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研究外源性氮和磷对马尾松(Pinus massoniana)凋落叶分解速率、分解过程中N、P、K含量变化及马尾松林地土壤生化特性的影响,为阐明外源性氮和磷对凋落叶分解土壤养分的影响及为森林养分管理提供科学依据。采用尼龙网袋分解法,在广东马尾松林内建立4块5 m×5 m的小样地,放置凋落叶样品,测定其分解速率和N、P、K含量变化。结果表明,施N对马尾松凋落叶的分解有抑制作用,施P及N+P对凋落物的分解速率有不同程度的促进,其中施P处理的分解最快;分解24个月后,对照,施N、P和N+P的马尾松纯凋落叶分解率分别为90%,74%、98%和97%。施N、P和N+P的马尾松林地凋落叶N含量显著大于凋落叶的初始N含量,分解24个月后各处理凋落叶的N含量分别增加了18%、34%、23%和38%;各处理凋落叶P含量在分解过程中呈现上升的趋势,分解24个月后凋落叶的P含量分别显著增加了27%、21%、163%和144%,P和N+P处理的凋落叶P含量上升幅度大;而凋落叶K含量无明显变化规律。施N和N+P显著增加了土壤的全P和有效P含量,增量分别为4%、14%和23%、222%;加P显著增加土壤了全P、全K和有效P含量,增量分别为18%、6%和277%。施N、施P和施N+P 3种处理显著增加了土壤细菌、真菌和放线菌数量,加P提高了脲酶、磷酸酶及过氧化氢酶活性,增量分别为11%、17%和16%,施N+P提高了磷酸酶和过氧化氢酶活性,增量分别为7%和2%。综上所述,施N抑制马尾松凋落叶的分解,而施P及N+P促进凋落物的分解。在马尾松林施用P肥可以促进凋落叶的分解和养分循环。  相似文献   

凋落物分解是森林土壤碳和养分的重要来源.彩叶林为川西地区重要的生态系统类型之一,为探索川西地区常见彩叶树种凋落物分解速率与养分释放,采用尼龙分解袋法研究常见彩叶物种葛罗枫(Acer grosseri)、落叶松(Larix kaempferi)、青榨槭(Acer davidii)、元宝枫(Acer truncatum)、黄栌(Cotinus coggygria)、红桦(Betula albosinensis)和花楸(Sorbuspohuashanensis)凋落物分解过程中的质量损失和养分释放特征.结果表明,分解两年后7种彩叶树种凋落物质量残留率从高到低依次为元宝枫(66.4%)、落叶松(64.1%)、红桦(63.7%)、青榨槭(59.6%)、黄栌(58.9%)、葛罗枫(50.8%)和花楸(50.1%);凋落物质量损失主要发生在第一年,第一年凋落物质量损失率显著高于第二年.两年分解过程中,7种彩叶树种凋落物碳浓度下降,碳表现为净释放.氮磷释放特征在物种间差异显著,其中,花楸凋落物氮磷均表现为净释放.相关性分析表明,初始养分(氮和磷)含量与分解速率呈正相关,而难分解物质(木质素和纤维素)含量与分解速率呈负相关.综上所述,川西彩叶树种凋落物分解和氮磷释放因树种和分解时期而不同,花楸凋落物分解和养分释放速率相对较快;研究结果可为川西彩叶林景观恢复重建的物种选择提供科学依据.(图3表3参41)  相似文献   

高山森林河流中凋落叶元素释放动态不仅是生态系统物质循环和能量流动的重要组成部分,而且是森林养分流失的主要过程,并可能与冬季雪被和冻融导致的水环境变化密切相关.以岷江上游高山森林4种代表性植物康定柳(Salix paraplesia)、高山杜鹃(Rhododendron lapponicum)、方枝柏(Sabina saltuaria)和四川红杉(Larix mastersiana)凋落叶为对象,采用凋落叶分解袋法,研究冬季不同冻融时期(冻结初期、冻结期、融化期)河流中凋落叶碳(C)、氮(N)和磷(P)元素动态特征.康定柳、方枝柏和四川红杉凋落叶C(14.6%-47.7%)、N(22.3%-58.5%)和P(4.8%-20.5%)元素在整个冬季均表现为明显的释放现象,而高山杜鹃凋落叶C(-7.3%)和N(-62.7%)表现为明显的负释放(富集)现象,P(0.7%)表现为微量的释放现象.整体而言,凋落叶分解过程中C、N和P元素在冬季的冻结初期、冻结期和融化期整体表现为释放—富集—释放的模式,但康定柳和方枝柏凋落叶N表现为富集—富集—释放模式,方枝柏凋落叶P表现为释放—富集—富集模式.同时,凋落叶C、N和P元素的释放率受河流水温、p H、电导率和C、N、P营养元素等水体环境因子的显著影响.这些结果表明高山森林河流水环境特征显著影响了凋落叶分解过程中元素动态及其相关的物质循环过程,但影响程度受到凋落叶种类和基质质量的控制.  相似文献   

酶是凋落物养分释放过程中必不可少的催化剂,酶活性能迅速响应凋落物分解条件的改变,并在一定程度上反映分解快慢.以四川省低山丘陵区马尾松人工林为对象,研究马尾松(M)与香樟(X)、檫木(S)、香椿(T)阔叶树种混合凋落叶(MX、MS、MT;MSX、MXT、MST;MSXT)分解初期与碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)循环相关酶活性的变化特征,包括β-葡萄糖苷酶和纤维二糖水解酶(C循环水解酶),β-N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖苷酶和亮氨酸氨基肽酶(N循环水解酶),酸性磷酸酶(P循环水解酶)以及多酚氧化酶和过氧化物酶(C循环氧化酶).结果显示:(1)树种组合对酶活性影响显著,相比单一M,MT、MXT、MST、MSXT组合有助于提高C、N循环水解酶活性,而MX、MS、MSX组合则对酶活性具有一定的抑制作用;(2)混合比例对酶活性影响显著,无论一针一阔、一针两阔还是一针三阔混合模式,皆在马尾松与总阔叶量之比为6:4时,C、N循环水解酶活性较高;(3)相比单一M,混合处理降低了P获得水解酶及C获得氧化酶活;MT6:4和MXT6:1:3、MST6:3:1及MSXT(6:1:1:2、6:1:2:1)处理则有助于C、N循环水解酶活性整体提高,其中又以MT6:4和MSXT6:1:2:1处理更佳,且分别提高了63.34%、22.12%、11.93%、105.80%和53.91%、50.94%、29.10%、140.93%;(4)CCA分析表明,酶活性对树种组合、混合比例、凋落叶初始质量及微环境因子的响应不同,其中树种组合对酶活性影响最大,凋落叶初始N、N/P次之,说明凋落叶化学组成及其物理性质的某些方面共同作用于酶活性.综上,MT6:4和MSXT6:1:2:1混合更利于C、N循环水解酶活性在分解初期的稳定及提高.  相似文献   

为理解植物—土壤之间的养分联系,采用凋落物分解袋法,研究季节性降雨期间常绿阔叶林区最具代表性的马尾松(Pinus massoniana)、柳杉(Cryptomeria fortunei)、杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)、香樟(Cinnamomum camphora)、红椿(Toona ciliata)、麻栎(Quercus acutissima)等6种凋落叶第一年不同雨热季节分解中氮(N)、磷(P)动态及释放与富集特征.结果显示,凋落叶的N浓度随雨季的变化动态取决于树种,但除红椿以外的其它5种凋落叶在分解初期N浓度变化不明显,在雨季时期显著升高(P<0.05);6种凋落叶P浓度动态比较一致,表现为分解初期P浓度稍微下降,在雨季时期显著升高(P<0.05).历经一年的分解,红椿N、P释放率最大(分别为81.79%、54.19%),香樟N富集率最大(131.45%),马尾松的P富集率最高(268.75%),且6种凋落叶N、P释放/富集率动态均在雨季最明显.凋落叶分解过程中C/N、C/P呈现下降趋势,而N/P变化规律不一致.这些结果均表明,季节性降雨显著(P<0.05)影响凋落叶N、P动态,雨季温湿度的改变可影响N、P释放过程.  相似文献   

冬季河床凋落叶作为寒冷区森林溪流的主要能量来源,其元素释放动态是土壤-水体营养元素流动的关键纽带,并可能受到凋落叶质量、底栖动物与季节性冻融过程的影响。为了解凋落叶在季节性冻融过程中的分解过程、元素动态及底栖动物在该过程中的作用,以长白山森林源头溪流河岸带代表性植物色木槭(Acer mono)和蒙古栎(Quecus mongolica)为研究对象,采用凋落叶分解袋的方法,分别研究了有无底栖动物定殖的(5 mm和0.3 mm孔径)凋落叶袋中凋落叶的分解动态及N、P元素的动态特征。结果表明:(1)低温条件下,色木槭仍维持较快的分解速率(0.015 2±0.003 0) d-1,蒙古栎维持中速分解速率(0.006 4±0.001 7) d-1;(2)底栖动物显著促进了凋落叶的质量损失(P0.05),其对色木槭凋落叶分解的贡献高于蒙古栎,表明底栖动物对凋落叶的摄食分解具有一定的选择性,其更倾向于选择分解快的高质量凋落叶;(3)冻融期分解过程中蒙古栎凋落叶N元素表现为富集-释放-释放,而色木槭凋落叶N元素在各个时期均表现为释放现象,2种凋落叶P释放动态一致;(4)底栖动物显著促进了凋落叶越冬分解过程中N、P元素的释放(P0.05);(5)从不同时期的失质量速率及元素释放率可见,底栖动物对凋落叶分解及元素释放动态的主要作用出现在冻结期。  相似文献   

凋落物是森林土壤有机质的主要来源,是森林生态系统物质循环和能量流动的重要载体。而凋落物分解是森林生态系统养分生物地球化学循环的重要过程,是土壤有效养分供应能力的决定因素之一,与森林生产力及可持续生长密切相关。通过研究杨树人工林凋落物生物量及其分解过程,掌握其养分数量及其释放规律,为人工林可持续经营提供重要依据。采用凋落物收集网法和凋落物分解袋法,对长江中下游地区南京市浦口区13年生的杨树(Populus deltoides Bartr.cv."Lux"I-69/55)人工林生态系统凋落物生物量以及不同类型凋落物的分解特征进行了系统研究,结果表明:杨树人工林凋落物生物量约为5t·hm~(-2)·a~(-1),叶片是凋落物的主要成分,占凋落物总量的70%左右;通过Olson指数模型拟合得出的各凋落物的半分解时间及95%分解时间均表现为杨树枯枝杨树枯叶混合凋落物枯死的林下植被杨树根系。2年连续分解试验表明,凋落物中的N整体上呈先富集后释放的模式,P整体上呈持续富集的模式,K呈早期释放模式,而Ca和Mg的释放模式比较复杂。分解2年后,杨树地上部分凋落物(枯叶和枯枝)养分总释放量(N、P、K、Ca和Mg的总和)为86.1 kg·hm~(-2),养分回归率约为60%;林下植被凋落物养分总释放量为92.3 kg·hm~(-2),养分回归率达75%以上,表明林下植被凋落物是杨树人工林生态系统养分归还的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

研究模拟氮(N)沉降下森林生态系统凋落物-土壤C/N/P化学计量特征,对探究在全球气候变化背景下森林生态系统物质循环内在机理具有重要科学意义。以滇中亚高山华山松林(Pinus armandii forest)为研究对象,采用尼龙网袋法于2018年2月—2019年1月在华山松林开展模拟N沉降下凋落叶、枝原位分解试验,分别设置4个N沉降水平:对照CK(N 0g·m~(-2)·a~(-1))、低氮LN(N 5 g·m~(-2)·a~(-1))、中氮MN(N 15 g·m~(-2)·a~(-1))和高氮HN(N 30 g·m~(-2)·a~(-1))。结果表明:华山松林凋落叶和枝C元素均为直接释放模式;凋落叶和枝N元素分别为淋溶-富集-释放和富集-释放模式;凋落叶和枝P元素分别为淋溶-富集-释放和富集-释放模式;凋落叶的C、N、P养分释放速率(40.71%、53.83%、47.06%)均高于凋落枝(20.98%、22.04%、13.15%);各N处理下,凋落叶和枝C释放速率均表现为LNMNCKHN;N沉降总体增加了凋落叶C、N含量,但对P含量无显著影响;N沉降显著降低了凋落叶ω_((C))/ω_((N))和ω_((N))/ω_((P))、凋落枝ω_((C))/ω_((N));凋落叶、枝N、P含量与土壤N、P含量密切相关,土壤P对凋落叶化学计量影响最大,土壤N对凋落枝化学计量影响最大,土壤C对凋落物化学计量影响最小。在短期内N沉降能抑制凋落物分解过程中C、N、P的释放,但对土壤化学计量特征无明显影响,滇中华山松林凋落物分解过程中的化学计量变化特征及养分释放的研究有助于了解森林生态系统对N沉降的响应机理,特别是土壤N、P对凋落物分解的影响将为后续研究的重点内容。  相似文献   

川西亚高山针叶林土壤有机层酶活性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
凋落物分解在维持亚高山森林的"自肥"机制及生态系统结构和功能具有不可替代的作用。以川西亚高山森林的岷江冷杉(Abies faxoniana)和粗枝云杉(Picea aspoerata)针叶林土壤有机层的新鲜凋落物层(LL)、半分解层(FL)和腐殖质层(HL)凋落叶以及矿质土壤层土壤为对象,分别模拟凋落叶的不同分解阶段,研究凋落叶不同分解阶段与碳、氮、磷转化相关的酶活性特征。结果表明,两个树种土壤有机层凋落叶有机碳和纤维素含量以及C∶N以LL最高,木质素含量以FL最高。β-1,4-外切葡聚糖酶、β-葡聚糖苷酶和酸性磷酸酶活性随凋落叶分解程度的加深而降低,而多酚氧化酶活性则相反;过氧化物酶活性随凋落叶分解程度加深在云杉林呈降低趋势,在冷杉林则呈升高趋势。云杉林凋落叶的亮氨酸氨基肽酶、N-乙酰-β-D-氨基葡萄糖苷酶活性随分解程度加深而先升高后降低,冷杉林的N-乙酰-β-D-氨基葡萄糖苷酶活性随分解程度加深呈下降趋势。凋落叶层次和树种及其交互作用显著影响β-葡聚糖苷酶、过氧化物酶活性、多酚氧化酶、N-乙酰-β-D-氨基葡萄糖苷酶和酸性磷酸酶活性,树种对β-1,4-外切葡聚糖酶和亮氨酸氨基肽酶活性影响不显著。β-1,4-外切葡聚糖酶、β-葡聚糖苷酶、过氧化物酶和酸性磷酸酶活性与木质素?N比值呈极显著负相关,亮氨酸氨基肽酶和N-乙酰-β-D-氨基葡萄糖苷酶活性与碳含量呈极显著正相关。以上结果表明基质质量变化是影响川西亚高山森林针叶林凋落叶分解过程中酶活性变化的驱动力。  相似文献   

采用盆栽试验,研究了核桃(Juglans regia)凋落叶在土壤中分解对3种受体作物萝卜(Raphanus sativus)、芥菜(Brassica juncea)和白菜(Brasicca pekinensis)生长、光合及抗性生理特性的影响,并比较不同受体作物对核桃凋落叶化感作用的敏感性,筛选可能与核桃套作的作物。试验设置4.5(T1)、9.0(T2)和18.0 g·盆-1(T3)3个凋落叶添加水平,对照(CK)不添加凋落叶。结果表明:(1)核桃凋落叶在其分解过程中对3种受体作物各项生长指标均表现出抑制作用,随着凋落叶量的增加抑制效应逐渐增强,而随着分解时间的延长抑制效应呈减弱趋势;(2)凋落叶分解80 d时,各处理3种受体作物叶片中的叶绿素和类胡萝卜素含量明显低于CK。各植物叶片净光合速率、气孔导度和蒸腾速率均显著低于CK;(3)与CK相比,各凋落叶处理3种受体作物叶片丙二醛含量增加,过氧化物酶和过氧化氢酶活性表现为受抑制作用,而超氧化物歧化酶活性表现为促进作用,可溶性糖含量增加,可溶性蛋白含量降低;(4)3种受体作物对核桃凋落叶化感综合抑制作用的敏感程度由大到小依次为白菜、萝卜和芥菜。综合各项指标可见,核桃凋落叶在分解初期(约80 d时)对3种受体作物产生了强烈的化感作用,主要通过氧化损伤、抑制叶绿素合成和降低其光合能力来阻碍其生长,之后随着凋落叶的进一步分解,释放的化感物质越来越少,对3种受体作物生长的抑制作用减弱。  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted to study the allelopathic effects of initial decomposing leaf litter of Cinnamomum camphora on growth and physiology of Impatiens balsamina. Three leaf litter treatments included 20, 40 and 80 g of C. camphora leaf litter mixed with 8 kg of soil, namely T1, T2, and T3, respectively. In order to test the effect of leaf litter addition on the permeability and ventilation of soil simultaneously, a parallel trial with steamed leaf litter was conducted with the three treatments of the leaf litter. The leaf litter was steamed for 2 d to remove the secondary metabolites as much as possible, dried, and then mixed with 8 kg of soil, namely Z1, Z2, and Z3, respectively. No leaf litter was added in control (CK). The growth parameters of I. balsamina were determined at the 20 d, 60 d, 100 d and 120 d after sowing and the main physiology indicators were determined at the 60 d. The results indicated that: (1) The ground surface diameter and height of I. balsamina were inhibited significantly at 60 d (P < 0.05). Photosynthetic pigments and gas exchange parameters of I. balsamina were inhibited significantly at 60 d, and the inhibition effect was stronger with increased amount of leaf litter addition. The chlorophyll content, Pn and Ls decreased significantly with increased amount of leaf litter (P < 0.05). The activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and peroxidase (POD) in leaves of I. balsamina decreased with the increase of leaf litter addition. The content of MDA in treatments T1, T2 and T3 were all higher than that in CK, which indicated that I. balsamina suffered oxidative damage in a certain degree. The content of free proline (Pro) and soluble sugar (SS) in leaves of I. balsamina decreased significantly with the increase of the leaf litter (P < 0.05), while the content of soluble protein (SP) increased. (2) In the parallel trial, 60 d after sowing, no obvious difference was observed between CK and any steamed leaf litter treatment in terms of the morphological and physiological features stated above (P > 0.05). It indicated that the soil physical properties were not greatly influenced by leaf litter addition in the dose interval designed, or that the release of secondary metabolites from decomposing leaf litter was probably a better reason to explain the inhibition of leaf litter treatment to I. balsamina growth. (3)The compound effect (CE) of leaf litter decomposition on I. balsamina was enhanced with increase of the leaf litter, to 0.169, 0.354, and 0.497, respectively, in treatments of T1, T2 and T3. The study indicated that initial decomposition of C. camphora leaf litter in soil reduces the content of photosynthetic pigments, inhibits photosynthetic capacity and resistance physiology of I. balsamina, weakens its adaptability to the environment, and restrains growth of the plant. © 2015, Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

为了解长江上游低山丘陵区马尾松(Pinus massoniana)人工林生态系统的C、N、P分配格局及化学计量特征,本文采用时空互代的方法,在宜宾高县来复林区选取三种不同林龄(5年生幼龄林、14年生中龄林、39年生成熟林),但立地条件相近、样地情况基本一致的马尾松(Pinus massoniana)人工林作为研究对象,对马尾松针叶、凋落物及土壤中的C、N、P含量及 w(C)?w(N)?w(P)化学计量特征进行测定和分析。结果表明,(1)C、N、P 含量均表现为针叶〉凋落物〉土壤,且在三个库之间差异显著;(2)林龄对针叶、凋落物、土壤的 C、N、P 及 w(C)?w(N)、w(C)?w(P)计量比均有显著影响。(3)土壤 C、N、P含量在成熟林中最高;针叶和凋落物的C含量在成熟林中最低,N、P含量则在中龄林中最高。(4)随林龄增加马尾松对N、P的利用效率降低,针叶、凋落物及土壤的w(C)?w(N)与 w(C)?w(P)均表现为下降。(5)马尾松针叶w(N)?w(P)比值在14.37~15.53之间,说明该地区马尾松人工林受N和P的共同限制,但林龄对N、P养分限制的影响不显著。为提高该区马尾松人工林的生产力,建议在人工林的抚育管理中要适当增加N肥和P肥,同时也可在马尾松人工林引入豆科固氮植物以提高地力。该研究将马尾松针叶、凋落物及土壤结合起来探究随林龄增长C、N、P养分元素的分配格局及化学计量特征的变化,有助于全面、系统地揭示马尾松人工林生态系统的养分循环,对指导马尾松人工林生产,调节和改善林木生长环境,提高系统的养分利用效率及林地生产力具有重要意义。  相似文献   

以滇东岩溶坡地不同恢复阶段云南松林(纯林、人工混交林、天然次生林)为研究对象,以元江栲原生林和小铁仔灌丛作为参照样地,对5种植被类型中的叶片-枯落物-土壤中的C、N、P含量和化学计量比特征进行研究.结果表明:(1)3种云南松林都呈现为高C(432.27 g/kg)、低N(10.28 g/kg)、P(0.96 g/kg)的格局,5种植被类型的叶片-枯落物-土壤C、N、P含量基本都表现为叶片>枯落物>土壤,C/N、C/P、N/P值则都表现为枯落物>叶片>土壤,叶片和枯落物的养分含量和化学计量比值与土壤间差异显著.(2)3种云南松林对于养分的吸收同化能力差异不大,但天然次生林的枯落物质量最好,人工混交林的土壤N、P有效性最高,云南松林内受N的胁迫作用强于原生林和灌丛.(3)植物叶片-枯落物-土壤中C、N、P及其化学计量比间相关性显著,互馈机制明显.研究区内土壤C、N、P化学计量特征受土壤pH、团聚体颗粒、含水率、容重和硝态氮影响显著.因此,滇东岩溶高原云南松植被恢复过程中主要受N胁迫作用,提高枯落物养分回流是云南松植被恢复与经营的关键要素.(图4表3参41)  相似文献   

Cleveland CC  Reed SC  Townsend AR 《Ecology》2006,87(2):492-503
Terrestrial biosphere-atmosphere CO2 exchange is dominated by tropical forests, so understanding how nutrient availability affects carbon (C) decomposition in these ecosystems is central to predicting the global C cycle's response to environmental change. In tropical rain forests, phosphorus (P) limitation of primary production and decomposition is believed to be widespread, but direct evidence is rare. We assessed the effects of nitrogen (N) and P fertilization on litter-layer organic matter decomposition in two neighboring tropical rain forests in southwest Costa Rica that are similar in most ways, but that differ in soil P availability. The sites contain 100-200 tree species per hectare and between species foliar nutrient content is variable. To control for this heterogeneity, we decomposed leaves collected from a widespread neotropical species, Brosimum utile. Mass loss during decomposition was rapid in both forests, with B. utile leaves losing >80% of their initial mass in <300 days. High organic matter solubility throughout decomposition combined with high rainfall support a model of litter-layer decomposition in these rain forests in which rapid mass loss in the litter layer is dominated by leaching of dissolved organic matter (DOM) rather than direct CO2 mineralization. While P fertilization did not significantly affect mass loss in the litter layer, it did stimulate P immobilization in decomposing material, leading to increased P content and a lower C:P ratio in soluble DOM. In turn, increased P content of leached DOM stimulated significant increases in microbial mineralization of DOM in P-fertilized soil. These results show that, while nutrients may not affect mass loss during decomposition in nutrient-poor, wet ecosystems, they may ultimately regulate CO2 losses (and hence C storage) by limiting microbial mineralization of DOM leached from the litter layer to soil.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2005,187(4):426-448
We present a new decomposition model of C and N cycling in forest ecosystems that simulates N mineralisation from decomposing tree litter. It incorporates a mechanistic representation of the role of soil organisms in the N mineralisation-immobilisation turnover process during decomposition. We first calibrate the model using data from decomposition of 14C-labelled cellulose and lignin and 14C-labelled legume material and then calibrate and test it using mass loss and N loss data from decomposing Eucalyptus globulus residues. The model has been linked to the plant production submodel of the G’DAY ecosystem model, which previously used the CENTURY decomposition submodel for simulating C and N cycling. The key differences between this new decomposition model and the previous one, based on the CENTURY model, are: (1) growth of microbial biomass is the process that drives N mineralisation-immobilisation, and microbial succession is simulated; (2) decomposition of litter can be N-limited, depending on soil inorganic N availability relative to N requirements for microbial growth; (3) ‘quality’ of leaf and fine root litter is expressed in terms of biochemically measurable fractions; (4) the N:C ratio of microbial biomass active in decomposing litter is a function of litter quality and N availability; and (5) the N:C ratios of soil organic matter (SOM) pools are not prescribed but are instead simulated output variables defined by litter characteristics and soil inorganic N availability. With these modifications the model is able to provide reasonable estimates of both mass loss and N loss by decomposing E. globulus leaf and branch harvest residues in litterbag experiments. A sensitivity analysis of the decomposition model to selected parameters indicates that parameters regulating the stabilisation of organic C and N, as well as those describing incorporation of soil inorganic N in Young-SOM (biochemical immobilisation of N) are particularly critical for long-term applications of the model. A parameter identifiability analysis demonstrates that simulated short-term C and N loss from decomposing litter is highly sensitive to three model parameters that are identifiable from the E. globulus litterbag data.  相似文献   

To explore the role of endophytic fungi in the decomposition of litter, the endophytic fungi Penicillium sp. strain CG2 (A), Fusarium flavum strain AY13 (B), and Talaromyces strain AJ14 (C) of Cunninghamia lanceolata were added to experimental pots in different forms (mycelium, sterilized fermentation broth, single fungus, and mixed fungi), and a control treatment (CK) was set up (no fungi added). At 10, 30, 60, 90, and 120 days after litter decomposition, a study on the decomposition dynamics of C. lanceolata litter under different treatments was performed. The results showed that the rate of leaf mass loss was the highest in the sterilized fermentation broth treatment A after 120 days, and that there was a significant difference (P < 0.05) between the mycelium treatment AC and the control treatment after 60 days (23.97% higher than the control group). On day 60, the litter carbon content from the mycelium treatment A was significantly different from that of the control (P < 0.05), showing a 16.74% lower value, whereas the litter carbon content of the mycelium treatment B was 21.13% lower than that of the control after 90 days. The nitrogen content of the litters of most mycelium and sterilized fermentation broth treatments was increased compared to that of the control group; there was significant difference (P < 0.05) between the sterilized fermentation broth treatment A and the control (P < 0.05), with a 17.05% higher value than that of the control. Similar to nitrogen, the litter phosphorus content also increased; there was a statistically significant difference between the mycelium treatment A and the control group, with treatment A showing a 46.67% higher value than the control group. The potassium content was 28% lower than that of the control group under the sterilized fermentation broth treatment C, a result that was significantly different from that of the control group (P < 0.05). After treatment for 90 days, the ratio of carbon to nitrogen was the lowest under the treatments with the mycelium A and the mycelium B, with values 25.54% and 25.11% lower than that of the control group, respectively, and a statistically significant difference from that of the control group (P < 0.05). The ratio of carbon to phosphorus was the lowest under the treatment with mycelium A after 60 days, and the result was significantly different from that of the control (P < 0.05), with a 43.05% lower value than the control. Thus, the three endophytic fungi had different effects on the mass loss rate and nutrient content of the litter. The Penicillium sp. strain CG2 (A) had statistically significant effects on the mass loss and nutrient content of leaf litter, which was within the range of fungi fertilizer reference values for the breeding of C. lanceolata. © 2018 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

韩雪  王春梅  蔺照兰 《生态环境》2014,(9):1503-1508
森林凋落物的分解是生态系统养分循环的重要过程,以北京西山地带性植被栎树林(辽东栎:Quercus liaotungensis)为对象,主要研究温带森林植物凋落物分解对模拟氮沉降的响应,为更好地了解氮沉降对温带森林地区凋落物的分解过程提供参考.通过模拟氮沉降,研究不同形态氮(硝态氮、铵态氮和混合态氮)和不同水平氮沉降(对照0 kg·hm^-2·a^-1、低氮处理50 kg·hm^-2·a^-1 和高氮处理150 kg·hm^-2·a^-1)对凋落物分解的影响,在2 年的时间内调查分析了凋落物分解过程中质量损失动态和碳(C)、N 含量及w(C)/w(N)比值的变化.研究结果表明,氮沉降均使凋落物分解速率减缓,且随氮沉降剂量增加,凋落物分解速率相比对照分别减慢了9.88%(硝态氮低氮)、15.02%(硝态氮高氮)、11.46%(铵态氮低氮)、14.62%(铵态氮高氮)、13.04%(混合态氮低氮)和16.20%(混合态氮高氮).且不同氮沉降类型、不同氮沉降水平间差异显著.不同形态、不同水平的氮沉降显著地增加了凋落物N 含量(P=0.061,P=0.087),其中混合态氮沉降对凋落物中N 素含量增加最显著(P=0.044).但在分解过程中,各处理均未对凋落物C 含量产生显著影响.不同水平的氮沉降显著降低了凋落物的w(C)/w(N)比值,而且不同类型不同水平氮沉降对凋落物w(C)/w(N)比值具有显著的交互作用(P=0.011).综上所述,通过对模拟氮沉降后凋落物残留率等的变化分析,得出氮沉降对温带森林凋落物的分解产生了抑制作用.  相似文献   

不同人工林分枯落物和土壤持水能力研究   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
对大岭山林场尾叶桉、马占相思、黑木相思、厚荚相思、卷荚相思、杉木和马尾松林分的枯落物和土壤持水功能进行研究。结果表明,林地枯落物持水量的大小顺序为:马占相思林>杉木林>厚荚相思林>黑木相思林>尾叶桉林>马尾松林>卷荚相思林;土壤持水量大小则为:杉木林>厚荚相思林>卷荚相思林>马尾松林>尾叶桉林>马占相思林>黑木相思林。对于尾叶桉林来说,随着林分年龄的增加,其枯落物持水能力增加,但持水量降低。  相似文献   

三江平原小叶章湿地土壤酶活性的季节动态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
万忠梅  宋长春 《生态环境》2010,19(5):1215-1220
选取三江平原小叶章(Calamagrostis angustifolia)沼泽湿地为研究对象,于5—9月采集0~20cm土壤样品,分析了小叶章湿地土壤酶活性的季节动态变化,并探讨了其与土壤有机碳和全氮含量的关系。结果表明:小叶章湿地土壤脲酶、蔗糖酶、淀粉酶、纤维素酶、酸性磷酸酶、过氧化氢酶活性具有明显的季节变化特点,变异系数分别为13.1%、7.9%、13.6%、9.8%、5.0%、27.0%。土壤脲酶、蔗糖酶、酸性磷酸酶、过氧化氢酶、纤维素酶活性具有相似的动态规律,均在6月份出现一个波峰值,但最大值出现的月份不同,脲酶、蔗糖酶、纤维素酶在9月份时的酶活性最高,而酸性磷酸酶和过氧化氢酶在6月份时酶活性最高。淀粉酶活性动态规律表现为5—7月酶活性降低,而后酶活性升高,9月份酶活性最高,此时淀粉酶的水解能力最大。并且,随着季节变化,小叶章湿地土壤脲酶、蔗糖酶、纤维素酶活性与有机碳含量显著正相关(p〈0.05),淀粉酶、酸性磷酸酶活性与土壤全氮含量显著正相关(p〈0.05)。  相似文献   

Fine root decomposition is an important way in which nutrients are returned to plantation soil; thus, further study of this process will be helpful for understanding material cycling in forest ecosystems. We investigated a Toona sinensis plantation in the central Sichuan hilly region using litter bags containing T. sinensis fine roots to evaluate the dynamics of fine root decomposition and nutrient release for one year in forest gaps of 50 m2 (L1), 100 m2 (L2), and 150 m2 (L3). The results showed that T. sinensis fine root decomposition was fastest in the first 90 days. As time passed, the decomposition rate slowed. One year later, the residue rate was 75.44%, 73.92%, and 72.07%, respectively. The fine root decomposition rate of L3 was greater than that of L2, which was greater than that of L1. During fine root decomposition, the dynamics of the fine root nutrient concentrations changed. C, P, and K concentrations of the fine roots declined in forest gaps, while N, Ca, and Mg concentrations increased overall in the fine roots. In conclusion, forest gaps had effects on the fine root decomposition and nutrient release of T. sinensis, and different sized forest gaps produced different results. © 2018 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

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