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2-Chlorovinylarsine dichloride (Lewisite I) react by room temperature quickly with alcohols in an equilibrium reaction to yield 2-Chlorovinylarsine chloride ether and 2-Chlorovinylarsine bisether. The reactions are not quantitative. The ethyl- and propylether are not stable. The ether were identified with mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

2-Chlorovinylarsine dichloride (Lewisite I) and 2,2′-dichlorodivinylarsine chloride (Lewisite II) react by room temperature rapidly and quantitatively with dithiols in a substitution reaction. The derivatives were identified with mass spectrometry. They can be detected with GC/ECD. This reactions can be used for the gas chromatographic detection of Lewisites in water and soil samples.  相似文献   

Diphenylarsenic chloride (CLARK I) and diphenylarsenic cyanide (CLARK II) react quickly and quantitatively with dimercaptanes at room temperature to yield diphenylarsine thiolthioether. The thiolthioethers could be identified using mass spectrometry. This reaction can be used for the gas-chromatographic detection of diphenylarsenic compounds.  相似文献   

In an equilibrium reaction, phenylarsine dichloride (PFIFFIKUS) reacts rapidly with alcohols at room temperature to yield phenylarsine bisether and phenylarsine chloride ether. The reactions, however, are not quantitative. The derivatives were identified using mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

Dissolved amino acids (3H-phenylalanine, 3H-proline) were accumulated and incorporated into proteins and glycoproteins by sea anemones. On objects (glass rods, pipe cleaners or filter paper) which had touched labelled anemones, tritiated substances could be detected. The mucus of labelled anemones was analysed by disc-electrophoresis. Tritium activity was found in the bands (stained by amino black). Anemone fishes adapted to labelled anemones had 4 times more tritium activity on their surface than control fishes. Most radioactivity was found on those regions which made closest contact with the anemones. The mucus of anemone fishes adapted to labelled anemones was also analysed by disc-electrophoresis. The analysis revealed protein-containing fractions in which 3H-amino acids were incorporated. The pattern of tritium activity in disc-electropherograms from labelled anemones corresponds to that of fishes adapted to those anemones. Anemones produce specific substances which influence the discharge of their nematocytes. These substances have special functions in the normal behaviour of the anemones. The substances provide protection against self-nettling and prevent the discharge of nematocytes into nearby objects which the tentacles continuously contact. The production of these substances by anemones is completely separate from the association with anemone fishes. The fishes thus simply exploit a mechanism existing independently in the anemones. Therefore, it is possible to form, in an aquarium, unnatural associations between anemone fishes and anemone species which never live in association with fishes in their natural biotope. On the basis of previous information, as well as on these new data, it is possible to develop a model which explains the control of nematocyte discharge: Substances with inhibitory qualities (protecting substances) are produced by the anemones themselves, and de-sensitize the sensory inputs of the anemones (nematocytes and sensory cells). Sensitization takes place as soon as the anemones come into contact with “stimulating substances”. This happens if anemones are touched by food objects or by anemone fishes which have been previously isolated from anemones. The surfaces of these fishes are not impregnated with protecting substances. Adapted anemone fishes, neighbouring anemones of the same species and other “adapted” objects are coated with the inhibitory substances and thus do not induce nematocyte discharge.  相似文献   

R. Röttger 《Marine Biology》1972,17(3):228-242
Chamber formation in individuals of the large foraminifer Heterostegina depressa was studied with the intention of explaining the different shapes of growth curves established for groups of individuals. The material was derived from clone cultures and from the natural habitat. Chamber formation was observed by daily control of many individuals. The growth increments of a group of individuals depend mainly upon the frequency of chamber formation of the individuals, they also depend upon the percentage of growing individuals present and the sizes of chambers. Within a prolifically growing group, each individual builds a new chamber every second or third day, and 81 to 86% exhibit chamber-building activities. Further features of quickly growing individuals are: formation of chambers in a regular sequence, and short periods of rest between long periods of growth. During low illumination intensity and in darkness, growth of H. depressa may cease for several months (up to 81/2 months). Cessation of growth is connected with a marked reduction in all other physiological processes. After month-long inhibition of growth, different individuals responded with different growth behaviour under the same environmental conditions. For example, smaller individuals needed longer periods of physiological regeneration before building new chambers. Prior darkexposure resulted in intermittent growth in many individuals. Periods of rest were followed by periods of unusually intensive growth. Lower temperature resulted in a reduced frequency of chamber formation. The size of chambers, however, was not influenced; accordingly the shape of the test did not vary. Immediately after multiple fission, rapid growth begins. Growth curves of H. depressa, therefore, do not show initial periods of slow growth which is characteristic for general exponential growth. H. depressa exhibited sigmoidal growth curves only after periods of growth inhibition; it displayed typical regenerative growth. During these periods, up to 4 chambers in 4 days, or 9 chambers in 12 days, were built by 11-month-old individuals.  相似文献   

The results of investigations of the aquatic ecotoxicity of sternutators and their metabolites (phenyl arsenic compounds) are presented. The standardized luminescence inhibition test (LumisTox, Dr. Lange) with the marine bacteriaVibrio fischeri was applied according to the German norm DIN 38412, part 34. All investigated organic AS(III) compounds exhibit EC50-values (50 % inhibition of the luminescence) of less than 1 mg/l, whereas all investigated organic As(V) compounds and inorganic arsenic show EC50-values exceeding 100 mg/l  相似文献   

An interlaboratory test was organized by the Allgemeine Unfallversicherungsanstalt, Dept. HUB (Department for the Prevention of Occupational Accidents and Diseases) for the analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). The aim of the test was to compare analytical results of serveral laboratories performing PAH analysis as routine work. In a preliminary study four different PAH-containing solutions were analyzed by independent laboratories in Germany and Austria. The concentrations of 17 PAH (according to the relevant NIOSH-methods) were to be determined. The results reveal the problems involved in the analysis of PAH.  相似文献   

A. Holl 《Marine Biology》1973,23(1):59-72
The epithelia of the olfactory folds of Chimaera monstrosa L. were studied by electron microscope. The greater part of each fold — including the secondary ones — is covered by sensory epithelium, whereas mere ciliary epithelium occurs on the tips of the folds. The olfactory epithelium is composed of ciliary cells, receptor cells, a few supporting cells, and basal cells. Mucous cells are restricted to the ciliary epithelium. As the apical region of the ciliary cells contains numerous vacuoles, including probably mucous substances, they may serve as producers of the superficial olfactory mucous layer. The ciliary basal bodies have two types of rootlets, the structure of which is described. Two morphologically different olfactory receptor cells could be identified: (1) receptors with a single, rod-shaped, free appendage (length 1.5 to 2 μm, diameter 0.1 to 0.5 μm), containing neurotubules, fibril bundles, and vesicles; (2) receptors whose dendrite bears few microvilli (length 2 to 3 μm, diameter 0.06 to 0.08 μm) projecting from a small vesicula olfactoria. Ciliary receptors are absent. The olfactory epithelium also contains sparsely distributed “brush” cells and a very few “giant” cells. Each “brush” cell bears a cluster of up to 250 microvilli (length 5 to 6 μm, diameter 0.1 μm) with 1 or more central tubulus and fibrils, the latter running into the cell body. The apical region of a brush cell contains densely packed mitochondria, which may indicate high metabolic activity; the function of this cell is unknown. The “giant” cell extends from the basal lamella to the epithelial surface. The ultrastructure of this cell does not reveal its special function.  相似文献   

P. Ax 《Marine Biology》1968,1(4):330-335
The interstitial archiannelid Trilobodrilus axi from the eulittoral of the North Sea has only one reproductive period in the summer (May to July). Sperm is transferred by hypodermic injection. The male copulatory organ may be adhered to any part of the female body for about 1 min. Eggs, without adhesive ability, are discharged into the sediment; however, after about 10 to 15 min the egg membrane swells and becomes a thick and sticky covering. T. axi has a direct development. The young hatch with the definitive number of 7 segments. The phylogenetic development of the reproductive behaviour and its adaptive value for life in the mesopsammal are discussed.  相似文献   

Electron microscopic investigation of young Pleurobrachia pileus has shown that the colloblasts develop from ciliated cells containing rich endoplasmic reticulum. The cilium is connected with the cell-body by means of a thin strand of cytoplasm; the cilium grows spirally around the basal part of the cell and undergoes several modifications; its rootlet forms the star-shaped body; an electron-dense cylinder arises outside the microtubules, the microtubules then degenerate. Basally, the cilium exhibits special anchoring structures.  相似文献   

Intact young males of Ophryotrocha puerilis Clap. Mecz. which are about to reach the female phase are capable of producing oocytes even under conditions of fasting. Intact isolated females may change sex under fasting conditions; their oocytes are not shed but resorbed. Decerebrated males which are about to reach the female phase at the moment of decerebration are unable to develop oocytes. Decerebrated females begin earlier with the production of spermatozoa than females under fasting conditions. The oocytes of decapitated females are either resorbed (young females with oocytes ranging in diameter up to 60 μm), or shed in egg masses capable of development after fertilization (older females with oocytes of 90 μm diameter or more). The effect of decerebration on females is compensated completely by implantation of isolated prostomia from female donors. Decerebrated males with implanted isolated prostomia from female donors immediately start oocyte production; these oocytes are not shed. In the majority of cases, decerebrated females change to the male phase after implantation of prostomia isolated from male donors. The mutual influence of a pair depends on direct contact of the partners. In isolated females, anterior fragments, consisting of prostomia and some segments, may induce change of sex and shedding of oocytes. On the other hand, intact females may induce sex reversal in anterior fragments. Even isolated prostomia from female donors may induce change of sex in intact females. A possible influence of intact females upon isolated prostomia was not found. Intact females and decerebrated females with implanted prostomia from female donors exhibit no mutual influence when placed together.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the funnel-like tubes of the olfactory organ in Rhinomuraena ambonensis was investigated by electron microscopy. Frontal sections of the tubes demonstrate a symmetrical arrangement of an inner epithelium, connective tissue, and an outer epithelium. The surface of each peripheral cell of the epithelia bears a system of small ridges which does not correspond with that of the adjacent cells. In case of a rectilinear course of the epithelial cell borders, numerous desmosomes are located along the cell membranes. The fine structure of the desmosomes was analysed. Number and size of the intercellular spaces increases with increasing depth of the epithelium cell layers. The fine structure of epithelial, basal and secretory cells is described. The outer region of each epithelial cell contains densely packed tonofilaments. The fine structure of sensory “buds” which are sparsely distributed within the outer epithelium of the funnels is described. The basal border of the epithelia consists of a rather thick basal membrane. Blood vessels, nerve bundles, chromatophores and storage cells with cristalline inclusions are embedded in the connective tissue. The fine structure of the chromatophores and storage cells is described. The importance of desmosomes, tonofilaments and intercellular spaces, as well as the basal membrane and the amount of collagen is discussed in relation to the reinforcement of the funnels.  相似文献   

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