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大型蚤毒理试验应用与研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大型蚤作为国际公认的标准试验生物,其毒理试验被许多国家定为毒性必测项目,各国纷纷建立了自己的标准方法,因此有着广阔的应用前景。在分析中,主要介绍了大型蚤的试验培养技术和国内外对其毒理试验方面的研究概况。  相似文献   

大型蚤毒理试验应用与研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大型蚤作为国际公认的标准试验生物 ,其毒理试验被许多国家定为毒性必测项目 ,各国纷纷建立了自己的标准方法 ,因此有着广阔的应用前景。在分析中 ,主要介绍了大型蚤的试验培养技术和国内外对其毒理试验方面的研究概况。  相似文献   

苯酚及其氯代物对大型[氵蚤]的毒性效应和微观机理探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用静态生物急性试验的方法,研究了5种酚类化合物对大型[氵蚤]的急性毒性效应,并利用正辛醇/水分配系数(Kow)对实验测得的毒性数值进行了统计分析,得到了有效的毒性估测模型。研究结果表明,大型[氵蚤]的幼溪接触不同化合物的不同浓度,活动会受到抑制,甚至死亡,苯酚、4-氯酚、2,4-二氯酚、2,3,4-三氯酚和五氯酚的48hEC50分别为9.15、4.64、4.40、1.92、0.37mg/L;根据化学物质对[氵蚤]类的毒性评价标准,这5种化合物都属高毒物质,其中五氯酚具有极高毒性。另外,五氯酚对大型[氵蚤]的致毒关键步骤不仅包括传输分配过程还有生化反应。  相似文献   

城市污水厂二级处理出水深度处理组合工艺研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究臭氧-曝气生物滤池二级处理出水深度处理组合工艺的处理效果,采用臭氧-曝气生物滤池(biological aerated filter, BAF)组合工艺对城市污水处理厂二级生化处理出水进行深度处理。结果表明,组合工艺对造成水中色度的主要物质腐植酸和富里酸类有机物和嗅味物质中的二甲基三硫和二甲基异莰醇(MIB)能够进行有效去除。臭氧氧化能够显著提高后续BAF单元对CODMn的去除。在进水CODMn6~8 mg/L、色度为25~30度、浊度约为8 NTU的条件下,当臭氧投加量为5~6 mg/L、BAF的水力停留时间为1~1.5 h时,出水CODMn< 5 mg/L、色度<5度、浊度<1 NTU,出水水质可满足生产工艺对回用水的水质要求。  相似文献   

利用发光菌和大型蚤对北方某城市再生水急性毒性的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用发光菌和大型蚤作为受试生物测定了北方某城市5个再生水原水(城市污水厂二级出水)和2个再生水处理系统的各工艺出水的急性毒性.结果表明,各再生水原水对大型蚤和发光菌具有不同程度的毒性效应,其中工业废水占较大比例的K和B厂再生水原水的大型蚤48 h总抑制率分别高达90%和100%,发光菌发光抑制率分别达到74.2%和46...  相似文献   

Deltatox水质毒性检测仪在水环境污染应急监测中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐亮  钟声 《污染防治技术》2009,22(3):99-100
针对在水环境污染事故中,污染团难以快速定位、污染带扩散范围难以快速界定的问题,结合应急监测需要,分析了Deltatox水质毒性检测仪的性能特点,指出发光细菌法对今后的水环境应急监测工作有着重要意义。  相似文献   

大量研究表明,饮用水中存在着能导致遗传毒性的物质,在我国许多水厂水质检测能力有限的前提下,生物毒性指标作为反映有毒物质综合指标具有重要的现实意义.本研究应用SOS/Umu生物毒性测试评价了北方某市一自来水厂的A、B、C、D 4套试验工艺在不同的季节(冬春两季)各工艺段出水的遗传毒性效应.结果显示,冬春两季地表水加氯后遗传毒性效应均显著增加,冬季间接遗传毒性效应高于春季;活性炭吸附对去除遗传毒性物质效果显著,但后期加氯使遗传毒性效应增加;冬春两季比较,以及地下水和地表水比较,各工艺出水的遗传毒性效应差别很大.通过研究表明,本研究所应用的生物毒性测试SOS/Umu能够快速、准确地对水厂工艺过程中致突变物质的处理效果进行评价,能对工艺改进提出指导,是自来水质安全性评价的重要补充手段.  相似文献   

化学物质对发光菌的联合毒性评价方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毒性单位法(TU)的理论基础来源于剂量加和模型(DA),目前仅在二元联合毒性评价中广泛应用。为了确定TU模型适合评价的混合物类型,实验选取5种剂量效应曲线类型不同的物质,采用微板光度计测试了一元、二元混合物对发光菌青海弧菌-Q67(Vibrio-qinghaiensis sp.-Q67)的急性毒性。根据物质的剂量效应曲线形状将物质分为A、B、C 3类,利用毒性单位法(TU)和联合作用定义法分别对AA类、AB类、AC类、BC类混合物进行分析。结果表明,TU法仅适合于由剂量效应曲线接近直线的物质组成的混合物进行联合毒性的评价。以效应为基准、TU模型为框架建立了TU’模型,该模型可以满足对任何类型已知成分的混合物或者未知成分的实际水样之间的多元联合作用的评价。  相似文献   

苯酚及其氯代物对大型溞的毒性效应和微观机理探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用静态生物急性试验的方法,研究了5种酚类化合物对大型溞的急性毒性效应,并利用正辛醇/水分配系数(Kow)对实验测得的毒性数值进行了统计分析,得到了有效的毒性估测模型.研究结果表明,大型溞的幼溞接触不同化合物的不同浓度,活动会受到抑制,甚至死亡,苯酚、4-氯酚、2,4-二氯酚、2,3,4-三氯酚和五氯酚的48 h EC50分别为9.15、4.64、4.40、1.92、0.37 mg/L;根据化学物质对溞类的毒性评价标准,这5种化合物都属高毒物质,其中五氯酚具有极高毒性.另外,五氯酚对大型溞的致毒关键步骤不仅包括传输分配过程还有生化反应.  相似文献   

为降低城市污泥堆肥中有机氯农药对环境的影响,实验室通过外加热源提供堆肥环境温度条件,并在不同堆料中接种不同剂量的产漆酶血红密孔菌,研究不同处理下产漆酶血红密孔菌对污泥中HCH、DDT和HCB的降解性能的影响。结果表明,供试血红密孔菌对3种有机氯农药的降解有明显的促进作用。未接种菌剂情况下,高温堆肥本身对HCH、DDT和HCB的降解率分别为51.1%、43.6%和63.4%;接种1%菌剂时,HCH、DDT和HCB比未接种堆料降解率分别提高了16.2%、34.6%和21.7%;接种3%菌剂时,HCH、DDT和HCB比未接种堆料降解率分别提高了41.1%、34.6%和20.1%。供试菌剂对DDT的降解效果最好,且DDT和HCH的降解能力与接种量大小呈正相关。此外,供试菌剂剂量大小对HCH不同异构体和DDT不同衍生物降解效果也不尽相同。  相似文献   

Among the emerging literature addressing the biological effects of nanoparticles, very little information exists, particularly on aquatic organisms, that evaluates nanoparticles in comparison to non-nanocounterparts. Therefore, the potential effects of nano-scale and non-nano-scale TiO2 and ZnO on the water flea, Daphnia magna, were examined in 48-h acute toxicity tests using three different test media, several pigment formulations – including coated nanoparticles – and a variety of preparation steps. In addition, a 21-d chronic Daphnia reproduction study was performed using coated TiO2 nanoparticles. Analytical ultracentrifugation analyses provided evidence that the nanoparticles were present in a wide range of differently sized aggregates in the tested dispersions. While no pronounced effects on D. magna were observed for nano-scale and non-nano-scale TiO2 pigments in 19 of 25 acute (48-h) toxicity tests (EC50 > 100 mg L−1), six acute tests with both nano- and non-nano-scale TiO2 pigments showed slight effects (EC10, 0.5–91.2 mg L−1). For the nano-scale and non-nano-scale ZnO pigments, the acute 48-h EC50 values were close to the 1 mg L−1 level, which is within the reported range of zinc toxicity to Daphnia. In general, the toxicity in the acute tests was independent of particle size (non-nano-scale or nano-scale), coating of particles, aggregation of particles, the type of medium or the applied pre-treatment of the test dispersions. The chronic Daphnia test with coated TiO2 nanoparticles demonstrated that reproduction was a more sensitive endpoint than adult mortality. After 21 d, the NOEC for adult mortality was 30 mg L−1 and the NOEC for offspring production was 3 mg L−1. The 21-d EC10 and EC50 values for reproductive effects were 5 and 26.6 mg L−1, respectively. This study demonstrates the utility of evaluating nanoparticle effects relative to non-nano-scale counterparts and presents the first report of chronic exposure to TiO2 nanoparticles in D. magna.  相似文献   

In this study, the effects of three widespread heavy metals, As(III), As(V) and Cd, and their binary mixtures on the proteomic profile in D. magna were examined to screen novel protein biomarkers using the two-dimensional gel electrophoresis method (2DE). Ten 20d daphnia were exposed to the LC20 concentrations for each of a total of 8 treatments, including the control, As(III), As(V), Cd, [As(III)+As(V)], [As(III)+Cd], [As(V)+Cd], and [As(III), As(V), Cd], for 24 h before protein isolation. Three replicates were performed for each treatment. These protein samples were employed for 2DE experiments with a pH gradient gel strip from pH 3 to pH 10. The protein spots were detected by a silver staining process and their intensities were analyzed by Progenesis software to discover the differentially expressed proteins (DEPs) in response to each heavy metal. A total of 117 differentially expressed proteins (DEPs) were found in daphnia responding to the 8 treatments and mapped onto a 2D proteome map, which provides some information of the molecular weight (MW) and pI value for each protein. All of these DEPs are considered as potential candidates for protein biomarkers in D. magna for detecting heavy metals in the aquatic ecosystem. Comparing the proteomic results among these treatments suggested that exposing D. magna to binary mixtures of heavy metals may result in some complex interactive molecular responses within them, rather than just the simple sum of the proteomic profiles of the individual chemicals, (As(III), As(V), and Cd).  相似文献   

手足口病是由多种肠道病毒引起的传染病,其主要病原体有EV71、CVA16及CVA10。为了研究污水处理厂的生活原污水及二级处理水中此类病毒的存活情况,实验利用手足口病3种主要病毒的通用引物对其进行分型检测,同时使用肠道病毒通用引物检测所有肠道病毒,并对常规水质指标进行分析。结果表明,原污水及二级处理水的手足口病病毒阳性率分别为83.3%与36.7%,而肠道病毒阳性率更高达100%及93.3%。说明生活污水中的肠道病毒可以稳定存在,且若未进行有效消毒处理,可能存在于二级处理水中。在3种手足口病主要病毒中,CVA10检出率最高,达45.0%,CVA16及EV71检出率分别为8.3%及10.0%。可推断,CVA10为实验阶段该地区主要的手足口病病毒。通过相关性分析,肠道病毒的存活与水质条件密切相关。  相似文献   

Suspended particles are a natural component of aquatic ecosystems. This study provides a report on the survival, growth and reproduction of common-scale and nanoscale particles of Daphnia magna Straus exposed to five types of particles (i.e. KN (kaolinite), MN (montmorillonite), MNn (nanoscale MN), NP (natural particles), and NPn (nanoscale NP)). The results of the study show that the suspended particles elicited a dose-dependent toxicity in KN, MN and MNn, with the following toxicity pattern: MN > KN > MNn. On the contrary, NP and NPn did not show any harmful effects on the animals. Instead, NP and NPn, especially NPn, contributed to the survivorship of the animals. The animals were able to survive throughout the 21-day period of bioassays, and when the particle concentration reached 600 mg L−1, they produced many neonates without any addition of food. This experimental results also indicated that the nanoscale particles were less toxic than the common-scale ones, both for MN and NP. Moreover, the results of the 21-day period of bioassays indicated that when the organisms were exposed to particles of different size scales, they showed different selection patterns for allocating resources. This may be due to the generation of different assimilation and digestion patterns.  相似文献   

向北京市沙河水库投放大型溞(Daphnia magna),利用其摄食藻类、促进悬浮颗粒态污染物沉降的特性,以提升水体的透明度,为后续沉水植物群落的恢复创造条件,并探索大型溞的投放密度,以及投放后对水质及底泥主要污染物的影响。结果表明:向沙河水库投加大型溞的最佳密度为5~15 ind·L−1;在该条件下,水体透明度可在3~5 d由40 cm提升至100 cm,浊度由19.7 NTU降至3 NTU,藻密度由2.4×106 cell·mL−1降至(4~6)×104 cell·mL−1;大型溞可在沙河水库长期存活,并可长期抑制藻类、维持水体的透明度;水体COD并未发生明显改变;大型溞的分泌物促进了悬浮颗粒态氮、磷的沉降,使TN和TP的去除率分别达到70.2%和54.9%;由于投溞后藻类浓度迅速下降,藻对NH3-N的吸收量降低,使水体NH3-N升高了32.2%;底泥中有机质、TN、TP均出现了一定程度的升高。针对于湖库水体透明度低的问题,应投放适宜密度的大型溞,调整水质状态,并结合水中藻类、底泥污染物等条件,综合考虑有效改善水质的方法。  相似文献   

The cladoceran Daphnia magna was acclimated for seven generations to cadmium concentrations ranging from 0 (control) to 250 microg/l Cd (corresponding to a free ion activity of 4.60 nM Cd2+). Acute and chronic cadmium tolerance as well as cadmium accumulation were monitored as a function of acclimation time. After two to three generations of acclimation to concentrations ranging from 0.23 to 1.11 nM Cd2+ increases in acute tolerance were maximal (factor 7.2) and significant. Acclimation for seven generations to the same acclimation concentrations did result in an increased chronic cadmium tolerance (21 days EC50 values increased). Organisms acclimated to 1.93 nM Cd2+ were equally or more sensitive than non-acclimated daphnids in acute and chronic toxicity tests. Cadmium contents in D. magna increased significantly as a function of the acclimation concentration. Maximum body burdens of 236+/-30 microg Cd/g dry weight were measured in organisms exposed to 4.60 nM Cd2+, but detoxification mechanisms were only successful up to 82+/-20 microg Cd/g dry weight as this concentration did not cause major decreases in survival and reproduction in chronic toxicity tests. As the potential positive effect of acclimation on cadmium tolerance disappeared with successive acclimation generations and increasing acclimation concentrations, it is concluded that multi-generation acclimation studies are important for the evaluation of the long-term effects of environmental toxicants.  相似文献   

耐寒人工湿地植物石龙芮和酸模联用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了提高人工湿地在寒冷季节的运行效率,对2种非夏季植物作为湿地植物处理生活污水的可行性进行了研究。结果表明,在本实验条件下2种植物对N、P元素都具有很好的去除效果,对COD的去除也达到45%~50%。通过单一植物系统和复合植物系统的处理效果比较,发现石龙芮酸模复合植物系统对污水中的P元素和COD的去除率更高。研究表明,石龙芮和酸模作为人工湿地植物具有可行性,与常规植物互补使用能在一定程度上延长人工湿地的运行时间。  相似文献   

以向地表水中投加的隐孢子虫微球和贾第鞭毛虫微球为对象,研究通过对给水混凝工艺对其的去除效果进行比较,着重考察了不同混凝剂种类、投加量及水样pH值对去除效果的影响.结果表明,混凝工艺可较为有效地去除地表水中的两虫微球,去除率最高可达4 lg.相比常规的金属盐类混凝剂,高分子的PAC、PAFC混凝剂对两虫微球的混凝去除率更...  相似文献   

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