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朋友,你认识我们长安吗?我们长安是全国有名的卫星城镇,这里,经济发达,工厂林立,车水马龙,简直可以跟一些城市比美。瞧,我们不但有美丽的长安广场,长安公园,高尔夫球场,而且还有一个大城市没有的鸟类保护区——它就是“莲花山自然保护区”。走进保护区,你会感到这里好像是仙境一般,草木繁茂,绿树成荫,泉水叮咚,小  相似文献   

开发利用型保护区是同时满足保护和发展目标的一项创举,在巴西,建立开发利用型保护区最初是作为森林居民进行土地斗争的一部分.虽然这个概念已普及,并且人们也在尝试把它推广到其他热带地区,但却很少有人对开发利用型保护区项目在保护和发展方面取得的成绩进行综合分析.我们对1990年在巴西建立的第一个开发利用型保护区的森林砍伐、人口和社会经济变化进行了详细分析.保护区内的森林覆盖度一直相当稳定.人口数量稍有下降,并且在保护区内发生了一些居住地迁移.现金经济收入的主要来源由原来的橡胶生产转变为多种农作物和家畜综合生产,非农业收入也大幅度增加.我们认为该开发利用型保护区代表了一种不断变化的环境,在其建立之初的10年中,开发利用型保护区对保护和发展起了积极促进作用.  相似文献   

开发利用型保护区是同时满足保护和发展目标的一项创举,在巴西,建立开发利用型保护区最初是作为森林居民进行土地斗争的一部分.虽然这个概念已普及,并且人们也在尝试把它推广到其他热带地区,但却很少有人对开发利用型保护区项目在保护和发展方面取得的成绩进行综合分析.我们对1990年在巴西建立的第一个开发利用型保护区的森林砍伐、人口和社会经济变化进行了详细分析.保护区内的森林覆盖度一直相当稳定.人口数量稍有下降,并且在保护区内发生了一些居住地迁移.现金经济收入的主要来源由原来的橡胶生产转变为多种农作物和家畜综合生产,非农业收入也大幅度增加.我们认为该开发利用型保护区代表了一种不断变化的环境,在其建立之初的10年中,开发利用型保护区对保护和发展起了积极促进作用.  相似文献   

能不叫人触目惊心?黄河断流时间开始跨越二年!也许在我们这一代里,河伯将永远失去飘行东海的风采。能不让人默然泪下?淮河,长江……一条条曾经孕育几千年文明的母亲河,流淌的不再是往日的甘乳。能不使人忧心忡忡?  相似文献   

由中国人与生物圈国家委员会组织的第二次中国生物圈保护区网络大会1995年10月在盐城生物圈保护管理区召开。大会传达了塞维利亚第二次国际生物圈保护区大会精神,讨论了中国生物圈保护区网络活动计划。 生物圈保护区是联合国教科文组织通过的人与  相似文献   

浦玉生 《环境》1994,(9):4-5
我们这一代人是首先从太空中看见自己星球的人。这是一个蓝色微小的球体,一个密闭脆弱的系统,当废水、毒气、垃圾、噪声逼迫小鸟无法逃离地球时,人类就不能不为自己的生死存亡发出紧急呼吁! 可以说,环境污染带来的可怕后果,决不亚于一声大地震……  相似文献   

丁立 《世界环境》2008,(3):30-31
“我们都有机会做得更加环保。但是,更重要的是我们有责任这样做。我们应该成为环保的公司、环保的国家,让人们拥有环保的生活。如果我们这样做了,如果在未来的几十年里我们这样做了,我相信我们就能使环保具有可持续性。那么,我们这一代人也将为我们的后代留下一个更加健康的社会、更加健康的地球。”  相似文献   

当今保护区面临着前所未有的挑战和机遇,人与资源的关系是保护区工作的关键。保护区随着社会的发展而发展,保护自然需要更加灵活的管理措施,保护区与人的关系更为密切,保护服务和推动保护区毗邻区域的发展正在成为重要目标,这些都将有利于保护区域的生物多样性,未来保护区将为社会利益而工作。  相似文献   

一方面是越摆越长的鱼翅盛宴,另一方面是如火如荼的护鲨运动。如今在世界各地越来越多的人开始致力于鲨鱼的保护工作,为其成立保护区,设立代言人,掐断鱼翅销售渠道。也许我们的努  相似文献   

若尔盖黑颈鹤自然保护区,是以保护珍稀动物黑颈鹤及高寒沼泽生态环境为重点的保护区,它位于四川省若尔盖县中部,北纬33°26′~56′,东经102°30′~103°00′,面积约553.4km~2。1985年9、10月,我们考察了保护区,现就生态环境特点及水化学特征两个问题,简述于后。  相似文献   

Preindustrial man influenced and changed the earth's ecosystems decisively. The disappearance of large animals from all continents (Eurasia, e.g., mammoth; America, e.g., the giant sloths and the giant armadillo) after the Pleistocene was most probably due to a large extent to the early hunters and collectors. Corn-growing and breeding of domestic animals led to the disappearance of their wild forms (e.g., the wild form of today's old world camel is unknown) and the cultivation of huge monocultures. The increasing need for wood resulted in the disappearance of forests almost all over Europe. Specific needs, such as pig-raising or bee-keeping, supported the formation of particular landscapes, e.g., sparsely wooded forests and extensive heathlands. All these factors resulted in extreme soil erosion and the disappearance of nutritionally important minerals from the soil, which was thus severely depleted.  相似文献   

Wild sunflower, H. annuus ssp. annuus, is an invasive species widely distributed in several regions of the world, including central Argentina where it shares a large area with domesticated sunflower. The discovery of imidazolinone resistance in a wild sunflower population allowed the development of Clearfield® technology in cultivated sunflower. This technology was rapidly adopted in Argentina but the trait could possibly be transferred to the naturalized wild populations through natural hybridization. The aim of this study was to evaluate the transfer of IMI resistance to wild sunflower populations and its effect on wild plants’ fitness. Plants of five wild populations and their progenies of crosses with an IMI-resistant hybrid were evaluated through a dormancy, herbicide resistance, and SSR markers study. Relative fitness was compared in the five populations, F1s and backcrosses with wild and crop parental plants. Hybridization with an IMI-resistant hybrid did not alter seed dormancy. F1 individuals were more resistant to imazapyr than their wild ancestors but less tolerant than the commercial variety. SSR markers confirmed the transfer of resistance and identified resistant plants within the wild populations. Fitness was reduced in the first generation after crossing but was recovered in the following generations. Thus, to ensure durability and efficiency of Clearfield® technology, management practices like crop rotation and herbicide usage with different modes of action should be considered.  相似文献   

独立提出并研究开发了一种密度控制和区域分解相结合的四边形网格自动生成方法 ,简称区域分解法。以区域分解法为基础 ,自主开发了商品化网格自动生成 /再生成软件AU TOMESH ,并已经在中国版权保护中心进行了软件著作权登记。介绍区域分解法和软件AU TOMESH ,并给出多个划分实例  相似文献   

In the last few years it has been realized that the hepatitis E virus (HEV) is endemic in most industrialized countries and that it is a zoonotic disease. Potential reservoirs for HEV have been identified to be wild boars and deers, but HEV has also been found in domestic pigs and other animals. Due to the probable spread of the virus via contaminated food or contact to infected animals, HEV antibodies are present in more than 16% of the German adult population and rates are increasing with age. We collected blood from 104 wild boars in southern Germany and the border region of Alsace. We found an anti-HEV seroprevalence of 11.5% in our cohort, using ELISA. Furthermore, we observed active infection in 3.85% of the animals by positive HEV PCR in the sera of the boars. In our cohort, no regional differences of seroprevalence or active infection were seen. Sequencing revealed rather close homology of some detected HEV sequences to genotypes isolated from patients in Germany. Hence wild boars are a potential source of HEV infection in Middle Europe and the rate of infectious animals is quite high.  相似文献   

Some of the most spectacular visual signals found in the animal kingdom are based on dietarily derived carotenoid pigments (which cannot be produced de novo), with a general assumption that carotenoids are limited resources for wild organisms, causing trade-offs in allocation of carotenoids to different physiological functions and ornamentation. This resource trade-off view has been recently questioned, since the efficiency of carotenoid processing may relax the trade-off between allocation toward condition or ornamentation. This hypothesis has so far received little exploratory support, since studies of digestive efficiency of wild animals are limited due to methodological difficulties. Recently, a method for quantifying the percentage of fat in fecal samples to measure digestive efficiency has been developed in birds. Here, we use this method to test if the intensity of the carotenoid-based coloration predicts digestive efficiency in a wild bird, the house finch (Haemorhous mexicanus). The redness of carotenoid feather coloration (hue) positively predicted digestion efficiency, with redder birds being more efficient at absorbing fats from seeds. We show for the first time in a wild species that digestive efficiency predicts ornamental coloration. Though not conclusive due to the correlative nature of our study, these results strongly suggest that fat extraction might be a crucial but overlooked process behind many ornamental traits.  相似文献   

以往中国工业危险废物产生信息主要是依靠工业固体废物的排污申报登记信息和环境统计信息,没有建立危险废物的专门调查方法,信息不准确严重影响工业危险废物产生的准确性和管理决策的科学性.提出工艺流程节点分析法应用于工业危险废物调查,是一种基于物料平衡原理,强调应特别重视现场调查之前的充分准备,通过对整个生产工艺流程及其每个环节进行分析,以获取工业危险废物产生源资料信息,实现工业危险废物污染源调查.该方法可为调查工业危险废物的产生特性、污染特性与去向等提供技术支持,为各级环保部门准确掌握工业危险废物信息提供技术基础.  相似文献   

李颖  李静 《环境科学与管理》2012,37(3):22-24,30
生物质发电是将废弃生物质变成可再生能源得以充分利用,这些工程将减少来自于生物质自然腐烂和无控燃烧产生的温室效应,这不仅节约了煤炭,同时也减少了二氧化碳的排放。本文中以某生物质项目发电为例,根据CDM方法学ACM0006计算了该项目的减排量。结果表明,该项目10年间共减少了二氧化碳排放量2 075 140吨,给中国带来了可观的经济效益和环境效益。  相似文献   

生物质发电是将废弃生物质变成可再生能源得以充分利用,这些工程将减少来自于生物质自然腐烂和无控燃烧产生的温室效应,这不仅节约了煤炭的同时也减少了二氧化碳的排放。本文中以某生物质项目发电为例,根据CDM方法学ACM0006计算了该项目的减排量。结果表明,该项目10年间共减少了二氧化碳排放量2,075,140 t,给我国带来了可观的经济效益和环境效益。  相似文献   

Associated with technical advances of our civilization is the possibility of an increase of radiation- and chemically induced germ-cell mutations in man. This would result in an increase in the frequency of genetic diseases and would be detrimental to future generations. It is the duty of our generation to keep this risk as low as possible. In order to achieve this goal it is necessary to identify, evaluate and quantify the genetic risk of chemical mutagens. The possibilities and the shortcomings of the quantification of radiation- and chemically induced mutations are discussed. The discrepancy between the high safety standards for radiation protection and the low level of knowledge for the toxicological evaluation of chemicals is emphasized.  相似文献   

垃圾焚烧发电技术能实现城市垃圾的减量化和无害化处理的目的,并可将其产生的能量用于发电或其它方面,而且占地面积少,具有明显的环境保护和资源利用方面的优势。城市垃圾焚烧技术也在我国经济较发达地区得到了一定的研究和应用。对垃圾焚烧发电的工程应用中垃圾焚烧炉的优选以及垃圾焚烧发电效率的影响因素等进行了阐述。  相似文献   

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