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Methanol-extractable UV-absorbing compounds, wax tube distribution and the chloroform-soluble waxes of the needles of mature Scots pines were studied in a UV-B field experiment in Oulu (65 degrees N). Throughout the experiment, UV-B lamp banks were placed over the same selected branch and each year needle samples were taken from the same branch. In the third exposure year, needle samples were taken twice a month from 3-day-old needles (18 June) to fully developed needles (13 August). On 28 September, the previous year's needles (c + 1, c + 2) were also collected. There was a significant negative correlation between the amount of waxes and UV-absorbing compounds. A high amount of UV-absorbing compounds was observed early and late in the season when the amount of waxes was low and epicuticular waxes were undeveloped (youngest needles) or already eroded (c + 2 needles). The amount of UV-absorbing compounds (A310/cm2 and A320/cm2) was significantly (30-day-old needles) or slightly (all the other needle ages) higher in the ambient needles compared to the needles under supplemental UV-B. This possibly indicated the already inhibited pigment synthesis in the UV-B-treated needles during the third year of supplemental UV-B. This observation could mean that the protective mechanisms may not be effective under accumulated UV-B dose.  相似文献   

Naturally regenerated, 30-year-old Scots pines (Pinus Sylvestris L.) were grown in open-top chambers and exposed in situ to doubled ambient O(3), doubled ambient CO(2) and a combination of elevated O(3) and CO(2) from 15 April to 15 September for three growing seasons (1994-1996). To examine the effects of O(3) and/or CO(2) on photosynthesis, chlorophyll a fluorescence and gas exchange were measured simultaneously. Doubled ambient O(3) significantly decreased the rates of photosynthesis at all levels of photon flux density. This was related mainly to a significant decrease in the photochemical efficiency of photosystem II (PS II) and the rate of whole electron transport, rather than to a decrease in stomatal conductance. When measurements were made at doubled ambient concentration of CO(2) (700 micromol mol(-1)), doubled ambient CO(2) treatment did not lead to a significant change in the intrinsic capacity of photosynthesis, as manifested by no changes in PS II, the rate of electron transport, the maximal rate of photosynthesis and the apparent quantum yield of CO(2) assimilation. However, elevated CO(2) increased the sensitivity of stomatal conductance to light and decreased maximal stomatal conductance. When O(3) and CO(2) were combined, the O(3)-induced decrease in photosynthesis rate was reduced significantly by a high concentration of CO(2). This may be partly related to the decrease in stomatal conductance induced by the high concentration of CO(2). The complete mechanism behind this interaction is, however, still unclear.  相似文献   

The effects of long-term enhanced UV-B radiation on growth and secondary compounds of two conifer species were studied in an outdoor experiment. Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) seedlings were exposed for two growing seasons and Norway spruce (Picea abies) seedlings for three growing seasons to supplemental UV-B radiation, corresponding to a 30% increase in ambient UV-B radiation. The experiment also included appropriate controls for ambient and increased UV-A radiation. Enhanced UV-B did not affect the growth of the conifer seedlings. In addition, neither the concentrations of terpenes and phenolics in the needles nor the concentrations of terpenes in the wood were affected. However, in the UV-A control treatment the concentrations of diterpenes in the wood of Scots pine decreased significantly compared to the ambient control. Apparently, a small increase in UV-B radiation has no significant effects on the secondary compounds and growth of Scots pine and Norway spruce seedlings.  相似文献   

Although terrestrial vegetation has been exposed to UV-B radiation and ozone over the course of evolutionary history, it is essential to view the effects on vegetation of changing levels of these factors in the context of other features of climate change, such as increasing CO(2) levels and changes in temperature and precipitation patterns. Much of our understanding of the impacts of increased UV-B and ozone levels has come from studies of the effects of each individual factor. While such information may be relevant to a wider understanding of the roles that these factors may play in climate change, experience has shown that the interactions of environmental stresses on vegetation are rarely predictable. A further limitation on the applicability of such information results from the methodologies used for exposing plants to either factor. Much of our information comes from growth chamber, greenhouse or field studies using experimental protocols that made little or no provision for the stochastic nature of the changes in UV-B and ozone levels at the earth's surface, and hence excluded the roles of repair mechanisms. As a result, our knowledge of dose-response relationships under true field conditions is both limited and fragmentary, given the wide range of sensitivities among species and cultivars. Adverse effects of increased levels of either factor on vegetation are qualitatively well established, but the quantitative relationships are far from clear. In both cases, sensitivity varies with stage of plant development. At the population and community levels, differential responses of species to either factor has been shown to result in changes in competitiveness and community structure. At the mechanistic level, ozone generally inhibits photosynthetic gas exchange under both controlled and field conditions, and although UV-B is also inhibitory in some species under controlled conditions, others appear to be indifferent, particularly in the field. Both factors affect metabolism; a common response is increased secondary metabolism leading to the accumulation of phenolic compounds that, in the case of UV-B, offer the leaf cell some protection from radiation. Virtually no information is available about the effects of simultaneous or sequential exposures. Since both increased surface UV-B and ozone exposures have spatial and temporal components, it is important to evaluate the different scenarios that may occur, bearing in mind that elevated daytime ozone levels will attenuate the UV-B reaching the surface to some extent. The experimentation needed to acquire unequivocal effects data that are relevant to field situations must therefore be carried out using technologies and protocols that focus on quantification of the interactions of UV-B and ozone themselves and their interactions with other environmental factors.  相似文献   

The first measurements of the energy balance fluxes of a dry, densely built-up, central city site are presented. Direct observation of the net radiation, sensible and latent heat flux densities above roof-top in the old city district of Mexico City allow the heat storage flux density to be found by residual. The most important finding is that during daytime, when evaporation is very small (<4% of net radiation), and therefore sensible heat uses dominate (Bowen ratio >8), the uptake of heat by the buildings and substrate is so large (58%) that convective heating of the atmosphere is reduced to a smaller role than expected (38%). The nocturnal release of heat from storage is equal to or larger than the net radiation and sufficient to maintain an upward convective heat flux throughout most nights. It is important to see if this pattern is repeated at other central city, or dry urban sites, or whether it is only found in districts dominated by massive stone structures. These findings have implications for the height of the urban mixing layer and the magnitude of the urban heat island.  相似文献   

Effects of the ultraviolet-B radiation (UV-B) on conifers: a review   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The current knowledge on conifer responses to enhanced ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation is mainly based on greenhouse or growth chamber experiments of one growing season in duration. However, the biomass losses observed in greenhouses do not occur in field-grown trees in their natural habitats. Moreover, the majority of the 20 conifer species studied have been 1-year-old seedlings, and no studies have been undertaken on mature trees. Fully grown needles, with their glaucous waxy surfaces and thick epidermal cells with both soluble and wall-bound UV-B screening metabolites, are well protected against UV-B radiation. However, it is not known whether these are sufficient protectants in young emerging needles or during the early spring period of high UV-B levels reflected from snow. In order to understand all the mechanisms that result in the protection of conifer needles against UV-B radiation, future research should focus on the epidermal layer, separating the waxes, cuticle and epidermal and hypodermal cells. Parallel studies should consist of wall-bound and soluble secondary metabolite analysis, antioxidant measurements and microscopic observations.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Considering the time spent in enclosed spaces, indoor air pollutants are of major interest because of its possible impact on health. However, to date,...  相似文献   

An open top chamber experiment was carried out in the summer of 2003 to examine the effect of nitrous acid (HONO) gas on the physiological status of Scots pine saplings (Pinus sylvestris). Four-year-old pine trees were exposed to two different levels of HONO gas (at ca. 2.5 ppb and 5.0 ppb) and a control (filtered air) from early evening to early morning (18:00-6:00), in duplicate open top chambers. Significant decreases in the ratios of chlorophylls a to b, an increase in the carbon to nitrogen (C/N) ratio, and a reduction of maximum yield of PS II (F(v)/F(m)) in pine needles were also observed after the 2 months' fumigation. Cation contents of pine needles were also decreased by the fumigation with HONO gas. The results could be explained by the harmful effects of OH radicals, generated from photolysis of HONO gas, and/or aqueous phase HONO (NO(2)(-)/HONO), on the photosynthetic capacity of pine needles.  相似文献   

Adverse biological effects of ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation have been well documented for phytoplankton and zooplankton in both marine and freshwater ecosystems. However, investigations of interactions between UV-B and anthropogenic toxicants have focused primarily on the chemical interactions between UV-B and the toxicant. Here we investigate the potential for UV-B to increase the sensitivity of the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus to either acute pentachlorophenol (PCP) or mercury toxicity, independent of UV-B effects on these toxicants. UV-B increased the toxicity of PCP and mercury to B. calyciflorus as much as five-fold, depending on duration of UV-B exposure and toxicant concentration. Reductions in the LC(50) of up to 60% were also seen for both toxicants. UV-B alone effectively eliminated B. calyciflorus reproduction and reduced ingestion by up to 90%. These results demonstrate the potential for UV-B to increase rotifer sensitivity to anthropogenic stressors independent of photochemical reactions with toxicants.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Although plastic induces environmental damages, almost the consumption of poly(vinyl chloride) never stops increasing. Therefore, this work abstracted...  相似文献   

The effects of clouds (amount, type and height) on the surface UV-B radiation have been investigated at Qena, Egypt (26°17′, 32°10′, 96 m asl) using 2 years data (2004–2005) carried out by South Valley University (SVU)-meteorological research station. Thus, the characteristics of cloud's statistical property during the study period were employed to evaluate the general feature of the region of this study. However, ≈86% of all the observations were ⩽2 octas and the overcast conditions (8 octas) were very rarely over the study region (only 0.2% of all cases). These observations included 10% low-level clouds, 3.16% mid-level clouds and 7.59% high-level clouds. The dominated types of these clouds are stratocumulus (8.9%) and cirrus (5.8%).The hourly values of cloudless sky UV-B radiation (UV-B0) and consequently the cloud modification factor (CMF) were estimated. An empirical model was developed for CMF as a function of the amount of cloud at low- and mid-level and high-level clouds. The correlation coefficients were equal to 0.985 and 0.987, respectively. In addition, a general expression of the CMF for situations those are considered as the effect of different clouds was found. The efficiency of this model has been tested in combination with a cloudless sky empirical model using independent data set. For this purpose, the hourly values of UV-B at selected cloudless and cloudy days were estimated. A good agreement was observed between the measured and the predicted values of our model. The mean value of the correlation coefficients of these selected days was 0.98.In addition, the attenuation of UV-B radiation could be determined by considering low- and mid-level and high-level clouds. The reduction of UV-B radiation as a function of cloud amount was non-linear for the both cases. At cloud amount of 100%, UV-B radiation was reduced by 83% on average by the high-level clouds.  相似文献   


The toxic effects of heavy metals pose a significant threat to the productivity and stability of forest ecosystems. Changes in the agrochemical properties of polluted forest soils due to global climate changes can increase the bioavailability of previously immobilized heavy metals. To test this hypothesis, we studied the effects of short-term shock exposure to ZnSO4 (50, 150, 300 μM) or CuSO4 (2.5, 5, 10 μM) in hydroculture on 4- to 6-week-old seedlings of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) with well-developed root systems. The effects of the excess heavy metals on mineral nutrients and the functioning of low-molecular-weight antioxidants and glutathione in protecting plants from oxidative damage were studied. Even short-term exposure to exogenous metals led to their rapid accumulation in the root system and their subsequent transport to aboveground organs. An increase in the 4-hydroxyalkenals content in seedling needles exposed to excess Cu led to an increase in the content of proanthocyanidins and catechins, which act as scavengers of reactive oxygen species. The impact of both metals led to the rapid development of mineral nutrient imbalances in the seedlings, which were most pronounced in the presence of excess Zn. Exposure to excess Zn led to a disruption in the translocation of Fe and a decrease in the Fe content in the needles. The most dramatic consequence of Zn exposure was the development of Mn deficiency in the roots, which was the likely cause of the inhibition of phenolic compound synthesis. A deficiency in phenolic compounds can have serious environmental consequences for pine populations that are at risk of contamination by Zn and Cu salts.


Seedlings of Calamagrostis epigeios were exposed to four levels of UV-B radiation (280-320 nm), simulating up to 44% reduction of stratospheric ozone concentration during summertime in The Netherlands, to determine the response of this plant species to UV-B irradiation. After six weeks of UV-B treatment, total biomass of all UV-B treated plants was higher, compared to plants that had received no UV-B radiation. The increase of biomass did not appear to be the result of a stimulation of net photosynthesis. Also, transpiration rate and water use efficiency were not altered by UV-B at any exposure level. Pigment analysis of leaf extracts showed no effect of enhanced UV-B radiation on chlorophyll content and accumulation of UV absorbing pigments. UV-B irradiance, however, did reduce the transmittance of visible light (400-700 nm) of intact attached leaves, suggesting a change in anatomical characteristics of the leaves. Additionally, the importance of including an ambient UV-B treatment in indoor experiments is discussed.  相似文献   

Needles of 20-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) saplings were studied in an ultraviolet (UV) exclusion field experiment (from 2000 to 2002) in northern Finland (67 °N). The chambers held filters that excluded both UV-B and UV-A, excluded UV-B only, transmitted all UV (control), or lacked filters (ambient). UV-B/UV-A exclusion decreased nitrate reductase (NR) activity of 1-year-old needles of Scots pines compared to the controls. The proportion of free amino acids varied in the range 1.08-1.94% of total proteins, and was significantly higher in needles of saplings grown under UV-B/UV-A exclusion compared to the controls or UV-B exclusion. NR activity correlated with air temperature, indicating a “chamber effect”. The study showed that both UV irradiance and increasing temperature are significant modulators of nitrogen (N) metabolism in Scots pine needles.  相似文献   

Wang G  Deng S  Li C  Liu Y  Chen L  Hu C 《Chemosphere》2012,88(4):413-417
Radiation with UV-B increased the damage to DNA in Scytonema javanicum, a desert-dwelling soil microorganism, and the level of damage varied with the intensity of UV-B radiation and duration of exposure. Production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) also increased because of the radiation. Different exogenous chemicals (ascorbate acid, ASC; N-acetylcysteine, NAC; glyphosate, GPS; and 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid, MCPA-Na) differed in their effect on the extent of DNA damage and ROS production: whereas NAC and ASC protected the DNA from damage and resulted in reduced ROS production, the herbicides (GPS and MCPA-Na) increased the extent of damage, lowered the rate of photosynthesis, and differed in their effect on ROS production. The chemicals probably have different mechanisms to exercise their effects: NAC and ASC probably function as antioxidant agents or as precursors of other antioxidant molecules that protect the DNA and photosynthetic apparatus directly from the ROS produced as a result of UV-B radiation, and GPS and MCPA-Na probably disrupt the normal metabolism in S. javanicum to induce the leaking of ROS into the photosynthetic electron transfer pathway following UV-B radiation, and thereby damage the DNA. Such mechanisms have serious implications for the use of environment-friendly herbicides, which, because they can destroy DNA, may prove harmful to soil microorganisms.  相似文献   

This study shows the results of concentration measurements of large particles (D ⩾0.3μm), CCN and Aitken nuclei (CN) in two different sites of the Ivory Coast—Lamto and Abidjan—during the middle of the dry season. A comparison is established over a period of 24 h; it clearly indicates that the aerosol is the same in the two stations if we consider the large particles and nuclei activated at 0.25% supersaturation. However, it is more abundant in smaller panicles in the Abidjan area, mainly in the early morning, and its emission is reinforced during the rains of the monsoon.  相似文献   

A field experiment located in TaiHu Lake Basin in China was conducted, by application of superphosphate or a mixture of superphosphate with manure, to elucidate the interception of P export during a typical rice growing season through 'zero-drainage water management' combined with sound irrigation, rainfall forecasting and field drying. P concentrations in floodwater rapidly declined before the first event of field drying, and subsequently tended to return to the background levels. Before the first field drying TPP was the predominant P form in floodwater on fields with no P input, DRP on plots that received superphosphate only, and DOP on plots treated with the mixture of superphosphate and manure. Thereafter TPP became the major form. No P export was found from the paddy fields, but a retention of 0.65kgha(-1), mainly due to soil P sorption. The results recommend the zero-drainage water management for full-scale areas for minimizing P export.  相似文献   

Many species of amphibians have experienced population and range reductions. It has been hypothesized that sensitivity to UV-B may contribute to the population declines of some amphibian species. We performed field experiments to measure the effects of solar UV-B on the hatching success of three Finnish anuran species, the common frog (Rana temporaria), moor frog (Rana arvalis) and common toad (Bufo bufo). Further, the effects of natural UV-B radiation on survival of the tadpoles of the same three species of anurans were tested. A significant percentage of R. temporaria and B. bufo embryos survived when exposed to and protected from solar UV-B and hatching success was not affected by solar radiation. Elimination of solar UV-B significantly increased the hatching success of R. arvalis, but embryonic mortality was high in both treatments. The data indicates that under natural conditions, solar UV-B radiation influences embryo survival in R. arvalis, but has no effect on R. temporaria and B. bufo. Solar UV-B radiation had no effect on R. temporaria and R. arvalis tadpoles, but elimination of UV-B significantly increased survival of B. bufo tadpoles. It seems that ambient UV-radiation levels have no effect on R. temporaria but may affect R. arvalis and B. bufo at different developmental stages.  相似文献   

The characteristics of UV-absorbing compounds, particularly soluble phenolics, were studied in needles of 63-day-old seed-grown Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings of two provenances in a UV exclusion field experiment at Pallas-Ounastunturi National Park in Finnish Lapland (68 degrees N, 270 m a.s.l.). The experiment used the following plastic filters in exclosure treatments to manipulate the spectral balance of natural irradiance: (1) 'control' (a polyethene plastic filter); (2) 'UV-B exclusion' (a clear polyester filter); and (3) 'UV-B/UV-A exclusion' (a clear acryl plate). Polyethene transmitted 89% of the ambient levels of total UV (280-400 nm), polyester transmitted 75% of the total UV, but only 0.6% of the UV-B (280-315 nm) component, while acryl plate transmitted 0.2% of UV (280-360 nm). The research also included (4) 'Ambient' plants that were not subjected to any treatment exclosures. After the 58 day UV exclusion, significant (p<0.0001) differences due to treatments were determined for a kaempferol derivative, kaempferol 3-glucoside, and a quercetin derivative, the quantities of which ranged from 0.23 to 0.45, 0.42 to 1.34 and 0.39 to 0.75 micromol g FW(-1), respectively, depending on treatment and provenance. Overall, Scots pine seedlings grown at ambient UV radiation (PAS300, Caldwell's generalized Plant Action Spectrum (PAS) normalized at 300 nm, 72 mW m(-2)) or under a control had significantly (p<0.05) higher quantities of soluble phenolics than seedlings grown under UV-B or UV-B/UV-A exclusion treatments. There were no significant differences in the quantity of soluble phenolics between the two exclosure treatments or between the two Scots pine provenances. The sums of diacylated flavonol glucosides ranging from 3.75 to 4.55 micromol g FW(-1) depending on treatment and provenance, were already present at very low UV-levels under the UV-B/UV-A exclusion treatment. The present study indicated that soluble phenolics, particularly the diacylated flavonol glucosides, may provide an effective preformed protection for young Scots pine seedlings against UV-B and UV-A radiation.  相似文献   

It now is widely recognised that the global temperature is rising, a phenomenon which could alter the effects of pollution on wildlife. In order to assess the role of temperature and exposure to chlorine due to cooling water discharges, a battery of metabolic, oxidative stress and histological parameters were evaluated in Mytilus galloprovincialis after 15 and 30 days at 15 °C and at two increased temperatures (+5 and +10 °C). Diverse gill pathologies such as haemolymphatic sinus dilatation, an increased number of mucocytes and granulocytes as well as a lower number of cilia were observed after 30 days exposure at higher temperatures. Protein, amino acid, triglyceride and fatty acid levels decreased when the temperature increased, as a consequence of higher energetic demand. Similarly, acetylcholinesterase, catalase and glutathione S-transferase activities showed an inhibition at higher temperatures, although gill lipid peroxidation levels remained unaffected. Our results suggest that increased temperatures induce deterioration in the health status of the mussels and in their defensive capacity against a polluted environment.  相似文献   

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