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137Cs在大鹏澳中迁移分布的数值模拟与预测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
137Cs作为广东核电站放射性排出核素之一,具有高残留,高积累的特点.悬浮物对放射性核素的吸附沉降是影响海湾水体中核素迁移的重要机制之一.为正确评价核电站放射性排出物对大亚湾海湾水域的影响,建立了考虑悬浮物吸附沉降影响的深度平均二维对流扩散模型,模拟了放射性核素137Cs在大鹏澳内的迁移分布状况,并对未来湾内水质进行预测.模拟预测表明若维持当前排放量,未来50年内海湾中137Cs活度并没有呈持续上升趋势,局部虽略有累积,但活度值仍很小,最大仅约4Bq/m3,说明悬浮物吸附137Cs沉降对海湾的自净作用不容忽视. 137  相似文献   

Sediment environmental capacity of pollutants is very important for marine environmental management. Based on the methodology of a study on water, soil environmental capacity, and mass conservation theory in a system, the concept and model on sediment environmental capacity for 137Cs in Daya Bay were developed. The static capacity for 137Cs in the upper sediment near the shore at a shallow area was calculated, and the annual dynamic capacity and total dynamic capacity were also calculated through determination of the typical biomass in the sediment. The results showed that the estimated environmental capacity for 137Cs in sediments was approximately equal to the current input of 137Cs into the sediments. Controlling the input of 137Cs in the sediments within the environmental capacity guarantees the sustainability of the current situation of the Daya Bay ecosystem and avoidance of a significant degradation of the system. Translated from Research of Environmental Sciences, 2005, 18(3): 11–14 [译自: 环境科学研究]  相似文献   

~(60)Co、~(85)Sr和~(134)Cs在非饱和黄土中迁移特征研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
经过2年的野外核素示踪试验、实验室柱试验、批实验以及数值模拟,获得^60Co、^85Sr和^134Cs在非饱和黄土中迁移特征如下:(1)非饱和黄土上述核素具有很强的吸附作用,经2年的试验,^85Sr的浓度峰位在天然条件下迁移不到2cm,喷淋条件下迁移13cm;^60Co和^134Cs在天然和喷淋条件下迁移甚微。(2)^85Sr在喷淋条件下迁移出现两个浓度峰。(3)^60Co、^85Sr和^134Cs迁移“快成份”在环境的安全评价中不容忽视。(4)在含水量和入渗水量很低时,扩散对核素迁移起主导作用。(5)水入渗量对^85Sr迁移速度和横向扩散无明显影响。(6)静态法测定的Kd值比野外求得的值大。(7)核素在非饱和黄土中的延迟系数Rd不是常数。  相似文献   

核电站运行前后大亚湾海洋生物,海水和沉积物^137Cs含量   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
用γ谱方法测定了核电站运行前后大亚湾海域一些海洋生物,海水,沉积物的^137Cs含量为计算了海洋生物对^137Cs的浓集因子与^137Cs在沉积物和海水之间的分配系数。结果表明:与发电前相比,该电运行一年后三种样品中的^137Cs含量没有的变化。  相似文献   

选择位于广东小良的自然林、光裸地和森林恢复地3种典型陆地生态系统类型,通过研究土壤137Cs和土壤有机碳(SOC)的含量与分布,分析137Cs与SOC的关系,尝试运用137Cs法研究典型陆地生态系统类型的土壤侵蚀与土壤碳动态.结果显示,自然林为研究区土壤137Cs的背景点,其0~40cm土壤中的137Cs平均活度值为(0.99±0.28)Bq/kg,137Cs背景值为(448.1±56.3)Bq/m2,0~40cm的SOC储量为5.93kg/m2.森林恢复地和光裸地土壤中没有检出137Cs,表明森林恢复地和光裸地发生了严重的土壤侵蚀.自然林土壤137Cs深度分布形态为非指数衰减形态,137Cs浓度峰值出现在次表层.自然林的各土层137Cs活度与SOC含量的相关关系不显著(P>0.1).研究区137Cs含量的背景值很低.基于137Cs法计算研究区及相似地区的SOC侵蚀量有一定局限性.  相似文献   

Four sediment cores were collected from Mikawa Bay, Japan, and excess 210Pb and 137Cs were measured by gamma spectrometry. Sedimentation rates for the four cores were determined by 210Pb method. The sedimentation rate range is 0.10-0.70 g/(cm2·year). The bio-mixing depth for each core is less than 7.0 cm, and was determined by the excess 210Pb profiles as well. Therefore, the bioturbation is slight. The 210Pb-derived dates coincided with the results from 137Cs geochronology. Acceleration in sedimentation ra...  相似文献   

调整AHP法结合137Cs计年评价滇池沉积物综合质量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
评价沉积物综合质量及了解其演变情况时,常会受困于缺乏监测数据尤其是历史数据,将137Cs计年法与一般的取样测试相配合,可以较方便地解决此问题.确定加权环境质量综合指数的权值时采用了调整的层次分析法(AHP法),调整主要针对AHP法的两两比较环节,使得仅需依据对监测数据的运算便可完成各因子相对重要性的两两比较并构造判断矩阵,以克服应用AHP法时存在于此环节的主观随意性.据此计算了滇池各湖区沉积物的质量综合指数,各湖区沉积物的综合质量均呈现随时间延续污染加重,这可能与滇池流域的工业发展与布局有关,因此,有必要将控制工业排放与其它治理措施结合,以改善滇池沉积物的质量,防止沉积物中的重金属成为二次污染源.  相似文献   

南极普里兹湾与太平洋、印度洋海水中90Sr和137Cs的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对太平洋、印度洋、南极普里北湾表层海水中^90Sr、^137Cs的分析,可以看出北半球放射必疹高于南半球。南极海域活度最你荒废 域人工放射性核素仍与大气沉降有关。全球人工放性活度吾下降趋势,但各海区下降的程度不同。南极普里兹湾夏季深层水的通升是影响该海区放射性水平的一个重要因素。局部区域的人工放射必不知 度与采样时间和地理位置有关。  相似文献   

沙河水库是北运河上游的关键节点,2018年实施低水位运行后水质逐步改善.本研究于2020年10月对低水位运行后沙河水库浮游生物的空间分布特征展开研究,结合历史报道数据与本次监测数据,对比分析了低水位运行前后沙河水库浮游生物群落演变状况,并开展了低水位运行后库区富营养化状况评价.结果表明,库区共检测出浮游植物6门62属1...  相似文献   

A comprehensive European data set of radioactivity in air caused by the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is presented. For the first 2 weeks after the beginning of the release, levels of particulate I-131, Cs-134 and Cs-137 (85 locations) and of total I-131 (10 locations) are given. All data are stored in a computerized data base. For the first time the passage of the Chernobyl cloud over Europe is mapped after re-averaging the time histories in each location to produce coherent daily concentrations. Cs-134/Cs-137 ratios were analyzed: the ‘European’ average ratio calculated from 1239 samples is 0.55, with a standard deviation of 0.25.  相似文献   

Through the use of general sampling and measurement by 137 Cs dating, problems regarding the absence of monitoring data can easily be resolved. Further, weighted values need to be determined while Environment Quality Comprehensive Index (EQCI) is commonly used as applied in environmental quality comprehensive evaluation. In order to overcome the subjectivity in determining weights, the modified Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method was designed. The modified AHP method involved the following key procedures: First, the parameters y i1 and y i2 were calculated based on the monitoring data; second, the factors were put in order according to the symbol and value of y i1 and y i2; third, the continuous odd integers, which represented the importance of factors, were given to factors according to their seating order; and, fourth, the factor weights were determined from the pair-wise comparison matrix calculated by the ratio of the given odd integers. Therefore, the weights were completely based on the monitoring data. In the present study, the comprehensive quality of sediments in five sections of Lake Dianchi were evaluated and the results indicated that the current contamination of sediments in each lake section is much more serious than at any other time in history. __________ Translated from Environmental Science, 2006, 27(8): 1531–1536 [译自: 环境科学]  相似文献   

The necessity to understand the relationship between cyanobacterial species abundance and water quality variations in coastal lagoons is crucial to develop strategies to prevent further cyanobacterial proliferation. This paper evaluates the relationship between water quality variations on the distribution of cyanobacteria during a 12-month period in Batticaloa Lagoon (Sri Lanka) using Redundancy analysis and Pearson correlations. Drastic variations in pH, temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen (DO) and total phosphorus (TP) levels were reported, but not turbidity and NO3. This brackish waterbody is hypereutrophic (TP levels > 0.1 mg/L). The cyanobacterial community contained 13 genera and 22 species. NO3, TP and turbidity levels positively influenced cyanobacterial abundance during all seasons indicating that nutrient (largely phosphorus) and sediment entry control is highly crucial along with periodic monitoring of cyanobacterial growth.  相似文献   

中国采煤沉陷区空间格局与治理模式   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
大面积的采煤沉陷区引发严重的社会和环境问题,得到政府和学术界的广泛关注。与传统以自然条件为基础的沉陷区复垦研究不同,考虑采煤沉陷区自然生态因素和区域经济发展条件,从综合治理的角度出发,分析中国采煤沉陷区整体格局和面临的社会经济风险,深入研究各地采煤沉陷区综合治理路径。结果表明:中国采煤沉陷区面积预计超过60000 km2,其中与城乡建设用地和耕地叠压的面积分别达到4500 km2和26000 km2,涉及人口达2000万左右,其中山西和山东两省采煤沉陷区的影响最为严重;从区域特征来看,中国采煤沉陷区有开发利用、环境修复、民生保障、异地搬迁四大主要治理导向,进一步结合社会经济和空间特征,可以将沉陷区分为环境适应发展型、基础设施完善型、特色产业带动型、环境修复型、民生保障型、异地搬迁型六个治理类型。  相似文献   

本文报道了新疆核试验场周围地区9个调查区17种主要食品中~(90)Sr、~(137)Cs含量分别为1.1~72.3,0.3~40.7×10~(-2)B_q·Kg~(-1);3个对照区分别为1.6~68.4,0.6~27.4×10~(-2)B_q·K_g~(-1)。两地区同类食品中~(90)Sr、~(137)Cs平均含量基本一致。调查区~(90)Sr、~(137)Cs所致成年居民有效剂量当量值分别为2μSV(集体剂量当量为30.0人· SV);0.3μSV(4.5人· SV)。对照区分别为2.2μSV(集体剂量当量为20.9人·SV);0.4μSV(3.0人·SV)。可见我国核试验产生的~(90)Sr、~(137)Cs对核试验场周围地区食品没有造成明显的局部污染,所致居民剂量当量负担仅为我国天然外照射所致年有效剂量当量(952μSV)的0.2%和0.03%。对该地区的广大居民健康不会产生有害的影响。  相似文献   

6   ha, or 6% of the country's total area. The environmental implications of this large-scale conversion have so far received little attention; the present study examined some of these implications. A review of research on soil physical and chemical aspects of the conversion of permanent grassland into arable land reveals that such a large-scale conversion may have considerable effects upon the environment. For example, due to the mineralization of soil organic matter a release of NO3 and CO2 into the environment can be expected on the order of 10 t N and 100 t C per hectare. Environmentally equally severe, if not worse, is the increased amount of surface runoff that can be expected from converted grassland soils in arable land during winter because of surface sealing and soil compaction. This increased surface runoff, in combination with the runoff from other farmland, may be one of the reasons for the growing frequency of floods along major German rivers in recent years. In view of the lasting adverse environmental effects of permanent grassland conversion and the subsidized agricultural surpluses in Germany today, we conclude that a reconversion of arable land into permanent grassland may be beneficial both environmentally and economically.  相似文献   

基于2017年全国1365个监测站点的实时监测数据,运用空间数据统计模型揭示近地面臭氧(O3)污染的时空分布格局,并利用BenMap工具在10km×10km空间网格尺度上估计O3污染的健康损失和健康经济价值.结果表明,O3浓度具有较强的季节性变化,呈倒"V"型变化趋势,在空间分布上呈现明显的集聚性,即高值或低值区域集中分布,具有较强的空间正相关性;通过O3暴露系数模拟人群室内、室外O3暴露情况,在统计意义上估计得到2017年O3污染共计造成我国全因早逝人数98473例(95%置信区间:53419~143292),其中心血管疾病早逝风险约占45%,以不同学者估算得到的单位统计生命价值为基础,估计得到的健康经济损失在197~978亿元之间,约占2017年全国GDP的0.05%~0.26%.  相似文献   

利用1959—2011年马鞍山地区4个观测站53年的逐日人工雷暴观测资料,通过surfer软件绘图计算、经验正交分解(EOF)、建立时间序列以及气候趋势等方法,分析了马鞍山雷电时空变化特征。结果表明:马鞍山雷暴日数呈现东西部、南部偏多,中北部偏少的特点,时间分布上雷暴日数呈下降走势,其气候倾向率为-5.3/10a,季节性分布上主要集中在夏季,雷暴期有延长的趋势,日变化规律十分明显,午后13时至夜间为雷暴出现高峰期。  相似文献   

利用2006~2017年的MERRA-2再分析数据、CALIPSO卫星反演数据以及欧洲中心(ECMWF)提供的ERA5再分析资料研究了西南地区吸收性气溶胶的时间变化趋势及空间分布特征.结果表明2006~2017年吸收性气溶胶四川盆地与云南南部整体呈下降趋势,同时存在季节性差异.CALIPSO反演的烟尘气溶胶(主要由强吸...  相似文献   

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