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Guerra P  Ahumada I  Carrasco A 《Chemosphere》2007,68(11):2021-2027
Biosolid application to soil may be a supply of nutrients and micronutrients but it may also accumulate toxic compounds which would be absorbed by crops and through them be incorporated to the trophic chain.

The present study deals with the effect of biosolid application on Cr, Cu, Pb, Ni, and Zn in agricultural soils. The procedure used is sequential extraction so that the availability of those metals may be estimated and related to their bioavailability as determined through two indicator plants grown in greenhouse: ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and red clover (Trifolium pratense). Results showed that biosolid application to soil increased total Cu and Zn content. Sequential extraction showed that the more labile Zn fractions increased after biosolid application to soil. This was confirmed when assessing the total content of this metal in shoot and root of the plants under study, since a higher content was found in plant tissues, while no significant differences were found for Cu, Cr, Ni, and Pb.  相似文献   



Phosphorus amendments have been widely and successfully used in immobilization of one single metal (e.g., Pb) in contaminated soils. However, application of P amendments in the immobilization of multiple metals and particularly investigations about the effects of planting on the stability of the initially P-induced immobilized metals in the contaminated soils are far limited.


This study was conducted to determine the effects of phosphate rock tailing (PR), triple superphosphate fertilizer (TSP), and their combination (P+T) on mobility of Pb, Cu, and Zn in a multimetal-contaminated soil. Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa subsp. chinensis) (metal-sensitive) and Chinese kale (Brassica alboglabra Bailey) (metal-resistant) were introduced to examine the effects of planting on leaching of Pb, Cu, and Zn in the P-amended soils.


All three P treatments greatly reduced CaCl2-extractable Pb and Zn by 55.2?C73.1% and 14.3?C33.6%, respectively. The PR treatment decreased CaCl2-extractable Cu by 27.8%, while the TSP and P+T treatments increased it by 47.2% and 44.4%, respectively. All three P treatments were effective in reducing simulated rainwater leachable Pb, with dissolved and total leachable Pb decrease by 15.6?C81.9% and 16.3?C64.5%, respectively. The PR treatment reduced the total leachable Zn by 16.8%, while TSP and P+T treatments increased Zn leaching by 92.7% and 78.9%, respectively. However, total Cu leaching were elevated by 17.8?C178% in all P treatments. Planting promoted the leaching of Pb and Cu by 98.7?C127% and 23.5?C170%, respectively, especially in the colloid fraction, whereas the leachable Zn was reduced by 95.3?C96.5% due to planting. The P treatments reduced the uptake of Pb, Cu, and Zn in the aboveground parts of Chinese cabbage by up to 65.1%, 34.3%, and 9.59%, respectively. Though P treatments were effective in reducing Zn concentrations in the aboveground parts of the metal-resistant Chinese kale by 22.4?C28.9%, they had little effect on Pb and Cu uptake.


The results indicated that all P treatments were effective in immobilizing Pb. The effect on the immobilization of Cu and Zn varied with the different P treatments and evaluation methods. Metal-sensitive plants are more responsive to the P treatments than metal-resistant plants. Planting affects leaching of metals in the P-amended soils, specially leaching of colloid fraction. The conventional assessment on leaching risks of heavy metals by determining dissolved metals (filtered through 0.45-??m pore size membrane) in leachates could be underestimated since colloid fraction may also contribute to the leaching.  相似文献   

To assess the risks that contaminated soils pose to the environment properly a greater understanding of how soil biota influence the mobility of metal(loid)s in soils is required. Lumbricus terrestris L. were incubated in three soils contaminated with As, Cu, Pb and Zn. The concentration and speciation of metal(loid)s in pore waters and the mobility and partitioning in casts were compared with earthworm-free soil. Generally the concentrations of water extractable metal(loid)s in earthworm casts were greater than in earthworm-free soil. The impact of the earthworms on concentration and speciation in pore waters was soil and metal specific and could be explained either by earthworm induced changes in soil pH or soluble organic carbon. The mobilisation of metal(loid)s in the environment by earthworm activity may allow for leaching or uptake into biota.  相似文献   

A soil column experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of inoculation of bacteria on metal bioavailability, mobility and potential leachability through single chemical extraction, consequential extraction and in situ soil solution extraction technologies. Results showed that bacteria inoculated, including Azotobacter chroococcum, Bacillus megaterium and Bacillus mucilaginosus, may pose both positive and negative impacts on bioavailability and mobility of heavy metals in soil, depending on the chemical nature of the metals. The activities of bacteria led to an increase of water dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration and a decrease of pH value, which enhanced metal mobility and bioavailability (e.g. an increase of water-soluble and HOAc-soluble Zn). On the other hand, bacteria could immobilize metals (e.g. a great reduction of water-soluble Pb) due to the adsorption by bacterial cell walls and possible sedimentation reactions with phosphate or other anions produced through bacterial metabolism.  相似文献   

The bioaccessibility of soil heavy metals is the solubility of soil heavy metals in synthetic human digestive juice, which is usually determined using in vitro digestion test. To reveal the effects of digestive enzymes on soil heavy metals bioaccessibility, three representative in vitro digestion tests, Simple Bioaccessibility Extraction Test (SBET), Physiologically Based Extraction Test (PBET), and Simple Gastrointestinal Extraction Test (SGET), were chosen. The bioaccessibility of soil Cu, Zn, and Pb in each method were respectively evaluated with and without digestive enzymes, and the differences were compared. The results showed that the effects of digestive enzymes varied with different methods and elements. Because of digestive enzymes addition, the environmental change from acid gastric phase to neutral intestinal phase of PBET did not result in apparently decrease of the bioaccessibility of soil Cu. However, the solubility of soil Zn and Pb were pH-dependent. For SGET, when digestive enzymes were added, its results reflected more variations resulting from soil and element types. The impacts of digestive enzymes on heavy metal dissolution are mostly seen in the intestinal phase. Therefore, digestive enzyme addition is indispensable to the gastrointestinal digestion methods (PBET and SGET), while the pepsin addition is not important for the methods only comprised of gastric digestion (SBET).  相似文献   

Simulation modelling with CHUM-AM was carried out to investigate the accumulation and release of atmospherically-deposited heavy metals (Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb) in six moorland catchments, five with organic-rich soils, one with calcareous brown earths, in the Pennine chain of northern England. The model considers two soil layers and a third layer of weathering mineral matter, and operates on a yearly timestep, driven by deposition scenarios covering the period 1400-2010. The principal processes controlling heavy metals are competitive solid-solution partitioning of solutes, chemical interactions in solution, and chemical weathering. Agreement between observed and simulated soil metal pools and surface water concentrations for recent years was generally satisfactory, the results confirming that most contemporary soil metal is from atmospheric pollution. Metals in catchments with organic-rich soils show some mobility, especially under more acid conditions, but the calcareous mineral soils have retained nearly all anthropogenic metal inputs. Complexation by dissolved organic matter and co-transport accounts for up to 80% of the Cu in surface waters.  相似文献   

矿区土壤中重金属元素含量异常的调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对某金矿区下游土壤重金属元素含量异常区进行了调查,研究了异常元素的空间分布和相态组成.通过对土壤、水、农产品、大气沉降物等的采样分析表明,土壤中重金属元素含量异常是由于矿山开采,废水排放,下游引水灌溉造成的.对异常元素的环境影响进行了分析评价,并提出了土壤治理建议.  相似文献   

Fritioff A  Greger M 《Chemosphere》2006,63(2):220-227
A better understanding of metal uptake and translocation by aquatic plants can be used to enhance the performance of constructed wetland systems for stormwater treatment. Specifically, this study examines whether the uptake of Zn, Cu, Cd, and Pb by Potamogeton natans is via the leaves, stems, or roots, and whether there is translocation from organs of uptake to other plant parts. Competition between the metals at uptake and at the level of the cell wall-bound part of the metals accumulated in stem and leaf tissue was also examined. The results show that Zn, Cu, Cd, and Pb were taken up by the leaves, stems, and roots, with the highest accumulation found in the roots. At the elevated metal concentrations common in stormwater the uptake of Cu, but not of Zn, Cd, or Pb, by the roots was somewhat limited at uptake due to competition with other metals. Between 24% and 59% of the metal content was bound to the cell walls of the plant. Except in the case of Pb, the cell wall-bound fraction was generally smaller in stems than in leaves. No translocation of the metals to other parts of the plant was found, except for Cd which was translocated from leaf to stem and vice versa. Dispersion of metals from sediment to water through P. natans is therefore unlikely.  相似文献   

Concentrations of seven metals were measured in over 1000 samples as part of an integrated survey. Sixteen metal pairs were significantly positively correlated. Cluster analysis identified two clusters. Metals from the largest (Cr, Cu, Ni, V, Zn), but not the smallest (Cd, Pb) cluster were significantly negatively correlated with spatial location and soil pH and organic matter content. Cd and Pb were not correlated with these parameters, due possibly to the masking effect of recent extensive release. Analysis of trends with soil properties in different habitats indicated that general trends may not necessarily be applicable to all areas. A risk assessment indicated that Zn poses the most widespread direct risk to soil fauna and Cd the least. Any risks associated with high metal concentrations are, however, likely to be greatest in habitats such as arable and horticultural, improved grassland and built up areas where soil metal concentrations are more frequently elevated.  相似文献   

河道底泥中重金属含量较高,重金属的迁移性及生物有效性是限制疏浚底泥土地施用或用作废弃场地修复基质资源化利用途径的主要因素。以沈阳细河待疏浚底泥为材料,通过盆栽实验的方法研究了河道底泥与碱性粉煤灰、炉渣和锯木屑配比基质中重金属在紫花苜蓿体内累积、迁移及生物有效性的变化。结果发现,配比底泥基质上紫花苜蓿生物量、株高及株径均好于纯底泥处理,其中底泥、粉煤灰、炉渣、锯木屑以2:0.5:0.5:0.5配比的s2处理中紫花苜蓿生物量是纯底泥处理的11.7倍。与底泥对照相比,配比底泥基质上植株体内重金属含量极显著降低,而且地上部重金属含量显著低于根部含量;底泥基质中紫花苜蓿地上部和根部对Cd、Cu、Pb、Zn的富集系数(BCF)显著低于底泥处理,但转移系数(TF)无显著变化,富集系数(BCF)和转移系数(TF)均小于1.0。紫花苜蓿种植后底泥基质中重金属含量显著低于农用污泥重金属控制标准,除Cd含量略高外,Cu、Pb和Zn含量低于土壤环境质量三级标准。这些结果表明,城市重污染河道底泥经过合理处置后,重金属浓度、活性及生物有效性降低,在其土地施用或废弃地修复中可以用作一些耐性植物的生长基质。  相似文献   

Udovic M  Plavc Z  Lestan D 《Chemosphere》2007,70(1):126-134
The effect of two ecologically contrasting earthworm species Eisenia fetida (epigeic) and Octolasion tyrtaeum (endogeic) on the fractionation (accessed using sequential extractions), mobility (toxicity characteristic leaching procedure, TCLP) and oral bioavailability (Ruby's physiologically based extraction test, PBET) of Pb, Zn and Cd was studied before and after soil remediation with soil leaching. Twenty-step leaching, with 2.5 mmol kg(-1) EDTA used in each step, removed 58.4%, 25.0% and 68.0% of initial soil Pb, Zn and Cd, respectively, shifted the fractionation of residual heavy metals toward less labile forms, and decreased their mobility by 83.7%, 80.3%, and 90.9%. Pb oral bioavailability was reduced by 3.1-times (in each stomach and intestinal phase). After soil leaching, both earthworm species enriched the carbonate soil fraction in their casts with residual Pb, and increased the Pb bioavailability in the simulated intestinal phase by a factor of 2.4 (E. fetida) and 2.8 (O. tyrtaeum). The concentration of Pb in TCLP leachate from E. fetida casts was 6.2-times higher than in the bulk of the remediated soil. These results indicate that the effect of biotic factors on the availability of heavy metals residual in soil after soil leaching requires consideration.  相似文献   

A study of airborne Pb, Cd, Zn and Cu was conducted on 2 farms: a test farm exposed to a lead smelter and associated sources of lead contamination in the New Lead Belt of southeast Missouri, and a control farm outside the lead production area. An Andersen eight-stage impactor sampler was used on both farms to collect air samples during winter, spring and summer seasons. The trace element concentrations were measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The concentrations of all four elements were higher on the test farm than on the control farm in all of the three seasons. Approximately 66% of the Pb. 88% of the Cd. 73% of the Zn and 54% of the Cu was composed of particles smaller than 4.7 μm the upper practical limit of respirable size.  相似文献   

Enhanced phytoextraction of Cu, Pb, Zn and Cd with EDTA and EDDS   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
Luo C  Shen Z  Li X 《Chemosphere》2005,59(1):1-11
Chemically enhanced phytoextraction has been proposed as an effective approach to removing heavy metals from contaminated soil through the use of high biomass plants. Using pot experiments, the effects of the application of EDTA, EDDS and citric acid on the uptake of Cu, Pb, Zn and Cd by corn (Zea mays L. cv. Nongda 108) and bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. white bean) plants were studied. The results showed that EDDS was more effective than EDTA at increasing the concentration of Cu in corn and beans. The application of 5 mmol kg-1 soil EDDS to soil significantly increased concentrations of Cu in shoots, with maximum levels of 2060 and 5130 mg kg-1 DW in corn and beans, respectively, which were 45- and 135-fold higher than that in the corresponding control plants to which chelate had not been applied. Concentrations of Zn in shoots were also higher in the plants treated with EDDS than in those treated with EDTA. For Pb and Cd, EDDS was less effective than EDTA. The maximum Cu phytoextraction was found with the EDDS treatment. The application of EDTA and EDDS also significantly increased the shoot-to-root ratios of the concentrations of Cu, Pb, Zn and Cd in both plant species. The results of metal extraction with chelates showed that EDDS was more efficient at solubilizing Cu and Zn than EDTA, and that EDTA was better at solubilizing Pb and Cd than EDDS.  相似文献   

The concentrations of eight metals (Al, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb) in snow from the island of Montréal were determined in quantities of nanogram per gram using an atomic absorption graphite furnace. An overall precision of 10% was achieved for all elements. Enrichment factors calculated indicated that Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb are most probably anthropogenically derived.  相似文献   

Kinetic EDTA and citrate extractions were used to mimic metal mobilization in a soil contaminated by metallurgical fallout. Modeling of metal removal rates vs. time distinguished two metal pools: readily labile (QM1) and less labile (QM2). In citrate extractions, total extractability (QM1+QM2) of Zn and Cd was proportionally higher than for Pb and Cu. Proportions of Pb and Cu extracted with EDTA were three times higher than when using citrate. We observed similar QM1/QM2 ratios for Zn and Cu regardless of the extractant, suggesting comparable binding energies to soil constituents. However, for Pb and Cd, more heterogeneous binding energies were hypothesized to explain different kinetic extraction behaviors. Proportions of citrate-labile metals were found consistent with their short-term, in-situ mobility assessed in the studied soil, i.e., metal amount released in the soil solution or extracted by cultivated plants. Kinetic EDTA extractions were hypothesized to be more predictive for long-term metal migration with depth.  相似文献   



Adsorption of metals (Pb, Cd, Cu, Ni, Zn) to TiO2 nanoparticles and bulk particles was examined for use as a contaminant removal substrate as a function of particle size, sorbent concentration, and exhaustion.  相似文献   

In a pot experiment, pig manure (PM) and chicken manure (CM) were applied to an acidic soil at application rates of 2%, 4% and 8% (W/W) to evaluate their effects on the growth, Cu and Zn uptake and transfer of five cultivars of pakchoi (Brassica chinesis L.). The results showed that alkaline manures significantly increased the biomass of pakchois, and also pH and electrical conductivity of the soil. Both 0.01 M CaCl2 and 1.0 M NH4NO3 salt solutions predict the Zn transfer from soil to pakchois well, but not for Cu. For the cultivar Siyueman, the transfer factors of Cu (or Zn) in the PM treatments were higher than that in the CM treatments. In our experiment the Cu and Zn concentrations in pakchois did not exceed the Chinese Food Hygiene Standard, but more attention should be paid to heavy metals risk on pakchois at lower soil pH and salt impairment by manures application.  相似文献   

In a pot experiment, pig manure (PM) and chicken manure (CM) were applied to an acidic soil at application rates of 2%, 4% and 8% (W/W) to evaluate their effects on the growth, Cu and Zn uptake and transfer of five cultivars of pakchoi (Brassica chinesis L.). The results showed that alkaline manures significantly increased the biomass of pakchois, and also pH and electrical conductivity of the soil. Both 0.01 M CaCl2 and 1.0 M NH4NO3 salt solutions predict the Zn transfer from soil to pakchois well, but not for Cu. For the cultivar Siyueman, the transfer factors of Cu (or Zn) in the PM treatments were higher than that in the CM treatments. In our experiment the Cu and Zn concentrations in pakchois did not exceed the Chinese Food Hygiene Standard, but more attention should be paid to heavy metals risk on pakchois at lower soil pH and salt impairment by manures application.  相似文献   

改性沸石对土壤铅、锌赋存形态的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过室内土壤培养实验,研究改性沸石对污染土壤中Pb、Zn赋存形态的影响。结果表明,土壤中的Pb主要是以Fe-Mn氧化物结合态存在,土壤Zn主要以残渣态存在。添加天然沸石和改性沸石不同程度地降低土壤酸提取态Pb、Zn的含量,提高土壤残渣态Pb、Zn的含量。与CK处理相比,添加4种沸石导致土壤酸提取态Pb含量降低8.7%~40.3%,土壤酸提取态Zn含量降低10.5%~49.8%(培养1个月)。硝酸钾改性沸石比天然沸石更能显著地降低土壤酸提取态Pb、Zn的含量,而氢氧化钠改性沸石和硝酸钾改性沸石比天然沸石更能显著地降低土壤酸提取态的Zn含量。培养1、2和3月后,不同沸石处理导致土壤残渣态Zn比率分别比CK处理提高14.4%~23.5%、19.6%~23.7%和1.9%~11.1%。研究结果表明,天然沸石经过一定方法改性后,是固定污染土壤Pb、Zn的潜在改良剂。  相似文献   

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