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对于到迪庆的计划,因为时间原因,每次都是半途而废,一次跑到了丽江,一次跑到了虎跳峡,顺着哈巴雪山脚下的虎跳峡谷与去香格里拉的山路隔江而望,心中向往的圣地变得更加神秘起来。  相似文献   


This paper reviews the literature on disaster welfare policy. Analysis of the Australian disaster welfare response shows the different functions of government and voluntary welfare agencies.  相似文献   

This paper outlines selected approaches to measuring risk and vulnerability to hazards of natural origin using indicators and indices. It discusses their applicability, usefulness and policy implications. Indicators and indices have been developed on different scales and for different purposes. The paper will briefly introduce three global approaches to disaster-risk identification and will juxtapose them with one local approach in order to examine the differences concerning the functions and the purpose of the assessment as well as their impact for policy development. In contrast to an earlier comparative analysis of the three global disaster-risk indicator programmes by Mark Pelling in 2004, which focused primarily on the methodologies used, this paper places more emphasis on aspects of applicability and policy implications and outlines challenges and limitations of the different approaches. Since the assessment and mapping of human vulnerability is less developed than hazard assessment work [Pelling M., 2004. Visions of Risk: A Review of International Indicators of Disaster Risk and its Management. UNDP—Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery (BRCP), Geneva], this paper focuses in greater depth on how the approaches capture vulnerability. Conclusions will be formulated on how to further enhance vulnerability identification, particularly at the sub-national level.  相似文献   

The 10th International Congress on Combustion Byproducts and their Health Effects was held in Ischia, Italy, from June 17-20, 2007. It is sponsored by the US NIEHS, NSF, Coalition for Responsible Waste Incineration (CRWI), and Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). The congress focused on: the origin, characterization, and health impacts of combustion-generated fine and ultrafine particles; emissions of mercury and dioxins, and the development/application of novel analytical/diagnostic tools. The consensus of the discussion was that particle-associated organics, metals, and persistent free radicals (PFRs) produced by combustion sources are the likely source of the observed health impacts of airborne PM rather than simple physical irritation of the particles. Ultrafine particle-induced oxidative stress is a likely progenitor of the observed health impacts, but important biological and chemical details and possible catalytic cycles remain unresolved. Other key conclusions were: (1) In urban settings, 70% of airborne fine particles are a result of combustion emissions and 50% are due to primary emissions from combustion sources, (2) In addition to soot, combustion produces one, possibly two, classes of nanoparticles with mean diameters of?~10?nm and?~1?nm. (3) The most common metrics used to describe particle toxicity, viz. surface area, sulfate concentration, total carbon, and organic carbon, cannot fully explain observed health impacts, (4) Metals contained in combustion-generated ultrafine and fine particles mediate formation of toxic air pollutants such as PCDD/F and PFRs. (5) The combination of metal-containing nanoparticles, organic carbon compounds, and PFRs can lead to a cycle generating oxidative stress in exposed organisms.  相似文献   

究显示:办公室工作人员正遭受“办公室综合症”的困扰,经常性长时间工作、杂乱的办公桌以及错误的坐姿是导致这种新的上班族病发生的主要原因。  相似文献   

This paper presents a Business Recovery Assessment Framework (BRAF) to help researchers and practitioners design robust, repeatable, and comparable studies of business recovery in various post‐disruption contexts. Studies assessing business recovery without adequately considering the research aims, recovery definitions, and indicators can produce misleading findings. The BRAF is composed of a series of steps that guide the decisions that researchers need to make to ensure: (i) that recovery is indeed being measured; (ii) that the indicators of recovery that are selected align with the objectives of the study and the definition of recovery; and, where necessary, (iii) that appropriate comparative control variables are in place. The paper draws on a large dataset of business surveys collected following the earthquakes in Canterbury, New Zealand, on 4 September 2010 and 22 February 2011 to demonstrate the varied conclusions that different recovery indicators can produce and to justify the need for a systematic approach to business recovery assessments.  相似文献   

江南 《防灾博览》2011,(1):51-53
意外发现“死亡之声” 20世纪50年代末,冷战正酣。出生于俄罗斯的机器人发明家加夫雷奥,一天接到了法国国防部的密令:火速研发能打核战争的机器人。  相似文献   

林志 《防灾博览》2006,(3):23-25
春天,本该是万物复苏,阳光灿烂的季节,然而,近年的春天不再那么明媚可人了,沙尘暴成了随春天气息而来的最常见最烦人的天气.  相似文献   

巴西是一个农业大国.全国有8.5亿公顷土地,其中4.44亿公顷可用于农业生产,生物能源的发展空间巨大。作为推动生物燃料业发展的先锋.巴西在生物能源的开发和利用方面一直居世界领先地位.积累了发展低碳经济的宝贵经验.成为当前生物燃料业发展最为成功的典范。巴西将在今后两年内增加大约5.65亿美元资金用于农业科研.以加强农业的竞争力,推动乙醇燃料和生物柴油的生产及推广。  相似文献   

灾害熵:概念引入及应用案例   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
某一区域的灾害风险反映珠不确定性。据此,本文采用信息熵的理论与方法,引入了区域灾害熵和区域灾害加权熵概念,并给出了相应的计算公式。选取山东省作为应用案例研究的区域,利用了1949 ̄1994年旱灾、洪涝灾害受灾面积资料计算了旱灾、洪涝灾害的区域熵和区域灾害加权熵。研究结果表明,区域灾害加权熵可以作为表征区域灾害风险整体水平的一个综合指标。本文给出了区域灾害熵计算方法简便易行。  相似文献   

结核病是危害人类健康的传染性疾病。它是一个严重的公共卫生问题,影响着社会经济发展。  相似文献   

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