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班组是企业最基层的生产组织,是企业实现安全生产的基础,班组又是企业的细胞,是企业生产经营的最小单位,是生产经营任务的直接完成者。因此,能否将企业的安全管理有效地深入到班组的安全建设中,是大幅度降低企业的伤亡事故,实现企业安全生产的关键。作者认为.要使基层管理工作——班组的安全管理工作能够长期有效地进行下去,应从以下几个方面进行综合整治。[第一段]  相似文献   

目前企业安全管理之我见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
指出了当前企业安全管理工作中存在的问题,并提出了解决措施。  相似文献   

晓讷 《劳动保护》2011,(5):54-54
本刊讯 2011年4月13日,部分重点中央企业汛期安全生产暨应急管理工作座谈会在京召开。16家中央企业对本单位汛前和汛期安全生产应急管理工作进行了汇报。  相似文献   

就当前体制转换阶段中如何搞好企业安全管理工作,提出首先要充分认识安全生产企业改革中的地位和作用,其次要把安全当作效益抓,再次必须切实抓好现场安全管理等方面的看法,以期促进企业的安全工作上一台阶。  相似文献   

在市场经济条件下,国有企业正面临着创建现代企业制度、深化内部改革、建立完善的市场经济体制的时机。企业要在改革中积极推进现代企业制度,更新安全管理观念,充分发挥现代企业制度安全标准化管理体系效应,扎扎实实做好现代企业安全生产管理工作。 一、现代化企业安全管理  相似文献   

就安全审核的定义、内容和范围以及安全审核在企业安全管理工作中的地位和作用进行了简单的介绍,同时,进一步阐述了安全审核的原则和如何有效地实施安全审核。  相似文献   

班组是企业最基层的组织、最基础的细胞,同时也是企业安全管理的出发点和落脚点。作为企业安全管理的前沿阵地,班组安全管理工作应做到“十到位”。  相似文献   

企业实现安全生产,必须加强自身的管理工作。国家设定安全生产许可,规范高危生产企业的安全生产条件,是要通过加强监督管理,促进企业加强内部安全工作,完善安全生产条件,建立企业自律机制。  相似文献   

安全生产管理是企业在生产过程中.为了防止和消除事故以及减轻工人繁重体力劳动.保证生产安全而采取的各种组织管理工作的总称。从事安全生产管理工作的人员称安全管理人员。安全管理人员的工作职责,包括建立健全安全管理制度.执行安全法规,落实安全生产责任制.编制安全措施计划,安全教育培训。安全检查和伤亡事故的报告、分析、处理等方面...  相似文献   

<正>班组是企业安全管理的最小单位,也是企业安全生产管理的细胞,更是企业一切管理工作的落脚点。因此,班组管理工作的好坏直接影响着各项安全生产指标的实现。近年来,随着企业改制,企业班组安全生产管理工作显得尤为重要。所以,用"四卡"  相似文献   

IntroductionThe present study examines the self-reported frequency of non-lost work time workplace injuries (“microaccidents”) and the frequency of three types of work-related safety behaviors (i.e., safety voice, safety compliance, and safety neglect) recalled over a four-week period.MethodWe analyzed data on microaccidents and safety behaviors from 19,547 young workers (aged 15–25 years, Mdn = 18 years; 55% male) from multiple Canadian provinces.ResultsApproximately one-third of all young workers recalled experiencing at least one microaccident at work in the last four weeks. Comparisons across three age groups revealed that younger workers, particularly between the ages of 15–18, reported more frequent microaccidents, less safety voice, less safety compliance, and more safety neglect than workers aged 19–22. This pattern of results also held for comparisons between workers in 19–22 and 23–25 age groups, except for safety voice which did not differ between these two older age groups. In terms of gender, males and females reported the same frequency of microaccidents, but males reported more safety voice, more safety compliance, and more safety neglect than females did. The results and limitations of the present study are discussed.ConclusionFrequency of microaccidents and safety behavior vary among young worker age sub-groups.  相似文献   

为实时监控现场工人不安全行为,有效降低建筑事故发生率,实现主动的安全与组织管理模式,结合基于智能安全帽的施工人员不安全行为监测与管理系统,构建了工人安全行为绩效考核模型并设计激励机制。通过在温银施工项目的应用,进行了现场工人安全行为绩效的横向与纵向对比。研究结果表明:依据现场行为进行监控和绩效考核能够有效地改善工人的安全行为,有助于形成施工现场的安全生产竞争氛围,有助于建筑工地的安全管理。  相似文献   

为了研究有感领导对建筑施工不同经验工人群体不安全行为的影响,采用问卷调查方法,以群体安全氛围为中介变量,建立了多群组结构方程模型(SEM),并运用AMOS软件分析了有感领导核心四要素(能见度、关系、对工作团体的投入、主动管理)对群体不安全行为的影响及路径系数。结果表明:有感领导对经验缺乏的新工人群体的影响均大于老工人群体;对新工人群体,能见度和主动管理对其不安全行为影响较大,路径系数分别为0.654和0.639;而对老工人群体,关系和对工作团体的投入对其影响较大,路径系数分别为0.577和0.561。因此,在实施有感领导管理时,面对不同经验工人群体,应该因人而宜,以实现更加有效的管理。  相似文献   

Work-related injury rates for Canadian youth (ages 15–24) are alarmingly high compared to adult workers even though youth are less likely to be performing hazardous jobs. This paper reports on a document analysis of youth workplace safety education initiatives sponsored by national and provincial/territorial governmental and non-governmental agencies. Web-based documents were analyzed through the theoretical lens of self-advocacy. The self-advocacy framework highlights how youth can be agentic in altering high-risk workplaces by publicly articulating their own interests, needs, and rights (Test et al., 2005); thus, self-advocacy is a critical component in studying educational programs for youth safety. The analysis revealed that instruction on workplace safety identifies safety issues to workers and tells youth to work safely but does little to promote self-advocacy in young workers.  相似文献   

加强建筑工人安全培训的构想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析国内建筑工人安全培训的现状,指出导致建筑工人安全意识和技能差是接受安全培训少。为了减少事故率,必须加强建筑工人的安全培训。借鉴并发展了香港特区实行的建筑工人"绿卡制度",提出在我国内地实施建筑工人注册绿卡制度,及实施构想,即以注册绿卡为核心,现有的安全培训机构承担该培训任务,安监部门对其监管与工作指导,建设安全机构检查与督促建筑施工单位雇用有绿卡的建筑工人,对建筑公司实行规范安全培训及违者重罚的构想。对具体培训措施,如建筑工人的工地属地化管理,考培分离,建立全国建筑工人绿卡管理信息系统,培训经费来源等也进行了探讨。  相似文献   

建筑施工现场安全信息定置管理技术研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
建筑施工现场是一个动态的、复杂的的场所,是人流、物流、信息流交汇的地点,管理难度大,发生意外安全事件和安全事故多。为了解决这个难题,本文针对目前建筑工程施工现场的特点,提出了用安全信息定置管理技术来解决建筑施工安全难题的方法。通过现场直观、形象、通俗易懂的看板和现场的安全信息,使现场操作人员通过视觉很容易地从管理看板上和现场的各种标识上获取有关安全操作的各种信息和管理者的要求和意图,从而实现操作者的自主管理、自我控制,实现安全施工的目的。同时介绍了用定置管理原理的科学定置技术,从建筑工程施工现场安全信息管理的收集、加工、设计、应用的方法。建筑施工现场安全信息定置管理技术的推广,将加速建筑安装企业及建筑施工现场的标准化安全管理的实现,真正实现预防为主、自主管理为主、持续改进的安全管理模式。值得在建筑施工现场推广。  相似文献   

随着国企改制的不断深化,安全管理显现出许多薄弱环节,尤其是在能源勘探开发过程中发生的重特大事故,不断给安全生产发出了黄牌警告.近年来,多种因素导致员工"三违",造成恶性事故不断,其原因是由于企业缺乏安全文化氛围和员工缺乏必要的自我安全保护意识,盲目蛮干导致事故高发.因此,加强企业安全文化建设是提高全员安全意识的一种行之有效的方法,并可以进一步促进和提高员工的自我安全保护意识和安全技术素质.本文阐述了企业安全文化建设在新形势下的重要意义,并针对石化企业开展安全文化建设提出几点建议.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that unsafe behaviour is intrinsically linked to workplace accidents. A positive correlation exists between workers’ safe behaviour and safety climate on construction sites. Construction workers’ attitude towards safety is influenced by their perception of risk, management, safety rules and procedures. Pakistan, a developing country, is currently experiencing a strong growth in its construction activities. Unfortunately, the enforcement of safety regulations in Pakistan is not widespread. Indeed, some relevant regulations are both outdated and irrelevant to daily construction operations. This paper investigates local construction workers’ behaviour, perception and attitude toward safety, and attempts to link the research findings to the influence of national culture. A three-part interview-based questionnaire survey has identified that the majority of workers have a good degree of risk awareness and self-rated competence. Additionally, workers’ intentional behaviour was empirically explained by their attitudes towards their own and management’s safety responsibilities, as well as their perception of the risk they are generally exposed to in their workplace. The paper also reveals that workers operating in a more collective and higher uncertainty avoidance environment, are more likely to have safety awareness and beliefs, which can exhibit safer on-site behaviour.  相似文献   

A lot of attention has beenfocused on workers ‘ perceptions of workplace safety but relatively little or no research has been done on the impact of job satisfaction on safety climate. This study investigated this relationship. It also examined the relationships between job satisfaction and workers’ compliance with safety management policies and accident frequency. A positive association was found between job satisfaction and safety climate. Workers who expressed more satisfaction at their posts had positive perceptions of safety climate. Correspondingly, they were more committed to safety management policies and consequently registered a lower rate of accident involvement. The results were thus consistent with the notion that workers ‘ positive perceptions of organisational climate influence their perceptions of safety at the workplace. The findings, which have implications in the work environment, are discussed.  相似文献   

阐述了建筑施工企业通过科学的管理,提高农民工的安全素质,做好施工安全管理工作的关键是预防安全生产事故发生、农民工安全教育的内容和方法.  相似文献   

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