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Top predators are critical to ecosystem function, exerting a stabilising effect on the food web. Brown skuas are opportunistic predators and scavengers. Although skuas are often the dominant land-based predator at seabird colonies, this is the first detailed study of their movements and activity during breeding. The study was carried out at Bird Island, South Georgia (54°00′S, 38°03′W), in the austral summer of 2011/2012 and included GPS data from 33 breeding adults tracked during the late incubation and early chick-rearing periods. Brown skuas spent on average more than 80 % of time in the territory, and it was extremely rare for both partners to leave the territory simultaneously. Much more time was spent foraging at the coast than in penguin colonies and, based on saltwater immersion data, adults never foraged at sea. None of the tracked birds appeared to specialise in catching small petrels at night. Fewer foraging trips were made per day, and hence, more time was spent in the territory, during incubation than chick-rearing. Despite the pronounced sexual size dimorphism, there were no effects of sex on territorial attendance, foraging time or habitat use. Skuas at Bird Island show higher territorial attendance and are less likely to leave the territory unattended than those breeding elsewhere, suggesting closer proximity to more diverse or abundant food resources than at other colonies. The results tie in with previous diet studies, indicating that brown skuas at this site feed mostly on seal placentae and carrion and that birds may rely on a broader range of food resources as the season progresses.  相似文献   

Availability of food resources and individual characteristics can influence foraging behaviour, which can differ between males and females, leading to different patterns of food/habitat selection. In dimorphic species, females are usually more selective in food choice, show greater bite rates and spend more time foraging than males. We evaluated sexual differences in foraging behaviour in Apennine chamois Rupicapra pyrenaica ornata, during the warm season, before the rut. Both sexes selected nutritious vegetation patches and spent a comparable amount of time feeding. However, males had a significantly greater feeding intensity (bite rate) and a lower search effort for feeding (step rate), as well as they spent more time lying down than females. Females selected foraging sites closer to refuge areas than males. In chamois, sexual size dimorphism is seasonal, being negligible in winter–spring, but increasing to 30–40 % in autumn. Our results suggest that males enhance their energy and mass gain by increasing their food intake rate during the warm season, to face the costs of the mating season (November). Conversely, females seem to prioritize a fine-scale selection of vegetation and the protection of offspring. A great food intake rate of males in the warm season could have developed as a behavioural adaptation leading herbivores to the evolutionary transition from year-round monomorphism to permanent dimorphism, through seasonal dimorphism.  相似文献   

Energy intake and expenditure on natural foraging trips were estimated for the seed-harvester ants, Pogonomyrmex maricopa and P. rugosus. During seed collection, P. maricopa foraged individually, whereas P. rugosus employed a trunk-trail foraging system. Energy gain per trip and per minute were not significantly different between species. There was also no interspecific difference in energy cost per trip, but energy cost per minute was lower for P. maricopa foragers because they spent on average 7 min longer searching for a load on each trip. Including both unsuccessful and successful foraging trips, average energy gain per trip was more than 100 times the energy cost per trip for both species. Based on this result, we suggest that time cost incurred during individual foraging trips is much more important than energy cost in terms of maximizing net resource intake over time. In addition, because energy costs are so small relative to gains, we propose that energy costs associated with foraging may be safely ignored in future tests of foraging theory with seed-harvesting ant species.  相似文献   

Evidence of segregation in foraging habitat has been demonstrated in some top marine predators, including cetaceans, pinnipeds and seabirds. However, most data are not adequate to assess differences relating to body size or seasonal influences. This has implications for quantitative modelling of population-level predator–prey interactions and ecosystem structure. We examined potential influence of body size and ‘fatness’ on the foraging trip characteristics of a top marine predator, the Atlantic grey seal (Halichoerus grypus), in southwest Ireland within the framework of optimal foraging theory to examine how female grey seals foraging behaviour varied with size, and across the period between moult and breeding. Larger seals undertook trips of greater duration and travelled further from haul-out sites than smaller seals. However, body fat was negatively associated with trip duration and extent. Seals spent more time at sea during the summer, but trips were shorter in extent, suggesting more localized foraging during this season.  相似文献   

Aquatic endotherms living in polar regions are faced with a multitude of challenges, including low air and water temperatures and low illumination, especially in winter. Like other endotherms from cold environments, Great Cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo) living in Arctic waters were hypothesized to respond to these challenges through a combination of high daily rate of energy expenditure (DEE) and high food requirements, which are met by a high rate of catch per unit effort (CPUE). CPUE has previously been shown in Great Cormorants to be the highest of any diving bird. In the present study, we tested this hypothesis by making the first measurements of DEE and foraging activity of Arctic-dwelling Great Cormorants throughout the annual cycle. We demonstrate that, in fact, Great Cormorants have surprisingly low rates of DEE. This low DEE is attributed primarily to very low levels of foraging activity, particularly during winter, when the cormorants spent only 2% of their day submerged. Such a low level of foraging activity can only be sustained through consistently high foraging performance. We demonstrate that Great Cormorants have one of the highest recorded CPUEs for a diving predator; 18.6 g per minute submerged (95% prediction interval 13.0-24.2 g/min) during winter. Temporal variation in CPUE was investigated, and highest CPUE was associated with long days and shallow diving depths. The effect of day length is attributed to seasonal variation in prey abundance. Shallow diving leads to high CPUE because less time is spent swimming between the surface and the benthic zone where foraging occurs. Our study demonstrates the importance of obtaining accurate measurements of physiology and behavior from free-living animals when attempting to understand their ecology.  相似文献   

Seabird tracking has become an ever more popular tool to aid environmental procedures such as the designation of marine protected areas and environmental impact assessments. However, samples used are usually small and little consideration is given to experimental design and sampling protocol. European shags Phalacrocorax aristotelis were tracked using GPS technology over three breeding seasons and the following foraging trip characteristics: trip duration, trip distance, maximum distance travelled from the colony, size of area used and direction travelled from colony were determined for each foraging trip. The effect of sex, year of study, breeding site, number and age of chicks and the timing of tracking on foraging behaviour were investigated using a General Estimation Equation model. A range of sampling scenarios reflecting likely field sampling were also tested to compare how foraging behaviour differed depending on composition of the sample of birds tracked. Trip distance, trip duration, maximum distance travelled and size of area used were all significantly affected by the breeding site, and the number of chicks a tracked adult was raising. The effect of sex was also seen when examining trip distance, trip duration and the maximum distance travelled. The direction travelled on a foraging trip was also significantly affected by breeding site. This study highlights the importance of sampling regime and the influence that year, sex, age, number of chicks and breeding site can have on the foraging trip characteristics for this coastal feeding seabird. Given the logistical and financial constraints in tracking large numbers of individuals, this study identifies the need for researchers to consider the composition of their study sample to ensure any identified foraging areas are as representative as possible of the whole colony’s foraging area.  相似文献   

In temperate regions, winter presents animals with a number of challenges including depressed food abundance, increased daily energy requirements, higher frequency of extreme weather events and shortened day length. Overcoming these constraints is critical for overwintering survival and scheduling of future breeding of long-lived species and is likely to be state dependent, associated with intrinsic abilities such as food acquisition rates. We examined the relationship between environmental and intrinsic factors on overwintering foraging and subsequent breeding phenology of the European shag Phalacrocorax aristotelis, a diurnal marine predator. We tested a range of hypotheses relating to overwintering foraging time and location. We found that individuals greatly increased their foraging time in winter to a peak of more than 90% of available daylight at the winter solstice. The seasonal patterns of foraging time appear to be driven by a combination of light levels and weather conditions and may be linked to the availability of the shag's principal prey, the lesser sandeel Ammodytes marinus. There was no evidence that shags dispersed south in winter to increase potential foraging time. Foraging time decreased after the winter solstice and, crucially, was correlated with subsequent breeding phenology, such that individuals that spent less time foraging in February bred earlier. The relationship was much stronger in females than males, in line with their more direct control of timing of breeding. Our results demonstrate that pre-breeding intrinsic foraging ability is critical in determining breeding phenology.  相似文献   

Seasonally breeding predators, which are limited in the time available for provisioning young at a central location, and by the fasting abilities of the young, are likely to maximize energy delivery to the young by maximizing the rate of energy delivery averaged over the whole period of investment. Reduction in food availability or increased foraging costs will alter the optimal behavior of individuals. This study examined the behavioral adaptations of a diving predator, the Antarctic fur seal, to increased foraging costs during lactation. One group of mothers (n=5, treatment) was fitted with additional drag to increase the cost of transport in comparison with a control group (n=8). At the scales of the individual dives, the treatment group made more shorter, shallower (< 30 m) dives. Compensation for slower swimming speeds was achieved by diving at a steeper angle. Overall, diving behavior conformed to several specific theoretical predictions but there were also departures from theory, particularly concerning swimming speed during diving. Diving behavior appears to be adjusted to maximize the proportion of time spent at the bottom of dives. At the scale of diving bouts, no difference was observed between the treatment and control groups in terms of the frequency and duration of bouts and there was also no difference between the two groups in terms of the proportion of time spent diving. At the scale of complete foraging cycles, time taken to return to the pup was significantly longer in the treatment group but there was no difference in the rate of delivery of energy (measured from pup growth rate) to the pups in each group. Since mothers in the treatment group did not use significantly more body reserves, we conclude that behavioral adjustments at the scale of individual dives allowed mothers in the treatment group to compensate for the additional foraging costs. Pup growth rate appears to be less sensitive to the foraging conditions experienced by mothers than foraging trip duration. Received: 14 June 1996 / Accepted after revision: 16 November 1996  相似文献   

Summary Winter aggregation of cooperatively breeding white-winged choughs (Corcorax melanorhamphos) was examined to elucidate the advantages for different group members. Adults have higher vigilance burdens than juveniles when foraging in their regular group. Aggregation of groups in winter enables the older members to reduce vigilance and increase the time spent foraging. Vigilance was lowest and foraging time highest in aggregations of 20 individuals but the size of cooperatively breeding groups did not exceed fifteen. Despite increased foraging time, choughs did not consume more food items when aggregating.  相似文献   

The foraging areas and diets of the grey-headed albatross Thalassarche chrysostoma and wandering albatross Diomedea exulans were studied in March/April 2000 at Bird Island, South Georgia, during their respective chick-rearing and brood-guard periods. Oceanographically, March/April 2000 was abnormal, with warm conditions close to South Georgia. These conditions affected albatross foraging behaviour, particularly that of grey-headed albatrosses. Both species tended to forage in different areas of the ocean, with significant differences in trip durations. Grey-headed albatrosses (n=9) foraged mainly in Antarctic waters (predominantly shelf waters of the South Shetland Islands and Antarctic Peninsula, and also in oceanic waters around South Georgia), feeding mainly on krill (Euphausia superba; 77% by mass). Foraging trips lasted 13.3 days (range: 5–26 days), far longer than the 1–3 days found in previous studies. Only one grey-headed albatross was associated with the APF (Antarctic Polar Front), a reported foraging area in recent studies. Wandering albatrosses (n=9) foraged in Antarctic (South Georgia Shelf) and Antarctic Polar Frontal Zone (APFZ) waters, with trips of 1–4 days trip duration (usual for this species), feeding on fish (46% by mass) and cephalopods (32%). One bird was associated with the APF, and two birds foraged on the shelf/shelf break over the Patagonian shelf. These findings suggest that sea surface temperature anomalies, produced by movement of the APF closer to South Georgia or by eddies, may have had an effect on the foraging strategy of grey-headed albatrosses that year (the main prey of grey-headed albatrosses in previous studies, the ommastrephid Martialia hyadesi, is known to be associated with the APF). Also, when both albatross breeding periods overlap, their foraging areas were complementary, which reflected the prey taken.  相似文献   

An experiment was designed to examine in a long-lived seabird, the thin-billed prion (Pachyptila belcheri), how adults adjust their food provisioning strategy when their foraging abilities are reduced and when the chick's needs are increased. To reduce the foraging abilities of adults we impaired their flying ability by removing some flight feathers (handicapped), and to increase the food needs of the chick one parent was retained (single). Birds made either short foraging trips lasting 1–3 days, or long trips lasting 5–9 days. Control birds alternated long and short trips whereas single birds or handicapped birds made several successive short trips and thereafter a long trip. In each treatment, food loads tended to be heavier after long trips than after short trips, and single birds tended to bring heavier loads than control or handicapped birds. Birds in the three treatments lost similar amounts of mass after short trips and gained similar amounts of mass after long trips. However, the mass of handicapped birds declined through the experiment, while that of control and single birds remained stable. Although the proportion of chicks that died during the experiment was similar among the three treatments, the chicks fledged by a single bird were lighter than those in control nests. The results of the experiment suggest that thin-billed prions adjust their breeding effort differently to decreased flying ability or increased food demand by the chick. Single birds increase foraging effort without allowing their condition to deteriorate. Conversely, handicapped birds are unable to maintain their body condition while sustaining the chick at the same rate as control birds. It is suggested that in this long-lived seabird, adults probably adjust their breeding effort so that they do not incur the risk of an increased mortality, this risk being monitored by the body condition.  相似文献   

During the El Niño of 1982/1983, the Humboldt penguin population diminished dramatically in the whole distributional area of the species. Recovery of the population was slow since 1983 and it has been suggested that large numbers of Humboldt penguins die at sea, entangled in nets, or starve to death, even during non-“El Niño” years. We were able to determine for the first time, how Humboldt penguins on Pan de Azúcar Island (26°S; 72°W) utilize their marine habitat and where their feeding areas lie. For this purpose we employed two streamlined Argos satellite transmitters during the 1994/1995 and 1995/1996 breeding seasons, respectively. Mean travelling speed of Humboldt penguins during foraging trips was 0.94?m s?1 and 50% of bird positions were located within 5?km of the island (90% within 35?km). Total area covered by Humboldt penguins foraging from Pan de Azúcar Island was 12?255?km2. Satellite transmitters also recorded dive duration; penguins spent on average 7.8 to 9?h diving per foraging day but showed no preferences for particular feeding areas. Mean daily dive durations (4-d mean) recorded during the 1994/1995 breeding season were positively correlated between birds. Significant correlation between dive duration and sea surface temperature anomalies and negative correlation between dive duration and fishery landings at nearby Caldera harbour indicate that the 1994/1995 increase in foraging effort was a response to deteriorating prey availability. Sea surface temperatures during the 1995/1996 breeding season were colder than average, and we observed no trends in bird diving activities.  相似文献   

In most mammals, female fertility and reproduction are strongly influenced by nutritional status and, therefore, by foraging conditions. Here, we investigate the relationship between food resources, feeding competition, energy intake and reproduction in a group of wild female Assamese macaques (Macaca assamensis) in northeastern Thailand. Over 2,100 h of data on feeding behaviour, energy intake and activity budgets were combined with data on resource characteristics, female reproduction and physical condition. We found that an increase in food availability had a positive effect on female energy intake and conception rates. In addition, it appeared that females incurred energetic costs during lactation and that females with a better physical condition during the mating season were more likely to conceive. The annual birth season occurred a few months before the annual peak in food availability, causing peak lactation to coincide with a period of high food availability. This suggests that females use the increased food abundance to compensate for the energetic costs of lactation. Neither energy intake rates nor activity budgets were influenced by female dominance rank, even during periods when the levels of contest competition were predicted to be high. In line with this, we found no evidence for rank-related differences in reproduction. The apparently limited influence of feeding competition in female Assamese macaques adds to the debate on the extent to which patterns in feeding competition and fitness can reliably be predicted based on ecological conditions. We suggest that this may partially be resolved by including potential competition-reducing mechanisms into the predictive framework.  相似文献   

Pelagic seabirds are central place foragers during breeding and variation in foraging trip duration and range reflect differences in diet and chick provisioning, through the exploitation of divergent habitats of varying productivity. We tested whether these relationships hold in small procellarriids by equipping chick-rearing Cook’s petrel Pterodroma cookii (200 g) with geolocation-immersion loggers, conducting isotope analysis of blood and measuring chick meal mass following foraging trips of varying duration. Cook’s petrel tracked during chick rearing from Little Barrier Island (LBI) and Codfish Island (CDF), New Zealand had larger maximum ranges during longer foraging trips. Blood nitrogen isotope signatures (δ15N) of adults were significantly higher after foraging trips of longer duration, but not of greater maximum range. There was no significant relationship between blood carbon isotope signatures (δ13C) and foraging trip characteristics. Proportion of time spent on the sea surface and the mass of the meal brought back to chicks were consistently greater for Cook’s petrel with larger maximum ranges, which in the case of birds from CDF coincided with productive subtropical convergence zone habitats. As predicted, trip duration reflected divergent foraging behaviours in Cook’s petrel during breeding. We suggest that the availability of different prey is a key factor governing at-sea distributions and dietary composition of this species.  相似文献   

Pinna nobilis is a large bivalve, endemic to the Mediterranean Sea that was shown in a previous study to ingest significantly different proportions of different food items according to its shell height. Fatty acid profiling of total lipids was used to examine these differences in diet in relation to shell size. Small (shell height 23.0 ± 3.3 cm), medium (SH 41.5 ± 5.5 cm) and large (SH 62.7 ± 4.8 cm) P. nobilis were collected from Mali Ston Bay, Adriatic Sea, in March 2010, and fatty acid analysis was performed on digestive gland and adductor muscle tissues. Based on the analysis of the digestive gland, small P. nobilis were associated with a detrital food chain, characterized by saturated and branched-chain fatty acids, while the diets of medium and large individuals had a greater proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids. This likely reflects the fact that smaller individuals feed within the benthic boundary layer where the detritus concentrations are high. Fatty acid incorporation into the adductor muscle, likely representative of food taken up over a longer time period, was reversed, that is, larger individuals had lower levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids. This most probably reflects energy expenditure, which typically increases with increasing organism size.  相似文献   

The time seabirds have to forage is restricted while breeding, as time at sea must be balanced against the need to take turns with the partner protecting the nest site or offspring, and timing constraints change once the breeding season is over. Combined geolocator-immersion devices were deployed on eleven Imperial Shags (four males and seven females) in Argentina (43°04′S; 64°2′W) in November 2006 and recovered in November 2007. During the breeding season, females foraged throughout the morning, males exclusively in the afternoon, and variability between individuals was low. Outside the breeding season, both sexes foraged throughout the day, and variability between individuals was high. Timing differences may be explained by higher constraints on foraging or greater demands of parental duties experienced by the smaller sex, females in this case. Sexual differences in reproductive role, feeding habits or proficiency can also lead to segregation in timing of foraging, particularly while breeding.  相似文献   

Effects of deployment of miniaturised transmitters and loggers have been studied mainly in diving seabirds such as penguins, and less so in flying seabirds. However, some studies of albatrosses and petrels recorded extended trip durations and elevated rates of nest desertion following device attachment, especially if transmitter loads exceeded 3 % of adult mass. Studies have usually compared performance parameters such as trip duration, meal mass, breeding success or rate of return in the next season between birds with devices and controls. We here examined the effects of geolocator loggers (Global Location Sensing, (GLS)) on thin-billed prions Pachyptila belcheri (130 g), by comparing performance parameters and additionally eco-physiological parameters. GLS weighed ca. 1 % of the body mass, and were fixed on leg rings, which may influence the flight efficiency by creating an asymmetric load. We found no differences in the performance parameters, either in the season of attachment or the season following recovery. Similar stable isotope ratios in adult blood and feather samples further indicated that the foraging ecology was not influenced. However, after 1 year of logger deployment, adults differed in their hormonal response to stress: while baseline corticosterone levels were not influenced, corticosterone levels in response to handling were elevated. Moreover, increased heterophil/lymphocyte ratios and a decreased tail growth in winter suggest that carrying the GLS was energetically costly, and adults adapted physiologically to the higher work load, while keeping up a normal breeding performance.  相似文献   

Satellite transmitters were deployed on ten green turtles (Chelonia mydas) nesting in Rekawa Sanctuary (RS-80.851°E 6.045°N), Sri Lanka, during 2006 and 2007 to determine inter-nesting and migratory behaviours and foraging habitats. Nine turtles subsequently nested at RS and demonstrated two inter-nesting strategies linked to the location of their residence sites. Three turtles used local shallow coastal sites within 60 km of RS during some or all of their inter-nesting periods and then returned to and settled at these sites on completion of their breeding seasons. In contrast, five individuals spent inter-nesting periods proximate to RS and then migrated to and settled at distant (>350 km) shallow coastal residence sites. Another turtle also spent inter-nesting periods proximate to RS and then migrated to a distant oceanic atoll and made forays into oceanic waters for 42 days before transmissions ceased. This behavioural plasticity informs conservation management beyond protection at the nesting beach.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of sex and seasonal changes in food abundance on foraging behavior was studied in squirrel monkeys (Saimiri oerstedi) in Costa Rica over an eleven-month period. Females searched for and ate food at significantly greater frequencies than did males throughout the study. The frequency of the specific foraging techniques used occasionally differed significantly within seasons, but not across the study period. Few differences were found in the foraging behaviors of nonreproductive sexually mature females compared to females that were pregnant or lactating. The major exception was that during the month following parturition reproductive females foraged for flowers and fruits more frequently than did non-reproductive females. The reduction of time spent by males in foraging activities gives them more time for other activities, especially anti-predator vigilance. Foraging techniques and the proportions of different food types in the diet changed seasonally. Foraging for arthropods was most frequent in the season when arthropod abundance was lowest, resulting in the amount of time spent eating arthropods to vary less across the seasons. Fruits and flowers were not eaten in a direct relationship to availability, but were used more than expected relative to availability when arthropod abundance was reduced. Individuals were more dispersed when foraging compared to other activities. Overall, there was little evidence of any direct foraging benefits for a squirrel monkey from being social.  相似文献   

Summary Observations were made of ten green (red-billed) woodhoopoe Phoeniculus purpureus flocks during the breeding season in order to quantify the relationship between flock size and the amount of food delivered to chicks. The study period was kept short specifically to minimize the effects of environmental stochasticity. Neither woodhoopoe feeding visit rates nor the total amount of food brought to chicks increased with flock size. Although nonbreeders did not increase the net rate of food provisioning to chicks, they reduced parental input in chick rearing, and hence energy expenditure by the breeding pair. However, over an 8-year study period, which includes data for 144 flock years, this did not result in increased breeding frequency or enhanced survival of breeders. There is thus no evidence that helpers' feeding contributions to young per se influence the indirect fitness of helpers.  相似文献   

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