. For the endpoint of interest, reproduction in soil, we found an EC10 of 205 mg LAS kg(-1) soil [8.6-401] [95% confidence limits] for F. candida and an EC10 of 46 mg LAS kg(-1) soil [13-80] for A. caliginosa after 28 days. E. crypticus was not affected by concentrations up to 120 mg LAS kg(-1) soil. When adding (low contaminated) non-spiked sludge to soil, high stimulation of reproduction was observed for E. crypticus and A. caliginosa but not for F. candida. We argue that this difference in stimulative response between the tested species is related to the difference in feeding behaviour. Sludge spiked with LAS did not significantly affect the reproduction of F. candida (fertility: number of juvenile offspring) and A. caliginosa (fecundity: number of cocoons) (dose equivalent to 181 g and 91 g LAS kg(-1) sludge, respectively). Significantly reduced reproduction was observed for E. crypticus (at 120 mg LAS kg(-1) soil+sludge corresponding to 72 g LAS kg(-1) sludge) compared to non-spiked sludge. The reproduction by E. crypticus was, however, comparable to the reproduction observed in the control soil without sludge. Compared to LAS directly spiked to soil, the reproductive output of organisms exposed to spiked sludge was either not significantly different (F. candida, E. crypticus) or significantly improved (A. caliginosa). More studies are needed in order to make firm conclusions on the potential effect of artificially contaminated sludge in soil systems.  相似文献   


Recently, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has banned the use of iprodione (IPR), a common hydantoin fungicide and nematicide that was frequently used for the protective treatment of crops and vegetables. In the present study, the treatment of 2 mg/L (6.06 μM) aqueous IPR solution through ultraviolet-C (UV-C)-activated persulfate (PS) advanced oxidation process (UV-C/PS) was investigated. Baseline experiments conducted in distilled water (DW) indicated that complete IPR removal was achieved in 20 min with UV-C/PS treatment at an initial PS concentration of 0.03 mM at pH?=?6.2. IPR degradation was accompanied with rapid dechlorination (followed as Cl? release) and PS consumption. UV-C/PS treatment was also effective in IPR mineralization; 78% dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was removed after 120-min UV-C/PS treatment (PS?=?0.30 mM) compared with UV-C at 0.5 W/L photolysis where no DOC removal occurred. LC analysis confirmed the formation of dichloroaniline, hydroquinone, and acetic and formic acids as the major aromatic and aliphatic degradation products of IPR during UV-C/PS treatment whereas only dichloroaniline was observed for UV-C photolysis under the same reaction conditions. IPR was also subjected to UV-C/PS treatment in simulated tertiary treated urban wastewater (SWW) to examine its oxidation performance and ecotoxicological behavior in a more complex aquatic environment. In SWW, IPR and DOC removal rates were inhibited and PS consumption rates decreased. The originally low acute toxicity (9% relative inhibition towards the photobacterium Vibrio fischeri) decreased to practically non-detectable levels (4%) during UV-C/PS treatment of IPR in SWW.


This study identifies the natural background, anthropogenic background and distribution of contamination caused by heavy metal pollutants in soil in Chunghua County of central Taiwan by using a finite mixture distribution model (FMDM). The probabilities of contaminated area distribution are mapped using single-variable indicator kriging and multiple-variable indicator kriging (MVIK) with the FMDM cut-off values and regulation thresholds for heavy metals. FMDM results indicate that Cr, Cu, Ni and Zn can be individually fitted by a mixture model representing the background and contamination distributions of the four metals in soil. The FMDM cut-off values for contamination caused by the metals are close to the regulation thresholds, except for the cut-off value of Zn. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve validates that indicator kriging and MVIK with FMDM cut-off values can reliably delineate heavy metals contamination, particularly for areas lacking background information and high heavy metal concentrations in soil.  相似文献   

The study is dealing with the distribution and the origin of heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) in soils from a priori non-polluted areas. Positive correlations with organic matter and clay content but not with pH have been observed for most of elements analyzed in this study. Correlations of some metals (Cr, Pb and Zn) and radionuclides (238U and 137Cs) observed for analyzed soils could be explained by their common affinity for clay minerals. Enrichment factor (EF) analysis and cluster analysis (CA) highlighted the lithogenic origin of Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn and pointed out the primary input of Cd from anthropogenic sources. It also revealed the need for detailed geochemical surveys in the future in order to decrease the uncertainty of discrimination between lithogenic and anthropogenic origin of metals of interest.  相似文献   

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