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随着高职院校的扩招,学生的素质参差不齐,且较之普通高校学生具有自身特点,因此,对他们的思想政治工作要有针对性.然而,目前高职学生的思政工作具有重宣传轻教育、思想政治教育的教育对象调度缺位、思政教育方法低效等缺陷.要提高思想政治教育的实效,就应该营造以人为本的教育环境、设定合理的思想政治教育目标、不断更新高职学生的思想政治教育的内容.  相似文献   

近年来在教学过程中教师忽略了学生主体意识培养,再加上家庭和学校的原因,造成学生主体意识缺失,学生主体意识缺失如缺乏理想性、主动性、自觉性、参与性等,给教学带来严重影响,因此必须加强学生主体意识培养与教育,构建学生主体意识,促进教学质量的提高.参4.  相似文献   

要实现高职学生管理学的课程培养目标,达到好的教学效果,除了明确高职学生的培养目标、学生的学科基础现状和学习特点外,还要把握管理学的学科特点、高职院校管理学的教材特点与缺陷,更重要的是要找到学生-学科-教材-教学的最佳契合点,同时,还要求教师因材施教,及时调整知识结构,采取灵活多样的教学方法,汲取管理学发展的最新成果.参10.  相似文献   

随着职业技术教育在中国的发展壮大,高职院校办学的规模扩大、办学层次齐全,给学生管理工作带来新的问题和挑战.针对职业院校学生层次多样,素质参差不齐的问题,作为学生管理工作者,应不断探索和努力中寻求一套行之有效的学生管理模式,以此来提高学生管理工作的针对性、前瞻性和实效性.参5.  相似文献   

论毛泽东的学习观及其对高职学生的导引作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毛泽东同志一生勤学不止、博览群书.在其读书生涯中形成了一套独特的学习观和方法论,如志存高远、勤奋好学,先博后约、学有专攻,虚心治学、实事求是,勤动笔墨、勤动脑等等.研究探讨他的这些学习思想,对当代高职学生形成正确的学习观具有重要的导引作用.参11.  相似文献   

该文概述了职业能力与职业素质的内涵,分析了用人单位对高职农业类专业学生职业能力与职业素质的要求.在此基础上,提出了高职农业类专业学生职业能力与职业素质培养的路径.参5.  相似文献   

寻求有效的预防高职学生犯罪的对策是研究高职学生犯罪问题的出发点和根本目的.只有通过对犯罪特点的正确分析,找出高职学生犯罪的规律性,才可能采取有针对性的预防高职学生犯罪的相应对策.因此,对高职学生犯罪特点的分析是该文论述的核心问题,对高职学生犯罪预防的对策思考则是该文的落脚点.表1,参6.  相似文献   

笔者从护理学院中、高职学生管理工作中所遇到的一些问题以及处理方式方法和处理结果出发,结合护理学院依据新形势与学生特点而提出并试行的各项管理方案、办法,谈谈自己的感触,以供参考.参7.  相似文献   

该文主要采用文献资料法、测试比较法、数理统计法等方法对湖南省4所高职院校学生体质健康状况进行实地测试并且进行分析与研究.从湖南省4所高职院校学生体质健康状况中对影响学生体质健康的因素进行研究论证,并进行策略分析,其目的是为了提高高职院校学生体质健康服务.表3,参2.  相似文献   

通过对10项主要内容进行问卷调查,了解湖南环境生物职业技术学院学生的英语学习情况,分析非智力因素对高职英语教学的影响,并就如何发挥非智力因素的能动性提出相应的策略,以促进英语教学质量的提高.表1,参6.  相似文献   

浅谈高校保卫工作及周边治安管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文探讨了高校保卫工作及周边治安管理存在的问题及其原因,并提出相应的对策.  相似文献   

Resource development in the western United States of America offers the prospect of rapid population and economic growth which may dramatically alter the traditional social bases of these rural communities. Reports from other western boomtowns suggests that such rapid growth can lead to substantial community disruption with a disproportionate increase in social problems and an eventual lowered productivity in the synthetic fuels industry. Changes related to population growth need not produce such disruptive results. Cooperation among industry, government, and community and well planned and coordinated human services and programs designed to relieve the stresses of change, to provide a sense of community, and to integrate newcomers into the community can reduce or prevent many of the negative impacts as well as reduce overall costs by building on existing resources.  相似文献   

Summary Social influence on circadian activity rhythms was investigated in the nocturnal Australian marsupial Petaurus breviceps. The activity of two and two was recorded electroacoustically and observed by an IR television camera in LD 12:12 (101:10-1lx) and in LL (10-1lx) when housed isolated and in pairs (+). In LD-entrained animals the average duration of locomotion, orientation movements, grooming and total activity is influenced by social housing, and individually different activity patterns are harmonized. In constant illumination conditions, however, the members of a pair are not mutually synchronized and free-run with different circadian periodlengths. Therefore social influence on the LD-entrained activity rhythm in Petaurus should be interpreted as social masking rather than direct influence on the circadian system.  相似文献   

Summary At a site in Costa Rica, three groups of 8–12 adult female vampire bats, Desmodus rotundus, utilize group-specific sets of hollow trees as day roosts. Long-term nonrandom associations between pairs of females, as measured by the proportion of time one bat spends roosting in the same tree with another bat over a 3 year period, occur even when preferences for particular trees are removed. Significant associations exist between both related and unrelated adult females. Adult male bats, however, show few associations with females or other males. By observing bats within trees and while foraging, and by monitoring feeding flights with radiotelemetry, the following potential benefits of association could be tested. Females roost together to (1) share a suitable microclimate, (2) avoid predators, (3) avoid ectoparasite infestations, (4) minimize travel to mobile prey animals, (5) respond to coercive males, (6) feed simultaneously from a bite, (7) remove ectoparasites by allogrooming, and (8) share food by regurgitating blood to other bats within roosts. The data do not indicate that any of the first five hypotheses provide significant benefits for long-term associations although predators and ectoparasite levels may cause occasional changes in roost sites. Simultaneous feeding was uncommon and apparently confined to females and their recent offspring. Allogrooming, although common, occurred independently of the presence of ectoparasites. Food sharing, however, occurred between both related and unrelated adult females with high levels of association and provides at least one selective advantage for maintaining cohesive female groups.  相似文献   

Social status primarily determines male mammalian reproductive success, and hypotheses on the endocrinology of dominance have stimulated unprecedented investigation of its costs and benefits. Under the challenge hypothesis, male testosterone levels rise according to competitive need, while the social stress hypothesis predicts glucocorticoid (GC) rises in high-ranking individuals during social unrest. Periods of social instability in group-living primates, primarily in baboons, provide evidence for both hypotheses, but data on social instability in seasonally breeding species with marked social despotism but lower reproductive skew are lacking. We tested these hypotheses in seasonally breeding rhesus macaques on Cayo Santiago, Puerto Rico. We documented male fecal GC and androgen levels over a 10-month period in relation to rank, age, natal status, and group tenure length, including during a socially unstable period in which coalitions of lower ranked males attacked higher ranked males. Androgen, but not GC, levels rose during the mating season; older males had lower birth season levels but underwent a greater inter-season rise than younger males. Neither endocrine measure was related to rank except during social instability, when higher ranked individuals had higher and more variable levels of both. High-ranking male targets had the highest GC levels of all males when targeted and also had high and variable GC and androgen levels across the instability period. Our results provide evidence for both the challenge and social stress hypotheses.  相似文献   

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