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This study examined the relationship between exteriors of police department facilities and participants’ ratings of the buildings’ authority, professionalism, and approachability. After a pilot study, research was conducted with 122 participants who were undergraduate students from a small, liberal arts college in the Northeast. On each of three characteristics (authority, professionalism, and approachability), participants rated 16 color images of police departments located in the United States. The façade ratings for each characteristic were then categorized into factors through factor analyses. There were three factors for authority (Ineffectual, Strong, and Outdated); three for professionalism (Unskilled, Non-traditional, and Governmental); and four for approachability (Uninviting, Accessible, Public, and Impenetrable). The results were compared to participants’ scores on the Right-Wing Authoritarianism Scale (Altemeyer, 1981) and the Social Dominance Orientation scale (Sidanius & Pratto, 1999). Although the primary goal for the study was to determine whether there are consistent responses to police department exteriors, it was hypothesized that the façade ratings would relate to the authoritarianism ratings, with more authoritarian people expected to rate the façades higher in authority. Although this hypothesis was not supported, significant findings were related to gender. Applications to architectural design are discussed.  相似文献   

The impact of the number of displayed credentials (0, 2, 4, or 9) and the presence or absence of family photographs on participants' judgments of a therapist's qualities was assessed. In a between-participants design, 227 participants made these judgments after viewing a projected digital image of a therapist's office. The judgments of the characteristics yielded three factors, Qualifications, Friendliness, and Energy. Analyses indicated that in general, the greater the number of credentials, the more positive the judgment of the therapist's Qualifications and Energy. The presence of family pictures had no significant impact on judgments. Results are discussed in terms of recommendations for the counseling environment.  相似文献   

Community‐based water supply (CBWS) is an example of how a community manages common pool resources (CPR). This results in an alternative approach to solve water supply problems in developing countries by enhancing community participation in managing water supply. This research evaluates the sustainability of five CBWS projects in Cikarang, Indonesia by using Ostrom's design principles, with additional sustainability factors found in the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) on drinking water and groundwater sustainability. Quinn et al. (2007) criteria were used in the analysis, and the results show that the management of four CBWS institutions were absent and one CBWS institution was weak. With regards to the SDG's drinking water target, the CBWS institutions were unable to comply with safe water standards, and in terms of groundwater sustainability, efforts to monitor and sustain groundwater tables were absent. Results from this research suggest that more focus must be placed on water quality and groundwater sustainability for CBWS projects.  相似文献   

由所有对该问题特别关切的国家委员会都参加的技术委员会所制订的有关技术问题的正式决议或协议,尽可能地表达了对所涉及的关题地国际一的一致意见.  相似文献   

00070002;183产学研结合——全面拓展职教空间的有效途径王华利;戴葵堂;湖北三峡职业技术学院,湖北三峡职业技术学院 443003,4430030中国科技信息China Science and Technology Information187 192G710H132;1;A;H;H132_1;王华利;00030010;184 189现代展览馆视觉识别系统的现状与建设思路吴郑玲;郑州美术馆 450003展览馆;;缺  相似文献   

“中国画里的乡村”——宏村最为独特之处是它开创了仿生学之先河。整个村庄呈“牛型”结构布局,并且按照牛的消化系统设计建造了人工水系统“,山为牛头树为角,四桥为蹄屋为身”,足见宏村人追求天人合一、人与自然和谐共生的希冀和渴望。  相似文献   

太子河是我国北方的一条典型山区型河流,其山区段包括上游山地森林和中游丘陵森林地区,主要位于"城中山,山中水,八山一水半分田"的本溪市。经十余年努力,该区域水质明显改善,但水生态问题较为突出,存在着河流生态修复的迫切需求。辽宁大学宋有涛教授承担的国家科技重大水专项"太子河流域山区段河流生态修复与功能提升关键技术与工程示范"课题(2015ZX07202-012),针对地方科技和管理需求,以“山水林田湖草”生命共同体综合治理为理念,依托“十一五”“十二五”水专项研究成果。  相似文献   

Among the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the proposed SDG 15 promotes activities that, inter alia, “Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems”. An important potential contribution in achieving SDG 15 is through public programmes designed to jointly promote human development through poverty alleviation and improvement of human livelihoods and biodiversity conservation/management/restoration. An analysis of twenty public programmes with such joint objectives yielded twelve lessons learned. In addition to financial commitments, government and intergovernmental agency input for such public programmes includes ensuring political will and appropriate legal frameworks. Local communities and civil society provide input through traditional and indigenous ecological knowledge and stewardship. Appropriate shared inputs in development and the implementation of such public programmes, with communication between local community, broader civil society, the scientific community and governments will result in: better use and management of biodiversity; alleviation of poverty; security of livelihoods and better governance systems. The Ecosystem Approach of the Convention on Biological Diversity provides an ideal framework when planning and implementing new programmes. Application of the lessons learned to new public programmes will ensure that the answer to the question posed in the title is an emphatic “Yes”, and assist with the achievement of SDG 15.  相似文献   

悲剧正在上演。在驰名中外的琅琊山,我国特有树种——醉翁榆正一天天地消失,走向死亡,不久之后,一切终将成为风干的标本。这决不是危言耸听。2008年3月23日下午,有30多年工龄的琅琊山风景区管委会副主任孟庆奇告诉记者,如  相似文献   

Most large scale resource extraction projects in Papua New Guinea (PNG) require companies to negotiate with customary landowners for access to development sites. In the discussion of process and challenges of development and operation of projects, particularly mines, the paper, basing as a case study of land use arrangements in PNG mining, has several objectives to address. First, it discusses land use arrangements in the mining industry and how they have evolved over the last few decades. Today, most of these arrangements involve pluralistic framework agreements which have been shaped by land tenure debates, civil uprisings, government initiatives and increasingly politically savvy customary landowners. This pluralistic process encourages key stakeholder involvement, particularly customary landowner participation which has been an innovative piece of sustainable mineral policy development in PNG. Second, the paper argues that ‘it is not business as usual’ for mining companies as it would generally be the case in developed and many developing countries because they are increasingly forced to be proactive in addressing landowner and community interests while managing mining projects. A brief overview of land use debates in PNG is summarised at the outset to provide background to mining and development in the country. Third, the significance of the corporate social responsibility (CSR) paradigm and its impact on business, particularly the mining industry is acknowledged intermittently in the discussion to shed light on how it is influencing development of local communities. Finally, the paper argues that the post-Bougainville period has led to a change of the old enclave model of mining development to a broad based community driven form of development around mining. However, it is difficult to predict as to how this model of mining led development in rural PNG will span out in the long run. In the meantime, genuine landowner partnerships with developers and government in the management and operation of mining projects in the country are proving to be a positive outcome for everyone despite some major challenges.  相似文献   

岳木林 《环境技术》2012,(6):30-33,38
通过对ISO 11452-4两个版本(2011和2005版本)的比较和分析,整理了BCI法的测试差异。通过试验,对BCI替代法的差异进行了验证,同时对新增的试验项目TWC法进行了详细解读。  相似文献   

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