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A resource allocation trade-off is expected when resources from a common pool are allocated to two or more traits. In holometabolous insects, resource allocation to different functions during metamorphosis relies completely on larval-derived resources. At adult eclosion, resource allocation to the abdomen at the expense of other body parts can be seen as a rough estimate of resource allocation to reproduction. Theory suggests geographic variation in resource allocation to the abdomen, but there are currently no empirical data on it. We measured resource allocation to the abdomen at adult eclosion in four geometrid moths along a latitudinal gradient. Resource (total dry material, carbon, nitrogen) allocation to the abdomen showed positive allometry with body size. We found geographic variation in resource allocation to the abdomen in each species, and this variation was independent of allometry in three species. Geographic variation in resource allocation to the abdomen was complex. Resource allocation to the abdomen was relatively high in partially bivoltine populations in two species, which fits theoretical predictions, but the overall support for theory is weak. This study indicates that the geographic variation in resource allocation to the abdomen is not an allometric consequence of geographic variation in resource acquisition (i.e., body size). Thus, there is a component of resource allocation that can evolve independently of resource acquisition. Our results also suggest that there may be intraspecific variation in the degree of capital versus income breeding.  相似文献   

中国城市污水处理厂资源配置效率的比较   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
采用平均生产函数模型、边界生产函数以及数据包络分析(DEA)模型3种方法,对中国81个污水处理厂的样本观测数据,从不同角度进行了比较研究,分别得出上述3种模型对产出弹性、技术效率和规模经济性等主要指标的模拟结果.研究发现,资本对我国城市污水处理厂的产出弹性最大(0.507),其次是运营电耗(0.415),再次为劳动力;我国污水厂普遍处于规模报酬率递增阶段,样本总体的规模报酬率为1.11;根据DEA的分析结果,列出了81个样本污水厂的效率排序清单,这将有助于制定行业绩效标准.  相似文献   

《Journal of Cleaner Production》2005,13(10-11):993-1002
This paper considers the potential contribution of Industrial Symbiosis (IS) networks in fostering environmental innovation at the local or regional level. Drawing on literature from innovation studies and innovation in spatial proximity, we outline three factors that are important for the innovation process and identify where the effects from IS networks can be explored. We use observations from the first IS programme in Sweden to provide examples of previously hypothesised effects. The implications of this inquiry are discussed in terms of design and development of IS programmes and for further research into the innovation effect of IS networks.  相似文献   

石羊河流域的生态环境退化对于河西走廊乃至西北干旱地区的生态安全形成了严重的威胁。论文构建了基于GBEM模型的分布式水资源管理模型,研究了在生态重建目标下石羊河流域水资源空间配置优化方案和实现途径。分析结果显示,“石羊河流域重点治理规划”的预期目标难以实现,应当在不影响生态重建目标的前提下,以提高流域整体的水资源利用效益为导向,优化水资源利用的空间组织,并通过流域内部的利益补偿,解决水资源空间配置优化带来的区域间收入差异问题。应通过推进水权交易实现水资源空间配置优化及相应的利益补偿,在提高水效益的同时,促进水资源分配的公平。生态退化严重的民勤湖区的农业人口需要逐步转移出来,以减轻当地的生态环境负荷。  相似文献   

Industrial symbiosis (IS) studies the physical flows of materials and energy in local industrial systems using a systems approach. In this study the total fuel and energy use, and greenhouse gas emissions are calculated for an ‘industrial park’ operating in the same manner as an IS. Moreover the relevance of industrial symbiosis, particularly one centred on pulp and paper manufacturing, in moving towards more sustainable fuel consumption and reduced greenhouse gas emissions is discussed. The system is compared to hypothetical stand-alone production. Moreover, possibilities to reduce the energy use and total greenhouse gas emissions of the park are identified.  相似文献   

将聚二甲基二烯丙基氯化铵(PDMDAAC)与聚合氯化铝铁(PAFC)复合制备了新型复合混凝剂PAFC–PDMDAAC (PAFC-PDM),对含藻的水库原水进行强化混凝处理研究.研究对比了PAFC-PDM,PAFC与预氯化工艺的除藻效果,并对其混凝除藻机理进行了初步探讨.结果表明,对于藻细胞数为7.98×106~1.17×107cells/L和浊度为2.56~3.59NTU的水库原水,当PAFC-PDM投加量为1.0mg/L时(以Al2O3计),藻类和浊度的去除率分别达到93.5%和81.7%,显著优于PAFC的混凝处理效果;对藻细胞进行扫描电镜和预氯化副产物分析表明,预氯化杀藻除藻方法,不仅破坏了藻细胞结构,而且产生了三卤甲烷类氯化消毒副产物,影响饮水水质;采用PAFC-PDM强化混凝工艺除藻,不破坏藻细胞,无消毒副产物.  相似文献   

森林资源资产存量变化核算是建立森林资源资产管理绩效考核制度、遏制森林资源资产流失的必要前提与基础。在基于3S技术构建区域森林资源资产存量变化核算方案的基础上,对2000—2010年北京市森林资源资产存量数量、质量及其变化展开核算与分析。结果显示:在数量方面,除落叶阔叶林减少以外,其余各类森林数量都有不同程度增加,其中平谷区、顺义区果园林与海淀区、朝阳区城市绿地森林以及密云县、延庆县、门头沟区的落叶阔叶灌木林增幅最为显著;在质量方面,森林资源资产综合质量差、中2种等级森林面积都呈小幅减少趋势,质优森林面积大幅增加,其中平谷区、密云县增加最为显著;总体而言,2000—2010年间北京市森林资源资产存量数量大面积增加、森林质量大幅度提高,总体呈累积增加态势。  相似文献   

大气甲醛(HCHO)是臭氧(O3)和细颗粒物(PM2.5)二次组分的关键前体物,在大气光化学反应和二次污染形成过程中扮演着重要角色,并存在致癌性.然而,当前对大气HCHO排放来源认识存在不足,制约了二次污染形成机制研究和污染防控策略制定.采用排放因子和成分谱结合方法,建立2006~2020年广东省HCHO排放趋势清单,识别了广东省主要HCHO排放来源和排放时空演变特征.结果表明,2006~2020年期间广东省HCHO排放量在3.9~5.6万t区间波动,整体呈现极微弱的下降趋势;生物质燃烧源是广东省重要HCHO排放源,而受到管控措施的显著影响,其排放量占比从2006年的58%降至2020年的27%;溶剂使用源的HCHO排放则逐渐突显,2020年占比增长至28%,并成为广东省首要排放源,其中塑料制品和沥青铺路是主要贡献行业.移动源中以柴油作为燃料的工程机械和货车也是HCHO重要排放来源;虽然珠三角和非珠三角地区对广东省HCHO排放量贡献相当,但空间分布结果表明HCHO排放热点区域分别集中于珠三角中心区域和非珠三角的东西两角,这是由于珠三角主要来源为溶剂使用源和移动源,而非珠三角主要受生物质燃烧源影响.因此,未来应进一步加强珠三角中心区域的工业和移动源减排以及粤西地区的生物质燃烧监管.  相似文献   

《Journal of Cleaner Production》2007,15(13-14):1253-1258
Alcohol fuel is generally presented as a sustainable fuel in comparison with other fossil fuel due to lower emissions during production and combustion steps as well as due to its (assumed) closed carbon cycle. However, assessing the Brazilian traditional alcohol production cycle, many social and environmental impacts may still be indicated: burning, pesticides, biodiversity, labor exploration, high water consumption, erosion and others. Based on the strategy of an agro-industrial networking and symbiosis, a project was designed to optimize the system by means of polygeneration and total integration of production steps. The case presented in this paper is the project for a social and ecological agro-industry model, named GERIPA (Geração de Energia Renovável Integrada à Produção de Alimentos), which produces renewable fuel, electricity and organic food. Besides the technical project, an economic evaluation is also presented, resulting into a five year pay back time. In addition, environmental and social aspects were evaluated by means the Emergy Synthesis methodology (Odum, 1996), which assesses the value of all inputs through an estimate of the environmental work directly and indirectly required for their production and sustainable supply. The emergy-based comparison of GERIPA system and a traditional system in Brazil indicates better performance of GERIPA, with an eMergy Sustainability Index of 1.26, much higher than for a traditional system, 0.22. The project is presently under discussion with investors and Government and, if approved, will be carried out in marginal and presently unused land. In addition to providing an environmentally friendly process for food and energy production, the project would generate new jobs opportunities for Brazilian rural workers presently unemployed.  相似文献   

熵为热力学第二定律中的抽象概念.按熵之理论,自然熵增和逆熵增维系着生态平衡.人类生产、生活过程中摄取资源并排放污/废水等熵增产物会促进物质熵增并破坏生态平衡,加速生物消亡.而缓释、甚至抵消这种“人为熵增”则乃实现蓝色发展目标的重要一环.如今,人为熵增所引发的自然物质熵变循环塌陷是不争的事实,“自然熵增”之原生态方法显然已不适合大规模处理城市污水,“加速熵增”的传统污水处理技术显然也已不合时宜,只有发展“逆熵增”的污水处理资源、能源化技术才是人间正道.通过对熵的具象化释义,揭示出传统污水处理技术以及污泥填埋方式为“加速熵增”过程,对人类可持续发展十分不利.只有模拟元素循环的自然的“逆熵增”过程,才能使得污水处理走向可持续发展水平.因此,污水资源化与能源化首当其冲,一定是未来污水处理的发展方向.只有通过人工缓释熵增(高效低耗污水处理技术)和促进逆熵增手段(资源与能源化技术)才能抵消人为熵增造成的影响,从而维持生态平衡.  相似文献   

机动车排放已成为城市地区人为源挥发性有机物(VOCs)的重要来源,排放清单是量化其环境影响的重要手段.针对已有研究中存在的过程区分不清、排放因子测试不全和气象参数考虑不细等问题,基于文献调研与实验测试完善了排放因子库,在月尺度上提出了涵盖尾气排放和蒸发排放(包括运行损失、昼间排放、热浸排放和加油排放)的机动车全过程VOCs逐月排放清单构建方法,并应用此方法建立了2000~2020年天津市机动车全过程VOCs排放清单.研究期内,天津市机动车VOCs排放总量呈现出先缓慢上升后逐步下降的趋势,2020年排放总量为2.14万t,小型客车是对排放总量贡献最大的车型,贡献率达75.00%.排放标准升级对不同过程VOCs排放的影响存在差异.与尾气排放量的持续下降不同,蒸发排放量呈现出先升后降的倒U型走势,且对总排放量的贡献逐年上升,2020年时贡献率为31.69%.机动车排放的月度变化受活动水平与排放因子的双重影响.VOCs排放量呈现出秋冬季高和春夏季低的特点,2020年新冠疫情期间,封控措施限制了机动车活动水平,使得VOCs排放量显著低于往年同期.计算方法和数据结论可为大气污染防治工作提供技术参考...  相似文献   

The future of Southern Aral Sea water in Kazakhstan, and of the sequence of mineral evaporitic sediments precipitated since the beginning of the present regression from gypsum to bloed-ite (astrakhanite) was studied. A comparison is made with previous regressive deposits discovered earlier in cores by I.V. Rubanov. Absence of mirabilite deposits in sediments of the eastern basin is attributed to deflation processes during the XIVth century AD.  相似文献   

Recovering energy from wastes is a useful strategy for integrated waste and energy management in an eco-industrial park (EIP) and gives promising reduction of wastes, total energy consumption and operation cost. In Jinqiao EIP, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, an industrial symbiosis, based on the energy recovery from municipal sewage sludge and re-refined oil, was proposed in the central heat-supplying company of Jinqiao EIP. It is expected that hot off-gas or part of the steam from the central heat-supplying company could be used for sludge drying and used oil re-refining while the dried sludge and refined oil can be partial substitution for fossil fuel. For the purpose of assessing the environmental performance of this industrial symbiosis, life cycle assessment (LCA) was used and different scenarios were set up in this study to evaluate the Global warming Potential (GWP), Acidification Potential (AP), Eutrophication Potential (EP), Human toxicity air (HTA) and Total Environmental Impact Potential (TEIP) of the system. Results indicate that when the substitute ratio of coal by sludge is 14%, the proposed industrial symbiosis has the least environmental impact. Compared with the current situation (sludge is landfilled), co-combustion of dried sludge and re-refined oil with coal at optimal scale will release less CO2, CH4, NOx, N2O and CO, but more SO2, H2S, NH3, HCl, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC) and heavy metals.  相似文献   

Industrial symbiosis, a subfield of industrial ecology, focuses on transforming the waste of one firm into the valuable input of another, which improves the competitive advantages of supply chain by reducing production cost and improving environmental performance. Considering the specific situation where there are so many state-owned big company groups in China, this paper utilizes the ideas of constructing an industrial symbiosis among different firms, and does a case study on applying the concept into the inner relationships' reconstruction among different production systems in a big state-owned smeltery in South-west China. Three kinds of approaches are explored: 1) recycling and reusing the release; 2) concentrating and abstracting metals from the residues; 3) extending the product chain for value-added products. The results show that it can effectively improve the competitive advantage of the enterprise in terms of decreasing production cost and improving environmental performance.  相似文献   

In this work, a model comprising a pulp mill, a sawmill, a district heating network and a biofuel upgrading plant is used to demonstrate how the MIND method, an optimization method based on mixed integer linear programming, can be used to evaluate industrial symbiosis in the forest industry. Using this method, both energy and material flows on both the supply and the demand side can be studied simultaneously. The method can be used to find improvements in the structure of the modelled system, to find the optimal operational strategy of a given system, and to evaluate and compare different systems. The total system costs for stand-alone cases and integrated industrial symbiosis system configuration are compared, generating results that can be used as decision support when planning industrial symbiosis initiatives in the forest industry. The results of this study showed that there are financial benefits to industrial symbiosis compared to the same system operated in stand-alone mode, and that the industrial symbiosis configuration generates a more stable system. However, it is difficult to generalize the results from a case study, and the main conclusion drawn is that it is possible to show that industrial symbiosis has economical benefits, although the magnitude of these benefits needs to be evaluated from case to case.  相似文献   

目前国内、外盆地模拟技术已取得了一定的发展,特别在石油勘探开发业得到广泛应用。地热资源勘探开发与石油勘探开发具有相似性和相容性,故可以将现行的盆地模拟软件通过部分的增删、修改和扩充就可以运用到地热资源勘探开发中。  相似文献   

中国西北地区1961—2009年极端高温事件的演变特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用中国西北地区135个测站1961—2009年历年逐日地面最高气温和NCEP/NCAR资料,采用线性趋势分析、Mann-Kendall、子波分析、合成分析等方法,分析了近49 a西北地区高温事件的演变特征。结果表明:西北地区极端高温的高值区在新疆大部分地区、河西走廊西部、甘肃中北部、陇东南、宁夏北部和陕西,这些地方的高温阈值在30 ℃以上;区域年极端高温频率以1.8 d/10 a的速率显著增多,1970年代中期高温日数发生由少至多的转型,1994年有突变,高温频数有显著的3~5 a周期,目前仍处于高温频发阶段;极端最高气温介于22.5~47.8 ℃之间,最大值出现在吐鲁番盆地。4—10月皆可出现高温,但主要出现在6—8月,其中7月最多。6月高温频率增加最显著,其他月份增加不明显;高温越强,持续日数越长,高温频发的时段也是高温最强的时段。气候变暖导致极端高温事件增多,强度增强。从大气环流合成分析表明,乌山脊、巴尔喀什湖低槽和蒙古脊中高层位置稳定,大气为准正压状态,西北地区在蒙古高脊控制下,有利于形成大范围持续性高温天气。  相似文献   

中国2000~2010年生态足迹变化特征及影响因素   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以2000年全球平均生产力为衡量标准,核算了2000~2010年我国生态足迹,并分析了其动态变化特征和社会经济影响因素. 结果表明,2000~2010年我国生态足迹由17.69亿gha增加到32.59亿gha,年均增长6.30%; 碳足迹是10年间增长最快的生态足迹类型,由7.42亿gha增加到18.05gha,年均增长9.29%; 耕地足迹的净增幅也较大,由6.78亿gha增加到8.91亿gha; 林地、 草地、 渔业和建设用地足迹的净增幅相对较小. 2000~2010年我国人均生态足迹由1.40 gha增加到2.43gha,尽管仍低于世界平均水平,但已远超我国人均生态承载力,并造成严重的生态赤字,危及我国生态安全. 全国生态足迹的急剧增加主要受人均生态足迹的快速增长驱动,而经济增长和城镇化所带来的人均消费的产品和服务的快速增长是我国人均生态足迹快速增长的主要驱动力; 同时,国际贸易中资源密集型产品的大量出口也是驱动我国生态足迹快速增长的重要驱动因素. 如果不采取有效的控制措施,按照发达国家人均生态足迹的演变规律,随着我国由中等收入向高收入国家迈进,人均生态足迹将进一步快速增长,我国生态赤字将进一步加剧.  相似文献   

城市高速发展对徐州地下水环境演化的驱动作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪70年代后期,徐州市进入城市高速发展时期,生产生活用水量逐年增大,地下水常年处于超采状态,地下水环境演化趋势偏离正常轨道,局部呈现恶化的态势,主要表现在地下水动力场演化、地下水化学场演化和地质灾害负环境效应三方面。徐州市地下水环境演化轨迹和城市高速发展的相关分析结果和拟合函数表明,城市高速发展对地下水环境的演化具有明显的线性驱动作用。本文详细分析了这种驱动作用并提出了城市与地下水环境和谐可持续发展的对策。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the factors influencing the development and sustained operation of regional industrial symbiosis (IS) networks and discusses the roles a coordination body can play to alter these factors so as to catalyse the development and functioning of such networks. These are analysed within the context of experiences gained in the early stages of three regional IS programmes under development in the UK, and of the recently launched national IS programme (NISP) that they are part of. It is stated that the policy framework in the UK has elements supportive of such networks to evolve, and the regional public bodies are favouring their development. Based on differences among studied cases, it is argued that the nature of companies’ operations and industrial history in the regions, the extent of peer pressure, the positioning of the coordinating body in the region, and its approach to awareness raising and recruitment have major influence on the progress of the programmes. Finally, the paper emphasises the importance of aligning the characteristics of emerging operations with the longer-term sustainability requirements. If accepted, this challenge assigns additional responsibilities to the coordinating parties.  相似文献   

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