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The deposition of atmospheric N to soils provides sources of available N to the nitrifying and denitrifying microbial community and subsequently influences the rate of NO and N2O emissions from soil. We have investigated the influence of three different sources of enhanced N deposition on NO and N2O emissions 1) elevated NH3 deposition to woodlands downwind of poultry and pig farms, 2) increased wet cloud and occult N deposition to upland forest and moorland and 3) enhanced N deposition to trees as NO 3 and NH 4 + aerosol. Flux measurements of NO and N2O were made using static chambers in the field or intact and repacked soil cores in the laboratory and determination of N2O by gas chromatography and of NO by chemiluminescence analysis. Rates of N deposition to our study sites were derived from modelled estimates of N deposition, NH3 concentrations measured by passive diffusion and inference from measurements of the 210Pb inventory of soils under tree canopies compared with open grassland. NO and N2O emissions and KCl-extractable soil NH 4 + and NO 3 concentrations all increased with increasing N deposition rate. The extent of increase did not appear to be influenced by the chemical form of the N deposited. Systems dominated by dry-deposited NH3 downwind of intensive livestock farms or wet-deposited NH 4 + and NO 3 in the upland regions of Britain resulted in approximately the same linear response. Emissions of NO and N2O from these soils increased with both N deposition and KCl extractable NH 4 + , but the relationship between NH 4 + and N deposition (ln NH 4 + = 0.62 ln Ndeposition + 0.21, r 2 = 0.33, n = 43) was more robust than the relationship between N deposition and soil NO and N2O fluxes.  相似文献   

Nitrate, ammonium and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) concentrations were measured in the lower reaches of the River Test in Hampshire to assess the impact of two effluent point sources. An 18-month survey from July 2001 to December 2002 was carried out at locations above and below fish farm inputs and a sewage effluent outfall. The concentration of nitrate exceeded 400 M at the four sites on all sample dates. A consistent increase in ammonium concentration was measured downstream of the fish farm, but not the sewage effluent input. DON samples collected downstream of the fish farm did not show a consistent increase in concentration, compared with the upstream sampling location, whereas the sewage effluent input at Romsey was a point source of DON to the River Test with a mean increase of 15 M. Nitrate was the major component of dissolved nitrogen in this aquifer-fed chalk-bed river system, with up to 10% being DON and ammonium comprising <1%.  相似文献   

The composition of saprotrophic soil fungi in the mor layerof a Calluna-dominated, Danish heathland wasinvestigated after two years of fertilization with ammoniumnitrate (0, 35, 50 and 70 kg N ha1- yr-1) using asoil washing technique. The most frequently isolated generafrom the soil particles plated were Penicillium, Trichoderma, Mortierella and Mucor. Eightspecies of Penicillium were identified and Penicillium spinulosum was the most frequently isolated.The occurrence of dark, sterile fungi on the soil particleswas low. There were no measurable changes in the specificcomposition of the saprotrophic soil fungal groups due tothe nitrogen treatments, beside from an increasedoccurrence of Absidia californica. I conclude that adirect impact on the composition of the saprotrophic fungiin heathland soil is unlikely under enhanced nitrogen input.  相似文献   

Impact of Land Use on Soluble Organic Nitrogen in Soil   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Although it has been hypothesized that soluble organic nitrogen (SON) plays a central role in regulating productivity in some terrestrial ecosystems, the factors controlling the size of the SON pool in soil remain poorly understood. Therefore our principal aim in this work was to assess the impact of seven different land use systems (rough and managed grassland, deciduous and coniferous woodland, heathland, wetland and tilled land) on the size of the SON and inorganic N (NO 3 , NH 4 + ) pools in the surface soil layer (0–15 cm). After extraction with deionised water, we found that in most cases the size of the water extractable organic N (WEON) pool was similar in size to the inorganic N pool. In contrast, the KCl extractable organic N (KClEON) pool constituted the dominant form of soluble N in soils under all land uses, perhaps indicating that significant amounts were held on the soil exchange phase. In contrast to inorganic N, which varied significantly with land use, the size of the KClEON and WEON pool was similar for all land uses with the exception of KClEON in tilled land, where significantly lower amounts were observed. We conclude that SON constitutes an important soil N pool in a broad range of land uses, and that its role in microbial N assimilation, plant nutrition and ecosystem responses to atmospheric N deposition warrants further attention. SAFRD, University of Newcastle, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, NE1 7RU, U.K.  相似文献   

Long range atmospheric transport is the most important sourceof contamination to the natural environment in Norway with manyheavy metals. Investigations based on aerosol studies, bulkdeposition measurements and moss analysis show that airborne transport from other parts of Europe is the major mode for supplyof vanadium, zinc, arsenic, selenium, molybdenum, cadmium, tin,antimony, tellurium, thallium, lead, and bismuth, whereas metalssuch as chromium, nickel, and copper are mainly derived from point sources within Norway and in northwestern Russia close tothe Norwegian border. Elements associated with long range transport show substantial enrichment in the humus horizon of natural soils in southern Norway, sometimes to levels suspected to cause effects on soil microbial processes. E.g. lead concentration values of 150–200 ppm are observed in the mostcontaminated areas in the south as compared to about 5 ppm inthe far north. Elements such as lead and cadmium also show enrichment in some terrestrial food chains. These elements alsoshow considerably elevated levels over background concentrationsin the water and sediment of small lakes in the southern part ofthe country. Retrospective studies based on ombrogenous peatcores indicate that long range transport has been a significantsource of heavy metal contamination in southern Norway for thelast couple of centuries. The deposition of most heavy metals inNorway has been considerably reduced over the last 20 yr, withthe exception of contributions in the north from Russian smelters.  相似文献   

Numerous assumptions have been made over the past 17 years when calculating critical loads for soils, both for acidity (based upon base cation steady state mass balances (SMB)) and for N (eutrophication, based upon N mass balances), often without all the assumptions being explicitly stated. The tacit assumptions that the author believes to be implicit in the SMB approach are critically reviewed, with particular reference to upland regions where slope processes are highly significant. It is concluded that many of them cannot be justified, especially those that involve ignoring many key processes known to be important to biogeochemical cycling and soil evolution in upland catchments. The evidence presented suggests that critical loads of acidity and of N for soils should be based upon effective pollutant and, for acidity, also effective base cation deposition concentrations, rather than upon pollutant deposition fluxes. This is because of the dominant role of cation exchange equilibria, rather than weathering rate, in regulation of the pH and base status of the more acidification-sensitive soils, and because of the importance of transport down slope of base cations, alkalinity and N species.  相似文献   

During recent decades heathlands havechanged into grasslands in regions with high atmosphericnitrogen deposition. In regions with intermediatedeposition level (e.g., Denmark) changes have been lesspronounced which may be due to delay or decrease inresponse of the ecosystem. The mor layer (O horizon) mayplay an important role for this delay due to high sinkstrength for N. In this study, the capacity for netNH4 + immobilization and mineralization wasstudied during short- and long-term incubations (2–36 days)of mor samples from Danish dry inland heaths. High short-term capacity for net NH4 + immobilization wasfound to be a general characteristic of Danish heath morlayers both under heather (Calluna vulgaris) andcrowberry (Empetrum nigrum ssp nigrum), the latterdominating late stages in heathland succession. The netNH4 + immobilization was higher under youngcompared to old or dead vegetation, and higher on lessnutrient poor soils than on extremely nutrient poor soils.The addition of N, P and C stimulated CO2 productionand net NH4 + immobilization, but not net Nmineralization. The immobilization of 15NH4 +caused release of dissolved organic N, increased N anddecreased C/N ratio in the microbial biomass, and indicatedgrowth of microorganisms with other metabolic abilitiesthan the indigenous population. No evidence was obtained ofstabilization of immobilized 15NH4 + intosoil organic matter during the experiment. On background ofthe results and current knowledge it was concluded that therecognition of the high capacity for net NH4 +immobilization in mor layers does not allow for a raiseof critical loads for N for northern dry inland heaths.  相似文献   

A 12-year record of water quality data for runoff from a spruce forested hillslope with podzolic soils shows the impacts of conifer harvesting and replanting in relation to nitrate generation and its influence on surface water acidification. With felling, nitrate increases from a background of 18 Eq/l to about 50 Eq/l after 1 to 2 years and then declines to background levels over the next 1 to 2 years and to lower concentrations thereafter. This change is mirrored by an acidification process as manifest by a change in Gran alkalinity, acid neutralization capacity (ANC) and aluminium concentrations as well as pH. For example, Gran alkalinity and ANC, which start at negative concentrations prior to felling (about –20 and –50 Eq/l, respectively), become more negative (–30 and –100 Eq/l, respectively) at high nitrate concentrations. Correspondingly, pH decreases from about 4.7 to 4.5 and aluminium concentrations increase from about 14 to 16 M. Subsequently, the acidification is reversed as nitrate concentrations decline and after five years post-felling the system has higher pH, Gran alkalinity and ANC together with lower aluminium concentrations than even before the felling took place (the post-felling values are about 4.9, -15 Eq/l, –20 Eq/l and 7 M/l, respectively).Other determinands show clear changes over time. For example, there is a marked increase in sodium and chloride prior to and around the time of felling (200 to 300 and 230 to 400 Eq/l, respectively), with a subsequent decline in concentration to pre-felling and to lower values of around 160 and 170 Eq/l, respectively, thereafter. This change is probably associated with abnormally high inputs of sea-salts from the atmosphere during the first quarter of the year of felling, and dilution thereafter, rather than a direct consequence of the felling activity itself: this change in sea salt loading has had an impact on stream acidity. Dissolved organic carbon and iron also change with concentrations increasing over time (60 to 200 and 1.0 to 1.5 M/l, respectively) and this mirrors a general pattern observed across the Plynlimon catchments irrespective of whether or not there has been felling activity.The implications of the findings are discussed in relations to environmental management and hydrochemical processes.  相似文献   

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