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An analysis of the causes and circumstances of flood disaster deaths   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Jonkman SN  Kelman I 《Disasters》2005,29(1):75-97
The objective of this paper is to investigate and to improve understanding of the causes and circumstances of flood disaster deaths. A standardised method of classifying flood deaths is proposed and the difficulties associated with comparing and assessing existing information on flood deaths are discussed. Thirteen flood cases from Europe and the United States, resulting in 247 flood disaster fatalities, were analysed and taken as indicative of flood disaster deaths. Approximately two-thirds of the deaths occurred through drowning. Thus, a substantial number of flood disaster fatalities are not related to drowning. Furthermore, males are highly vulnerable to dying in floods and unnecessary risk-taking behaviour contributes significantly to flood disaster deaths. Based on these results, recommendations are made to prevent loss of life in floods. To provide a more solid basis for the formulation of prevention strategies, better systematic recording of flood fatalities is suggested, especially those caused by different types of floods in all countries.  相似文献   

It is now widely recognised that good communication between multi-disciplinary stakeholders is central to effective flood risk management. Recent developments in Geographical Information Systems, increased availability of accurate digital terrain models from remotely sensed data sources and improved graphical computer interfaces have made the outputs from computer models of flood inundation easily accessible to the stakeholder community. As a consequence, predictions from such models are now being used routinely as a means of communication between engineers and other stakeholders in flood risk management. This paper provides a review of the modelling methods most appropriate for flood risk communication. These are one-dimensional models which are suitable for simulating flood risk at a catchment or sub-catchment scale and appropriate for communicating the impact of strategic flood management decisions and two-dimensional models which can be applied across a range of scales but, are now being regularly applied at the relatively small scale, less than 10 km2, where they have the potential to inform and communicate disaster management decisions. The role of such models in communicating between modellers and non-modellers by providing a means for immediate visualisation of “the future” is discussed and illustrated by application to two case studies.  相似文献   

长江荆江分蓄洪区历史演变、前景和风险管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据社会经济统计数据、水文资料、遥感影像信息和实地调查资料,分析了荆江分蓄洪区在历史演变过程中形成的分洪与发展的矛盾及其在未来长江流域防洪体系中的重要作用,指出其风险管理的必要性。运用基于GIS栅格数据的二维水动力洪水动态演进模型,对荆江分蓄洪区1954年的分洪过程进行了模拟和验证,模拟了不同分洪规划方案下的洪水淹没范围,水深和水位,并结合现阶段社会经济发展情况,定量估算了农户和农业的分洪可能损失。在分洪损失评估基础上提出了荆江分蓄洪区引导人口合理发展、促进土地有效利用、开展防洪教育、实施洪水保险和确保安全运用预案等减轻洪水损失提高运用机率的洪水风险管理初步方案。  相似文献   

《Environmental Hazards》2013,12(4):313-328
Risk communication plays an increasingly central role in flood risk management, but there is a variety of conflicting advice about what does – and should – get transmitted, why, how, and to whom. The aim of this paper is to elucidate the underlying normative and conceptual models on which those competing assessments of ‘good’ risk communication depend. To that end, the paper identifies four broad models, or approaches, to risk communication: a risk message model of information transfer; a risk instrument model of behavioural change; a risk dialogue model of participatory deliberation; and a risk government model of self-regulation and normalization. These models differ in their theoretical and disciplinary origins and associated philosophical and political commitments, and consequently they define the basic purpose, practice, and future prospects of flood risk communication in quite different ways. Unless these different models of ‘good’ risk communication are acknowledged and understood, efforts to identify best practice for flood risk management are likely to produce inconsistent, if not contradictory, recommendations.  相似文献   

It is now widely recognised that good communication between multi-disciplinary stakeholders is central to effective flood risk management. Recent developments in Geographical Information Systems, increased availability of accurate digital terrain models from remotely sensed data sources and improved graphical computer interfaces have made the outputs from computer models of flood inundation easily accessible to the stakeholder community. As a consequence, predictions from such models are now being used routinely as a means of communication between engineers and other stakeholders in flood risk management. This paper provides a review of the modelling methods most appropriate for flood risk communication. These are one-dimensional models which are suitable for simulating flood risk at a catchment or sub-catchment scale and appropriate for communicating the impact of strategic flood management decisions and two-dimensional models which can be applied across a range of scales but, are now being regularly applied at the relatively small scale, less than 10 km2, where they have the potential to inform and communicate disaster management decisions. The role of such models in communicating between modellers and non-modellers by providing a means for immediate visualisation of “the future” is discussed and illustrated by application to two case studies.  相似文献   

在经典风险评价理论模型的基础上,结合自然灾害系统理论,建立了简明水灾综合风险评价模型,完成了中国九大都市群的水灾风险评价.结果表明:我国都市群水灾风险呈现出以都市区中心市为核心的(近)圈层状分布;水灾风险由高到低依次为长三角、珠三角、长江中游、京津唐、吉黑、中原、成渝、辽中南和山东半岛都市群.基于上述研究,强调应建立包含水灾综合风险评价、水灾风险应急预案编制与情景模拟以及水灾风险区划与规划的水灾风险应急管理体系.  相似文献   

Today, many advocate insurance as a tool for coping with natural disasters. Beyond providing prompt financial relief to victims of disasters, insurance can also incentivise individuals to invest in preventive measures if insurers reward such efforts with reduced premiums. However, insurers might be unable to reward investments in precautionary measures with lower premiums if they are ill-informed about individual-level risks. Here, we explore how Ghanaian home insurers respond to investments in flood risk reduction by asking them to quote premiums for four identical buildings; two had investments in flood risk reduction, while the other two had none. We find that insurers did not reward investments in risk reduction, with some charging higher premiums for elevated buildings, suggesting they have interpreted such preventive measures as a sign of high flood risk. This failure to reward investments in precautionary measures may discourage insured homeowners from investing in risk reduction.  相似文献   

洪水风险分析的研究进展与展望   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
我国洪涝灾害频繁,损失极大,引人注目。洪水的风险分析工作是实施非工程措施,从而科学有效地防洪减灾的前提和基础。在概括系统风险定义和来源的基础上,对洪水风险分析的研究现状作了评述。洪水风险分析的研究方法已从直接积分法、蒙特卡罗法、均值一次两阶矩法,发展到改进一次两阶矩法、二次矩法和JC法等。综述了洪水风险分析的研究成果,同时建议:(1)明确并统一风险分析的内涵;(2)开展“风险分析的风险”的研究;(3)将熵理论引入到风险分析之中;(4)拓展风险分析的基本理论和研究方法,如应用模糊信息优化处理技术、灰色系统、未确知数学等。  相似文献   

基于洪水风险的定义,从洪灾发生概率、洪灾后果评估、风险评价指标和防洪标准经济优化决策原则等方面阐述了中荷两国在洪水风险分析研究方面的异同,初步分析了存在差别的原因以及两种方法的特点.在分别应用中国和荷兰现有风险评估方法分析安庆市堤防圈的洪水风险的基础上,探讨了将两国的风险分析方法进行整合的思路.算例表明,将堤防的工程风险与洪水本身出现的水文风险相结合,并考虑在不同洪水位下损失的差异的方法是与洪灾发生机理相符,综合考虑了各种不确定因素的、切合我国洪灾特点的一种值得进一步深入研究的新方法.  相似文献   

近年来灾害恢复力研究在领域的拓展和定义的延伸等方面取得了较大的进步。灾害恢复力作为系统的一个有价值的属性,与风险、脆弱性和适应性一起成为当前灾害综合管理和减灾研究的重要内容。但目前灾害恢复力研究仍停留在理论和概念层面,鲜有深入的实际操作性强的工作开展。为进一步理解水灾恢复力的内涵和实质,为区域恢复力建设提供切实可行的方案,作者在原有对灾害恢复力研究进展进行综述的基础上,开展了以湖南省洞庭湖区为例的洪水高风险区水灾恢复力理论和实践的研究,提出了由自然维、经济维、组织维、社会维组成的四维区域水灾恢复力概念模型,然后细致分析了区域水灾恢复力利益主体的相互关系,提供了初步的区域水灾恢复力评估模型。最后在定性分析的基础上,对洞庭湖区区域水灾风险管理进行了探讨,提出了相应的管理对策和建议,旨在为政府的防灾减灾决策提供科学依据。  相似文献   

鄱阳湖洪灾特征与圩区还湖减灾运用方式研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据水文资料,分析了鄱阳湖入湖五大河流来水与长江水情对鄱阳湖洪灾的影响和鄱阳湖洪水位的频率特征,探讨了湖区中小圩区"高水还湖滞洪,低水种植养殖"的减灾运行方式对湖区防洪减灾可以起到的作用。  相似文献   

Inequalities in exposure and awareness of flood risk in England and Wales   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fielding JL 《Disasters》2012,36(3):477-494
This paper explores the environmental inequalities of living in the floodplains of England and Wales and the differences in flood awareness of those 'at risk'. An area comparison is made between an etic, objective flood risk exposure, and an emic, subjective perception of that risk by social class. In all areas except the Midlands, the working classes were more likely to reside in the floodplains; the greatest exposure inequality is seen in the North East and Anglian regions. Flood awareness in the Anglian regions was much lower than average, but there were no significant class differences. In the Thames region, despite equal flood risk exposure between classes, the most deprived displayed the least awareness of flood risk. In the North East, inequalities in the distribution of flood risk exposure accompanied inequalities in perception, resulting in the least aware and most deprived experiencing the greatest flood risk.  相似文献   

洪水风险与国内外城市防洪规划实例   总被引:5,自引:7,他引:5  
基于洪水风险和脆弱性的概念,介绍了有关国家城市防洪规划的实例,强调了洪水灾害中风险和脆弱性对城市规划的影响。文章最后指出了我国防洪规划应注意的问题。  相似文献   

中国大都市区主要分布在大江大河的中下游地区,由于区域土地利用格局的巨大变化,特别是较多的水域和湿地因城市化而被占据,因此,一方面大都市区面临严重的洪水危险,另一方面为了使大都市区尽可能减轻洪水灾害,而加强了防洪能力的建设.然而,近50年的减灾实践证明,洪水灾害却在波动中趋于上升,即大都市区对洪水的脆弱性在增大.在对中国大都市区洪水灾害的区域分析基础上,以广东省为例,构造了综合水灾致灾因子和承灾体为一体的风险评估模型体系,以此提出了平衡大都市区水灾致灾强度与脆弱性的基本土地利用模式,和"政府-企业(社区)-保险公司"相结合的企业风险管理模式.  相似文献   

Floods frequently cause substantial economic and human losses, particularly in developing countries. For the development of sound flood risk management schemes that reduce flood consequences, detailed insights into the different components of the flood risk management cycle, such as preparedness, response, flood impact analyses and recovery, are needed. However, such detailed insights are often lacking: commonly, only (aggregated) data on direct flood damage are available. Other damage categories such as losses owing to the disruption of production processes are usually not considered, resulting in incomplete risk assessments and possibly inappropriate recommendations for risk management. In this paper, data from 858 face‐to‐face interviews among flood‐prone households and small businesses in Can Tho city in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta are presented to gain better insights into the damage caused by the 2011 flood event and its management by households and businesses.  相似文献   

湘江流域洪水灾害综合风险评价   总被引:26,自引:4,他引:26  
依据灾害系统理论,在综合考虑致灾因子、孕灾环境和承灾体的基础上,从致灾因子、孕灾环境的自然属性和承灾体的社会属性两方面出发,以县级行政单元为基本评价单元,进行了湘江流域洪水灾害的综合风险评价。在综合考虑降雨量、地形以及历史上洪水灾害发生频次等自然因素的条件下,利用地图代数分析得到了湘江流域洪水灾害危险性评价图;在综合考虑人口密度、耕地面积百分比、人均GDP和单位面积水库和塘坝容量等社会经济指标的基础上,利用模糊综合评判法得到了湘江流域洪水灾害脆弱性评价图。在此基础上采取“乘”模型的计算公式,即风险=危险性×脆弱性,将湘江流域洪水灾害风险划分为高风险、较高风险、中等风险、较低风险和低风险5个等级,并借助地理信息系统软件编制了湘江流域洪水灾害综合风险等级评价图。  相似文献   

Current flood risk strategies in Malawi are characterized by community-based flood risk management (CB-FRM), even though studies explicitly documenting evidence of successful CB-FRM remain limited. This paper investigates the realities and challenges of CB-FRM as seen through a lens of different stakeholders. In order to capture the experiences of CB-FRM, a predominantly qualitative research framework was developed. In 2016, 11 focus group discussions with stakeholder groups (local communities, local government and non-governmental organisations) were held. Additionally, informal discussions, field visits, a short survey and an extensive desk study were undertaken. The findings were analysed according to the major themes that emerged related to the realities and challenges of specific stakeholder groups. Although response and relief still remain prominent components of CB-FRM in Malawi, a number of mitigation and preparedness activities is observed. However, a lack of in-country resources, relief-oriented aid approaches and an ‘aid dependency’ syndrome represent obstacles. Different stakeholder groups share similar challenges in terms of financing, participation, decentralised governance and project management. Lack of project sustainability and localised ownership also emerged as major challenges. The identified challenges shed light on the frontiers and directions in which improvements are needed, thus offering a valuable contribution to the existing knowledgebase.  相似文献   

针对目前我国河道管理的现状,在原有防洪影响评价的基础上,综合运用广义结构可靠性原理及多种相关学科理论,提出了跨河道桥工程防洪风险的评价理念,建立了跨河道桥工程防洪风险的评价指标体系和管理体系,并结合工程实例验证了方法体系的适用性与可靠性。  相似文献   

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