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Sources of submicron aerosol during fog-dominated wintertime at Kanpur   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The main objective of this atmospheric study was to determine the major sources of PM1 (particles having aerodynamic diameter <1.0 μm) within and near the city of Kanpur, in the Indo-Gangetic Plain. Day and night, 10 h long each, filter-based aerosol samples were collected for 4 months (November 2009 to February 2010) throughout the winter season. These samples were subjected to gravimetric and quantitative chemical analyses for determining water-soluble ions (NH4 +, F?, Cl?, NO3 ?, and SO4 2?) using an ion chromatograph and trace elements using an inductively coupled plasma–optical emission spectrometer. The mean PM1 mass concentrations were recorded as 114?±?71 μg/m3 (day) and 143?±?86 μg/m3 (night), respectively. A significantly higher diurnal contribution of ions (NH4 +, F?, Cl?, NO3 ?, and SO4 2?) in PM1 mass was observed during the fog-affected days and nights throughout the winter season, for which the average values were recorded as 38.09?±?13.39 % (day) and 34.98?±?12.59 % (night), respectively, of the total PM1 mass. This chemical dataset was then used in a source-receptor model, UNMIX, and the model results are described in detail. UNMIX provided a maximum number of five source factors, including crustal material, composite vehicle, secondary aerosol, coal combustion, and iron/steel production and metallurgical industries, as the dominant air pollution sources for this study.  相似文献   

A conventional impactor for a particle speciation sampler was developed and validated through laboratory and field tests. The speciation sampler consists of the following components: a PM2.5 conventional impactor that removes particles larger than 2.5 microns, an all-glass, coated honeycomb diffusion denuder, and a 47-mm filter pack. The speciation sampler can operate at two different sampling rates: 10 and 16.7 L/min. An experimental characterization of the impactor's performance was conducted. The impactor's collection efficiency was examined as a function of critical design parameters such as Reynolds number, the distance from the nozzle exit to the impaction plate, and the impaction substrate coating method. The bounce of particles larger than the cut point was successfully minimized by using a greased surface as the impaction substrate. Additionally, a series of field intercomparison experiments were conducted at both 10 and 16.7 L/min airflow. PM2.5 mass and SO4(2-) concentrations were measured and compared with the Federal Reference Method (FRM) and found to be in good agreement. Results of the laboratory chamber tests also indicated that the impactor's performance was in good agreement with the FRM.  相似文献   

The UCD/CIT air quality model with the Caltech Atmospheric Chemistry Mechanism (CACM) was used to predict source contributions to secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation in the San Joaquin Valley (SJV) from December 15, 2000 to January 7, 2001. The predicted 24-day average SOA concentration had a maximum value of 4.26 μg m?3 50 km southwest of Fresno. Predicted SOA concentrations at Fresno, Angiola, and Bakersfield were 2.46 μg m?3, 1.68 μg m?3, and 2.28 μg m?3, respectively, accounting for 6%, 37%, and 4% of the total predicted organic aerosol. The average SOA concentration across the entire SJV was 1.35 μg m?3, which accounts for approximately 20% of the total predicted organic aerosol. Averaged over the entire SJV, the major SOA sources were solvent use (28% of SOA), catalyst gasoline engines (25% of SOA), wood smoke (16% of SOA), non-catalyst gasoline engines (13% of SOA), and other anthropogenic sources (11% of SOA). Diesel engines were predicted to only account for approximately 2% of the total SOA formation in the SJV because they emit a small amount of volatile organic compounds relative to other sources. In terms of SOA precursors within the SJV, long-chain alkanes were predicted to be the largest SOA contributor, followed by aromatic compounds. The current study identifies the major known contributors to the SOA burden during a winter pollution episode in the SJV, with further enhancements possible as additional formation pathways are discovered.  相似文献   

For over one year, the Environmental Protection Commission of Hillsborough County (EPCHC) in Tampa, Florida, operated two dichotomous sequential particulate matter air samplers collocated with a manual Federal Reference Method (FRM) air sampler at a waterfront site on Tampa Bay. The FRM was alternately configured as a PM2.5, then as a PM10 sampler. For the dichotomous sampler measurements, daily 24-h integrated PM2.5 and PM10–2.5 ambient air samples were collected at a total flow rate of 16.7 l min−1. A virtual impactor split the air into flow rates of 1.67 and 15.0 l min−1 onto PM10–2.5 and PM2.5 47-mm diameter PTFE® filters, respectively. Between the two dichotomous air samplers, the average concentration, relative bias and relative precision were 13.3 μg m−3, 0.02% and 5.2% for PM2.5 concentrations (n=282), and 12.3 μg m−3, 3.9% and 7.7% for PM10–2.5 concentrations (n=282). FRM measurements were alternate day 24-h integrated PM2.5 or PM10 ambient air samples collected onto 47-mm diameter PTFE® filters at a flow rate of 16.7 l min−1. Between a dichotomous and a PM2.5 FRM air sampler, the average concentration, relative bias and relative precision were 12.4 μg m−3, −5.6% and 8.2% (n=43); and between a dichotomous and a PM10 FRM air sampler, the average concentration, relative bias and relative precision were 25.7 μg m−3, −4.0% and 5.8% (n=102). The PM2.5 concentration measurement standard errors were 0.95, 0.79 and 1.02 μg m−3; for PM10 the standard errors were 1.06, 1.59, and 1.70 μg m−3 for two dichotomous and one FRM samplers, respectively, which indicate the dichotomous samplers have superior technical merit. These results reveal the potential for the dichotomous sequential air sampler to replace the combination of the PM2.5 and PM10 FRM air samplers, offering the capability of making simultaneous, self-consistent determinations of these particulate matter fractions in a routine ambient monitoring mode.  相似文献   

Collection of PM2.5 particles was carried out in Antarctica in the summer periods of years 2006 and 2007 using solar panels to operate the sampling unit. The unit was installed 2.5 km from the B. O'Higgins Chilean base to avoid possible air contamination from oil or gas burning electric power stations. The aerosols were analyzed by XRF identifying twenty elements between Na and Sr. Results showed the presence of elements of typical Earth crust and seawater origins. In addition, considerable amounts of non-sea sulfur together with traces of Pb and Se from probable long distant anthropogenic activities were observed.  相似文献   

新型转式垃圾焚烧炉焚烧技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了新型转式焚烧炉稳定燃烧工艺和有机垃圾在新型转式焚烧炉中焚烧过程HCl和NOx释放和控制特性。结果表明,新型转式焚烧炉采用二次燃烧技术,能有效控制和降低二次污染物的生成。  相似文献   



This study presents the performance evaluation of a tailor-made passive sampler developed for the monitoring of tropospheric ozone.


The performance of the passive sampler was tested in the field conditions in terms of accuracy, precision, blank values, detection limit, effects of some parameters such as sampling site characteristics and sampling period on the field blanks, self-consistency, experimental and theoretical uptake rates, shelf life and comparison with commercial passive samplers.


There was an agreement (R 2?=?0.84) between the responses of passive sampler and the continuous automatic analyser. The accuracy of the sampler, expressed as percent relative error, was obtained lower than 15%. Method precision in terms of coefficient of variance for three simultaneously applied passive samplers was 12%. Sampler detection limit was 2.42???g?m?3 for an exposure period of 1?week, and the sampler can be stored safely for a period of up to 8?weeks before exposure. Satisfactory self-consistency results showed that extended periods gave the same integrated response as a series of short-term samplers run side by side. The uptake rate of ozone was found to be 10.21?mL?min?1 in a very good agreement with the theoretical uptake rate (10.32?mL?min?1). The results of the comparison study conducted against a commercially available diffusion tube (Gradko diffusion tube) showed a good linear relationship (R 2?=?0.93) between two passive samplers.


The sampler seems suitable to be used in large-scale measurements of ozone where no data are available or the number of existing automated monitors is not sufficient.  相似文献   

This paper presents the design and performance of a compact dilution sampler (CDS) for characterizing fine particle emissions from stationary sources. The sampler is described, along with the methodology adopted for its use. Dilution sampling has a number of advantages, including source emissions that are measured under conditions simulating stack gas entry and mixing in the ambient atmosphere. This is particularly important for characterizing the semivolatile species in effluents as a part of particulate emissions. The CDS characteristics and performance are given, along with sampling methodology. The CDS was compared with a reference dilution sampler. The results indicate that the two designs are comparable for tests on gas-fired units and a diesel electrical generator. The performance data indicate that lower detection limits can be achieved relative to current regulatory methods for particulate emissions. Test data for the fine particulate matter (PM2.5) emissions are provided for comparison with U.S. Environment Protection Agency (EPA) Conditional Test Method 040 for filterable particulate matter (FPM) and the EPA Method 202 for condensable particulate matter. This comparison showed important differences between methods, depending on whether a comparison is done between in situ FPM determinations or the sum of such values with condensable PM from liquid filled impingers chilled in an ice bath. These differences are interpretable in the light of semivolatile material present in the stack effluent and, in some cases, differences in detection and quantification limits. Determination of emissions from combustors using liquid fuels can be readily achieved using 1-hr sampling with the CDS. Emissions from gasfired combustors are very low, requiring careful attention to sample volumes. Sampling volumes corresponding with 6-hr operation were used for the combined mass and broad chemical speciation. Particular attention to dilution sampler operation with clean dilution air also is essential for gas-fired sources.  相似文献   

We investigated a two-week episode with high PM concentrations in California Central Valley during the Christmas–New Year of 2000–2001 using a modeling system that consists of a computationally efficient, 3-D photochemical–microphysical transport model, a mesoscale meteorological model, emission models, and an evaluation package. One hundred simulations were conducted with fine resolutions and observational constraints, to reproduce spatial and temporal features of observed PM concentrations and to understand the formation mechanism of the episode. Simulated PM concentrations consist of secondary inorganic components, mainly ammonium nitrate, and total carbon in areas with elevated concentrations in the accumulation mode, and consist of mainly dust and sea salt in the coarse mode. Simulated oxidants and nitrate were significantly elevated over the valley, and the latter showed much less amplitude than the former. Simulated PM concentrations were evaluated with observations systematically with spatially and temporally paired method, a more restrictive multivariate method (NMFROC), and a more flexible “gradient evaluation” method. The paired evaluation shows that high correlation coefficient (R = ~0.8) and low fractional error (FE = ~0.1) could be achieved at stations with elevated 24-h concentration of PM in the accumulation mode in some simulations. The NMFROC method was used to extract useful information from seemingly failed simulations. A “gradient evaluation” method is introduced here to extract additional information from simulations. We found that emission reductions of NOx and AVOC showed similar effects on percentage basis in different areas, and both are more effective than reducing NH3 for abating elevated concentrations of accumulation mode PM in California Central Valley during the winter episode.  相似文献   

To conduct low oxides of nitrogen (NOx) chamber experiments with modern diesel emissions (DE), a high-capacity NO, denuder was developed and used at the European Photoreactor (EUPHORE) outdoor simulation chamber. The denuder displayed a sufficient NOx storage capacity for use with DE, and efficient removal of NO, during injections of DE was achieved (>98%). Degradation of the denuder performance after repeated regeneration by heating (400 degrees C) and flushing with an air/oxygen ratio of 2:1 was not observed for a total of nine experiments. Evaluation of dark (with chamber cover closed) experiments (four in total) with and without the denuder in-line revealed some reduction (22%) of diesel particulate matter (DPM) with use of the denuder, most likely a result of impaction or settling of DPM during DE transit. However, DPM reduction may have also been a result of reductions in effective load of the engine-dyno system during the DE injections. Extensive chemical characterization of DPM revealed no significant perturbation of major compound groups associated with denuder use, except for nitrated polyaromatic hydrocarbon (NPAH) concentrations. The implications of high-NOx experiments without the use of a NOx denuder are discussed.  相似文献   

The MiniVOL sampler is a popular choice for use in air quality assessments because it is portable and inexpensive relative to fixed site monitors. However, little data exist on the performance characteristics of the sampler. The reliability, precision, and comparability of the portable MiniVOL PM10 and PM2.5 sampler under typical ambient conditions are described in this paper. Results indicate that the MiniVOL (a) operated reliably and (b) yielded statistically similar concentration measurements when co-located with another MiniVOL (r2=0.96 for PM10 measurements and r2=0.95 for PM2.5 measurements). Thus, the characterization of spatial distributions of PM10 and PM2.5 mass concentrations with the MiniVOL can be accomplished with a high level of confidence. The MiniVOL also produced statistically comparable results when co-located with a Dichotomous Sampler (r2=0.83 for PM10 measurements and r2=0.85 for PM2.5 measurements) and a continuous mass sampling system (r2=0.90 for PM10 measurements). Environmental factors such as ambient concentration, wind speed, temperature, and humidity may influence the relative measurement comparability between these sampling systems.  相似文献   

在pH值7.2~8.5、温度25℃、DO≥5 mg/L的条件下,用含有甲基叔丁基醚(MTBE)的模拟废水对Methylibium petroleiphilum PM1进行富集培养并在陶粒表面挂膜,进而对其特性、性能等进行了研究。填料表面生物膜MTBE降解的序批实验和电镜照片分析均表明陶粒表面已成功附着PM1高效降解菌形成的生物膜。在挂膜后期,当起始MTBE浓度为100~110 mg/L时,经过24 h,MTBE的去除率达到65%以上并基本稳定,其中挥发占4.6%,生物降解起主导的作用。  相似文献   

In this study the performance of two newly developed personal bioaerosol samplers was evaluated. The two test samplers are cyclone-based personal samplers that incorporate a recirculating liquid film. The performance evaluations focused on the physical efficiencies that a personal bioaerosol sampler could provide, including aspiration, collection, and capture efficiencies. The evaluation tests were carried out in a wind tunnel, and the test personal samplers were mounted on the chest of a full-size manikin placed in the test chamber of the wind tunnel. Monodisperse fluorescent aerosols ranging from 0.5 to 20 microm were used to challenge the samplers. Two wind speeds of 0.5 and 2.0 m/sec were employed as the test wind speeds in this study. The test results indicated that the aspiration efficiency of the two test samplers closely agreed with the ACGIH inhalable convention within the size range of the test aerosols. The aspiration efficiency was found to be independent of the sampling orientation. The collection efficiency acquired from these two samplers showed that the 50% cutoff diameters were both around 0.6 microm. However the wall loss of these two test samplers increased as the aerosol size increased, and the wall loss of PAS-4 was considerably higher than that of PAS-5, especially in the aerosol size larger than 5 microm, which resulted in PAS-4 having a relatively lower capture efficiency than PAS-5. Overall, the PAS-5 is considered a better personal bioaerosol sampler than the PAS-4.  相似文献   

A carbonyl sampler originally designed for the active sampling method (Sep-Pak XPoSure) was used for long-term passive sampling, and its applicability as a passive sampler was examined through field experiments. The uptake rates of passive sampling were determined experimentally from collocated passive and active samplings for various sampling periods. The obtained uptake rates of formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and acetone were 1.48, 1.23, and 1.08 mL/min, respectively. These uptake rates were consistent for a wide range of the sampling term (12 hr-2 weeks). Uptake rates of each carbonyl were proportional to the diffusion coefficients of each. Therefore, the ratios of diffusion coefficients were used to calculate the uptake rates of carbonyls for which the rates were not determined experimentally. Lower limits of determination were 2.16-17.5 microg/m3 for 2-week sampling. It was confirmed that 2-week monitoring of carbonyl concentrations up to 118-229 microg/m3 was possible. Relative standard deviations of the passive method generated from the repeatability test were 2-12.3% error for five samplings, and the recovery efficiencies were larger than 90%. Thus, the passive sampler was found to be highly suitable for long-term monitoring of carbonyl compounds.  相似文献   

Originally constructed to develop gaseous emission factors for heavy-duty diesel trucks, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) On-Road Diesel Emissions Characterization Facility has been modified to incorporate particle measurement instrumentation. An electrical low-pressure impactor designed to continuously measure and record size distribution data was used to monitor the particle size distribution of heavy-duty diesel truck exhaust. For this study, which involved a high-mileage (900,000 mi) truck running at full load, samples were collected by two different methods. One sample was obtained directly from the exhaust stack using an adaptation of the University of Minnesota's air-ejector-based mini-dilution sampler. The second sample was pulled from the plume just above the enclosed trailer, at a point approximately 11 m from the exhaust discharge. Typical dilution ratios of about 300:1 were obtained for both the dilution and plume sampling systems. Hundreds of particle size distributions were obtained at each sampling location. These were compared both selectively and cumulatively to evaluate the performance of the dilution system in simulating real-world exhaust plumes. The data show that, in its current residence-time configuration, the dilution system imposes a statistically significant bias toward smaller particles, with substantially more nanoparticles being collected than from the plume sample.  相似文献   

By comparing short-term fluctuations in PM2.5 species concentrations among nearby air quality monitors and among species, it becomes possible to understand the regional and local events leading to higher concentrations. This approach was applied at thirteen sites in the Maryland area for the 2001–2006 timeframe in order to identify and explain the behavior of eighteen different analytes as well as the daily Air Quality Index.Findings included identification of local upwind events such as fireworks displays, construction and demolition, the spatial extent of sulfate, nitrate, and ammonium correlations between ground-level monitors, correlations between some crustal species to indicate similar emissions sources in urban areas, and indicators of particle adsorption as a rate-limiting step for certain species. For example, the bromine behavior suggests that bromine concentrations on particulate matter may be limited by the particle adsorption rate and thus show a dependence on the Air Quality Index measurements.  相似文献   

The ambient concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) (including biphenyl) and nitroarenes were measured during a wintertime, high-NOx episode at a location in Southern California. Daytime and night-time ambient air samples were collected using Hi-vol filters, polyurethane foam (PUF) plugs and Tenax-GC solid adsorbent. 2-Nitrofluoranthene was the most abundant particle-associated nitroarene, but higher concentrations of 1- and 2-nitronaphthalene, methylnitronaphthalenes and 3-nitrobiphenyl were observed on the PUF plugs. Our data show that the ambient concentrations of the more volatile PAH and nitroarenes can be far greater than those of the less volatile species, and suggest that the most abundant nitroarenes in ambient air arise from atmospheric transformations of PAH emitted from combustion sources.  相似文献   

Recently, air pollution has attracted a substantial amount of attention in China, which can be influenced by a variety of factors, but the association between air pollution and human activity is not quite clear. Based on real-time online data (January 1, 2014, to December 31, 2014) of air pollution and meteorology reported by official sites, and demographic, economic, and environmental reform data in a statistical yearbook, the influences of meteorological factors (temperature, relative humidity, precipitation intensity, and wind force) and human activities on PM2.5 pollution were explored. After correlation analysis, logistic regression analysis, and a nonparametric test, weak negative correlations between temperature and PM2.5 pollution were found. In most cases, festival and morning peak hours were protection and risk factors of PM2.5 pollution, respectively. In addition, government actions, such as an afforestation project and increasing financial expenditure for energy saving and environmental protection, could greatly contribute to alleviating pollution of PM2.5. The findings could help officials formulate effective laws and regulations, and then PM2.5 pollution related to the pattern of human activity would be ameliorated.

Implications: Most of the time, festival and morning peak hours are protection and risk factors for PM2.5 pollution, respectively. Increasing the percentage of afforestation area and financial expenditure for energy saving and environmental protection could significantly reduce PM2.5 pollution. The findings can help officials formulate effective laws and regulations, and then PM2.5 pollution related to the pattern of human activity, especially government action, will be ameliorated.  相似文献   

The continuing upsurge in residential wood combustion has raised questions about potential adverse effects on ambient air quality. A study to investigate the effects of wood-burning emissions on ambient aerosol concentrations was conducted in Waterbury, Vermont, from January to March 1982. Data on total, inhalable and respirable particles (24-h averages) were collected at a central monitoring site and augmented with similar measurements at two auxiliary stations. Mass concentrations were determined gravimetrically and selected samples were analyzed for elemental composition (XRF), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (GC/MS, HPLC), and organic and elemental carbon (thermal-optical method). In addition, continuous data from an integrating nephelometer and a meteorological data acquisition system were collected at the central site. This paper presents results of organic and elemental characterization of wintertime aerosol and examines several different source-apportionment methods, focusing on the contribution of residential wood combustion to measured ambient concentrations.  相似文献   

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