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生物滴滤器处理味精厂挥发性恶臭废气的试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
报道了采用以沸石为填料的生物滴滤器净化处理味精厂内挥发性恶臭废气的试验结果。在一定的试验条件下,当高强度恶臭废气的进气量<3.0m3/h时,系统除臭效果显著,这为净化以味精厂内恶臭废气为代表的多组分复杂气体提供了切实可行的新技术,具有很好的市场应用前景。此外,研究表明,在净化氨氮臭气取得良好效果的生物膜基础之上,加入特定菌液能较快地培养出适宜处理味精厂内恶臭废气的微生物种群,且能获得满意的净化效果。  相似文献   

生物过滤塔处理实验室废气   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了生物过滤塔处理实验室排放的模拟混合废气,考察了反应器对苯、甲苯、二甲苯、乙醇、丙酮、乙酸乙酯和甲烷等废气的去除效果。运行结果表明,在设备稳定运行期间,进气中总挥发性有机物(TVOCs)的浓度为124~380 mg/m3,而出气浓度在10~40 mg/m3,去除效率保持在85%以上。实验室废气中的多种污染物在生物过滤塔中去除机理不同,亲水性污染物的去除效率高于疏水性污染物。通过系统关停后重启,污染物的去除效果在第2天就能恢复,这为生物过滤塔处理实验室废气过程的停运检修或者系统闲置提供了可行性。  相似文献   

用内电解法处理含N,N-二甲基乙酰胺(DMAC)工业废水,研究pH、Fe∶C(体积比)、活性炭粒径和水力停留时间(HRT)等对该废水处理效果的影响,并确定最佳工艺条件。实验结果表明:在进水浓度维持在50 mg/L左右,最佳的工艺参数pH、Fe∶C和HRT分别为3.0、1∶1和60 min时,DMAC去除率高达到95%,处理水DMAC浓度小于5 mg/L。处理后废水的可生化性有明显的改善,BOD5/COD由0.21提高至0.66;而DMAC的去除基本符合二级动力学规律。  相似文献   

Trickle-bed air biofilters (TBABs) are suitable for treating volatile organic compounds (VOCs) at a significantly high practical loading because of their controlled environmental conditions. The application of TBAB for treating styrene-contaminated air under periodic backwashing and cyclical nonuse periods at a styrene loading of 0.64-3.17 kg chemical oxygen demand (COD)/m3 x day was the main focus of this study. Consistent long-term efficient performance of TBAB strongly depended on biomass control. A periodic in situ upflow with nutrient solution under media fluidization, that is, backwashing, was approached in this study. Two different nonuse periods were employed to simulate a shutdown for equipment repair or during weekends and holidays. The first is a starvation period without styrene loading, and the second is a stagnant period, which reflects no flow passing through the biofilter. For styrene loadings up to 1.9 kg COD/m3 x day, removal efficiencies consistently above 99% were achieved by conducting a coordinated biomass control strategy, that is, backwashing for 1 hr once per week. Under cyclical nonuse periods for styrene loadings up to 1.27 kg COD/m3 x day, stable long-term performance of the biofilter was maintained at more than 99% removal without employing backwashing. No substantial impact of nonuse periods on the biofilter performance was revealed. However, a coordinated biomass control by backwashing subsequently was unavoidable for attaining consistently high removal efficiency at a styrene loading of 3.17 kg COD/m3 x day. As styrene loading was increased, reacclimation of the biofilter to reach the 99% removal efficiency following backwashing or the nonuse periods was delayed. After the non-use periods, the response of the biofilter was a strong function of the biomass in the bed. No significant difference between the effects of the two different nonuse periods on TBAB performance was observed during the study period.  相似文献   

Biological treatment of waste gas styrene vapor was investigated in a three-stage bench-scale biofilter. Yard waste compost mixed with shredded hard plastics in a 25:75 v/v ratio of plastics:compost was inoculated with thickened municipal activated sludge. Microbial acclimation to styrene was achieved by exposing the system to an inlet concentration (C(In)) of 0.25 gm(-3) styrene and an empty bed retention time (EBRT) of 360 s for 30 days. Under steady-state conditions, maximum elimination capacity (EC) obtained was 45 gm(-3)h(-1) at a loading rate (L) of 60 gm(-3)h(-1) (C(In) of 2 gm(-3) and EBRT of 120 s). Reduction of retention time adversely impacted the performance resulting in the maximum EC of 39 and 27 gm(-3)h(-1) for EBRT of 60 and 30 s, respectively. Evaluation of the concentration profile along the bed height indicated dominance of first-order kinetics at C(In) < or = 0.45 gm(-3) and zero-order for higher concentrations.  相似文献   

Trickle-bed air biofilters (TBABs) are suitable for treatment of hydrophilic volatile organic compounds, but they pose a challenge for hydrophobic compounds. Three laboratory-scale TBABs were used for the treatment of an airstream contaminated with different ratios of n-hexane and benzene mixtures. The ratios studied were 1:1, 2:1, and 1:3 n-hexane:benzene by volume. Each TBAB was operated at a pH of 4 and a temperature of 20 degrees C. The use of acidic-buffered nutrient solution was targeted for changing the microorganism consortium to fungi as the main biodegradation element. The experimental plan was designed to investigate the long-term performance of the TBABs with an emphasis on different mixture loading rates, removal efficiency with TBAB depth, volatile suspended solids, and carbon mass balance closure. n-Hexane loading rate was kept constant in the TBABs for comparison reasons and ranged from 4 to 22 g/(m3 x hr). Corresponding benzene loadings ranged from 4 to 43 g/(m3 x hr). Generally, benzene behavior in the TBAB was superior to that of n-hexane because of its higher solubility. n-Hexane showed improved performance in the 2:1 mixing ratio as compared with the other two ratios.  相似文献   

管式生物过滤器去除乙苯废气   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物过滤由于其良好的成本效益和环境友好性已经成为控制挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)含量和气味气体排放的常规技术。营养物质的均匀分布、生物膜和介质床内的气体流是成就一个性能优良的生物过滤器至关重要的因素。而由本实验室开发的管式生物过滤器(TBFs)已被证明具备此优势。本实验的管式生物过滤器以聚氨酯海绵作为填料,研究在不同有机负荷、气体停留时间(EBCT)、进气量和表面活性剂等条件下乙苯废气的去除效率(RE)。实验同时记录了管式生物过滤器启动阶段的表现。初期使附着在填料上的微生物暴露在浓度为40 mg/m3的乙苯废气中40 d,此时的气体停留时间为15 s,使微生物慢慢适应并逐步降解乙苯废气;然后连续地控制管式生物过滤器的入口乙苯浓度为40、80、120和160 mg/m3,以使有机负荷逐步升高。结果表明,乙苯去除效率随着有机负荷的增大而逐步减小。当气体停留时间从15 s增加到30 s和60 s,而有机负荷控制在38.60 g/(m3·h)时,乙苯废气去除效率略微增加。此外,随着进气量的增大乙苯废气的最大平均去除效率有所下降而此时的降解容量增大,这个过程中乙苯进气浓度保持不变。结果还表明,在营养液中加入聚乙二醇辛基苯基醚这种表面活性剂可以提高乙苯废气的去除效率。  相似文献   

为提升基于脱硫脱硝工艺的生物转鼓对工业废气中SO2、NOx的处理效果,在好氧条件下,分析了生物转鼓的启动过程、稳态下的生物相群落结构,考察了不同进气质量浓度下生物转鼓对SO2、NOx的处理效果和去除负荷,并探讨了生物转鼓同步脱硫脱硝过程中N和S的转化途径.结果表明:生物转鼓的启动挂膜需耗时约25d;门水平的脱硫脱硝优势...  相似文献   

The system performance of a trickle bed biofilter for treating single and mixed benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and o-xylene (BTEX) vapors from waste gases was investigated under different gas flow rates and influent BTEX concentrations. When a single substrate was fed, removal efficiencies of greater than 90% could be achieved for the loads below 64 g benzene/m3/hr, 110 g toluene/m3/hr, 53 g ethylbenzene/m3/hr, and 55 g o-xylene/m3/hr. When a mixed substrate was fed, removal efficiencies of each compound could be above 90% at BTEX loads below 96 g/m3/hr. The trickle bed biofilter appears to be an effective treatment process for removing both single and mixed BTEX vapors with low to high loads. Under similar substrate loads, BTEX vapors were preferentially biodegraded in the order of toluene, benzene, o-xylene, and ethylbenzene. The volumetric removal rates (elimination capacities) of BTEX vapors for a single-substrate feed were higher than those for a mixed-substrate feed under similar substrate loads; these differences were enhanced at higher substrate loads and less significant for a preferred substrate.  相似文献   

中空纤维膜生物反应器处理二甲苯废气   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
采用中空纤维膜生物反应器(HFMB)去除气态二甲苯,研究比较了不同进口浓度、停留时间以及悬浮液中生物量对二甲苯净化效果的影响。实验结果表明:随着进口浓度的增加二甲苯净化效率先升高后平稳,生化降解能力(EC)则明显升高;随着停留时间的增加,二甲苯的净化效率明显增加。实验发现最佳的实验条件是:悬浮液循环速率50 L/h,pH值介于6.5到7.5之间,溶解氧6 mg/L左右,停留时间tR=8.8 s;二甲苯的处理效率可达到92%以上。结果还显示二甲苯净化效率随悬浮液循环流速的变化而波动不大,进口二甲苯的组成对净化效率也有一定的影响。与传统的生物法相比,膜生物反应器可以实现气相和液相的分离以及减少占地面积,具有很好的发展前景。  相似文献   

Biofilters are becoming an increasingly popular treatment device for odors and other volatiles found at wastewater treatment plants. A seashell media based biofilter was installed in April 2011 at Lake Wildwood Wastewater Treatment Plant located in Penn Valley, California. It was sampled seasonally to examine its ability to treat odorous compounds found in the air above the anaerobic equalization basin at the front end of the plant and to examine the properties of the biofilter and its recirculating water system. The odor profile method sensory panels found mainly sulfide odors (rotten eggs and rotten vegetable) and some fecal odors. This proved to be a useful guidance tool for selecting the required types of chemical sampling. The predominant odorous compounds found were hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan and dimethyl sulfide. These compounds were effectively removed by the biofilter at greater than 99% removal efficiency therein reducing the chemical concentrations to below their odor thresholds. Aldehydes found in the biofilter were below odor thresholds but served as indicators of biological activity. Gas chromatography with mass spectrometry and gas chromatography with sensory detection showed the presence of dimethyl disulfide and dimethyl trisulfide as well, but barely above their respective odor thresholds. The neutrality of the pH of the recirculating water was variable depending on conditions in the biofilter, but a local neutral pH was found in the shells themselves. Other measurements of the recirculating water indicated that the majority of the bio-activity takes place in the first stage of the biofilter. All measurements performed suggest that this seashell biofilter is successful at removing odors found at Lake Wildwood. This study is an initial examination into the mechanism of the removal of odorous compounds in a seashell biofilter.

Implications:?This paper presents a thorough examination of a seashell media biofilter, a sustainable treatment technology used to remove reduced sulfide compounds. The durable performance of the seashell biofilter ensures that odors will be adequately controlled, preventing odor nuisance to surrounding residences, which is an emerging problem faced by waste management facilities. The odor profile method technique used in this study can be applied in many situations by waste management facilities and regulatory air management organizations for source tracking in relation to prevention and management of odor complaints, respectively.  相似文献   

采用中试规模复合生物滤池处理城市高污染水体,考察了滤池的最佳运行参数以及对氮和有机物的去除效果。结果表明:滤池容积负荷宜控制为0.3~0.5 kg COD/(m3.d),水力负荷4.5~5 m3/(m2.d),适宜的通风比为9%,当C/N为5~8时,滤池COD、NH4+-N和TN平均去除率分别为80%、83%和63%,达到高效同步硝化反硝化状态。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Due to the subtle occurrence of environmental polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAHs) pollution from incinerators, it is seldom considered a...  相似文献   

对磷矿石为填料的生物滴滤反应器净化挥发性脂肪酸臭气的净化能力进行了研究,实验考察了空床停留时间、进气浓度和进气体积负荷等参数对净化效果的影响,研究结论如下:在挥发性脂肪酸浓度不变的条件下,停留时间越长,废气的净化效果越好。进气浓度控制在205.80~677.40 mg·m-3的条件下,废气在反应器中的停留时间为97 s时,废气所获得的净化效率为99%;停留时间波动不大的情况下,反应器对挥发性脂肪酸的净化效果随进气浓度的增加而降低。当空床停留时间65~97 s条件下,臭气的进气浓度为224.29 mg·m-3时,去除率达到100%;臭气进气浓度增至1 345.71 mg·m-3时,去除率降到98.60%;当臭气浓度进一步增至4 934.29 mg·m-3时,去除率降至67.40%;在停留时间波动不大的情况下,废气的净化效率随进气的体积负荷呈先增加后降低的趋势。空床停留时间65~97 s条件下,当臭气的体积负荷为3.14 g·(m3·h)-1时,去除率约为99.20%。当体积负荷增至18.08 g·(m3·h)-1,去除率降到97.6%。当进气体积负荷继续增至39.25 g·(m3·h)-1时,去除率降到89.25%。总之,磷矿石作为生物反应器的填料具有一定可行性。  相似文献   

多层生物滤塔净化硫化氢废气研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
以木屑为填料,采用多层生物滤塔净化H2S气体,研究其适宜的工艺条件及生物降解宏观动力学.结果表明,填料分层可提高H2S去除率,当进气容积负荷<153.2 g H2S/(m3·d)时,H2S的去除率保持在90%以上;进气浓度低于70 mg/m3,下层200mm填料对H2S总去除率的贡献在50%以上;填料含水率为50%~6...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Oil and gas exploration and development provide important energy sources for the world, and drilling fluid is an essential engineering material for...  相似文献   

矿化垃圾生物反应床处理NOX废气的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
矿化垃圾(稳定化垃圾)是一种良好的生物介质,可作为生物反应床的填料处理NOX废气.实验室研究表明,稳定化垃圾反应床可有效地处理NOX气体,其硝化能力(以N计)可达0.83 g/(kg·d)(干重).NOX去除率受停留时间的影响显著,NOX去除率随着停留时间的缩短而降低.当空床停留时间为1.5 min时,NOX气体的平均去除率为76.7%;空床停留时间为15 min时,NOX气体的平均去除率为91.0%.在NOX进气负荷低于110 mmol/(m3·h)时,NOX消除能力随进气负荷的增加而线性增加.当进气流量一定时,NOX去除能力随着进气NOX浓度的增加而线性增加.  相似文献   

矿化垃圾(稳定化垃圾)是一种良好的生物介质,可作为生物反应床的填料处理NOX废气。实验室研究表明,稳定化垃圾反应床可有效地处理NOX气体,其硝化能力(以N计)可达0.83g/(kg·d)(干重)。NOX去除率受停留时间的影响显著,NOX去除率随着停留时间的缩短而降低。当空床停留时间为1.5min时,NOX气体的平均去除率为76.7%;空床停留时间为15min时,NOX气体的平均去除率为91.0%。在NOX进气负荷低于110mmol/(m3·h)时,NOX消除能力随进气负荷的增加而线性增加。当进气流量一定时,NOX去除能力随着进气NOX浓度的增加而线性增加。  相似文献   

Chung YC  Huang C  Tseng CP  Pan JR 《Chemosphere》2000,41(3):329-336
Gas mixture of H2S and NH3 in this study has been the focus in the research area concerning gases generated from the animal husbandry and the anaerobic wastewater lagoons used for their treatment. A specific microflora (mixture of Thiobacillus thioparus CH11 for H2S and Nitrosomonas europaea for NH3) was immobilized with Ca-alginate and packed inside a glass column to decompose H2S and NH3. The biofilter packed with co-immobilized cells was continuously supplied with H2S and NH3 gas mixtures of various ratios, and the removal efficiency, removal kinetics, and pressure drop in the biofilter was monitored. The results showed that the efficiency remained above 95% regardless of the ratios of H2S and NH3 used. The NH3 concentration has little effect on H2S removal efficiency, however, both high NH3 and H2S concentrations significantly suppress the NH3 removal. Through product analysis, we found that controlling the inlet ratio of the H2S/NH3 could prevent the biofilter from acidification, and, therefore, enhance the operational stability. Conclusions from bioaerosol analysis and pressure drop in the biofilter suggest that the immobilized cell technique creates less environmental impact and improves pure culture operational stability. The criteria for the biofilter operation to meet the current H2S and NH3 emission standards were also established. To reach Taiwan's current ambient air standards of H2S and NH3 (0.1 and 1 ppm, respectively), the maximum inlet concentrations should not exceed 58 ppm for H2S and 164 ppm for NH3, and the residence time be kept at 72 s.  相似文献   

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