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2018年11月18日发布的《中共中央国务院关于建立更加有效的区域协调发展新机制的意见》明确提出了"推动海岸带管理立法"的工作要求。该工作的重心理应是解决目前我国海岸带管理实践中的突出问题,即陆海之间、部门行业之间和行政辖区之间难以统筹协调的问题。解决该问题的有效途径是通过立法的方式构建统筹协调机制。美国海岸带管理制度中的统筹协调机制颇具特色,由"总协调人"和"联络人"制度、"联邦一致性"制度、州海岸带管理项目与州其他项目的统筹协调制度,以及陆海统筹协调制度等方面组成。我国可以借鉴其成功经验,在海岸带立法中,以构建统筹协调机制为核心内容。该机制以程序性规则为主体,设立"总协调人"和"联络人"制度,组成统筹协调网络,并规定统筹协调的基本"排序规则"。  相似文献   

Following an examination of blood samples from 1000 persons from Kuwait, a number of important differences in the levels of lead in the blood were noted. There were significant differences between the sexes living in the same residential area. Certain significant lead in blood differences were also found between females and males who dyed their hair, and between smokers and non-smokers. Lead in blood concentrations were also tested for the various blood groups of the respondents. It was noted that O+ blood group respondents were found to have higher lead levels than those of other major blood groups.  相似文献   

Arsenic levels in seawater, microplankton (diatoms and dinoflagellates), shrimp (Penaeus semisulcatus), mollusc (Cerithium scabridum) and five types of fish (Maid, Nakroor, Nuwaiby, Suboor and Sheim) in five sampling stations (I–V) off the Kuwait coast were determined during the years 1995 to 1999. The maximum mean concentration of arsenic was observed in the order; the five fish (0.50–0.78 g g–1)> mollusc (0.26 g g–1)> shrimp (0.23 g g–1)> particulate matter (0.03 g g–1)> water and phytoplankton (0.02 g g–1) from all the sites of the Kuwait coast. Station II possessed the maximum arsenic levels. In comparison with the arsenic levels in other parts of the globe, low arsenic levels were observed in most of the marine organisms off the Kuwait Coast. However, an increasing trend in arsenic concentrations was anticipated due to rapid local industrialization and on account of recent spills of arsenic compounds.  相似文献   

海岸带地区是陆海交互作用区,是陆海统筹中需要重点关注的区域,党的十九大报告里提出要坚持陆海统筹,《深化党和国家机构改革方案》中提出整合原环境保护部等部委的相关污染防治和生态保护执法及国家海洋局的海洋环境保护职责,组建生态环境部。本研究通过对厦门市陆海统筹政策现状系统梳理分析,厘清生态环境建设中陆海统筹的关键问题,总结出陆海统筹工作的对策建议,包括构建生态环境陆海统筹管理新模式、蓝色经济与生态文明协同发展新模式、基于绿色发展的弹性海岸新模式、"三个一"智慧海岸带大数据信息系统技术新体系等。这些对策对于我国海岸带城市区域生态环境建设的陆海统筹和海岸带综合管理工作具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

9 m3, a volume equal to the basin. During the rainy season, June–September, 84% of the annual discharge occurs, which causes the bay to become brackish. Port Honduras serves as an important nursery ground for many species of commercially important fish and shellfish. The removal of forest cover in the uplands, as a result of agriculture, aquaculture, and village development, is likely to significantly accelerate erosion. Increased erosion would reduce soil fertility in the uplands and negatively affect mangrove, seagrass, and coral reef productivity in the receiving coastal embayment. Alternatively, the conservation of an existing protected areas corridor, linking the Maya Mountains to the Caribbean Sea, is likely to enhance regional sustainable economic development. This study aims to support environmental management at the scale of the “ecoscape”—a sensible ecological unit of linked watersheds and coastal and marine environments.  相似文献   

海湾处于陆地和海洋交汇部位,由于开发环境优越,在人类社会发展中占有非常突出的地位.浙江乐清湾海岸带地区在经济迅速发展的同时,也面临着诸如淡水资源缺乏、海洋经济发展层次和城镇化水平偏低等问题.针对这些问题,提出了相应的调控对策和建议.  相似文献   

An adaptation of the Drivers-Pressure-State-Impact-Response methodology is presented in this work. The differential DPSIR (ΔDPSIR) was developed to evaluate impacts on the coastal environment and as a tool for integrated ecosystem management. The aim of the ΔDPSIR is to provide scientifically-based information required by managers and decision-makers to evaluate previously adopted policies, as well as future response scenarios. The innovation of the present approach is to provide an explicit link between ecological and economic information related to the use and management of a coastal ecosystem within a specific timeframe. The application of ΔDPSIR is illustrated through an analysis of developments in a Southwest European coastal lagoon between 1985 and 1995. The value of economic activities dependent on the lagoon suffered a significant reduction (ca. −60%) over that period, mainly due to a decrease in bivalve production. During that decade the pressures from the catchment area were managed (ca. 176 million Euros), mainly through the building of waste water treatment plants. Notwithstanding this, the ecosystem state worsened with respect to abnormal clam mortalities due to a parasite infection and to benthic eutrophication symptoms in specific problematic areas. The negative economic impacts during the decade were estimated between −565 and −315 million Euros, of which 9–49% represent the cost of environmental externalities. Evaluation of these past events indicates that future management actions should focus on reducing the limitation on local clam seeds, which should result in positive impacts to both the local socio-economy and biodiversity.  相似文献   

This article demonstrates why it is necessary to have the restoration of marine coastal ecosystem health as a new goal for integrated catchment management in the coastal area of Tolo Harbor. The present goal of integrated catchment management (ICM) in the Tolo Harbor is based on water quality objectives. The performance of the ICM plan, the Tolo Harbor Action Plan (THAP), was evaluated using marine coastal ecosystem health indicators including both stress and response indicators. Since the implementation of THAP in 1988, some significant reductions in pollution loading have been observed: reduction of 83% of biological oxygen demand load and 82% of total nitrogen between 1988 and 1999. There has also been an improvement in the health of Tolo Harbor’s marine coastal ecosystem as evidenced by trends in physical, chemical, and biological indicators, although reverse fluctuations in some periods exist. However, such improvement can only be considered as the first sign of complete ecosystem health restoration, because ecosystem health covers not only physical, chemical, and biological aspects of an ecosystem, but also ecosystem service functions. The findings support the need to take the restoration and protection of marine coastal ecosystem health as a new goal rather than using water quality objectives. Steps necessary to further improve Tolo Harbor’s marine coastal ecosystem health are also discussed.  相似文献   

利用2001—2010年乐亭、秦皇岛大雾监测的252个个例及Micaps3.0常规资料,分析了河北海岸带大雾的时空尺度分布特征,初步建立大雾天气概念模型。研究结果显示:2001—2010年大雾年际变化不大,2005年达到日数最少为17次,2006年达到最多为34次;大雾日具有明显的月变化,一年当中各月均有大雾出现,其中以11~12月大雾日数最多,8~9月次之,其他各月较少;南到东南风、弱的均压场、适宜的海温均有利于产生大雾天气。  相似文献   

Multivariate analysis of variance, canonical correlation and canonical discriminate analysis were performed on environmental data collected from the Kuwaiti intertidal zone to determine the statistical relationships between the sediment, chemical, biological, spatial and temporal variables. The quantitative analysis showed that the sediment type was the paramount factor influencing the distribution and composition of the intertidal benthic fauna. The muddy, sandy and rocky shores support three distinct faunal communities. The seasonal variation in the benthic fauna community was not statistically significant but variation in biological data due to differences in transect location and tidal level were significant. This spatial variation has been attributed to differences in sediment and substrate types. The physico-chemical parameters were found to correlate positively with the mud content of the sediments but were unimportant in the overall composition of the intertidal fauna. This paper complements the results reported in Al Bakriet al. (1997–Part I) in establishing a valuable benchmark for assessing environmental impacts and for developing sustainable coastal zone management in Kuwait. The integrated approach outlined here could be adopted to develop a sound basis for the protection and management of coastal environments and resources in similar areas.  相似文献   

The Louisiana Coastal Management Division (CMD) uses over 90 guidelines for permitting construction activities in the coastal zone. The use of the guidelines by, the CMD staff is not always systematically applied to permit applications. A set of guideline decision trees was, therefore, developed for the permit review process using a structural modeling technique. A decision tree provides the framework for optimizing the decision process. The order in which decisions are made contributes to the efficiency and uniformity of the process. The result provides a more timely and consistent review of most permit applications regarding mining, hazardous wastes, levees, and zoning.  相似文献   

The extent and causes of changes in the fresh-water wetlands of South Kingstown, Rhode Island were determined through field work and through the analysis of panchromatic aerial photographs taken in 1939 and 1972. During this period, there was a net loss of 0.9 percent of the total area (2345.2 ha) of wetland present in 1939. Highway construction and residential development accounted for most of this loss. Approximately 17 percent of the wetland present in 1939 had changed sufficiently by 1972 to warrant reclassification. Plant succession alone accounted for 57 percent of the changes in wetland types, while man's activities were influential in 41 percent of the cases. Ninety-two percent of the natural changes in wetland types was progressive, while 58 percent of the changes induced by man and undetermined causes was retrogressive. Man's major role was to alter the water regimes and vegetation of wetlands. There was a decrease in wetland diversity as the most abundant type, wooded swamp, grew in area while the abundance of shallow marshes, meadows, and shrub swamps declined. A knowledge of wetland dynamics is essential in the management of wetlands for a diversity of wildlife and other natural values.  相似文献   

Quantitative analysis of physical, chemical and biological data of the intertidal zone in Kuwait was undertaken to develop an integrated basis for assessing and protecting this sensitive coastal ecosystem. Cluster analyses were performed to determine the resemblance between the sampling stations based on the sediment composition, the benthic macrofauna and the physico-chemical characteristics of the intertidal sediment/water. Five distinct sub-environments were delineated within the intertidal zone of Kuwait. Each sub-environment was described in terms of number of taxa, mean density of organisms, sediment type, tidal level and dominant organisms. The physico-chemical parameters investigated were found to be unimportant in the distribution of the intertidal benthic macrofauna. On the other hand, sediment type was found to be a major factor in the overall composition of the benthic community. The benthic fauna and related characteristics of the sub-environments could be used as indicators to monitor changes in the intertidal ecosystem and as guides to protection and management of the different coasts. The approach described in this paper could also be adopted elsewhere to provide a sound basis for evaluating environmental impacts and for developing sustainable coastal management.  相似文献   

It is estimated that some 17 metric tons of residual oxidants (chlorine) are discharged into the enclosed coastal seawater of Kuwait on a daily basis from power-desalination plants alone. Alarmed by the unlimited number of reported cases of damage to marine aquatic systems due to chlorine discharge around the world, several alternatives were proposed to control such a massive discharge of residual oxidant into seawaters. Most of the proposed alternatives lacked the basic criteria necessary for their evaluation, justification, and then selection. The objective of this article is to provide a conceptual approach that can be used to select a control measure for residual oxidant discharge in Kuwait coastal seawaters. This approach is based on state-of-the-art knowledge and the unique operational and environmental factors involved. A matrix system was designed whereby the cost of residual chlorine control alternative, its effectiveness, and environmental and public health impact, performance, and reliability in Kuwait can be compared and evaluated. The selection approach considered currently operating power plants in terms of their engineering design and material (cast iron or steel condensers), current operational conditions, operator's perception, acceptability, and projected problems associated with the environmental management of proposed modifications. The proposed approach revealed that in Kuwait, conventinal chlorination was marginally superseded only by chlorination/dechlorination using SO2 and operation alteration using process optimization. The overall cost-effective assessment matrix classified other alternatives as worse than chlorination by various degrees. Ozone and UV were found to be the worst and the least desirable alternatives for biofouling control of seawater in Kuwait. In light of the available information on the consequences of the Gulf War on the marine environment, and the potential formation of additional halogenated organic compounds through the reaction of residual chlorine with the released petroleum hydrocarbons, it is essential to control residual chlorine discharged into the nearshore environment of Kuwait.  相似文献   

A review of the difficulties associated with the definition of coastal flood frequencies and magnitudes leads to a recognition that there is considerable doubt in many parts of the world as to the precise nature of this particular hazard. Similarly, a review of the sea-level measurements that have been used to indicate a response to global warming shows that there is uncertainty about the amount of other controlling influences. What is clear, however, are that past management decisions about human endeavours in the coastal zone (including flood defences, occupance of flood-prone lands, extraction of ground water and natural gas) have had an impact on relative land and sea levels and have done more to increase the risk of coastal flooding than can be assigned so far to global warming. In addition, these changes induced by human activity may render inappropriate calculations of coastal-flood frequencies based on historical records since the latter relate to a period of time when the controls on flooding may have been very different.  相似文献   

The paper presents the application of thermal remote sensing for mapping hydrocarbon polluted sites. This has been achieved by mono-window algorithm for land surface temperature (LST) measurements, using multi-date band 6 data of Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM). The emissivity, transmittance and mean atmospheric temperature were used as critical factors to estimate LST. The changes in the surface emissivity due to oil pollution alter the apparent temperature, which was used as a recognition element to map out oil polluted surfaces. The LST contrast was successfully used to map spatial distribution of hydrocarbon pollution in the Burgan Oil field area of Kuwait. The methodology can be positively used to detect waste dumping, oil spills in oceans and ports, besides environmental management of oil pollution at or near the land surface.  相似文献   

中国海滨旅游研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在阅读大量相关文献资料的基础上,试图从海滨旅游兴起的原因、海滨旅游主体、海滨旅游客体及海滨旅游主客体间关系4个方面对近年来国内有关海滨旅游的研究作一系统综述.在此基础上,对中国海滨旅游以后的研究进行了展望.  相似文献   

湖北石首天鹅洲湿地旅游资源综合评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
湿地是地球上水陆相互作用形成的独特生态系统,湿地评价能帮助人们更好地开发和利用湿地资源.通过采用多层次分析法(AHP),对湖北天鹅洲湿地旅游资源的价值进行分层、分权重的评价实践,探讨了一种定性与定量相结合的湿地评价方法,为天鹅洲湿地旅游资源的开发强度和可利用潜力提供指导.  相似文献   

随着游客人数的日益增加,在传统旅游理念的路线下,生态环境承载力已无法承受旅游业所带来的影响,生态环境已遭受了不可挽回的破坏。就此,实施生态旅游成为了必然选择。以实施生态旅游的荷兰泰尔斯海灵岛为例,找出实施生态旅游的重要环节,总结出实施生态旅游的主要组成。根据调研结果,生态旅游的实施重点在于对大众及社会的生态意识宣教,只有大众及社会的生态意识提高到一定高度,才能从根本上彻底实施生态旅游之路。同时,大众生态意识决定着生态旅游实施的总进程。  相似文献   

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