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TheAnhuiConferenceonWaterResourceDevelopment,UtilizationandProtectionBaiLinandChenGangzhengTheAnhuiConferenceonWaterResourceD...  相似文献   

This study, based on data collected from a representative sample of adults in the United States, explores the social cognitive variables that motivated Americans to validate rumours on social media about Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, both of which struck in August/September 2017. The results indicate that risk perception and negative emotions are positively related to systematic processing of relevant risk information, and that systematic processing is significantly related to rumour validation through search engines such as Google. In contrast, trust in information about the hurricane is significantly related to validation through official sources, such as FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), and major news outlets such as The New York Times. Trust in information is also significantly related to systematic processing of risk information. The findings of this study suggest that ordinary citizens may be motivated to validate rumours on social media, which is an increasingly important issue in contemporary societies.  相似文献   

1TkeDefinitionandCIassificationofDisasterLossIngeneral,thenaturaldisasterlossisadeclinemeasurethatcausedbynaturaldisasterendan-geredhumanbeingsurvivalanddevelopment.Itcanbedividedintotwoparts-economiclossandnon-economicloss,accordingtodifferentobjectofdestroy.Onthecharacteristicoflossofnaturaldisaster(fromhereon,thelossreferstoeconomiclossifnotbenoted),aswellastheneedsofassessment,thelosscanbeclassifiedasinFig-l.(1)Thelossofbusinessfirmassetsandhouseholdpropertiesarethevaluereductionofasset…  相似文献   

Floods are the most common type of natural disaster in both developed and developing countries and have led to extensive morbidity and mortality throughout the world. Worldwide, over the past 30 years, flooding has claimed the lives of more than 200,000 people and affected more than 2.8 billion others. The impact of flooding on health varies among populations and depends primarily on vulnerability and the kind of event experienced. It severely disrupts livelihoods and has a significant impact on the health of pregnant women and children. In addition, it may exacerbate a range of negative psychological and physiological child and reproductive health outcomes. Awareness‐raising, education, and the issuing of warnings appear to be key initiatives to mitigate or prevent flood morbidity and mortality, especially among people living in low‐ and middle‐income countries. Agencies responding to emergencies also need to be more cognisant of the dangers, specifically those engaged in healthcare, nutrition, and water safety programmes.  相似文献   

LadiesandGentlemen:TheAsianMinisterialConferenceontheImplementationofUNCCDformallyopenstoday.onbehaIfoftheChinesegovernment,IwouIdliketoconveycordialcongratuIationsontheopeningofthisconferenceandwarmlywelcomeallattendingparticipants.Theconferenceisjointlyspon-soredbyChinaandthesecretariatofUNCCDandhasenjoyedstrongsupportfromthegovern-mentsandinternationalorganizationsconcernedtowhomIwouldliketoextendourheartfeltthanksonbehalfoftheChinesegovernment.Asiaisoneoftheregionsintheworldmostse…  相似文献   

U.S./ChinaWorkshoponNaturalDisasterMitigationandReductionNovember19~22,1997OpeningRemarksDr.D.JamesBaker(UnderSecretaryofComm...  相似文献   

Waterisabasiccondtionprerequisitetoagriculturalproductin.However,eitherexcessorshortageofwaterinacertainareaataparticulartimemaybringaboutseriousdisasterslikefloodsordroughtstothelocalarea.Themajorsourceofirrigatingwaterisrainfall.Yet,itisstilldifficultundercurrentscientificandeconomicconditionstobringageneralorradicalchangetoboththeamountofrainfallanditsdistributionintimeandspace.Instead,onlylimitedadjustmentswithindrainageareasorbetweentheneighboringdrainageareascanbemadepossibly.Theadjustm…  相似文献   

Inordertocoordinatethedevelopment0fIIInternationalDecadeforNaturalDisasterReducti0ntIactivity,safetyeducationforseismicresistanceanddisasterpreventionisdeeplyundertakeninmostyoungsters.AccordingtoIIstrengtheningtheworkf0rseismicpreventionanddisasterre-ductioninmiddleandprimaryschoolstudents)IformulatedbyStateEducationCommission,re-centlyAnhuiEducationCommissi0nandAnhuiSeism0logicalBureaujointlyissuedIIInf0rmaboutsafetyeducationofseismicpreventi0nanddisasterreducti0ninmlddleandprlmarysc…  相似文献   

1TheAbnormalIncreaseinthePrecipitationoftheFloodSeasonin1998Duetotheabnormalityofthesub-tropicalhighpressureinthewestPacificO...  相似文献   

Chiefs are at the centre of household and community development efforts in most low‐income countries around the world. Yet, researchers and scholars have paid limited attention to the institution of chieftaincy and to understanding its role in the management of climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction. This paper draws on a micro ethnographic evaluation conducted in two predominantly rural districts of Malawi in southeast Africa to assess two different manifestations of elite control. In the first case, a resettlement programme was implemented where chiefs were co‐opted and took the lead. In the second case, a food insecurity response programme was designed to exclude chiefs. The study finds that neither co‐opting nor countering chiefs prevents elite capture. Rather, the majority of chiefs oscillate between malevolent and benevolent capture. The findings require that states focus on the cultural and political dimensions of rural life when designing climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction programmes.  相似文献   

AccordingtothethelneIIcltllizationanddisaster)Iofl996internationalDisasterReductionDaypresentedbytheUnitedNation,wernakedeepassessmentoncit:;vulnerabilityofShandongProvince,understandtheirnportantsensetocitysocialandeconomicsustainabledevelopmentbyreducingcitydisaster-andprobeintothesyntheticalcountermeasureforreducingShandongcities'disaster.)IConferenceoncitydevelopmentanddisasterreductionofSJandongProv1nce)IwasheldinJinanonoctober7,l996.RepresentativesweretheleadersofShandongDisaster…  相似文献   

JointReportoftheChairsoftheU.S./ChinaWork┐shoponNaturalDisasterMitigationandReduction(November21,1997,Beijing)Recognizingthei...  相似文献   

Forthepast20years,strongearthquakeshitthemainlandofourcountryoneafteranother,affectingsomelarge-and-mediumscalecities.WhatneedsspecialmentionisthebigearthquakeinTangshancity,whichcausedseveredamagetoTangshan,Tianjinandotherneighbouringcities.Therecoveryandreconstructionofthesecitieshavebeenacommonandprominentissue.NowIwilltakeanexampleoftheurbanareaofTianjinrnunicipalitytohaveacasestudyonhowtostartrecoveryworkwithrespecttoinfrastructureandbuildingcomplexityaftertheearthquakeinTangshanin1976,…  相似文献   

Individuals’ relationships to place play an important role in their interactions with their residential environments. Prior research has suggested that neighbourhood satisfaction is closely related to neighbourhood attachment, and that attachment is linked to disaster recovery. This study uses data from a survey of residents of the East Shore neighbourhoods of Staten Island, New York, an area that experienced severe storm surge flooding during Hurricane Sandy, to test the association between neighbourhood satisfaction and self-reported recovery from the storm. Perceived recovery from Sandy is treated as the dependent variable in several ordinal logistic regression models. The key independent variable measure tested is neighbourhood satisfaction rating. A statistically significant direct positive relationship is found between neighbourhood satisfaction and perceived recovery from Sandy. This finding is robust across multiple models with various controls and other covariates. These results suggest that place satisfaction may contribute to disaster recovery.  相似文献   

Eklund L  Tellier S 《Disasters》2012,36(4):589-608
For more than a decade the humanitarian community has been mandated to mainstream gender in its response to crises. One element of this mandate is a repeated call for sex-disaggregated data to help guide the response. This study examines available analyses, assessments and academic literature to gain insights into whether sex-disaggregated data are generated, accessible and utilised, and appraised what can be learned from existing data. It finds that there is a gap between policy and practice. Evaluations of humanitarian responses rarely refer to data by sex, and there seems to be little accountability to do so. Yet existing data yield important information, pointing at practical, locally-specific measures to reduce the vulnerability of both males and females. This complements population-level studies noting the tendency for higher female mortality. The study discusses some possible obstacles for the generation of data and hopes to spur debate on how to overcome them.  相似文献   

Ian Christoplos 《Disasters》1999,23(2):125-138
A variety of codes and standards for humanitarian assistance have been put forth in recent years. Many NGOs have agreed to abide by these codes. There is uncertainty, however, about if and how these codes are actually being put into practice. Have we moved from words to action? One response to this concern has been a proposal to establish a humanitarian ombudsman. This paper analyses two choices facing an eventual ombudsman: whether to attempt to take punitive actions to enforce the codes and standards, or whether instead to facilitate agencies' own internal efforts to improve accountability to their beneficiaries. It proposes a pluralistic approach, wherein a variety of methods, structures and local perceptions are accepted as potentially appropriate, but where a clear moral stance is still maintained. Some suggestions are outlined for how flexible forms of policy analysis may be used to combine an acceptance of the validity of a vast range of humanitarian actions while still retaining a strong stance against practices that may harm beneficiaries or feed the causes of conflict. Realism about each agency's room for manoeuvre is essential, especially local institutions. A modest but principled stance will involve helping actors to consider the impact of their work on conflict and to find ways to improve the quality of their interventions as perceived by beneficiaries.  相似文献   

OneoftheoutstandingachievementsoftheInternationalDecadeforNaturalDisasterReduction(IDNDR)hasbeenitsmajorcontributiontoincreasedinteractionandcooperationbetweenthenaturalandsocialsciencecommunitiesworkingindisasterreductionandthencetoenhancedapplicati...  相似文献   

Boyce JK 《Disasters》2000,24(3):254-261
Disaster-vulnerability reduction is an impure public good: when provided to one it is provided to others, but not equally provided to all. This means that in addition to the question of how much disaster-vulnerability reduction to provide, policymakers face the question of to whom it should be provided. This essay distinguishes between two broad classes of approaches to the latter question, one based on wealth, the other on rights.  相似文献   

Dawe D  Moya P  Valencia S 《Disasters》2009,33(2):291-307
Droughts are common recurring natural hazards in Asia, and El Niño events are particularly severe in the Philippines. This paper explores responses by farm households, irrigation system managers, and macro policymakers in the Philippines to El Niño. In response to the large 1997–98 El Niño, farmers in one major irrigation system significantly diversified their economic activities, hut the drought was so acute that many of these activities were not successful. Communication between meteorologists and irrigation system managers is strong, and irrigation system managers are aware of El Niño events in advance. Communication between irrigation system managers and farmer irrigation associations is also strong, and together they have developed response options that attempt to augment supplies of and more efficiently allocate scarce water. Water pricing is not used, however, and lack of cooperation among farmers results in sub-optimal outcomes. Macro-level policy responses in terms of rice imports and buffer stock management to protect poor consumers have improved substantially over time.  相似文献   

Internationalconferenceonseismicresistanceanddisasterpreventiontechnologyandonachieve-mentsofTangshanrecoveryandreconstrction,organizedjointlybytheMinistryofConstructionofthePeople'sRepublicofChinaandthePeople'sGovernmentofHebeiProvince,andthe12thNationalMeetingofSeismicResistance,organizedbytheMinistryofConstructionofthePeople'sRepublicofChina,wereheldinTangshanfromJuly18to2OandfromJuly22to23,l996respectively.Inthefirstmeetingoftwoabove-mentioned,therewerehundredsrepresentativesfromC…  相似文献   

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