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Cumulative effects (CE) assessment is lacking quality in impact assessment (IA) worldwide. It has been argued that the strategic environmental assessment (SEA) provides a suitable IA framework for addressing CE because it is applied to developments with broad boundaries, but few have tested this claim. Through a case study on the Danish mining sector, this article explores how plan boundaries influence the analytical boundaries applied for assessing CE in SEA. The case was studied through document analysis in combination with semi-structured group interviews of the responsible planners, who also serve as SEA practitioners. It was found that CE are to some extent assessed and managed implicitly throughout the planning process. However, this is through a focus on lowering the cumulative stress of mining rather than the cumulative stress on and capacity of the receiving environment. Plan boundaries do influence CE assessment, though all boundaries are not equally influential. The geographical and time boundaries of the Danish mining plans are broad or flexible enough to accommodate a meaningful assessment of CE, but the topical boundary is restrictive. The study indicates that collaboration among planning authorities and legally appointed CE leadership may facilitate better practice on CE assessment in sector-specific SEA contexts. However, most pressing is the need for relating assessment to the receiving environment as opposed to solely the stress of a proposed plan.  相似文献   

There is a wide debate on the connections between pollution and COVID-19 propagation. This note faces this problem by exploring the peculiar case of the correlation between outdoor light pollution and the ratio between infected people and population. We discuss the empirical case of Italian provinces (NUTS-3 level), which represent an interesting context for the noticeable entity of contagions and for the relevant level of outdoor light pollution. The empirical results, based on a multivariate cross section model controlling for income, density, population ageing and environmental pollution, show that there is a positive relation between outdoor light pollution per capita and the strength of COVID-19 infection. This effect is statistically more robust in a non linear specification than in a linear one. We interpret our findings as a piece of evidence related to the impact of outdoor light pollution on human health, thus suggesting policies aimed at reducing this important source of pollution.  相似文献   

The consumption of the written word is changing, as media transitions from paper products to digital alternatives. We reviewed the life cycle assessment (LCA) research literature that compared the environmental footprint of digital and paper media. To validate the role of context in influencing LCA results, we assessed LCAs that did not compare paper and print, but focused on a product or component that is part of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector. Using a framework that identifies problems in LCA conduct, we assessed whether the comparative LCAs were accurate expressions of the environmental footprints of paper and print. We hypothesized that the differences between the product systems that produce paper and digital media weaken LCA's ability to compare environmental footprints. We also hypothesized that the characteristics of ICT as an industrial sector weaken LCA as an environmental assessment methodology. We found that existing comparative LCAs offered problematic comparisons of paper and digital media for two reasons — the stark material differences between ICT products and paper products, and the unique characteristics of the ICT sector. We suggested that the context of the ICT sector, best captured by the concept of “Moore's Law”, will continuously impede the ability of the LCA methodology to measure ICT products.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model of quality choice in the case of credence goods, i.e., when consumers cannot observe quality even after purchase. It shows that firms may voluntarily overcomply, i.e., produce high quality, even when doing so implies giving up short-run profits. This generalizes results on reputation effects derived in the IO literature for the case of experience goods. The crucial assumptions of the model are that there is a positive degree of monitoring of firms’ claims and a positive probability that the firm is of an “honest type,” i.e., always prefers to produce high quality. The result also helps explain why we see phenomena such as firms voluntarily overcomplying with environmental standards, food safety laws, etc. It is shown that overcompliance is more likely when consumers learn about all (positive and negative) monitoring results than when consumers only find out about firms that have been found cheating, as is often the case in practice. I further show that even firms that pretend to be producing high quality while really producing low quality may have an incentive to lobby for stricter monitoring. This helps explain, for example, why firms in Europe and the United States lobby for the implementation of voluntary environmental audits, third-party labeling agencies or other disclosure strategies.  相似文献   

The Mid-Canada Radar Line (MCRL) was built by the Canadian government during the 1950s and closed in the 1960s. MCRL Site 050 located in close proximity to Fort Albany First Nation was a source of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs); thus, this site was remediated in 2001. There has been concern in Fort Albany that the Albany River by MCRL Site 050 is still contaminated. We examined whether the aquatic environment surrounding MCRL Site 050 has returned to background levels four years post-remediation using leeches (Haemopis spp.) as bioindicators. Leech data for 2005 indicates that PCB levels remain higher near Site 050 than at the control site upstream; however, there has been a decrease in difference between Site 050 and the control site for leech body burden between years. Thus, the removal of the terrestrial source of PCB contamination at Site 050 appears to have removed the main source of aquatic PCBs.  相似文献   

In Korea, there is a pervasive feeling of invincibility to the point that people and organizations do not believe that disasters can strike them. This has impact on the level of preparedness for disasters. This study aims to delve into how Korea has to change its governmental policies/practices with some private partners' efforts to mitigate disaster risks. A case study was utilized as the major methodology by comparing exclusive management with inclusive management. These two approaches have been comparatively analyzed via four variables, namely the central government, the local governments, the incident commander, and other stakeholders. The major finding is that Korea's practices and policies have to evolve from the current exclusive management into future-oriented inclusive management. Moreover, the importance of communication, cooperation, collaboration, and multi-discipline coordination is discussed. Additionally, the problem of reductionism and equal participation among all stakeholders, as well as the resistance from vested interests, are recognized and elaborated for Korea and the international community.  相似文献   

As biofuel usage has boomed over the past decade, so has research and regulatory interest in its carbon accounting. This paper examines one aspect of that carbon accounting: the baseline, i.e. the reference case against which other conditions or changes can be compared. A literature search and analysis identified four baseline types: no baseline; reference point; marginal fossil fuel; and biomass opportunity cost. The fourth one, biomass opportunity cost, is defined in more detail, because this is not done elsewhere in the literature. The four baselines are then applied to the carbon footprint of a wood-fired power plant.The footprint of the resulting wood-fired electricity varies dramatically, according to the type of baseline. Baseline type is also found to be the footprint's most significant sensitivity. Other significant sensitivities are: efficiency of the power plant; the growth (or re-growth) rate of the forest that supplies the wood; and the residue fraction of the wood. Length of the policy horizon is also an important factor in determining the footprint.The paper concludes that because of their significance and variability, baseline choices should be made very explicit in biofuel carbon footprints.  相似文献   

Subsampling has been widely applied in the laboratory to process freshwater macroinvertebrate samples. Currently, many governmental agencies and research groups apply the fixed-count approach, targeting a number of individuals per sample, and at the same time keeping track of the number of quadrats (fraction of the sample) processed. However, fixed-area methods are still in use. The objective of this paper was to evaluate the reliability of macroinvertebrate taxonomic richness estimates developed from processing a standard number of subsampling quadrats (i.e., fixed-area approaches). We used a dataset from 18 tropical stream sites experiencing three different levels of human disturbance (most-, intermediate-, and least-disturbed). With 12 quadrats processed (half the sample), the collection curves started to stabilize, and for more than half of the sites studied, it was possible to sample at least 80 % of the total taxonomic richness of the sample. However, we observed that the minimum number of quadrats to achieve 80 % of taxonomic richness was strongly negatively correlated with the number of individuals collected in each site: the fewer the individuals in a sample, the greater the processed proportion of that sample needed to represent it properly. Thus our results indicate that for any given areal subsampling effort (any fixed fraction of the sample), samples with different numbers of individuals will be represented differently in terms of the proportion of the total number of taxa of the whole samples, those with greater numbers being overestimated and those with fewer numbers being underestimated. Therefore, we do not recommend the use of fixed-area subsampling methods alone if the main purpose is to measure and analyze taxonomic richness; instead, we encourage researchers to use fixed-count approaches for this purpose.  相似文献   

The concept of vulnerability has been used to describe the susceptibility of physical, biotic, and social systems to harm or hazard. In this sense, it is a tool that reduces the uncertainties of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) since it does not depend exclusively on the value assessments of the evaluator, but rather is based on the environmental state indicators of the site where the projects or activities are being carried out. The concept of vulnerability thus reduces the possibility that evaluators will subjectively interpret results, and be influenced by outside interests and pressures during projects. However, up until now, EIA has been hindered by a lack of effective methods. This research study analyzes the concept of vulnerability, defines Vulnerability Importance and proposes its inclusion in qualitative EIA methodology. The method used to quantify Vulnerability Importance is based on a set of environmental factors and indicators that provide a comprehensive overview of the environmental state. The results obtained in Colombia highlight the usefulness and objectivity of this method since there is a direct relation between this value and the environmental state of the departments analyzed.  相似文献   

The availability of wetlands and shallow water habitats significantly influences Gulf of Mexico (GOM) penaeid shrimp fishery productivity. However, the GOM region has the highest rate of wetland loss in the USA. Protection and management of these vital GOM habitats are critical to sustainable shrimp fisheries. Brown shrimp (Farfantepenaeus aztecus) are a major component of GOM fisheries. We present an approach for estimating the areal extent of suitable habitat for post-larval and juvenile brown shrimp in Mobile Bay, Alabama, using an existing habitat suitability index model for the northern GOM calculated from probabilistic survey of water quality and sediment data, land cover data, and submerged aquatic vegetation coverages. This estuarine scale approach is intended to support targeted protection and restoration of these habitats. These analyses indicate that approximately 60% of the area of Mobile Bay is categorized as suitable to near optimal for post-larval and juvenile shrimp and 38% of the area is marginally to minimally suitable. We identify potential units within Mobile Bay for targeted restoration to improve habitat suitability.  相似文献   

Rapid and unplanned urbanisation, together with climate change, are increasingly affecting the local climatic conditions of urban settlements. Spatiotemporal analysis using land use/land cover (LULC), land surface temperature (LST), and local climatic zone (LCZ) assessments have been helpful in understanding the urbanisation characteristics and morphology. Islamabad, the capital and the only planned city of Pakistan, has witnessed a consistent rise in local temperatures, increased built-up areas, and reduced vegetation cover during the past decades. This study explores the spatiotemporal dynamics of LULC, LST, and LCZ in Islamabad using satellite remote sensing data and spectral indices such as Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Normalized Difference Built-up Index (NDBI). The results indicate a whopping increase in a built-up area in the city (113% during 2013 and 2019). A positive correlation between LST and NDBI, whereas a negative correlation between LST and NDVI clearly indicates how urbanisation (and reduction in vegetation cover) are impacting the local temperatures. Assessment and analysis of LCZs helped to understand the variations and deviations of current LULC from the master plan. It was observed that compact low-rise urban development is the most prevalent. The outcomes of this study are expected to inform the urban planners, climatologists, and policymakers with the knowledge helpful for devising climate-resilient development policies that could reduce thermal stresses in the capital cities.  相似文献   

There is worldwide concern over the impact assessment and management of altered ecosystems. Increasingly, attention has been focussed as much on the properties of invasive biota as on physical and chemical degradation. Successful management of such impacted systems requires a clear understanding of the status and behaviour of introduced species. Thus, with emphasis on aquatic systems, it is the purpose of this paper to (a) evaluate the characteristics of successful invader species, and (b) identify those properties of a habitat which enhance its susceptibility to invasion. In this regard, a case study of the Great Fish River in South Africa is presented, and important terminology defined.  相似文献   

This paper reviews a social impact assessment of Hydaburg, Alaska, to illustrate the modifications of non-NEPA SIAs in response to “empowered” Native communities. Hydaburg has been influenced by three organizations designed to promote greater self-determination: the Native Village Corporation, a Native municipal government, and the Native Sovereignty Movement. The Hydaburg SIA incorporated community-based research, cultural assessment, and advocacy mitigation to accommodate the demands of this“empowerment”. The paper suggest that modified SIAs of this sort are likely to become more prevalent as self-determination among Native communities increases.  相似文献   

Episodes of toxic “red and brown-tides” appear sporadically along coastlines worldwide. Bloom initiation is largely due to a confluence of environmental and meteorological factors that predispose certain algal species to suddenly erupt, but the ensuing duration and severity of an outbreak are shaped, in part, by trophic interactions. We offer a simple model for this that exhibits threshold behavior and excitability and apply it to recent blooms in Long Island, New York.  相似文献   

As a subset of environmental monitoring, fish sampling programs have been an important part of assessing the potential impacts of water withdrawals and effluent discharges on fish populations for many years. New environmental regulations often require that adverse environmental impacts to fish populations be minimized. Without long-term field data, population evaluations may incorrectly indicate adverse impacts where none exist or no impact where one is likely to occur. Several electric utility companies have funded the Ohio River Ecological Research Program, which has been in existence for over 40 years and consists of fish, habitat, and water quality studies at multiple power plant sites on the mainstem Ohio River. Sampling includes seasonal night-time electrofishing and daytime beach seining at three upstream and three downstream locations near each plant. The long-term nature of the program allows for the establishment of aquatic community indices to support evaluations of technology performance, the collaborative development of compliance metrics, and the assessment of fish population trends. Studies have concluded that the Ohio River fish community has improved in response to better water quality and that power plant fish entrainment and impingement and thermal discharges have had little or no measureable impact. Through collaboration and the use of long-term data, $6.3 million in monitoring costs have been saved during recent fish impingement studies. The ability to access a multiyear fish abundance database, with its associated data on age, growth, and fecundity, improves the quality of such evaluations and reduces the need for extensive field sampling at individual locations.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new concept to include uncertainty management in energy and environmental planning models developed in algebraic modeling languages. SETSTOCH is a tool for linking algebraic modeling languages with specialized stochastic programming solvers. Its main role is to retrieve from the modeling language a dynamically ordered core model (baseline scenario) that is sent automatically to the stochastic solver. The case presented herein concerns such a study realized with the IEAMARKAL model used by many research teams around the world.  相似文献   

The implementation of effective strategies to mitigate the impacts of urbanization on waterways represents a major global challenge. Monitoring data plays an important role in the formulation of these strategies. Using monitoring and historical data compiled from around an urban area (Baltimore, USA), this paper is an assessment of the potential and limitations of the use of fish assemblage monitoring data in watershed restoration. A discriminant analysis between assemblages from urban and reference sites was used to determine faunal components which have been reduced or eliminated from Baltimore area waterways. This analysis produced a strong discrimination between fish assemblages from urban and reference sites. Species primarily associated with reference sites varied taxonomically and ecologically, were generally classified as pollution intolerant, and were native. Species associated with urbanized sites were also native, varied taxonomically and ecologically, and were mixed in pollution tolerance. One factor linking most species associated with reference sites was spawning mode (lithophilic). Spawning habitat limitations may be the mechanism through which these species have been reduced in the urbanized faunas. While this presents a strong general hypothesis, information regarding the specific habitat requirements and responses to urbanization of these species is limited. This represents a limitation to producing effective restoration strategies based on exact goals and targets. Without these, determining the type and number of restoration activities required to restore ecological communities remains problematic.  相似文献   

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