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The adaptation of two similar soils to pyrene catabolism   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The development of pyrene catabolic activity was assessed in two similar soils (pasture and woodland) amended with 100 mg pyrene kg(-1) In the pasture and woodland soils, significant mineralisation of 14C-pyrene was observed after 8 and 76 weeks soil-pyrene contact times, respectively. In both soils, there were significant decreases (P<0.05) in the lag times and significant increases (P <0.05) in the maximum rates and extents of 14C-pyrene mineralised with increasing soil-pyrene contact time. A microbial inoculum was added to the woodland soil to assess if the previously added, but undegraded 14C-pyrene was bioavailable at 16 and 24 weeks. This resulted in the immediate mineralisation of the previously added 14C-pyrene, indicating that it was bioavailable but that the microbial community in the woodland soil had not developed the ability to mineralise pyrene. The relative contributions of the indigenous microflora to 14C-pyrene mineralisation were assessed by the addition of celective inhibitors, with bacteria seeming to be responsible for the mineralisation of pyrene in both soils. It is suggested that the rate of pyrene-transfer from the soil to the microorganisms was lower in the woodland soil due to its higher organic matter content.  相似文献   

Xie XM  Liao M  Yang J  Chai JJ  Fang S  Wang RH 《Chemosphere》2012,88(10):1190-1195
The effect of ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) root-exudates concentration on pyrene degradation and the microbial ecological characteristics in the pyrene contaminated soil was investigated by simulating a gradually reducing concentration of root exudates with the distance away from root surface in the rhizosphere. Results showed that, after the root-exudates were added 15 d, the pyrene residue in contaminated soil responded nonlinearly in the soils with the same pyrene contaminated level as the added root-exudates concentration increased, which decreased first and increased latter with the increase of the added root-exudates concentration. The lowest pyrene concentration appeared when the root exudates concentration of 32.75 mg kg(-1) total organic carbon (TOC) was added. At the same time, changes of microbial biomass carbon (MBC, C(mic)) and microbial quotient (C(mic)/C(org)) were opposite to the trend of pyrene degradation as the added root-exudates concentration increased. Phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis revealed that bacteria was the dominating microbial community in pyrene contaminated soil, and the changing trends of pyrene degradation and bacteria number were the same. The changing trend of endoenzyme-dehydrogenase activity was in accordance with that of soil microbe, indicating which could reflect the quantitative characteristic of detoxification to pyrene by soil microbe. The changes in the soils microbial community and corresponding microbial biochemistry characteristics were the ecological mechanism influencing pyrene degradation with increasing concentration of the added root-exudates in the pyrene contaminated soil.  相似文献   


Potatoes were grown during 1992 in 2 m2 plots of loam which had received 1, 2 or 3 annual treatments of Di‐Syston 15G, equivalent to 3.36 kg AI/ha, in furrow at planting. The presence of enhanced degradative activity to the sulfoxide and sulfone metabolites of disulfoton in the soil treated in the previous two years was confirmed by laboratory tests prior to the 1992 treatments. Soil, seed potato and foliage from the three treatments were analyzed for disulfoton and its sulfoxide and sulfone metabolites for 12 wk following planting/treatment. Disulfoton was the major insecticidal component of the soil, a minor component of the seed piece and was not detected (<0.02 ppm) in potato foliage. Disulfoton concentrations in each of the three substrates sampled were similar for the three treatments. Disulfoton sulfoxide and sulfone were the major insecticidal components of the seed piece and foliage. Their maximum concentrations in 1st year soil, seed pieces and foliage were ca. 2x, 2x and 6x, respectively, those measured in the 2nd and 3rd year treatments. The results demonstrate that enhanced microbial degradation of relatively minor insecticidal compounds in the soil can profoundly affect insecticide levels in the plant when these compounds are the major insecticidal components accumulated. The broader implications for crop protection using soil‐applied systemic insecticides are discussed.  相似文献   

Accumulation of phenanthrene and pyrene in rhizosphere soil   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
A study was conducted to determine PAH concentrations in the rhizosphere of plants grown in soil containing phenanthrene or pyrene. The rhizosphere of tall fescue and wheat grown in sterile soil contained 4-5-fold higher pyrene concentrations than unplanted soil. The rhizosphere of several plant species grown in non-sterile soil temporarily contained appreciably more phenanthrene or pyrene than unplanted soil, but those PAHs were degraded with time. The data suggest that plants accumulate such hydrophobic compounds in the rhizosphere after facilitating their transport toward the roots.  相似文献   

The microbial degradation of 14C-pyrene and 14C-benzo[a]pyrene by a bacterial mixed culture was studied within a mixture of the PAHs phenanthrene, anthracene, pyrene, fluoranthene, and benzo[a]pyrene as sole carbon source in the different culture systems: (i) liquid medium, (ii) soil slurry (surface and grinding influence), and (iii) soil. The fate of these two labeled compounds was followed in these systems with an emphasis on mineralization to carbon dioxide, extractability, and adsorption to humic materials and formation of unextractable residual. Mineralization showed the most obvious differences: soil slurries achieved the best results both concerning the extent of mineralization and the time required. The highest extent of pyrene mineralization (54% within 21 days) was observed in soil slurries; in liquid media, pyrene mineralization was slower, but reached approximately the same extent (54% in 150 days); in soils, mineralization reached only 36% of added pyrene after 160 days. Benzo[a]pyrene was mineralized in a mixture of PAHs in soil slurries to an extent of 34% within 70 days, whereas mineralization in liquid medium and soil occurred in the range of 5% (70 days). Mineralization of benzo[a]pyrene in sand slurries was lower compared to soil slurries (19% in sand slurries vs. 32% in soil slurries within 50 days).  相似文献   

Modifications of black carbons and their influence on pyrene sorption   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Zhang W  Wang L  Sun H 《Chemosphere》2011,85(8):1306-1311
Sorption of pyrene on black carbons (BCs) obtained by heating sawdust at two temperatures (400 and 700 °C, denoted as 400BC and 700BC, respectively), as well as on modified BCs (via oxidation, oximation, and hydrolysis) was studied to investigate the role of BC structural characteristics in sorption of hydrophobic organic compounds. Pyrene was bound strongly by 700BC and 400BC, with organic carbon normalized distribution coefficients (Koc) of 105.04-105.86 and 104.65-105.16, respectively, at equilibrium pyrene concentrations of 10-100 μg L−1. Both chemical composition and pore distribution of the two BCs changed after modifications, which led to changes in their sorption characteristics for pyrene. After modifications, the linearity of pyrene sorption isotherm increased for 700BC but decreased for 400BC. For 700BC, both oxidation and oximation reduced pyrene sorption, with Koc decreasing by 69.1-73.7% and 18.7-33.9%, respectively, whereas hydrolysis did not exert a significant influence. For 400BC, oxidation and hydrolysis reduced Koc by 2.28-25.9% and 29.2-33.9%, respectively, while oximation increased Koc. In most cases, the change in sorption capacity could be explained by the changes in C content and type, polarity, surface area, and micropore volume of the BCs; however, the role of conformation (the accessibility to sorption sites) could not be ignored.  相似文献   


Fenvalerate EC at 140 g AI/ha was applied 7 times at 2 wk intervals to duplicate plots of Plainfield sand and an organic soil contained in 2.2 x 0.9 m field microplots with and without an onion crop present in 1980 and 1981 respectively. Soil samples were taken immediately before and after each application and at 2, 4, and 6 wk after the last application in 1980. Additional samples were taken at 22 and 34 wk for the 1981 treatment. Concentrations of fenvalerate were determined by glc. In the crop‐free mineral soil, fenvalerate levels declined from. 0.07–0.11 ppm immediately after spraying to 0.01–0.03 ppm after 2 wk; in the organic soil the rate of addition of fenvalerate exceeded the rate of disappearance and the concentration in the soil gradually increased over the 14 wk treatment period to the 0.9–1.0 ppm range. This concentration decreased slowly over the next 10 wk to 0.7–0.8 ppm and was still 0.5–0.7 ppm the following spring. Results were similar for cropped soils. Concentrations in the top third of the 15 cm cores were 6x and 15x those in the middle third for sand and organic soil, respectively. Concentrations, in the onions at harvest were <0.01 ppm.  相似文献   

The impact of contact time on pyrene sorptive behavior by a sandy-loam soil   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Batch experiments with pyrene (PYR) were conducted to quantify the effect of contact time on its sorption and desorption behavior by a sandy-loam soil. Twenty-four and 48 h contact times were chosen for the nonequilibrium conditions and 240 h for the pseudoequilibrium study. All times was selected based on the kinetic results. The nonlinear, pseudoequilibrium sorption isotherm was fit to a two-stage Freundlich model: 3-7 mg/l for the first stage and 7-15 mg/l for the second stage. A substantial fraction of the sorbed PYR was not desorbed within the given desorption time. The reason of hysteresis was found to be a sorption enhancement due to soil hydration which provided more sorption sites. A desorption enhancement at 240-h desorption steps was attributed to the increased dissolved organic matter evolution. This study also found that both soil organic matter and clay materials had an equal role in PYR sorption enhancement and desorption resistance.  相似文献   

A laboratory experiment was performed in order to evaluate the extent to which metam sodium (MS) applied at two different recommended rates and its degradation product, methyl isothiocyanate (MITC), affect soil respiration. Results suggest that MS degradation to MITC was complete within 4 hours and that MITC decomposed quickly in a few days, except in the soil containing high organic matter where it was still present after 15 days. Following the addition of MS, a lag phase appeared in CO2-C evolution in the soil. It was longer for the higher dose of MS added and for the two soils with low organic C content. The dynamics of the process was described by the Bonde and Rosswall model and by the Gompertz RS E model for the untreated and the MS-treated soils, respectively.  相似文献   

A microcosm experiment was conducted to investigate the dissipation of available benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) in soils co-contaminated with cadmium (Cd) and pyrene (PYR) during aging process. The available residue of BaP in soil was separated into desorbing and non-desorbing fractions. The desorbing fraction contributed more to the dissipation of available BaP than the non-desorbing fraction did. The concentration of bound-residue fraction of BaP was quite low across all treatments. Within the duration of this study (250 days), transformation of BaP from available fractions to bound-residue fraction was not observed. Microbial degradation was the dominant mechanism of the dissipation of available BaP in the soil. The dissipation of available BaP was significantly inhibited with the increment in Cd level in the soil. The addition of PYR (250 mg kg?1) remarkably promoted the dissipation of available BaP without reducing Cd availability in the soil. The calculated half-life of available BaP in the soil prolonged with the increment in Cd level; however, the addition of PYR shortened the half-life of available BaP by 13.1, 12.7, and 32.8 % in 0.44, 2.56, and 22 mg Cd kg?1 soils, respectively. These results demonstrated that the inhibiting effect of Cd and the promoting effect of PYR on the dissipation of available BaP were competitive. Therefore, this study shows that the bioremediation process of BaP can be more complicated in co-contaminated soils.  相似文献   


A laboratory experiment was performed in order to evaluate the extent to which metam sodium (MS) applied at two different recommended rates and its degradation product, methyl isothiocyanate ( MITC ), affect soil respiration. Results suggest that MS degradation to MITC was complete within 4 hours and that MITC decomposed quickly in a few days, except in the soil containing high organic matter where it was still present after 15 days. Following the addition of MS, a lag phase appeared in CO2‐C evolution in the soil. It was longer for the higher dose of MS added and for the two soils with low organic C content. The dynamics of the process was described by the Bonde and Rosswall model and by the Gompertz RS E model for the untreated and the MS‐treated soils, respectively.  相似文献   

The influence of organic ligands on the retention of lead in soil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Schwab AP  He Y  Banks MK 《Chemosphere》2005,61(6):856-866
Organic acids are commonly produced and exuded by plant roots and soil microorganisms. Some of these organic compounds are effective chelating agents and have the potential to enhance metal mobility. The effect of citrate and salicylate on the leaching of lead in soil was investigated in a laboratory experiment. In short-term batch experiments, adsorption of lead to soil was slightly enhanced with increasing salicylate concentration (500-5000 microM) but decreased significantly in the presence of citrate. These observations suggested that citrate may enhance Pb leaching, but this was not observed in the column study. Soluble Pb in the presence and absence citrate or salicylate (up to 5000 microM) was added to soil columns at a moderate flow rate, but no Pb was observed to emerge from the soil in any of the soil columns. Rapid biodegradation of citrate in soil eliminated potential complexing ability. Breakthrough of Pb from soil was noted only when using small columns at high flow rates (>20 pore volumes per day). Under these conditions of physical and chemical non-equilibrium, citrate was not degraded and significantly enhanced Pb mobility. As in the batch adsorption experiments, the presence of salicylate reduced Pb leaching. Considering the extreme conditions required to induce Pb leaching, it is likely that Pb will remain relatively immobile in soil even in the presence of a strong complexing agent such as citrate.  相似文献   

Biodegradability of aged pyrene and phenanthrene in a natural soil   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Hwang S  Cutright TJ 《Chemosphere》2002,47(9):891-899
A study was conducted to evaluate the biodegradability of pyrene (PYR) and phenanthrene (PHE) aged in a natural soil. Both the single and binary systems were either biostimulated via a nutrient amendment or bioaugmented via an inoculation of the enriched bacteria and nutrients. Aging resulted in higher concentration of both compounds and smaller bacterial activity in the solution-phase. Surprisingly, the total biodegraded extent was greater in the aged soil system than in the freshly spiked system. As anticipated, biostimulation was not appropriate to attain an effective biodegradation in this study, and bioaugmentation achieved a substantial increase the total biodegradation extent. The above findings were attributed to indigenous Pseudomonas aeruginosa entering a stationary-phase during the 200-day aging and producing rhamnolipid biosurfactants. In addition, a different sampling technique (i.e., after vigorous hand-shaking) revealed a 15 times higher microbial population than the normal sampling from the stagnant solution. Therefore, PAH bioavailability in the aged soils can be underestimated when the microbial activity is determined only from the stagnant solution. Furthermore, cometabolism enhanced PYR degradation when PHE was present as a primary substrate.  相似文献   

Hydrophobic contaminants sorb to sludge in wastewater treatment plants and enter the soil environment when the sludge is applied to agricultural fields. The mineralization of pyrene was examined in soil, in sludge mixed homogeneously into soil, and in sludge-soil systems containing a lump of sludge. Sludge-amendment enhanced the mineralization of pyrene in the soil compared to soil without sludge, and the most extensive mineralization was observed when the sludge was kept in a lump. The number of protozoa, heterotrophic bacteria and pyrene-mineralizing bacteria was much higher in the sludge compared to the soil. The amendment of sludge did not affect the number of protozoa and bacteria in the surrounding soil, which indicated that organic contaminants in the sludge had a little effect on the number of protozoa and bacteria in the surrounding soil.  相似文献   

Although atmospheric deposition is generally the dominant pathway of PCBs into agricultural food chains, soil ingestion by livestock can be important in some cases. The relationship between PCB levels in cow's milk and in pasture soil was studied in the Irkutsk region in Siberia where an historical atmospheric source(s) of PCBs has led to widespread contamination of soil. Milk samples were collected in spring and again in autumn from 18 different farms and analyzed for PCBs. Pasture soil samples were also collected and analyzed. The PCB concentrations in both milk and soil ranged over more than an order of magnitude between the farms. A good correlation was obtained between PCB levels in autumn milk and in soil. This together with a range of other evidence suggested that ingestion of pasture soil was the dominant source of the PCB contamination in the milk. The average soil ingestion rate was estimated to be 1700 g/d, which is at the upper end of values reported in the literature. This may be due to the arid summer climate or the animal husbandry practices in Siberia.  相似文献   

The use of surfactants during soil washing process can create massive foam, which has a negative impact on the effective use of equipment. A series of tests was conducted to evaluate the defoaming performance of three defoamers and to investigate the influence on removal of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) during enhanced soil washing by the addition of the defoamer. Results showed that polydimethylsiloxane oil, which is the most common biomaterial used in commercial antifoaming and defoaming agents, has the best defoaming performance. With the addition of 0.1% polydimethylsiloxane oil, the removal ratios of total 16 PAHs (ΣPAHs) increased up to 53.48% and 75.92% when washing time was 5 min and 30 min, respectively, compared with the removal ratios of 44.12% and 67.28% with Triton X-100 solution only. This indicated that the proper selection of defoamer not only solves massive foaming problem but also brings out a positive influence on PAH removal during the soil washing process.

Implications: Three kinds of defoamers (kieselguhr, dodecanol, and polydimethylsiloxane oil) were collected to destroy the foam produced by Triton X-100. Among those defoamers, the polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) oil has the best defoaming performances. The surface tension of the Triton X-100 solution with the addition of PDMS was lower. The addition of PDMS could improve the removal ratio of ΣPAHs during soil washing. That may be attributed to the addition of the nonionic surfactant Tergitol NP-10 as the emulsifier in the defoamer. After all, the results do not provide any indication of the influence on the solubilization micelles. It is thus questionable whether other components of PDMS oil could improve the PAH solubilization.  相似文献   

The influence of humic acids on the phytoextraction of cadmium from soil   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Cadmium poses a major environmental and human health threat because of its constant release through anthropogenic activities. A need, therefore, exists for cost-effective remediation procedures. Phytoremediation, the use of plants to extract contaminants from soils and groundwater, has revealed great potential. However, it is limited by the fact that plants need time, nutrient supply and, moreover, have a limited metal uptake capacity. Synthetic chelators have shown positive effects in enhancing heavy metal extraction through phytoremediation, but they have also revealed a vast number of negative side-effects. The objective of this research was to investigate the use of humic acids as an alternative to synthetic chelators. Humic acids were applied to a cadmium-contaminated soil at various dosages, and the uptake of cadmium into Nicotiana tabacum SR-1 was determined in relation to the amounts of total and bioavailable cadmium in the soil. It was found that the theoretical bioavailability of cadmium, as determined by diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) extraction, did not change, but its plant uptake was enhanced significantly, in some cases up to 65%. Humic acids added at a rate of 2 g kg(-1) soil increased the cadmium concentration in the shoots from 30.9 to 39.9 mg kg(-1). A possible reason for this enhancement is the decrease in pH, resulting in higher cadmium availability. Another possibility taken into account is that plants may take up cadmium complexes with humic acid fragments, which result from microbiological degradation or, self-dissociation.  相似文献   

The effects of five short-chain organic acids (SCOAs) on the behaviors of pyrene in soil–water system were investigated. The influences of the quantity and species of organic acids, pH, and soil dissolved organic matter were considered. The results showed the presence of SCOAs inhibited the adsorption and promoted the desorption of pyrene in the following order: citric acid > oxalic acid > tartaric acid > lactic acid > acetic acid. The decreased extents of pyrene adsorption performance enhanced with increasing SCOA concentrations, while the decreasing rate became less pronounced at high SCOA concentrations. In the presence of organic acids, the adsorption ability of pyrene decreased with increasing pH. However, there was a slight increase of pyrene adsorption with the addition of oxalic acid, tartaric acid and citric acid above pH 8. The capacity for pyrene retention differentiated significantly between the soils with and without dissolved organic matter. The presence of SCOAs was also favorable for the decrease of pyrene adsorption on soil without dissolved organic matter. The results of this study have important implications for the remediation of persistent organic pollutants in soil and groundwater.  相似文献   

Creosote-contaminated soil samples from the Libby Ground Water Contamination Superfund Site in Libby, MT, were amended with the potential alternate electron acceptors (AEA) nitrate (KNO3), manganese oxide (MnO2), and amorphous iron oxyhydroxide (FeOOH) and incubated at low oxygen tensions (0-6% O2). The fate of 14C-pyrene was evaluated with respect to the different soil amendments. The fate of 14C from the radiolabeled pyrene with regard to mineralization and bound residue formation within soil humic fractions was not significantly different from controls for the iron and manganese amended soils. Nitrate amendments appeared to stimulate 14C-pyrene mineralization at a level of 170 mg NO3-N kg(-1), and inhibit mineralization at 340 mg NO3-N kg(-1). The stimulatory effect did not appear to be the result of nitrate serving as an electron acceptor. Although AEA amendments did not significantly affect the rate or extent of 14C-pyrene mineralization, results of oxygen-deprived incubations (purged with N2) indicate that AEA may be utilized by the microbial community in the unsaturated contaminated soil system.  相似文献   

Effects of repeated applications of the herbicide butachlor (N-(butoxymethyl)-2-chloro -N-2′,6′-dimethyl acetanilide) in soil on its persistence and soil microbial functional diversity were investigated under laboratory conditions. The degradation half-lives of butachlor at the recommended dosage in soil were calculated to be 12.5, 4.5, and 3.2 days for the first, second, and third applications, respectively. Throughout this study, no significant inhibition of the Shannon-Wiener index H′ was observed. However, the Simpson index 1/D and McIntosh index U were significantly reduced (P ≤ 0.05) during the initial 3 days after the first application of butachlor, and thereafter gradually recovered to a similar level to that of the control soil. A similar variation but faster recovery in 1/D and U was observed after the second and third Butachlor applications. Therefore, repeated applications of butachlor led to more rapid degradation of the herbicide, and more rapid recovery of soil microorganisms. It is concluded that repeated butachlor applications in soil had a temporary or short-term inhibitory effect on soil microbial communities.  相似文献   

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