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The amniotic fluid is a clinically accessible source of mesenchymal stem cells (AF-MSC) during gestation, which enables autologous cellular therapy for perinatal disorders. The origin of AF-MSC remains elusive: renal and neuronal progenitors have been isolated from the AF-MSC pool, yet no cells with pulmonary characteristics. We analyzed gene expression of pulmonary and renal markers of 212 clonal lines of AF-MSC isolated from amniocentesis samples. AF-MSC were cultured on dishes coated with extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins from decellularized fetal rabbit lungs. In vivo differentiation potential of AF-MSC that expressed markers suggestive of lung fate was tested by renal subcapsular injections in immunodeficient mice. Of all the isolated AF-MSC lines, 26% were positive for lung endodermal markers FOXA2 and NKX2.1 and lacked expression of renal markers (KSP). This AF-MSC subpopulation expressed other lung-specific factors, including IRX1, P63, FOXP2, LGR6, SFTC, and PDPN. Pulmonary marker expression decreased over passages when AF-MSC were cultured under conventional conditions, yet remained more stable when culturing the cells on lung ECM-coated dishes. Renal subcapsular injection of AF-MSC expressing lung-specific markers resulted in engrafted cells that were SPTB positive. These data suggest that FOXA2+/NKX2.1+/KSP- AF-MSC lines have lung characteristics which are supported by culture on lung ECM-coated dishes.  相似文献   

A relatively simple method of obtaining high resolution chromosomes from amniotic fluid cells is described. The elongated chromosomes are achieved by adding ethidium bromide (5μg/ml) to the culture 4 1/2 hours before harvesting and the high resolution banding can be produced by usual banding procedures.  相似文献   

A high resolution technique was applied to amniotic fluid cells by synchronization. After inoculation, the cells were incubated for 30 h in the presence of either thymidine or 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU). After removal of the blocking agent and addition of a low concentration of thymidine, the cells were incubated for another 6 1/2–7 h, then harvested in prometaphase without colcemid. This technique gives a mitotic index of 3·7 per cent after thymidine synchronization and of 3·2 per cent after BrdU synchronization, and more than half of the mitoses were in the earlier phases with the chromosomes showing more than 550 bands per haploid set. GBG, GTG, and RHG prometaphases are presented. Precise high-resolution banding of chromosomes of amniotic fluid cells can increase diagnostic accuracy.  相似文献   

Ten-ml samples of amniotic fluid were taken from pregnancies being terminated at 8–14 weeks' gestation. DNA was extracted from the amniotic cells by sequential centrifugation and analysed using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Fifteen samples were analysed for evidence of maternal contamination using Mfd5 oligo-nucleotide primers for repeat polymorphisms. Ten amniotic fluid samples were tested for the Delta-F508 deletion characteristic of cystic fibrosis to demonstrate a diagnostic application for the technique. In each case, DNA extracted from fetal tissue from the same pregnancy was included in the controls. In 14 of the 15 cases tested with the Mfd5 primers, both the amniotic fluid DNA and the fetal DNA showed no evidence of contaminating DNA. In one case, neither the amniotic fluid cells nor the fetal cells yielded results. In nine of the ten cases tested with the Delta-F508 primers, the amniotic fluid cell DNA provided accurate information about the genetic status of the fetus; in the tenth, the fetal DNA failed to amplify. The results indicate that adequate DNA can be extracted from amniotic fluid from 8 weeks' gestation onward and these samples are suitable for prenatal diagnosis using PCR.  相似文献   

Objective Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis has become a valuable adjunct in cytogenetics, providing a rapid screen for common chromosome abnormalities that is particularly helpful in prenatal diagnosis. FISH analysis using standard microscopy is expensive and labor intensive, requiring both a high skill level and subjective signal interpretation. A reliable fully automated system for FISH analysis could improve laboratory efficiency and potentially reduce errors and costs. Methods The efficacy of an automated system was compared to standard manual FISH analysis. Two sets of slides were generated from each of 152 amniotic fluid samples. Following hybridization with a standard panel of five chromosome FISH probes, one set of slides was evaluated using manual microscopy. The other set was evaluated using an automated microscopy system. Results A diagnostic outcome was obtained for all 152 samples using manual microscopy and for 146 of 152 (96%) samples using automated microscopy. Three cases of aneuploidy were detected. For those samples for which a diagnostic outcome was determined by both manual and automated microscopy, 100% concordance was observed. All FISH analysis results were confirmed by karyotype. Conclusion These data suggest that an automated microscopy system is capable of providing accurate and rapid enumeration of FISH signals in amniocytes. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Growth of cells from amniotic fluid was studied with respect to cell concentration in the inoculum, blood contamination of the fluid, fluid colour, fluid clarity, gestational age of the pregnancy, and growth factors. Dependent variables measured were colony formation, colony size, and colony morphology after 7, 11, and 14 days of culture. The following conclusions were established from these studies: small sample volumes are the most efficient for producing colonies; cells from very bloody or dark brown fluids have a slower rate of growth; growth of cells from cloudy (noncontaminated) fluids is better than growth of cells from clear fluids; the proportion of colonies that are epithelioid varies with gestational age; the stimulating effect of 100 ng/ml fibroblast growth factor on cells from amniotic fluid was confirmed.  相似文献   

Cultured amniotic fluid cells from four anencephalic pregnancies were characterized in indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) microscopy using specific antibodies against different types of cytoskeletal intermediate filaments. Most of the cells showed a fine fibrillar cytoplasmic fluorescence with antibodies against glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFA), indicating that amniotic fluid cells in anencephalic pregnancies are of glial origin. The GFA-positive cells were rapidly adhering and proliferating. They remained as the major cell type also in long term cultures, and could easily be recovered from liquid nitrogen without losing their GFA positivity. GFA-positive cells were pleomorphic in appearance, and occurred in several morphologically different shapes. Amniotic fluid from one of the anencephalic cases contained typical neuronal cells, which in IIF were GFA-negative but could specifically be stained with anti-neurofilament antibodies. Most of the GFA-negative cells in all the cases were fibroblasts, identified by their fluorescence only with antibodies against vimentin. Epithelial cells showing positive keratin-fluorescence in IIF, were seen only occasionally.  相似文献   

A new culture vessel for amniotic fluid culture is presented (flaskette). It consists of a microscope slide, on top of which a culture chamber is mounted. Amniotic fluid cell cultures using in situ technique in the flaskette were compared to subcultured samples in ordinary (Falcon) tissue culture bottles. Working time was reduced by using this new culture vessel because of a very simple harvest procedure allowing simultaneous harvest of 15 samples. The interval between amniocentesis and harvest was shorter for the in situ technique than for the subcultivation technique. The frequency of aneuploidy in individual metaphases was higher with the subcultivation technique. while there was no difference in the frequency of structural anomalies.  相似文献   

An alternative method to the culture of amniotic fluid cells for prenatal diagnosis of chromosome disorders is proposed. Microculture of fetal blood can be used when fetal blood is drawn at amniocentesis through accidental puncture of the placenta. An easy discrimination of fetal red cells, a good response of fetal lymphocytes to PHA and the possibility of identification of the fetal karyotype from the maternal one are the technical bases of this method. This technique offers some undoubted advantages: a reduced need for repeating amniocentesis because of a lack of growth of AF cells due to massive contamination with red cells; a result may be obtained sooner. Thirty-seven cases out of 1092 amniocenteses were processed in this way (3·4 per cent). In two cases no mitoses were obtained but in the others the diagnosis was confirmed by the results of AF cell culture and/or by the outcome of pregnancy.  相似文献   

The media from primary cultures and subcultures of second trimester human amniotic fluid (AF) cells were assayed by radioimmunoassay to quantitate production of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Primary AF cultures produce more hCG per cell than do the corresponding subcultures. Sodium butyrate (2 mM) stimulates AF subcultures to produce 5-13 times more hCG per cell or per mg of cellular protein than do untreated subcultures. This stimulatory effect of sodium butyrate is dose dependent between 0 and 5 mM. Addition of sodium butyrate 24 hours after subculture, while stimulating production of hCG during the subsequent 3 days, also results in fewer cells and less protein per culture. This effect on cell growth is also dose-dependent. Previous investigators have proposed that the stimulation of hCG by sodium butyrate in other types of cell cultures is due to an effect of that agent on culture growth. Therefore, in these studies AF cells are allowed to grow to confluency before sodium butyrate was added. Production of hCG was stimulated by sodium butyrate about four-fold during the next 5 days although no significant changes were observed either in number of cells or amount of cellular protein per culture. These results suggest that stimulation of hCG by sodium butyrate is not dependent on its effect on growth of the cultures.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are capable of differentiation into multilineage cell types under certain induction conditions. Previous studies have demonstrated that physical environments and mechanical force can influence MSC fate, indicating that these factors may be favorable inducers for clinical treatment. Our previous study found that MSCs are spread with a spindle shape when cultured in normal gravity (NG), and under modeled microgravity (MMG) for 72 h, they become unspread and round and their cytoskeleton fibers are reorganized. These morphological changes affected the function of MSCs through the activity of RhoA. We examined the responses of MSCs under MMG stimulation, followed with VEGF differentiation. We found that MSCs under MMG for 72 h were differentiated into endothelial-like cells by detecting the expression of endothelial-specific molecules (Flk-1 and vWF), which were also able to form a capillary network. Their endothelial differentiation potential was improved under MMG compared with that under NG. We believe that this method is a novel choice of MMG stimulation for neovascularization. This phenomenon may increase the potential of MSC differentiation, which might be a new strategy for the treatment of various vascular diseases and improve vascularization in tissue engineering.  相似文献   

Two patients undergoing amniocentesis are described in which the resulting amniotic fluid was unavoidably bloodstained. The results suggest that it may be beneficial in such cases to reserve a small volume of bloodstained liquor for culture with phytohaemagglutinin since the presence of a few fetal lymphocytes can lead to a prenatal diagnosis within 72 h.  相似文献   

A simple method for preparing prometaphase chromosomes from amniotic fluid cell cultures is described. The technique is based upon several key steps including: (1) reduced colcemid concentration, (2) reduced exposure to trypsin-EDTA, and (3) maintaining cells in single suspension by adjusting cell concentration appropriately. Chromosomes with banding resolution up ot 800 bands per haploid set can be routinely produced. The described methodology is particularly useful in defining and establishing the clinical significance of subtle structural aberrations.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the use of five-colour fluorescence in situ hybridization for prenatal diagnosis of aneuploidy using uncultured amniotic fluid cells. The analysis is based on ratio mixing of dual-labelled probes and digital imaging for the detection and visualization of five different probes specific for the five target chromosomes, 13, 18, 21, X, and Y. A retrospective blind analysis of 30 coded uncultured amniotic fluid samples correctly detected fetal sex and five trisomy 21 cases. Multicolour fluorescence in situ hybridization used in this way allows rapid and simultaneous detection of the most frequent aneuploidies.  相似文献   

The activities of the disaccharidases maltase and sucrase in 4 amniotic fluid from cystic fibrosis (CF) pregnancies have been compared to those of 120 non CF-pregnancies. Very low levels were found in 3 of the CF-fluids. The fourth CF-fluid was normal in all measured microvillar enzyme activities. Elevated levels of disaccharidases in meconium from one of the patients born with CF, supports the idea that these enzymes are trapped in the intestinal cavity by sticky meconium.  相似文献   

The influence of culture conditions on the ultrastructure and enzyme activities of amniotic fluid cells are reported. Morphological changes were determined as a function of the number of lysosomal-like inclusion bodies per cell, and these results correlated to the activity of Thiexosaminidase, a-mannosidase, β-glucuronidase, arylsulphatase C and 5′ nucleotidase. The parameters examined were pH of the culture media, type of media, increasing cell passage and day of harvest. Our results indicate that enzyme activities are less sensitive to changes in culture conditions as compared to ultrastructural changes. We therefore recommend that in order to obtain reliable ultrastructural results for the diagnosis of storage disorders, cultures should be grown in MEM as the culture medium, the pH of the medium carefully monitored to remain below pH 7·4, examining the cultures no later than the eighth cell passage and no later than the 10th day after subculture.  相似文献   

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