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As a result of monitoring spatial changes in the cenotic structure of plant communities at the taiga-extrazonal steppe boundary on the western coast of Lake Baikal, models of taiga-steppe communities reflecting the formation, dynamics, and genesis of forests in the taiga zone have been constructed. Changes in the species composition of communities, mesophytization of steppes, the expansion of moss synusiae characteristic of polydominant dark conifer and light conifer taiga forests, active forest invasion into steppe areas, and the presence of dark conifer tree species in light conifer forests have been revealed.  相似文献   

An attempt has been made to make a comprehensive assessment of biological factors in the ecology of humus formation in forest-steppe and steppe chernozem soils of the Cisural region. Certain regional features in the effect of vegetation structure and composition and soil microbial and enzymatic activities on the humus state of zonal chernozem subtypes in virgin and plowed landscapes have been revealed.  相似文献   

Main stages in the development of forest ecosystems on the lower plateau of the Volga Upland in the Holocene have been reconstructed by analyzing palynological assemblages from peat deposits. It was established that the steppe cenosis dominated from 12000 to 8500 years ago, forest and steppe communities were equally dominant further up to 6000 years ago, mainly forest communities were dominant up to 3200 years ago, and then domination again passed to forest-steppe landscapes with a predominance of steppe communities.  相似文献   

The results of gradient analysis of band pine forests in the Minusinsk Depression are presented. Methods of DCA ordination and correlation analysis have been used to reveal specific features of phytocenotic diversity formation in forest communities growing in azonal habitats of this steppe depression and to test zonal and typological forest units for ecological integrity. The role of directly acting zonal and compensatory ecological factors and specific relationships between types of forest communities and ecological-topographic conditions in the main forms of relief are considered.  相似文献   

Parameters characterizing the activity of species in altitudinal zonal elements of the flora have been analyzed in the northern Baikal region. The results provide evidence for the weakening status of xerophilic species in the cenoflora of hemiboreal light coniferous forests of the class Rhytidio-Laricetea, which form the lower part of the forest belt bordering the steppe. This fact indicates that climate on the slopes of mountain ridges is becoming more humid. The increase in humidity may be explained by both progressing degradation of permafrost and increasing precipitation. On the other hand, no significant change has been observed in the cenoflora of mountain taiga forests of the class Vaccinio-Piceetea, which form the upper part of the forest belt.  相似文献   

The process of steppe pasture digression resulting from grazing by different farm animals was studied by the transect method. Sheep, cattle, and horse pastures under similar grazing loads markedly differed in the dynamics of steppe vegetation. The most critical changes in plant communities occurred in sheep pastures, whereas the state of plant communities in horse pastures was good.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Ecology - The forest-steppe ecotone in southern Siberia is the natural transition zone from the dry steppe in the south to the wetter taiga in the north, where tree growth is...  相似文献   

Analysis of zonal patterns in the formation of synanthropic vegetation has shown that the intensity of manifestation of its zonal differentiation increases with the advancement of the successional stage of synanthropic communities. The rate of successional processes in these communities depends on the initial (potential) type of vegetation in the territory of the city.  相似文献   

Nei's genetic distances (Nei, 1972, 1978) between 12 Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) populations were determined using isozyme analysis. The gradients of these distances along the 1500-km meridional transect in the Transural Region and Northern Turgai from the pre-forest-tundra subzone (the Synya River basin) to the southern steppe (the Naurzumskii forest) were calculated. We discovered that the genetic distance gradients (GDGs) progressively increase in the direction from the northern boundary of the range to the southern boundary of the forest-steppe zone and sharply increase in the insular forests growing in the steppe zone. The results of cluster analysis and Mahalanobis distance gradients with respect to a set of morphological characters of the cones provide evidence that Scotch pine populations of the forest zone share somewhat the same gene pool, whereas the group of Scotch pine populations in the insular forests of Northern Turgai is obviously differentiated phenogenetically from the insular forests of the Tobol region, which grow farther to the north.  相似文献   

Small mammal communities have been studied in undisturbed and restored zonal biogeocenoses in the southern subzone of eastern European tundras. The results show that the consequences of anthropogenic disturbances to the environment have an adverse effect on parameters of abundance, spatial distribution, and population dynamics of species comprising zonal communities. Soil and plant components of the disturbed biogeocenosis recover more rapidly than its small mammal community.  相似文献   

Small mammal communities inhabiting natural and anthropogenically transformed areas of the right-bank region of Saratov oblast are fairly similar in species composition. They are represented by wide-spread, common species that, against the background of a low population density of typical steppe species, make a major contribution to the community. The highest ecological tolerance is characteristic of the striped field mouse Apodemus agrarius, which is widespread in the study region and dominates in the majority of natural biotopes and in agrocenoses; the common vole Microtus arvalis is scarce in agrocenoses.  相似文献   

Phenotypic variation in the widespread Siberian and Mongolian butterfly species Coenonympha amaryllis (Stoll, 1782), an indicator of undisturbed steppe communities, is analyzed. It is shown that its size variation is influenced by a complex of climatic factors, the most important of them being the average starting date of the frost-free period and average annual temperature in the region. Longitude-dependent variation in size is described by a “sawtooth curve” characteristic of species with changing voltinism.  相似文献   

The dynamics of vegetation have been studied in forest-steppe pine (Pinus symvestris L.) forests affected by anthropogenic factors such as felling and fires. Gradient analysis has been used to reveal specific ecological features of plant communities and trace the main directions of succession. The results show that these forests are at different stages of progressive succession, with the development of theircommunities following similar trends over the past few decades.  相似文献   

The contribution of synanthropization to the anthropogenic evolution of vegetation has been analyzed by assessing its level in approximately 260 associations and communities of 31 vegetation classes in the Republic of Bashkortostan. The results show that this level is high in communities of synanthropic classes Secalietea, Chenopodietea, Artemisietea vulgaris, and Robinietea. Synanthropization of communities under the effect of human activities is also characteristic of many classes of natural vegetation, especially those of meadows, floodplain forests, and ravine-gully systems. Some communities are protected from synanthropization due to the existence of abiotic or biotic barriers to the expansion of synanthropic species (communities of high-mountain areas and zonal forests, many aquatic communities, and mountain meadows and steppes).  相似文献   

An inventory of rock vegetation has been taken in river valleys on the eastern slope of the southern part of the Northern Urals and the northern part of the Middle Urals. New habitats of some rare plant species, relict communities of forest-steppe species at the northern limit of their distribution, and ultrasmall populations of petrophilous species growing in isolation for a long time have been revealed. In studies on a group of similar specially protected areas (e.g., within river valleys), it is proposed to identify key sites distinguished by the highest species richness of vegetation  相似文献   

Development of benthic communities on rocks from the interdisciplinary test site near Cape Berezovyi (southern Baikal) is analyzed. Rock plates were placed on the bottom in the shallow-water zone of Baikal for six months, and a community consisting of microorganisms, microphytobenthos, and meiobenthos developed on them. The development and activity of hydrobionts depended on the chemical composition and structure of the rock. Marble and granite plates were populated by them more selectively than amphibolite plates. It is supposed that the biota plays an important role in destruction of rocks in the shallow-water zone of Baikal.  相似文献   

In recent years, steppe degradation in North China has become a serious environmental problem. Most research on steppe degradation is conducted at the level of communities or at the scale of small regions. To better understand the spatio-temporal variation and driving factors of grassland degradation, monitoring and analysis at broad regional scales are needed. This paper systematically describes the state and characteristics of steppe degradation at the Xilinhot plateau, makes an in-depth empirical analysis of the natural and man-made causes leading to degradation, and analyzes what driving factors have influenced degradation in this typical steppe region over the last 20?years. Ten biophysical and socio-economic variables, including altitude, slope, precipitation, temperature, soil conditions, distance to river, distance to highway, population density, sheep unit density, and fencing policy, were evaluated on their impact on observed patterns of degradation. The results indicate that all of these factors had a significant influence on the process of steppe degradation. During the first 10?years, from 1991 to 2000, steppe degradation increased, but after 2000, the degradation trend has, to some extent, reversed. The analysis indicates that the measures taken by the government, such as fencing vulnerable areas, played an important role in this change. The results advance the understanding of grassland degradation and contribute to constructing an empirical and theoretical base for grassland management and planning.  相似文献   

Diets of the Long-eared and Short-eared Owls, closely related species with overlapping ranges, have been studied in the south of Western Siberia (the Baraba Lowland) by analyzing bone remains in pellets. The results show that both species in the south of the Baraba Lowland employ similar strategies of food resource use, which, however, differ in some aspects. In the Short-eared Owl, the hunting range is apparently more restricted. During the nesting period, these birds occupy relatively moist habitats along riverbanks and protect their hunting grounds. The Long-eared Owl nests in mainly mesic habitats, in forest outliers, and can supplement its diet with shrews (Sorex) and steppe rodent species. The diets of both species largely consist of murine rodent species that are dominant or subdominant in the small mammal community of the Baraba forest-steppe. Seasonal and interannual variations in the food spectra of both species have been revealed.  相似文献   

An analysis is performed of the participation of plant species differing in mycotrophic status in succession leading to ??agrosteppe?? formation, i.e., purposefully initiated progressive succession of the steppe phytocenosis. The proportion of plant species obligatorily associated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi increases in the course of this succession, while the proportion of facultative mycotrophic species decreases. The ratio between the species of different mycotrophic status is stabilized after two years of succession, although both total number and composition of plant species continue to change during subsequent period.  相似文献   

Steppes at the northern limit of their distribution are a convenient object for studying climate-induced modifications of the environment, being sensitive to regional climate changes. Over the past 46–47 years, herbaceous vegetation in the study steppe areas has been replaced by shrubs and trees. Petrophytic steppes on hilltops and stony knolls, where conditions are not favorable for tree growth, has proved to be more resistant to such changes. In these habitats, however, the influence of surrounding forest phytocenoses has also resulted in a gradual decrease in the proportions of species from the steppe and forest–steppe floras in the structure of communities and the invasion by species typical of forest vegetation.  相似文献   

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