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The controversially discussed German governmental bill regulating the ?ordinances for the protection of dangerous changes in the soil and for the reclamation of contaminated sites” (Bundes-Bodenschutzgesetz — BBodSchG) aims to provide a reliable long-term restoration of soil functions, to take precautions against harmful effects as well as to restore soil and contaminated sites. Critics of the German Federal Soil Protection Act maintain that this ordinance is based on the economical use of the soil. Due to the quality of natural and use-related soil functions, the frequently discussed conflict between ecology and economy is established by legislators who do not provide the the necessary support. This procedure pinpoints the paradoxon of the German Federal Soil Protection Act. The German economical situation, in the author's opinion, will not be effected detrimentally by this act. Various regulations tie down the application of this ordinance. For this reason, the German Federal Soil Protection Act in its present form is an unsuitable instrument for the measures of soil conservation. The German Federal Soil Protection Act provides a framework for the introduction of integrated federal regulations. It covers issues such as evaluation and examination as well as measures to prevent the impact of hazardous soil contaminants. Hence, the legal disputes involving the above mentioned issue can effectively be opposed. Providing federal guidelines for working on contaminated sites seems to be the real aim of the German Federal Soil Protection Act in its present form. For this purpose, however a federal law for contaminated sites would be sufficient.  相似文献   

The Test Guideline of the OECD (organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) is concerned with the international harmonisation of physicochemical, ecotoxicological and toxicological testing methods for chemicals and pesticides. New guidelines have been actualised and survey reports (Detailed Review Papers — DRP) dealing with test methods and the related questions have been compiled for the OECD member countries. The basic work to this international programme has occurred by way of the national co-ordinators who represent the interface between the national experts and the OECD bodies. The co-ordination of the Test Guidelines in Germany involves specific experts as well as the routine convention of working groups for exchanging the specific state of affairs and the respective strategies employed.  相似文献   

The UNEP International Register of Potentially Toxic Chemicals (IRPTC) was created by the UN Conference on the Human Environment of 1972. Its influence and co-operation in the 80ies with other international programmes of the WHO, FAO, OECD, and EC for the control of chemicals is presented here. The follow-up of the UN Conference on the Environment and Development (1992) created three new bodies that are to implement chapter 19 of Agenda 21 (Environmentally Sound Management of Chemicals): The UN Commission of Sustainable Development, the International Forum on Chemical Safety, and the Interorganisation Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals. This UN Conference also brought about a new orientation ofIIRPTC. In 1996, IRPTC was renamed as UNEP Chemicals and has been functioning in three major fields since then: The international convention on Prior Informed Consent, the international convention on the control of Persistent Organic Pollutants and, finally, a continuation of is traditional field of information exchange on chemicals.  相似文献   

P. Ax 《Marine Biology》1968,1(4):330-335
The interstitial archiannelid Trilobodrilus axi from the eulittoral of the North Sea has only one reproductive period in the summer (May to July). Sperm is transferred by hypodermic injection. The male copulatory organ may be adhered to any part of the female body for about 1 min. Eggs, without adhesive ability, are discharged into the sediment; however, after about 10 to 15 min the egg membrane swells and becomes a thick and sticky covering. T. axi has a direct development. The young hatch with the definitive number of 7 segments. The phylogenetic development of the reproductive behaviour and its adaptive value for life in the mesopsammal are discussed.  相似文献   

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