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王燕丽  肖化云  肖红伟 《环境科学》2012,33(4):1080-1085
通过对贵阳市法国梧桐叶片为期1 a的监测(2009-03~2010-04),分析其叶片氮含量及氮同位素组成随季节变化的规律,并与同期湿沉降监测结果进行对比,探讨维管束植物叶片响应大气湿沉降氮的可能性.结果表明,法国梧桐叶片N%变化范围为1.48%~5.27%,均值为3.36%,根际土TN%为0.29%,叶片δ15N变化范围为4.48‰~8.39‰,均值为6.38‰.叶片N%与δ15N具有较好的相关性,随时间变化皆呈现春夏较高、秋季降低的趋势,冬季落叶,无监测数据.结合该采样点同期雨水监测数据,发现叶片N%与雨水中DIN浓度(0.57~6.74 mg.L-1)、叶片δ15N与雨水δ15NH4+-N呈现一致的变化规律,表明湿沉降氮是叶片吸收氮的一个重要来源,法国梧桐叶片指示大气N沉降量的变化成为可能.研究还发现法国梧桐叶片δ15N比其吸收氮的2个主要端元(根际土δ15TN:3.19‰±1.04‰,雨水δ15N-NH4+:-19.76‰~-10.41‰)都偏正,表明法国梧桐在吸收氮的过程中存在着较大的同位素分馏.  相似文献   

气溶胶颗粒物在壁面的沉积率系数模型的研究已经成为现代气溶胶动力学研究的重要课题.本文通过实验腔测量和理论分析相结合,对Koivisto等(2012)提出的平均方法模型(AM)中的关键参数(即时间间隔)的选取和对测量数据量的要求两个问题进行研究.选取目前广泛使用的最小二乘法模型(LSM)和Lai和Nazaroff(2000)提出的理论分析模型进行对比.研究发现,AM模型中的时间间隔这一关键参数,应由目前的50矫正为20;AM模型和LSM模型均要求实验测量数据个数等于或者大于10,但是AM模型在小数据量情况下的预测结果更精确.  相似文献   

研究了多氯联苯(PCBs)对红树植物秋茄和桐花树的光合作用及相对生长速率的影响。结果表明,在所设PCBs浓度范围内,秋茄和桐花树能保持相对正常的光合色素水平,桐花树幼苗叶片的叶绿素a+b含量降低的幅度要小于秋茄,而叶绿素a/b值升高的幅度也小于秋茄;各浓度组秋茄和桐花树幼苗根和茎的干物重与鲜重的比值与对照相比均无显著性差异,桐花树幼苗茎的干物重与鲜重的比值小于秋茄,而根的干物重与鲜重的比值大于秋茄;各浓度PCBs对秋茄和桐花树幼苗的相对生长速率均具有促进作用,桐花树幼苗的相对生长速率小于秋茄。研究表明:两种红树植物在所设PCBs浓度范围内,均能正常生长,对PCBs均具有较强的耐性,而且桐花树幼苗对PCBs的耐性要强于秋茄。  相似文献   

采集方法对氯化物沉积速率测试结果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
空气中氯化物的沉降速率是环境因素法评估大气腐蚀严酷度的一个重要因素,ISO9223标准规定的测试方法是使用湿烛法采集空气中的氯化物,而我国目前采用的方法是挂片法。文中同时使用湿烛法和挂片法采集万宁试验站近海暴露场大气中的氯化物并计算其沉积速率,每月采集一次,每次采集时间为1个月,连续采集11次,对这两种方法的测试结果是否一致进行了研究。研究表明:当显著水平为0.01时,湿烛法和挂片法具有明显的差异,挂片法确定的氯离子沉积速率等级可能要比湿烛法所确定的高一级。  相似文献   

海洋大气N沉降通量研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
研究近海污染来源和负荷,必须综合考虑大气沉降对污染物输送入海的贡献及影响.相关研究表明,大气输入是陆源N人海洋生态系统的重要途径,且占有相当大的比重,并与富营养化有紧密关系.随着我国近年来经济的迅速发展尤其是工农业生产和交通运输业的发展,已成为除欧洲和北美之外的第三大N降区,并且氮沉降仍呈增加趋势,因此,有必要对将N降通量及其对海洋生态环境的影响等问题进行深入研究,本文综述了海洋大气N降通量研究现状与发展趋势、监测技术体系等,并对发展趋势进行了展望.  相似文献   

相对速率法测氯原子与一系列低碳醇的反应速率常数   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
在 2 92± 1K温度和 1 0 1× 10 5Pa压力下 ,以丙烷为参照物 ,采用相对速率方法测定了一系列醇与氯原子在气相中的反应速率常数 ,这些醇与氯的反应速率常数分别为 (单位 :10 7m3·mol-1·s-1) :甲醇k1=3 2 9,乙醇k2 =6 14,正丙醇k3=8 97,异丙醇k4 =4 0 0 ,正丁醇k5=11 7,异丁醇k6=12 5 ,叔丁醇k7=2 0 5 ,正戊醇k8=15 8,异戊醇k9=12 3  相似文献   

在 2 99± 2K温度下 ,以甲醇为参照物 ,采用相对速率方法得到了几种醇与OH自由基在气相中的反应速率常数 ,这些速率常数分别为 (单位为 :10 5m3·mol-1·s-1) :乙醇k1=17 6 ,正丙醇k2 =35 2 ,2 丙醇k3=31 2 ,正丁醇k4 =48 2 ,2 甲基—1 丙醇k5=6 2 0 ,2 甲基— 2 丙醇k6=5 36 ,正戊醇k7=5 1 4,3 甲基— 1 丁醇k8=6 8 6 .其中 2 甲基— 1 丙醇的速率常数在本文中是首次报道 .根据各自的反应速率常数计算得到它们在大气中的平均寿命分别为 :τ1=95 1h ,τ2 =47 5h ,τ3=5 3 6h ,τ4 =34 7h ,τ5=2 7 0h ,τ6=312h ,τ7=32 6h ,τ8=2 4 4h .  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare the effects of repeated field applications of three urban compost amendments and one farmyard manure amendment over a 9-year period on aggregate stability in a silty loam soil initially characterized by low clay and initial organic matter contents and poor aggregate stability. Three different aggregate stability tests with increasing disruptive intensities (fast wetting > mechanical breakdown > slow wetting tests) and different disaggregation mechanisms, were used. All of the amendments, which were applied at approximately 4 Mg C ha−1 every other year, increased the organic carbon content and improved the stability of the aggregates against the disruptive action of water, as determined by each of the stability tests. However, the year-to-year variations in the aggregate stability that related to factors other than the organic inputs were greater than the cumulative increase in aggregate stability relative to the control. The positive effects of the tested amendments on aggregate stability were linked to their contribution to soil organic C contents (r = 0.54 for the fast wetting test and r = 0.41-0.42 for the mechanical breakdown and slow wetting tests; p < 0.05). The addition of urban composts had a larger positive effect on aggregate stability than farmyard manure at the majority of sampling dates. The addition of biodegradable immature compost, such as municipal solid waste (MSW), improved the aggregate stability through an enhanced resistance to slaking. The addition of mature composts, such as the co-compost of sewage sludge and green wastes (GWS) or biowaste compost (BW), improved the aggregate stability by increasing interparticular cohesion. The MSW compost was the most efficient in improving aggregate stability during the first 6 years of the experiment (average improvements of +22%, +5% and +28% in the fast wetting, mechanical breakdown and slow wetting tests, respectively, compared to the control treatment); this result was likely due to the larger labile organic pool of the MSW compost that was highly effective at stimulating soil microbial activity. After the first 6 years, the two other composts, GWS and BW, became more efficient (average improvements of +25%, +61% and +33% in the fast wetting, mechanical breakdown and slow wetting tests, respectively, compared to the control treatment), which was probably linked to the greater increase in soil organic C contents. Therefore, the application of urban compost to silty soil that is susceptible to water erosion was effective at improving aggregate stability and thus could be used to enhance the resistance of soil to water erosion.  相似文献   

在(298±2) K和一个大气压条件下,采用相对速率法研究了一系列酮类物质与氯原子的反应动力学.使用丙醛和乙苯作为参比物,光解三氯乙酰氯作为氯原子产生源,测得2-己酮与氯原子的反应速率常数为(1.80±0.42)×10~(-10) cm~3·molecule~(-1)·s~(-1),与已有文献报道值非常符合,验证了实验方法和所选参比物的可靠性.首次测得了(298±2) K和一个大气压条件下2-庚酮和2-辛酮与氯原子反应的速率常数,分别为(2.54±0.62)×10~(-10)和(2.12±0.63)×10~(-10) cm~3·molecule~(-1)·s~(-1).与其母体烷烃的反应速率对比发现,酮类物质中羰基的存在使得其反应速率都比其母体烷烃变慢.利用所测的速率常数和氯原子的浓度信息估算这些酮类物质在大气中的平均寿命,结果显示,在海洋边界层或沿海地区等氯原子浓度较高的地区,这些物质与氯原子反应的大气化学寿命都在小时量级,完全可以与OH自由基的反应相竞争,是这些物质在大气中的重要降解途径.另外,在内陆污染地区或工业聚集区,氯原子的反应及其对二次污染物生成的贡献同样不能忽视.  相似文献   

Controlled exposure of ice to a reactive gas, SO2, demonstrated the importance of the chemical composition of the ice surface on the accumulation of acidity in snow. In a series of bench-scale continuous-flow column experiments run at four temperatures (−1, −8, −30 and −60°C), SO2 was shown to dissolve and to react with other species in the ice-air interfacial region at temperatures approaching the melting point of ice. Experiments consisted of passing air containing SO2 through glass columns packed with 100μm ice spheres of varying bulk composition (0–5μM H2O2, and 0–1 mM NaCl), and analysing SO2 in the air and SO42− in the ice. At all temperatures (−60 to −1°C), increased retention volumes were found for increasing ionic strength and oxidant concentration. At the coldest temperatures and with no NaCl, increased retention volumes for −60 vs −30°C are consistent with SO2 uptake by physical adsorption. At warmer temperatures, −8 and −1°C, the observed tailing in the sorption curves indicated that other processes besides physical adsorption were occurring. The desorption curves showed a rapid decrease for the warmer temperatures, indicating the sorbed SO2 is irreversibly oxidized to SO42−. Results indicate that aqueous-phase reactions can occur below −8°C (i.e. −30 and −60°C). Results for different salt concentrations show that increasing ionic strength facilitates SO2 oxidation at colder temperatures, which is consistent with freezing point depression. One environmental implication is that snowpacks in areas with background SO2, can accumulate acidity during the winter months. As acidity accumulates, the solubility of SO2 will decrease causing a concomitant decrease in the air-to-surface flux of SO2. Modeling dry deposition of gases to snow surfaces should incorporate the changing composition of the ice surface.  相似文献   

Soluble sulphate has been used as a marker for fine aerosols and dry deposition has been estimated using a profile technique. The effects of coarse particles were excluded from the measurements by passage of the sampled air through Nuclepore polycarbonate prefilters, resulting in a 2μm upper cut-off. A total of 99 separate experiments were conducted between June 1988 and June 1989 and 50 acceptable profiles remained after the application of a rigorous quality control procedure. The mean deposition velocity was found to be equal to 0.1 ± 0.03 (standard error) cm s−1. There were no observed dependences of deposition velocity on either atmospheric stability or friction velocity within the range of conditions encountered.  相似文献   

This paper tries to analyse the principles of expressing the effect of acid deposition and general atmospheric pollution in the theory of atmospheric corrosion, with a special view to single metals, types of environment and to the progress states of the corrosion process. Deeper knowledge of the character of the deposits and their changes in the dynamic system, together with the need to describe better newly arising metal-environment system, lead to more sophisticated experimental methods and interpretations. The corrosivity classification system and methods of deriving atmospheric corrosivity are further discussed. The importance of ongoing international testing programs is mentioned.  相似文献   

系统回顾了大气污染沉降监测方法的研究进展,探讨主要面临问题及未来发展方向.现有大气污染沉降监测技术主要包括地面监测、遥感反演等,并在全球、区域与局地等不同尺度上取得系列初步成果.然而,大气沉降成因机制复杂、时空异质性规律显著,现有方法均难以兼顾精度与时空代表性等多方面监测需求,发展新一代监测技术以及多技术集成融合是未来大气沉降精准监测的潜在趋势.深刻了解大气污染沉降监测的研究现状与瓶颈问题有助于进一步系统构建大气污染监测体系、精准感知大气污染多维时空演化的本质规律,为环境治理提供科学的理论支持.  相似文献   

Measurements are presented of the flux of cloud droplets, as a function of particle size to a forest canopy (Sitka spruce) before and after a light snowfall. The results are compared to the predivtions of the model of Slinn. Good agreement is found provided that appropriate values for the effective target diameter are chosen, both before and after the snowfall. It is shown that the snowfall results in a considerable reduction in the flux of cloud water to the forest canopy (by a factor of about 2). The snow reduces the surface roughness of the canopy but the most important effect is that it increases the effective target diameter for the droplets impacting on the tree. This effect may considerably reduce the deposition of phytotoxic chemical species to forests at high altitude where snow cover and low cloud are common in winter.  相似文献   

Despite recent efforts to investigate the distribution and fate of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in air, water, and soil, very little is known about their temporal change in wet deposition. As a result of increased attention to public health, a large-scale survey on the deposition flux and distribution of PAH contamination in rainwater was urgently conducted in Shanghai, China. In this study, 163 rainwater samples were collected from six sites, and 15 PAH compounds were detected by the use of a simple solid phase microextraction (SPME) technique coupled with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The dominant PAH species monitored were naphthalene, phenanthrene, anthracene, and fluoranthene. The concentration of total PAHs per event was between 74 and 980 ng/L, with an average value of 481 ng/L, which is at the high end of worldwide figures. The annual deposition flux of PAHs in rainwater was estimated to be 4148 kg/yr in the Shanghai area, suggesting rainfall as a major possible pathway for removing PAHs from the atmosphere. Diagnostic analysis by the ratios of An/178 and Fl/Fl+Py suggested that combustion of grass, wood, and coal was the major contributor to PAHs in the Shanghai region. Back trajectory analysis also indicated that the pollutant sources could be from the southern part of China.  相似文献   

Air sampling on a series of 10 research cruises on the North Sea (south of 56°N) has yielded detailed spatial distributions of atmospheric metal concentrations, Al, Ca, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mg, Na, Pb and Zn which closely parallel the results of earlier published models. Air mass back trajectory analysis demonstrates the strong influence which source region may have upon the elemental composition of the North Sea atmosphere. A cascade impactor designed to collect efficiently large as well as small aerosol has produced detailed size distributions from which mass weighted deposition velocity estimates have been produced (Al, 0.33; Cd, 0.24; Cu, 0.44; Fe, 0.30; Pb, 0.13; Zn, 0.30 cm s−1) enabling estimates for the dry deposition flux to the study area to be made. Extrapolation of these data to the whole of the North Sea yields dry deposition flux estimates (Cd, 33; Cu, 350; Pb, 370; Zn, 2640 tonnes yr−1) which are in some instances substantially lower than those previously reported, but nevertheless represent a significant pathway for metallic species to enter this marine environment. The size distributions show the clear dominance that large aerosol has upon the overall dry deposition flux. Flux estimates are thus highly sensitive to the sampling of this large aerosol component, and to assumptions made regarding the sea surface as a source of giant trace metal-enriched particles which act only as a means of recycling marine metals.  相似文献   

A programme of wind tunnel experiments has been carried out in which the resuspension of particulate material of four sizes (4, 10, 18 and 22 μm diameter) from concrete and grass surfaces has been studied. The importance of wind speed has been investigated and the time dependence of the resuspension rate has been evaluated for periods shortly after the onset of resuspension. The results indicate rapidly falling values of the resuspension rate which are approximately related to 1/time. The increase in the resuspension rate with increasing wind speed was most pronounced for large particles, leading to the conclusion that resuspension can be dominated by short-duration episodes which coincide with conditions that favour resuspension. Resuspension rates, averaged over approximately 1 h after the onset of conditions leading to resuspension, were in the range 1 × 10−6 to 5 × 10−6 s−1, at moderate wind speeds (less than 5 m s−1), with little difference between the grass and concrete surfaces. For high wind speeds (greater than 6.5 m s−1), several per cent of the total surface deposit of 22 μ diameter particles was removed from both the concrete and grass surfaces within 10 s of the onset of wind.  相似文献   

为了研究南京地区相对湿度对气溶胶的影响,利用位于南京信息工程大学的拉曼-瑞利-米氏激光雷达,分析湿度廓线对消光系数的影响;利用2014年3月~2015年2月国控点环境监测数据对可吸入颗粒物浓度特征进行统计,并与相对湿度进行逐月和四季对比分析,并计算各参数之间的相关系数,以期为南京市的城市布局与规划、大气污染治理等提供更多参考.结果表明,低空气溶胶的消光系数廓线与相对湿度廓线变化趋势高度一致,地面相对湿度与可吸入颗粒物浓度在一定湿度范围(以不发生重力沉降为界限)内,相对湿度越大越有利于颗粒物的形成,超过这个范围,相对湿度越大,颗粒物浓度越低,在南京地区,对于PM10来说,这个界限在40%~49%,对于PM2.5来说,这个界限在50%~59%.  相似文献   

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