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Perceptions, knowledge and mitigation are factors that might play a role in preventing injury and loss of life during a major earthquake.2 Little is known about the relationships between different demographic and educational parameters and these factors. A national representative sample of 495 adults was investigated in order to determine the relationship between demographic and educational parameters in terms of the perceived threat, perceived coping, knowledge and mitigation of earthquakes in Israel. Compared to females, males perceived the threat of earthquakes to be lower (t=3.183, p=0.002), manifested higher levels of perceived coping (t=2.55, p=0.011), and had higher levels of earthquake related knowledge (t=2.047, p=0.041). We conclude that there are gender differences in perceptions and knowledge regarding earthquakes.  相似文献   

Climate change is causing severe negative consequences to small low-lying islands. To mitigate and adapt to climate change, it is important to improve public knowledge on its causes and consequences. As a social issue that needs collective action to address, the knowledge gap among different segments of population would be a barrier to people’s behaviors toward mitigation and adaption to climate change. This study aims to investigate public knowledge acquisition of climate change by revisiting the knowledge gap hypothesis. A nationally representative random computer-assisted telephone interview survey (N?=?1093) was conducted in Singapore. Quantitative analyses revealed that both newspaper reading and television viewing could reduce the knowledge gap between high and low socioeconomic status individuals. We recommend that governments and relevant authorities should utilize mass media to disseminate information and cultivate public understanding of climate change.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the mitigation effect of Tokai earthquake measures on housing damage using a counterfactual approach. It focuses on those measures that stimulate ex‐ante investment in disaster prevention in the supposedly affected area, including earthquake‐proof retrofitting and improved housing construction; the effect of the measures on housing losses is estimated monetarily. The study compares factual disaster damage computed using a real distribution of houses with counterfactual damage to a hypothetical housing distribution that would occur if the measures were not implemented. The key findings are: (i) the disaster mitigation effects of Tokai earthquake measures on housing amount to approximately JPY 18 billion (USD 0.18 billion) for Yamanashi Prefecture and JPY 0.26 trillion (USD 2.6 billion) for Shizuoka Prefecture, which would be at the centre of the event; (ii) a before–after comparison biases estimates of the mitigation effect; and (iii) statistically, the measures do not mitigate the housing damage predicted for an earthquake in Tokai.  相似文献   

简要介绍了1985年墨西哥格雷罗7.3级地震和1996年丽江7.0级地震高层建筑震害特征.采用钢筋混凝土框架结构房屋震害预测方法对2000年姚安6.5级地震区的典型高层建筑进行了计算,将计算结果与实际震害进行了对比,分析了震害原因.  相似文献   

在海城-岫岩5.6级地震中,震中区遭受到7度地震破坏,同时震区又遭受多次强余震,总直接经济损失8488.8万元,1629户房屋发生严重研究,5734人无家可归,由于震前进行了成功的预报,无人员伤亡发生。本次地震震区为农村,其中农村砖房大多数为基本完好和轻微破坏,而大量的石砌房屋则破坏较生,在重建家园中应采取必要的抗震措施。  相似文献   

Post‐disaster recovery is a constantly changing and developing process. The authors conducted three real‐name follow‐up surveys at 1, 12 and 18 months after the Yao'an earthquake, which had a surface wave magnitude of 6.0. They also calculated recovery ratios at different times and drew post‐earthquake domestic life recovery curves. Based on the recovery curves, the time trajectory of domestic life recovery takes on an approximate S‐type development and change process. The recovery time process of domestic life can be divided into four periods: emergency period (weeks 0–2(5)), early recovery period (weeks 2(5)–24), rapid recovery period (weeks 24–34) and late recovery period (weeks 34–60(80)).  相似文献   

地震灾情短信编码的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了充分发挥地震灾情短信的信息负载功能,更全面地获取震后灾情信息,在对现有地震灾情短信代码介绍和分析的基础上,探讨了基于地震灾情现象的短信代码的设计原则和方法。确定了采用线分类法对地震灾情现象进行分类分级,并制定了分类分级的判断标志,然后,根据分类分级结果采用层次编码方式进行了短信代码的编制,设计了应用于不同对象的专业人员代码和公众代码。最后,阐述了如何使用这些地震灾情短信代码进行灾情上报及其对于地震应急工作的意义。  相似文献   

依据鹤岗煤田强矿震对地面影响的调查资料及地震烈度衰减理论,采用椭圆衰减模型回归计算了沿长轴与短轴方向矿震烈度的衰减关系。建立了鹤岗煤田矿震烈度衰减模型,应用矿震烈度衰减关系,讨论发生最大震级ML:4.2矿震的极震区地震烈度及其影响。  相似文献   

基于五大连池火山地质、地震活动和大地电磁深部探测资料,讨论了火山构造环境与地震活动的关系,受构造环境的制约,地震活动水平和空间分布特征与火山区断裂活动的强度与方式有直接的关系。老黑山附近东西侧地下介质的电性结构变化速度较大,与地震活动集中的事实相符,是现今火山区地壳浅层活动强的部位。  相似文献   

我国社会可接受地震人员死亡率的研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
在分析地震的特点及我国目前抗震设防中存在问题的基础上,提出了社会可接受地震人员死亡率的概念,介绍了确定可接受地震人员死亡率的方法及需要考虑的因素。同时通过对其它自然灾害和人为灾害死亡率的统计,以问卷调查的形式咨询了熟悉防震减灾工作的有关专家和政府管理部门等业内人士的意见,在此基础上,给出了较合理的社会可接受地震人员死亡率的建议值,为在抗震设防标准研究中定量考虑和控制地震人员伤亡提供了依据。  相似文献   

地震火灾损失评估研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
地震火灾是一种严重的震次生灾害,历史地震资料表明,地震火灾造成的损失有时甚至超过地震的直接破坏所造成的损失,本文根据目前我国地震现场灾害的评估方法,结合我国地震结构损失评估的经验,建立了地震火灾损失的评估方法。  相似文献   

Webbink D 《Disasters》2008,32(4):499-515
This study investigates the impact of two local calamities-an explosion at a firework factory in the city of Enschede on 13 May and a fire at a discotheque on 1 January 2001 during a New Years Eve party in the town of Volendam-on the educational achievement of children at the end of their primary education. Based on a quasi-experimental design with both control groups and pre-tests, we found that in the three years following the two tragedies, the test scores of girls in those areas closest to the events were on average 0.2 standard deviations lower. This corresponds to a downward shift in the distribution of girls' test scores. Boys' test scores, meanwhile, were not significantly affected by the disasters, and nor were the scores of pupils from nearby areas. In the three years following the calamities, girls' test scores in one of the areas (Volendam) have slowly recovered, although they remain well below their pre-event level.  相似文献   

1997年11月8日藏北玛尼7.5级大震的预报问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对 1997年 11月 8日的藏北玛尼大地震 ,我们曾在 1991年进行过预报 ,1997年又曾重申过这个预报。本文用我们过去提出的预报理论和方法 ,对玛尼大震的预报问题再进行更广泛的讨论。文中 ,用立交模式讨论了玛尼大震的孕育机制 ,用 35°线上的 6 0a周期讨论了该震的发生年份 ,用构造交会及“静中动判据”讨论了该地震发生的地点 ,用磁暴倍九法和引潮力增长速度讨论了该震的发震日期 ,用科里奥利力效应讨论了该震余震震级偏小的原因 ,另外 ,还讨论了有关大震 -雪灾链的问题。  相似文献   

Vogt J 《Disasters》1983,7(3):191-193
Until 1975 or so, scientists' knowledge of the major earthquake of 1660 in the Pyrenees (in Bigorre) was largely restricted to the meagre information repeated in the classical catalogues. Useful material published in local learned journals was mostly unknown, and has only been unearthed and interpreted since 1976, when two year's work of analysis was started for the "Projet Sismo-tectonique" in France. During and since that project, further routine work necessary for the revision of the historical seismicity of France, has brought to light a new wealth of information from archive sources. This new knowledge, at least from the French side, is used as the basis for a brief macroseismic review of the event north of the Pyrenees, putting forward proposals for the isoseismal lines. Emphasis is placed on the number and quality of the sources, some of which are quoted for evidence of major rockfalls in the meizoseismal region and the wide extent of the felt area, as far north as Salnt-Maixent in Poitou.  相似文献   

地震应急指挥模式探讨   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
通过对地震应急指挥系统业务范畴、工作特点、所起作用及特定结构的较为系统的分析,确定了实现地震应急指挥功能的必备条件和实施地震应急指挥的各个关键环节.在总结了近几年地震应急工作经验的基础上,就有关地震应急指挥模式的问题进行了初步研究,认为目前我国地震应急指挥模式的核心是"提醒"功能,所有指挥事项均应围绕"提醒"进行深化与展开.  相似文献   

杨军  宋峰 《灾害学》2001,16(4):27-32
地震是一种自然现象,有其明显的自然属性,而地震灾害则具有明显的社会属性。地震灾害是相对于人类活动而言的。本文借用胡焕庸线,将中国大陆分成东区和西区两个区,并初步探讨了人口稠密和经济发达的中国东部地区的防震减灾对策。  相似文献   

用BP神经网络技术研究华东地区(29°~37°N,114°~124°E)地震时间序列的规律,在大量实验的基础上得出,对于华东地区当输入层节点数目为12、隐层的节点数为16、输出层节点数为1时可以得到较好的收敛结果。根据选取的参数采用两种方法对华东地区进行地震预测,结果表明利用BP神经网络处理华东地区的地震时间序列有较强的容错性,进而认为将该方法用于华东地区地震时间序列的短临预测有较好的效果。  相似文献   

我国地震应急指挥技术体系初探   总被引:37,自引:4,他引:37  
地震应急指挥技术系统是防震减灾建设的核心内容。”十五”期间,将建设中国地震应急指挥技术系统。目前我国在这方面的研究和建设尚处于初级阶段,其体系结构,关键构成、设计和实现还有许多问题值得进一步研究和探讨。根据所从事的项目建设过程,对地震应急指挥技术系统的体系结构进行了阐述,介绍了在此基础上开展的首都圈地震应急指挥系统建设工作,并就今后的发展进行了讨论。  相似文献   

甘肃民乐-山丹MS6.1级地震虽属中等强度地震,但却造成了大量房屋的破坏,且夺去了10人的宝贵生命,这充分暴露出了我国西部贫穷地区一些建筑结构抗震能力极差的弱点.列举了地震区内不同结构类型房屋及民乐、山丹两县水利系统各种结构在这次地震中的表现.通过对其震害的描述,初步分析了破坏原因,并相应提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

Little is known about the factors that may impact on the willingness of physicians and nurses to treat patients during a bioterrorism attack. This survey was conducted among 76 randomly selected nurses and physicians in the emergency rooms of three public hospitals in order to analyse the relationship between knowledge, profession and the willingness to treat anthrax. The study finds that the willingness of physicians and nurses to come to work is 50% greater among the group with the highest knowledge about anthrax (P < 0.0001). Within that group, the willingness to treat patients suspected of being infected with anthrax was 37% greater (P < 0.0001) and the willingness to treat patients diagnosed with anthrax was 28% greater (P = 0.004) than in the other groups. These results imply that enhancement of knowledge among health care workers may improve their willingness to come to work and treat patients infected with anthrax during a bioterrorism attack.  相似文献   

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