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腐殖化度作为气候代用指标首次用于我国泥炭的古气候研究 ,较好的记录了红原地区全新世的气候变化。对红原泥炭14 C测年和腐殖化度分析 ,获得了距今 12 0 0 0年较高分辨率红原地区气候变化记录 :11.815~ 10 .9kaB .P .,气候干冷 ;10 .9~ 5 .6kaB .P .,气候湿暖 ;5 .6~ 3.9kaB .P .,气候干冷 ;3.9~ 1.7kaB .P .,气候干冷、湿暖波动 ;1.7~ 0kaB .P .,气候干冷。总体而言 ,大约 5 .6kaB .P .是红原地区由早中全新世的湿暖气候向晚全新世干冷气候变化的转折点。同时 ,红原泥炭记录的降温事件在北半球具有普遍性 ,反映了青藏高原对全球气候变化的响应。  相似文献   

泥炭腐殖化度能反映沉积物中泥炭的分解程度,常被用作恢复古气候与环境的代用指标。本文对当前泥炭腐殖化度的5种测定方法:化学计算法、碱提取溶液吸光度法、经验公式法、标准曲线计算法和灰度度量法进行了系统分析和比较,重点介绍了碱提取溶液吸光度法,并依据哈尼地区的泥炭数据,对碱提取溶液吸光度法测定泥炭腐殖化度的可行性和可靠性进行了检验。  相似文献   

通过青藏高原东部边缘四川布拖、四川红原、青海拉鸡山以及青海峨博四处泥炭剖面的腐殖化度和有机质指标研究,发现两指标在四个剖面上具有基本一致的变化趋势,相关性较高。表明全新世暖湿季风气候模式下,青藏高原东部边缘泥炭腐殖化度能够较好地反映有机质含量的多寡,可作为有机质含量变化的替代性指标。由于腐殖化度测定利用样品的碱提取液进行,消耗固体样品较少,因此在取样量少的情况下(如泥炭钻探),用腐殖化度指标研究泥炭有机质含量多寡具有推广意义。  相似文献   

采用AMS14C测年技术建立了哈尼泥炭地的年代序列,以泥炭碱提取液的E4/E6值(400nm和600nm处吸光度比值)来表征泥炭腐殖化度,并探讨其指示的古气候意义。研究结果表明:根据泥炭碱提取液E4/E6值与校正年龄的变化曲线,以及将其与哈尼泥炭400nm处吸光度直接表征腐殖化度的曲线进行对比,发现哈尼泥炭碱提取液的E4/E6值对古气候具有很好的指示意义,对全新世以来的气候突变事件以及前人研究的气候时期划分都能得到很好的对应,即哈尼泥炭碱提取液E4/E6值高,泥炭腐殖化度低,指示气候干冷,其E4/E6值低,泥炭腐殖化度高,指示气候暖湿。在今后的研究中,可结合E4/E6值来表征泥炭腐殖化度,并结合磁化率、孢粉等化学物理生物因子以及温度、湿度、水文、地质条件等其他因素来探讨泥炭腐殖化度对古气候的指示意义。  相似文献   

舒迪  熊晨  池涌 《环境科学学报》2016,36(7):2563-2570
以模拟厨余垃圾为对象,考察了水热过程中反应温度、反应时间及无机弱酸对腐殖质形成与转化的影响,总结了腐殖质的生成机理,并通过红外光谱分析进行了验证.实验表明,水热处理后厨余垃圾腐殖化程度明显增高,在205℃、50 min工况下厨余垃圾的腐殖质含量达到39.52%,腐殖化率(胡敏酸与富里酸比值)达到1.31,腐熟度很高.在一定范围内,反应时间和温度升高能提升水热腐殖化强度.加0.01%的硫酸水热处理过后的腐殖质含量比未加酸要略高,而腐殖化率增加更为明显,表明氢离子对水热过程的腐殖质的形成及腐殖化率的提高有一定的促进作用.结合红外光谱分析推测,腐殖质的形成主要来自于一些糖类降解产物的缩合反应,以及这些小分子降解产物同难降解有机物如木质素的聚合反应.  相似文献   

本工作研究了全新世中国东北地区哈尼泥炭地的碳积累速率与气候变化的响应机制。综合多指标腐殖化度、有机碳含量、干容重和纤维素碳氧同位素重建了哈尼地区全新世气候变化历史,并且基于定年、有机碳含量和干容重得到碳积累速率数据。哈尼泥炭时间加权平均碳积累速率28.3gC/(m2·a)。B/A暖期后期温暖湿润气候有利于碳积累,出现碳积累高峰。相对寒冷的新仙女木期碳积累速率有所降低。温暖湿润早中全新世虽有高泥炭分解,但高初级生产力还是占据主导作用,出现高碳积累速率。期间有两次火山碎屑层扰动了泥炭发育,导致碳积累速率下降。高碳积累速率一直持续到4ka BP左右大暖期结束。4.0~1.6ka BP太平洋季风减弱,泥炭表面偏干,加之降温导致低初级生产力,最终导致此阶段碳积累速率显著降低。之后季风不断增强,碳积累速率也随之增加。八次IRD降温,小冰期和新仙女木降温在哈尼都是冷湿气候组合。冷湿气候虽使有机物分解降低,但更大程度的抑制了初级生产力发展,导致低碳积累速率。  相似文献   

本文合成了一系列不同氧化度的酸性和碱性水钠锰矿,以对苯二酚作为腐殖质形成的前驱物,分析水钠锰矿矿物类型和亚结构变化对对苯二酚腐殖化程度的影响。取得的主要结果有:水钠锰矿的矿物类型和亚结构(锰氧化度、八面体空位、H+、Mn4+和Mn3+含量)对对苯二酚的腐殖化程度具有重要的影响,且矿物类型的影响大于同种矿物不同亚结构产生的影响。酸性水钠锰矿比碱性水钠锰矿含有更多的H+,导致酸性水钠锰矿比碱性水钠锰矿具有更高的氧化容量,反应达到平衡后,对苯二酚腐殖化程度更高。因此,水钠锰矿物中H+含量对对苯二酚腐殖化程度的影响要大于矿物中Mn4+和Mn3+含量的影响。同种类型水钠锰矿氧化度越高,得电子量将越多,氧化容量越大,反应达到平衡后,对苯二酚腐殖化程度越高。  相似文献   

小兴安岭植物体中δ13C不仅受区域湿度变化控制,也受温度变化控制.泥炭纤维素的δ13C曲线,较好地响应了小兴安岭地区过去5000年来气候,特别是温度和湿度的演变过程.5.1~3.0 ka BP、3.0~1.8 ka BP、1.8ka BP迄今,小兴安岭经历了3个千年尺度的气候波动,气候演变过程为温暖湿润→温凉较湿→冷凉较湿.在千年尺度的气候波动上,又叠加着百年尺度的气候变化,在3.0 kaBP以来更为显著.相应的,泥炭发育也经历了从富营养、中营养到贫营养阶段.  相似文献   

小兴安岭植物体中δ13C不仅受区域湿度变化控制,也受温度变化控制。泥炭纤维素的δ13C曲线,较好地响应了小兴安岭地区过去5000年来气候,特别是温度和湿度的演变过程。5.1~3.0kaBP、3.0~1.8kaBP、1.8kaBP迄今,小兴安岭经历了3个千年尺度的气候波动,气候演变过程为温暖湿润→温凉较湿→冷凉较湿。在千年尺度的气候波动上,又叠加着百年尺度的气候变化,在3.0kaBP以来更为显著。相应的,泥炭发育也经历了从富营养、中营养到贫营养阶段。  相似文献   

小兴安岭植物体中δ^13C不仅受区域湿度变化控制,也受温度变化控制。泥炭纤维素的δ^13C曲线,较好地响应了小兴安岭地区过去5000年来气候,特别是温度和湿度的演变过程。5.1-3.0kaBP、3.0~1.8kaBP、1.8kaBP迄今,小兴安岭经历了3个千年尺度的气候波动,气候演变过程为温暖湿润→温凉较湿→冷凉较湿。在千年尺度的气候波动上,又叠加着百年尺度的气候变化,在3.0kaBP以来更为显著。相应的,泥炭发育也经历了从富营养、中营养到贫营养阶段。  相似文献   

There are fears that global warming will lead to degradation of peatlands, higher emissions of greenhouse gases from peat, and accelerated warming. Anaerobic decomposition of organic soils produces methane (CH4), a potent greenhouse gas. Two peat bogs differing in mean annual temperature, Velke Darko (VD, Czech Republic, 7.2 °C), and Stor Åmyran (SA, Sweden, 4.0 °C), were selected for a comparative study of how organic soils in different climatic zones will respond to warmer and drier conditions. Twenty peat cores from each bog were incubated in growth chambers. Under present-day summer conditions, VD produced 14 times more CH4 than SA. Two different warming scenarios were used. Peat-core replicates were kept at temperatures of 11 versus 16 °C, and 11 versus 22 °C. From 11 to 16 °C, the CH4 production slightly decreased at SA, and slightly increased at VD. From 11 to 22 °C, the CH4 production increased 9 times at SA, but slightly decreased at VD. After an 8-month incubation, peat cores under drying conditions (water table at ?14 cm) were compared to samples with original water table (?2 cm). Drying conditions led to a steeper reduction in CH4 production at VD, compared to SA. The CH4 production decreased more than 100 times at VD. Then, the combined effect of simultaneous warming and drying at 11 and 22 °C was studied. We did not find any significant effect of interactions between increasing temperature and decreasing water table level. Overall, the warmer site VD responded more strongly to the simulated climate change than the colder site SA.  相似文献   

Facies analysis, fossil dating, and the study of the metamorphism in the Late Triassic to Early Cretaceous sedimentary successions in the central part of the Northern Calcareous Alps allow to reconstruct the tectonic evolution in the area between the South Penninic Ocean in the northwest and the Tethys Ocean with the Hallstatt Zone in the southeast. The Triassic as well as the Early and Middle Jurassic sediments were deposited in a rifted, transtensive continental margin setting. Around the Middle/Late Jurassic boundary two trenches in front of advancing nappes formed in sequence in the central part of the Northern Calcareous Alps. The southern trench (Late Callovian to Early Oxfordian) accumulated a thick succession of gravitatively redeposited sediments derived from the sedimentary sequences of the accreted Triassic–Liassic Hallstatt Zone deposited on the outer shelf and the margin of the Late Triassic carbonate platform. During a previous stage these sediments derived from sequences deposited on the more distal shelf (Salzberg facies zone of Hallstatt unit, Meliaticum), and in a later stage from more proximal parts (Zlambach facies zone of Hallstatt unit, Late Triassic reef belt). Low temperature–high pressure metamorphism of some Hallstatt limestones before redeposition is explained by the closure of parts of the Tethys Ocean in Middle to Late Jurassic times and associated subduction. In the northern trench (Late Oxfordian to Kimmeridgian) several hundred meters of sediment accumulated including redeposited material from a nearby topographic rise. This rise is interpreted as an advancing nappe front as a result of the subduction process. The sedimentary sealing by Tithonian sediments, documented by uniform deep-water sedimentation (Oberalm Formation), gives an upper time constraint for the tectonic events. In contrast to current models, which propose an extensional regime for the central and eastern Northern Calcareous Alps in the Late Jurassic, we propose a geodynamic model with a compressional regime related to the Kimmerian orogeny.  相似文献   

Directional climate change (global warming) is causing rapid alterations in animals’ environments. Because the nervous system is at the forefront of animals’ interactions with the environment, the neurobiological implications of climate change are central to understanding how individuals, and ultimately populations, will respond to global warming. Evidence is accumulating for individual level, mechanistic effects of climate change on nervous system development and performance. Climate change can also alter sensory stimuli, changing the effectiveness of sensory and cognitive systems for achieving biological fitness. At the population level, natural selection forces stemming from directional climate change may drive rapid evolutionary change in nervous system structure and function.  相似文献   

The economics of climate change in agriculture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a conceptual frameworkof the impact of climate change onagriculture. It assumes that climatechange will result in a fertilizationeffect and a shift of agro-ecologicalconditions away from the Equator towardsthe Poles. The agro-ecological shift islikely to reduce yield because of reducedacreage and the fertilization effect willincrease yield. The aggregate effectdepends on whichever of the two dominates. The overall effect of climate change may beless significant than its distributionaleffects and the results are consistentwith previous empirical studies. Theimpact of climate change depends on itspace. Faster changes in climate willresult in higher cost. The assessment ofthe cost has to consider that climatechange is a dynamic phenomenon that mayrequire continuous adjustment. Environmental regulation that emphasizesconservation may increase cost ofadjustment and environmental policiesshould emphasize adaptation andflexibility.  相似文献   

The climate mitigation potential of tropical peatlands has gained increased attention as Southeast Asian peatlands are being deforested, drained and burned at very high rates, causing globally significant carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions to the atmosphere. We used a process-based dynamic tropical peatland model to explore peat carbon (C) dynamics of several management scenarios within the context of simulated twenty-first century climate change. Simulations of all scenarios with land use, including restoration, indicated net C losses over the twenty-first century ranging from 10 to 100 % of pre-disturbance values. Fire can be the dominant C-loss pathway, particularly in the drier climate scenario we tested. Simulated 100 years of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) cultivation with an initial prescribed burn resulted in 2400–3000 Mg CO2?ha?1 total emissions. Simulated restoration following one 25-year oil palm rotation reduced total emissions to 440–1200 Mg CO2?ha?1, depending on climate. These results suggest that even under a very optimistic scenario of hydrological and forest restoration and the wettest climate regime, only about one third of the peat C lost to the atmosphere from 25 years of oil palm cultivation can be recovered in the following 75 years if the site is restored. Emissions from a simulated land degradation scenario were most sensitive to climate, with total emissions ranging from 230 to 10,600 Mg CO2?ha?1 over 100 years for the wettest and driest dry season scenarios, respectively. The large difference was driven by increased fire probability. Therefore, peat fire suppression is an effective management tool to maintain tropical peatland C stocks in the near term and should be a high priority for climate mitigation efforts. In total, we estimate emissions from current cleared peatlands and peatlands converted to oil palm in Southeast Asia to be 8.7 Gt CO2 over 100 years with a moderate twenty-first century climate. These emissions could be minimized by effective fire suppression and hydrological restoration.  相似文献   

<正>《联合国气候变化框架公约》(以下简称《公约》)于1992年5月9日在纽约通过,同年6月在里约环发大会开放签字,并于1994年3月21日生效。这是1992年联合国环发大会《21世纪议程》框架下的三个称为"里约公约"的重要多边环境协议之一,现有195个缔约方。此后,各缔约方开始谈判一个具有操作性的议定书。经过艰苦的谈判,1997年12月11日通过了《京都议定书》(Kyoto Protocol)。《京都议定书》于2005年2  相似文献   

This paper first reviews previous work undertaken to assess the level of scientific consensus concerning climate change, concluding that studies of scientific consensus concerning climate change have tended to measure different things. Three dimensions of consensus are determined: manifestation, attribution and legitimation. Consensus concerning these dimensions are explored in detail using a time series of data from surveys of climate scientists. In most cases, little difference is discerned between those who have participated in the IPCC process and those who have not. Consensus, however, in both groups does not amount to unanimity. Results also suggest rather than a single group proclaiming the IPCC does not represent consensus, there are now two groups, one claiming the IPCC makes overestimations (a group previously labeled skeptics, deniers, etc.) and a relatively new formation of a group (many of whom have participated in the IPCC process) proclaiming that IPCC tends to underestimate some climate related phenomena.  相似文献   

长江三角洲近50年耕地数量变化的过程与驱动机制研究   总被引:173,自引:11,他引:173  
长江三角洲是中国人口最密集、经济增长最快和土地集约化利用程度最高的地区之一,经济快速发展加剧的人地矛盾已经成为区域可持续发展面临的一个重要问题。论文利用近50年耕地长序列统计资料和近5年的土地详查与变更数据,研究揭示了长江三角洲高强度土地开发的特征和近50年耕地数量变化的基本过程及其空间差异,并初步探讨了耕地数量变化的主要驱动因子及其作用。研究表明,近50年来,长江三角洲地区耕地数量呈现明显的波动减少趋势,经历了由增加→急剧减少→缓慢减少→快速减少的基本变化过程,其中分别在1958~1963年、1985年前后和1993年前后出现了三次明显的耕地流失高峰,其形成机制主要是政策、经济发展和人口增长的驱动。  相似文献   

The role of atmospheric aerosol composition in climate change   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The chemical composition of atmospheric aerosols has been investigated. Contributions ofsulfate and soot in aerosols to the atmospheric extinction are studied. Discussions are made on the problems of aerosol emitted from volcano, forest fires in northern China, 1987 and oil field fires in Kuwait, 1991. It is indicated that the changes in concentration, particle size, and chemical composition of aerosol after those events could have impacts on the climate change either regionally or globally and that the impact of aerosol particles on climate change could compensate for some temperature increase caused by greenhouse gases and the increase of surface intensity of ultraviolet radiation due to ozone layer depletion.  相似文献   

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