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Larvae of the bivalve molluso Adula californiensis (Phillippi, 1847) were reared for 3 days, from fertilization to veliger stage, at optimum conditions (15°C, 32.2 S), and then transferred to experimental temperatures and salinities for 22 more days to determine the effects of these factors on survival and growth. For larvae surviving to 25 days, maximum survival was estimated, by response-surface techniques, to occur at temperatures below 10°C and at salinities above 25. A comparison of 60% survival response contours for 3, 15 and 25-day old larvae indicated a progressive shift in temperature and salinity tolerance with age of larvae. The older larvae became more tolerant to reduced salinity, but less tolerant to high temperatures. Growth of the larvae over 25 days of culture was slight, and relatively independent of temperature and salinity conditions found in the environment. Oxygen consumption of 3-day old veliger larvae measured at various combinations of temperature and salinity generally increased from 7° to 18°C, and then sharply decreased from 18° to 21°C. A plateau of oxygen consumption from 9° to 15°C at 32.9 S indicated that the larvae are adapted to oceanic rather than estuarine conditions. A comparison of 25-day larval survival, mean length, and growth, with oxygen consumption of 3-day old veliger larvae indicated that high temperatures (15°C, and above) coupled with reduced salinities (26.1, and below) were unfavorable for prolonged larval life. Because of the lack of larval adaptations to estuarine conditions, larva survival and, hence, successful recruitment of this species within Yaquina Bay (Oregon, USA) depends upon the essentially oceanic conditions found only during the summer in the lower part of the Bay.  相似文献   

Larvae of the estuarine grass shrimp Palaemonetes pugio (Holthuis) were reared from hatch through successful completion of metamorphosis in 80 combinations of salinity (3 to 31%), temperature (20° to 35°C), and zinc (0.00 to 1.00 ppm Zn++). Response-surface methodology was employed to depict the individual effects and interactions of the three factors on survival and developmental duration through total larval development. Outside the optimal salinity-temperature conditions of 17 to 27 S and 20° to 27°C, viability of larvae was reduced by both the individual effects of salinity and temperature and interactions between the two factors. Survival capacity of larvae and resistance adaptations to salinity and temperature were progresively reduced by zinc concentrations from 0.25 to 1.00 ppm Zn++. Response-surface analysis of the data suggested that the duration of total larval development of P. pugio was least at salinities from 18 to 23 and at temperatures from 30° to 32°C. At both higher and lower salinity-temperature conditions and in increasing zinc concentrations from 0.25 to 1.00 ppm Zn++, developmental rates were retarded. A significant zinc-temperature interaction existed, whereby increasing zinc concentrations reduced both survival and developmental rates of larvae more at suboptimal temperatures. Larval resistance to zinc toxicity was least at supraoptimal salinities, indicative of a significant zinc-salinity interaction. The reduced viability, restricted euryplasticity, and retarded developmental rates of P. pugio larvae developing in media with low-level zinc contamination would limit the distributive properties of the pelagic phase in the life cycle of the species and reduce recruitment both into and out of the parent estuarine population.  相似文献   

The combined effects of salinity and temperature on survival and growth of larvae of the mussel Mytilus edulis (L.) were studied. The effects of salinity and temperature are significantly related only as the limits of tolerance of either factor are approached. Survival of larvae at salinities from 15 to 40 is uniformly good (70% or better) at temperatures from 5° to 20°C, but is reduced drastically at 25 °C, particularly at high (40) and low (20) salinities. Larval growth is rapid at a temperature of 15 °C in salinities from 25 to 35, at 20 °C in salinities from 20 to 35. Optimum growth occurs at 20 °C in salinities from 25 to 30. Growth decreases both at 25° and 10 °C; the decline is most drastic at high (40) and low (20) salinities.Part of a study completed at the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Biological Laboratory, Milford, Connecticut, USA, while on a UNESCO Fellowship.  相似文献   

Survival and growth over an environmental range of temperature and salinities were examined in order to help assess the importance of these environmental factors in affecting the distribution, abundance and survival of larvae and provide greater understanding of factors affecting fluctuations in adult Pandalus jordani Rathbun population sizes. Larvae were shown to have a wide tolerance to salinity, especially in the early stages, but a relatively narrow tolerance to temperature. The optimal temperatures for survival, 8° to 11°C, were also optimal for growth as reflected by maximal growth increments and body size. It is therefore felt that fluctuations in temperature as seen within and between successive larval seasons would have profound effects on larval survival, growth rates and size at metamorphosis to the benthic juvenile phase.  相似文献   

Temperature and salinity affected both length of larval development and mortality inNecora puber collected in the Ría de A Coruña during December 1984 and January 1985. Development time decreased considerably with increased temperature. This decrease was sharper when temperature increased from 15° to 20°C than when it increased from 20° to 25°C. At 35S, average development took 48, 32 and 28 d at 15°, 20° and 25°C, respectively. At the three salinities tested (25, 30 and 35), larval development was completed only at 15°C, at 20°C/30 and 35S, and at 25°C/35S. Development times at 15° and 20°C were highly significantly different at both 35 and 30S (P 0.01). However, there were no significant differences between development times at 20° and 25°C (P > 0.05). Within any one specific temperature series, no significant difference was observed between the salinity values tested (P > 0.05). The duration of each of the five zoeal stages was similar within each and the same temperature/salinity combination, whereas the duration of the megalop was twice as long as any of the zoeal stages. The combination of the lowest temperature (15°C) and the highest salinity (35) tested resulted in the greatest larval survival of 28%. Highest mortality occurred at 25°C, at which temperature development was completed only at 35S. A sharp drop in larval survival was observed in the transition period Zoea V — megalop in all combinations of temperature and salinity tested. Within the limits of tolerance to temperature and salinity, the former effected more pronounced differences in the duration of larval development, while salinity appeared to constitute a limiting factor for survival.  相似文献   

Larvae of Lithodes antarcticus Jacquinot were reared in October, 1981 from hatching to the glaucothoe stage at 16 temperature/salinity combinations (5.5°; 7.5°; 9.5° and 13.5°C; 26, 29, 32 and 35 S) to determine optimal environmental conditions for larval development. The highest survival percentage was obtained in the culture at 7.5°C and diminished according to temperature increase or decrease. High temperature cultures significantly shorten the larval life duration, but produce large mortalities. At 5.5°C mortality occurred almost exclusively during the moult to glaucothoe stage. Higher survival percentages were obtained as salinity was increased. In the lowest salinity culture (26 S) no zoea reached the post-larvae stage at culture temperatures. The best T/S combination was obtained at 7.5°C and 35 S, with a survival percentage of 29%. The shortest zoeal developments were obtained at 32 S in all culture temperatures. Salinity also affects larvae coloration: there is a pigment concentration on erythrophores, which causes a color decrease.  相似文献   

A. C. Anil  J. Kurian 《Marine Biology》1996,127(1):115-124
Influence of food concentration (0.5, 1 and 2 x 105 cell ml–1 ofSkeletonema costatum), temperature (20 and 30°C) and salinity (15, 25 and 35) on the larval development ofBalanus amphitrite (Cirripedia: Thoracica) was examined. The mortality rate at 20°C was lower than at 30°C in general. Increase in food concentration from 0.5 to 1 x 105 cells ml–1 improved the survival rate, but this was not evident when food concentration was increased to 2 x 105 cells ml–1. The results indicate that food availability and temperature jointly determine the energy allocation for metamorphic progress. It was observed that the influence of the tested variables varied with instar. At 20 °C the mean duration of the second instar exceeded 3 d and was much longer than other instar durations. The fourth, fifth and sixth instars and the total naupliar period showed that the effect of different salinities at given food concentrations was negligible at 20°C, while at 30°C there was a marked decrease in duration with increasing salinity.  相似文献   

The developmental stages from megalopa to third crab of the blue crab Callinectes sapidus Rathbun were tested in 12 combinations of cadmium (0, 50, and 150 ppb) and salinity (10, 20, 30, and 40) at 25°C. A reduction in survival and a significant delay in development from megalopa to third crab occurred within each salinity regime in 50 ppb compared with the control. Comparison of the delay in development within each salinity regime revealed that the sublethal effect of cadmium was most pronounced in the salinities normally preferred by C. sapidus. A similar comparison within each cadmium concentration, however, showed that the developmental time from megalopa to third crab was approximately the same irrespective of salinity. The developmental stages from hatch to first crab of the mud-crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Gould) were examined in 63 combinations of cadmium (0, 50, and 150 ppb), salinity (10, 20, and 30), constant temperature (20°, 25°, 30°, and 35°C) and cycling temperature (20° to 25°C, 25° to 30°C, and 30° to 35°C). The results indicated that cycling temperatures may have a stimulating effect on survival of the larvae compared to constant temperatures, both in the presence and in the absence of cadmium. Effects of cadmium and salinity and their interaction on the survival of the larvae from zoeae to megalopa were documented at most of the temperatures by analyses of variance. The zoeal larvae were more susceptible to cadmium than the megalopa. Effects of different combinations of cadmium and salinity on the duration of larval development were assessed by a t-test.  相似文献   

Zoeae of the mud crabRhithropanopeus harrisii (Gould) were exposed continuously throughout larval development to factorial combinations of salinity, temperature and specific aromatic hydrocarbon concentrations. Salinities and temperatures were 5, 15, or 25 and 20°, 25°, or 30°C, respectively. Either phenanthrene or naphthalene was tested separately at respective concentrations of 0, 100, 150 or 200 ppb and 0, 125, 250 or 500 ppb. Phenanthrene was much more toxic than naphthalene. Naphthalene was not acutely toxic at any physical factor combination-naphthalene concentration tested. Both compounds caused the highest mortality at low salinities. The time course of mortality due to phenanthrene exposure showed that ecdysis between the first and second zoeal stage was the most sensitive period for the larvae exposed to aqueous hydrocarbons. Phenanthrene-exposed larvae had a decreased development rate, but the naphthalene-exposed larvae developed faster than the controls.  相似文献   

M. Nagaraj 《Marine Biology》1988,99(3):353-358
The calanoid copepodEurytemora velox was collected from rock pools at Castletown, Isle of Man, UK. Its optimum environmental requirements, particularly temperature and salinity, were determined, with a view to its possible future use as living food in intensive fish and shellfish farming. The species was cultured in 21 different temperature and salinity combinations. Investigations covered a period of two years from December 1983 to December 1985. Complete development from hatching to adult stage was followed in 21 temperature and salinity combinations. Nauplii suffered relatively high mortalities, indicating the sensitivity of this development stage to variations in temperature and salinity. Highest nauplii survival was observed in the combinations 15°C with 25 and 20 S and 20°C with 20 S, the highest copepodite survival at 10°C and 20 S. Lower salinities were tolerated better at higher temperatures and higher salinities at lower temperatures. Development time varied with the temperature and salinity combinations. Lower salinities at the lower temperatures of 10° and 15°C and both lower and higher salinities at 20°C prolonged development, particularly of the naupliar stage. Highest Q5 values (i.e., rate of change of development with a 5 C° increase in temperature) were recorded for the naupliar stage. Statistical analysis indicated that salinity influences the survival of both nauplii and copepodites; however, this effect is not linear.  相似文献   

The combined effects of temperature and salinity on embryonic development and on larval survival and growth to setting size of the northerm bay scallop Argopecten irradians irradians (Lamarck) were studied in the laboratory. A 6x6 complete factorial design was used; temperatures ranged from 10° to 35°C, at 5C° intervals, and salinities ranged from 10 to 35S, at 5S intervals. Response-surface contour diagrams were generated to provide estimates of conditions for optimal responses. Normal development of embryos occurred over a very narrow range of temperature and salinity. Survival of larvae occurred over a wider range of temperature and salinity than did embryonic development or growth of larvae. Satisfactory growth (>70% of the maximum observed value) occurred only at high temperature-high salinity conditions; optimal conditions for survival occurred at similar salinities, but at slightly lower temperatures. Temperatures of 35°C or greater and/or salinities of 10S or less were lethal for all life stages studied. Both salinity and temperature exerted significant effects on development and survival, but temperature was clearly the dominant factor influencing growth. It is suggested that northern bay scallop embryos and larvae be reared at their respective optimal temperature-salinity levels so as to increase efficiency of aquaculture operations.This paper is adapted from a thesis submitted to the College of Fisheries, University of Washington, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the MS degree. This study was conducted at the NMFS Laboratory in Milford, Connecticut, USA  相似文献   

D. Lowthion 《Marine Biology》1974,25(3):169-175
Young specimens of the most common inshore flatfish, the dab Limanda limanda (Linnaeus, 1758), in the area of a proposed concentrated brine discharge, off the Yorkshire coast (England) were subjected to high salinities over temperatures corresponding to an annual temperature range. The results of these experiments have been used in the design of a dilution and dispersion system to protect the inshore fisheries. Mortality was found to be size-dependent, smaller dabs being least resistant. Response-surface analyses were utilised, showing mortality in relation to immersion time. The effect of temperature slowly declines with increased immersion time, and salinity becomes increasingly the more dominant effect. A significant salinity-temperature interaction was observed, which reached its peak effect at 3 h immersion. A 3-dimensional response-surface model of the mortality contours, for salinity, temperature, and immersion time, was produced which may be used to set upper limits to the design of the effluent disposal system. It is concluded that, provided salinity does not rise above 55, it is unlikely that significant changes in the L. limanda populations will occur.  相似文献   

Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Gould) is an introduced species in the estuary of the Mondego River (Portugal): it was first recorded from the Iberian Peninsula in 1989. The larval development of this population was studied under laboratory conditions at different temperatures and salinities, and showed a larval development pattern very similar to that reported for American estuarine populations of this species. Larval development was negatively correlated with temperature. Time to megalopa varied between 7 and 35 d; the first crab (C1) was reached after a maximum of 11 to 43 d. Larval development was optimum at 25°C and 15S. Larval survival was maximum at 10, 15 and 20S at all three temperatures studied (20, 25 and 30°C). The percentage of abnormal megalopae increased with increasing salinity to a maximum (100%) at 30S; incidence of abnormality was not affected by temperature.  相似文献   

Larvae of Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Gould) were reared from hatching to the first or second crab stages in 11 combinations of salinities and cyclic temperatures (5, 20, and 35 S at 20° to 25°C, 25° to 30°C, and 30° to 35°C; 25 S at 20° to 25°C and 30° to 35°C). The larvae survived to the megalops and first crab stages in all salinities and cycles of temperature other than 5 S at 30° to 35°C. The best survival to the megalops (94%) and first crab (90%) stages occurred in 20 S, 20° to 25°C. In all other combinations of salinities and temperatures there was a reduction in survival to the first crab stage. The duration of the larval stages was affected significantly by temperature, whereas the effect of salinity on the mean days from hatching to the first crab stage was not consistent at the different temperature cycles. Development to the first crab stage required the shortest time in 20 S, 30° to 35°C (mean 12.3 days), and the longest time in 5 and 35 S, 20° to 25°C (mean 22.6 days and 21.6 days, respectively). Megalops larvae reared in 35 S at all cycles of temperature, as well as larvae in 20 and 25 S, 30° to 35°C, showed a high percentage of abnormality, with the highest percentage occurring in 35 S, 30° to 35°C. It appears that larval development of R. harrisii is strongly influenced by environmental factors and not solely related to genetic differences.This research was supported by grants from the Nordic Council for Marine Biology and the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission [Grant No. At-(40-1)-4377].Contribution No. 116, Zoological Museum, University of Oslo, Norway.  相似文献   

Combined effects of lead, salinity and temperature on the embryonic development of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis Lmk. were studied under laboratory conditions. The basic experimental design was a 4x6 factorial experiment using 4 lead concentrations (100, 250, 500 and 1000 ppb Pb2+) and 6 salinity levels (from 25 to 37.5 with 2.5 intervals). These factorial designs were carried out at three constant temperatures (150, 17.50 and 20°C). The statistical analysis indicated that salinity changes have more effect on the embryonic development than temperature. Optimal development was observed at 34.8 and 15.6°C, which is in accordance with observations in the field. The effect of lead was mininal in optimal salinity and temperature conditions. The deleterious effect of lead on the embryonic development was especially conspicuous at 20°C. Since in nature spawning occurs at temperatures inferior to 20°C, lead will probably not drastically decrease the potential recruitment of mussel spat in the littoral populations of the northern Adriatic Sea, where the salinity of the water is relatively stable. Under experimental conditions, lead caused a delay or inhibition of the embryonic development with the occurrence of a large number of abnormal larvae.  相似文献   

Larval survival and developmental rates of Lytechinus variegatus (Lamarck) were determined as a function of temperature and salinity in two experiments by: (1) directly transferring fertilized eggs to 35, 30, 27.5, 25, 20, 15, and 10S seawater at 18 and 23°C, and (2) acclimation of adult sea urchins to the conditions described above for 1 to 4 wk prior to spawning. Developmental rates and percent survival of larvae prior to metamorphosis decreased at salinities below 35 (Q10 values for metamorphosis=0.380 to 0.384). Temperature and salinity significantly (P<0.05) affected metabolic rates of L. variegatus plutei. These results show that L. variegatus larvae are stenohaline when compared to larvae of other echinoderm species. LC50 values (S), developmental rates, and survival to metamorphosis indicate that acclimation of adult sea urchins to lower salinity prior to spawing and fertilization does not enhance development or survival of embryos exposed to low salinity.  相似文献   

E. His  R. Robert  A. Dinet 《Marine Biology》1989,100(4):455-463
The combined effects of temperature, salinity and nutrition on survival and growth of larvae of the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis and the Japanese oyster Crassostrea gigas were studied over a period of 7 d in the laboratory. Ripe adults, collected in spring and summer 1987 from natural populations in the Bay of Arcachon, France, were induced to spawn. Larvae of both species were cultured at four temperatures (15°, 20°, 25° and 30°C), four salinities (20, 25, 30 and 35S) per temperature, and two levels of nutrition (fed and unfed) per temperature/salinity combination. The fed larvae received a mixed algal diet of 50 cells each of Isochrysis galbana and Chaetoceros calcitrans forma pumilum per microlitre. In both bivalve species, larvae survived over a wide range of temperature and salinity, with the exception of mussel larvae, which died at 30°C. Statistical analysis indicated that nutrition had the greatest effect on larval development, explaining 64 to 75% of the variance in growth of M. galloprovincialis and 54 to 70% in growth of Crassostrea gigas. Unfed mussel larvae displayed little growth. Compared with temperature, the effect of salinity was very slight. M. galloprovincialis larvae exhibited best growth at 20°C and 35S and C. gigas at 30°C and 30S.  相似文献   

Caulerpa paspaloides (Bory) Greville were collected during the winter and summer (1978 to 1979) from the Florida Keys, USA. Thalli collected during the winter photosynthesized more efficiently at low light intensities (Ic<1, Ik=38 Exm-2xs-1) than did thalli collected in the summer (Ic=13, Ik=111 Exm-2xs-1). Summer thalli exhibited higher Pmax values (2.20 mgO2xg-1 dry wtxh-1) than winter thalli (1.70 mg O2xg-1 dry wtxh-1). Rates of rhizome elongation and frond initiation were strongly inhibited by winter temperatures. The maximum lethal temperature for summer thalli was 37° to 38°C as measured by both growth and photosynthesis. No evidence of nitrogen or phosphorus limitation was found. Relatively minor reductions in salinity (3S) resulted in significant increases in rhizome apex motality. Results indicate that low winter temperatures are responsible for reduced winter growth rates previously reported for the Key Largo population. Increased photosynthetic efficiency at low light intensities and preferential maintenance of rhizome elongation over frond initiation appear to allow this tropical macroalga to optimize growth and survival during the winter.  相似文献   

The importance of salinity experienced during embryonic development and initial larval biomass on larval growth was studied in the South American estuarine crab Chasmagnathus granulata. Ovigerous females were maintained at three salinities (15, 20, and 32‰) from egg laying to hatching of zoea l. Larvae from all treatments were reared under constant conditions of photoperiod (12∶12), temperature (18°C), and salinity (first instar at 20‰, subsequent instars at 32‰). Biomass was measured as dry weight, carbon, and nitrogen content per individual at egg laying, hatching of zoea l, premoult zoea l, and zoea 4, and in 8-day-old megalopa. From hatching to premoult zoea 4, biomass was higher for larvae from prehatching salinities of 15 and 32‰. There was a significant positive correlation between biomass at hatching and at premoult zoea l and zoea 4. Accumulated biomass during zoeal stages tended to be higher for larvae from broods with higher biomass at hatching, although this trend was not always significant. Zoea 4 either directly metamorphosed to megalopa or moulted to zoea 5, following, respectively, a short or long developmental pathway. The proportion of zoea 4 that followed the long pathway was negatively correlated with biomass of zoeal stages. Biomass at hatching was correlated with biomass of megalopae developed through the short pathway, although it was not correlated with the accumulated biomass at this stage. Megalopae developed through the long pathway (i.e. metamorphosed from zoeae 5) had higher biomass than those from the short pathway. The present results suggest that prehatching salinity and initial egg and larval biomass can be very important for larval growth. Published online: 9 August 2002  相似文献   

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