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在瑞拉国家公园和巴尔干中央国家公园分别调查了1043和422个种的原生动物,线虫类,缓步纲,甲壳类,蛛形纲,多足类,软体动物示准类群,结果表明两山区有丰富的动物区系,在瑞拉和巴尔干中央公园有72和36个地方性的类别也证明了这一点,这些地区的森丛,山脉,和高山生态系统,喀斯特地貌和洞穴,河谷和海岸栖境等景观对保加利亚的无脊椎动物的生存具有极其重要的标准,濒临灭绝的物种,本地物种和烯有物种,无脊椎动物的数据较少且比较分解,今后,随着无脊有物种,无脊椎动物的数据较少且比较分解,今后,随着无脊推动物调查,收集的形展和维持,以及对无脊的椎动物分类,区系,个体生态学研究的加强,数据量将更加丰富,这个问题可以迎刃而解。  相似文献   

北极冰化学元素含量及其分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了北极冰主要化学元素的浓度分布及其变化,在测定的31种成分中,高于仪器检测限的10种元素B,Mg,V,As,Rb,SDr,Ca,K,S,Na的硬度被用来统计分析。结果表明,同一地区,元素浓度相对稳定,不同地区浓度有较大差异。元素浓度与纬度关系的相关分析显示,随纬度增加,各元素显降低。  相似文献   

近几年来,平度市环境保护局坚持服从和服务于经济建设这一中心,在环保工作面临机遇和挑战的新形势下,始终站在“保护生产力,保护发展,维护稳定”的高度认识和加强环保信访工作,狠抓信访工作措施落实,创新工作思路,加大执法力度,强化执法效果,使环保信访工作取得明显成效,几年来共受理信访案件1000余起,涉及两万多人次,处结率均达100%,达到了群众满意,政府放心,  相似文献   

生态文明:生态政区建设的抓手   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
党的十七大报告提出建设生态文明的新要求,这是建设中国特色社会主义,提高国民生态素质,落实科学发展观的重要战略部署,环境为体,经济为用,生态为纲,文化为常,体用共荣,纲常相济,这就是生态文明的社会内涵和概念框架,环境活力是可持续发展的基础,经济富强是生态政区建设的前提,社会文明是生态政区建设的灵魂,而生态健康是生态政区建设的目标。  相似文献   

环境中碘与动物体内碘代谢关系的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
环境中碘与动物体内碘代谢关系的研究张庆朝,孙存孝,杨景芝,曾勇庆,张万福,杨世钺,王慧(山东农业大学动物科技学院,泰安271018)关键词:碘,降水,饮用水,绵羊尿.碘是人类发现的第二个生物必需的微量元素,是甲状腺激素组成不可缺少的成分,它的生理功能...  相似文献   

在日常生活中,如果时间允许,衣服应尽量选择手洗,尤其是以下情况:第一,衣服数量比较少,而且比较干净,例如夏天每日更换的衣物;第二,质地柔软,容易变形的衣物,例如纯棉类、丝绸类;第三,衣物厚重、数量多且比较脏,也应先浸泡手洗,再放入洗衣机中清洗;第四,衣服手洗完,除非特殊情况,应尽量让其自然晾干,不用脱水。  相似文献   

行业要发展,离不开人才,人才的培养,又离不开教育。改革开放二十年来,再生资源行业教育为 行业培养了 多种层次 的专业人 才,行业职 工的整体 素质有了 明显的提 高,有力地推 动了行业生产经营活动的向前发展。但由于行业教育本 身基础较差,再加上其他因素的影响,使行业教育目前面临着许多问题。但是,只要我们正视 现实,改变思想观念,加大投入,再加上全社会的共同关心,共同努力,我们的行业教育一定会迎来光辉灿烂的明天。  相似文献   

巨人山(捷克称为克尔科诺谢)属于苏台德地区,是捷克共和国境内最高和最著名的山脉,它属于由捷克共和国,波兰和德国共同拥有一系列中山的一个部分,尽管其最高点(Snezka)的海拔高度只有1602m,属于中山范围,但巨人山的最高区域代表了一种表现副北极和高山地区之间相互平衡关系的特殊的地貌系统,在北欧和中欧后冰期和冰后期的变化中,巨人山做出生物地理学的“十字路口”起到了极其重要的作用,因此,这里有许多高山和北极现象,如高山森林线,副极地泥炭沼泽,斑状雪地,崩塌,雪崩,冰缘岩悄堆,解冻泥流,强霜冻侵蚀阶段地,突岩,多边形的多学科研究,认为巨人山的高海拔地区属于北极高山冻原,根据地形,多边形土的类型,气候因素和植被的构成等特点,北极高山冻原可分为三个地带,冰雪风成地带,有植被的冰雪形成地带和似雪冰成地带,尽管做为国家公园而受到保护,但不断增加的人类活动已严重地威胁到中欧这个独特的北极高山冻原“孤岛”,对巨人山冻原的主要威胁有:(1)大量的游人带来的环境影响。(2)大量种植和矮松林地干扰了最近的冻土过程,(3)空气污染和气候变化的症状,因此,国家公园管理机构正在对生物和非生物过程进行监测和研究,以确保对巨人山北极高山冻原的有效管理和保护。  相似文献   

告别了城市的喧嚣,来到芦苇遍地的扎龙湿地丹顶鹤自然保护区,蓝蓝的天,白白的云,绿绿的草地,一切虽是如此简单,带给我的却是无比的快乐。张开双臂,感受着清爽的大自然气息,天地是如此的美好,我的身心得到了释放……  相似文献   

“一控双达标”是今年环保工作的重中之重,国家环保总局提出必须全力以赴完成各项任务,确保目标实现。达标工作没有退路,必须按照“目标不变,期限不变,标准不变,任务不变”的要求,突出重点,扎扎实实地抓好“一控双达标”工作。实际工作中要做到任务分解,责任到人,督促检查,奖惩分明。  相似文献   

汽车排气尾流中微粒分布及其变化特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据微粒核化、凝并及凝结模型对汽车排气尾流中微粒分布的变化特性进行了分析.结果表明,微粒的核化增加了排气尾流中超细微粒的数量;微粒的凝并和凝结将改变排气尾流中的微粒分布.在核化、凝并及凝结过程同时存在时,核化对微粒分布的影响相对较小,微粒分布的变化主要受凝并和凝结的作用.在排气管出口处,微粒的核化、凝并及凝结过程比较剧烈,微粒分布变化较大;随着距排气管出口距离的增加,微粒演变逐渐减弱.研究工作可以为汽车排放控制策略的确定以及汽车微粒对人体健康影响的研究提供依据.  相似文献   

采用水培实验和室内分析相结合的方法,研究了不同含量Pb、Cd单一和复合污染对金属Pb、Cd吸收和转运的影响。结果表明,Pb和Cd主要在油白菜的根部富集;Cd和Pb不同添加量与油白菜体内累积量之间呈显著正相关。复合污染处理中,油白菜地上部的转运系数BCFCd随外源Pb含量的增大而增加,而根部则相反,即BCFCd随外源Pb含量的增大而降低,说明外源Pb可以促进油白菜对Cd在叶片中的富集,但会抑制Cd在根中的富集;油白菜地上部的BCFPb随外源Cd含量的增大而降低,而根部则相反,即BCFPb随外源Cd含量的增大而增加,说明外源Cd可以促进油白菜对Pb在根中的富集,但会抑制Pb在叶片的富集,Cd对Pb的富集具有双重作用;高含量的Pb(≥500 mg/L)会促进油白菜根部的Cd向地上部转运,而高含量Cd会抑制油白菜根部的Pb向地上部转运,使得更多的Pb滞留在油白菜地下部。  相似文献   

研究了北京市交通路口大气颗粒物中非烃类化合物的污染特征.通过对2000年6月采集的大气颗粒物样品的分析,研究了北京市崇文门路口大气颗粒物中非烃类化合物的污染状况.结果表明:交通排放是大气颗粒物中非烃类化合物的重要来源之一;总体上非烃类化合物主要富集在粒径较小的粒子中,细粒子中的非烃类化合物应主要来源于机动车尾气排放;白天ρ(非烃类化合物)随机动车流量的增加而增加,夜晚机动车流量减小,但ρ(非烃类化合物)却高于白天,显示出大型柴油车的主要影响和贡献;非烃类化合物的污染主要表现为酞酸酯和苯酚类化合物的污染.并对交通路口大气颗粒物中酞酸酯的来源进行了探讨.   相似文献   

Black carbon (BC) can strongly adsorb hydrophobic organic compounds (HOCs).The HOC sorption to coated BC could be attenuated in soil and sediment compared with that of the parent BC.To study the potential causes of the sorption attenuation,humic acid (HA) and BC were isolated.Phenanthrene (PHE) was selected as the representative of HOCs.BC was coated with the precipitated HA.The PHE sorption to the HA-coated BC was determined.The HA coatings on BC could result in the significant sorption attenuation of PHE to BC.The attenuation varied in different HA origin and was positively correlated to the aromaticity of HA.The attenuation could be explained by the direct competition between HA and PHE for the available sorption sites on BC and the reduction of the available sorption sites as a result of the pore blockage of BC caused by the HA coatings.Therefore,the HA coatings on BC was one potential cause of the attenuation of HOC sorption to BC in soil and sediment.  相似文献   

In this study an effort has been made to use plant polyphenol oxidases; potato (Solanum tuberosum) and brinjal (Solanum melongena), for the treatment of various important dyes used in textile and other industries. The ammonium sulphate fractionated enzyme preparations were used to treat a number of dyes under various experimental conditions. Majority of the treated dyes were maximally decolorized at pH 3.0. Some of the dyes were quickly decolorized whereas others were marginally decolorized. The initial first hour was sufficient for the maximum decolorization of dyes. The rate of decolorization was quite slow on long treatment of dyes. Enhancement in the dye decolorization was noticed on increasing the concentration of enzymes. The complex mixtures of dyes were treated with both preparations of polyphenol oxidases in the buffers of varying pH values. Potato polyphenol oxidase was significantly more effective in decolorizing the dyes to higher extent as compared to the enzyme obtained from brinjal polyphenol oxidase. Decolorization of dyes and their mixtures, followed by the formation of an insoluble precipitate, which could be easily removed simply by centrifugation.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate ecological risk of agrochemicals in agricultural environment, single and joint toxic effects of an important herbicide and a typical heavy metal on root elongation of crops were investigated. Seeds of the three crops including wheat (Triticum aestivum), Chinese cabbage (Brassica pekimensis) and soybean (Glycine max) as the main crops in northeast China were exposed to acetochior as a herbicide and lead (Pb) as a heavy metal using the pot-culture method, and meadow brown soil as one of the main soils distributed in northeast China was applied in the investigation. The results indicated that the interactive effects of the two pollutants on root elongation of the three crops were very complicated although they had markedly significant (P〈0.01) linear interrelationships based on the regression analyses. When the concentration of added Pb^2+ reached 200 mg/kg, acetochlor and Pb had an antagonistic effect on the inhibition of root elongation of the three crops. However, acetochlor and Pb had significantly (P〈0.05) synergic effects on the inhibition of root elongation when concentration of added Pb^2+ was up to 1000 mg/kg. At the low concentration of added Pb, joint toxicity of acetochlor and Pb was more dependent on the concentration of Pb. Among the three crops, wheat was the most sensitive to the toxicity of Pb and Chinese cabbage was the most sensitive to the toxicity of acetochlor.  相似文献   

柴油机排气微粒冷却演变特性的实验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘双喜  宁智  付娟  姜大海 《环境科学》2007,28(6):1193-1197
对柴油机排气微粒在冷却条件下的演变特性进行了实验研究.结果表明,排气的冷却作用对微粒的质量浓度具有重要的影响.引起微粒质量浓度变化的主要原因是排气中气态碳氢的冷凝,从而增加了微粒的质量浓度.排气的冷却促使柴油机微粒增大,分布在0.01~1.0 μm粒径范围内的微粒数量有所减少,特别是小于0.1 μm以下的小微粒,微粒数量下降的幅度相对较大,并且冷却温度越低,变化越明显.排气冷却后,0.1-1.0 μm粒径范围内的微粒体积浓度呈减少的趋势.此外,流速对排气冷却条件下的微粒演变特性亦有一定的影响,随排气流速的降低,0.01~1.0 μm粒径范围内的微粒数量浓度和体积浓度减小.  相似文献   

采用2000—2016年中国30省市(不包括香港、澳门、台湾、西藏四省区)的数据,构建四化指标体系,计算四化发展指数,进行地区四化水平评价,通过OLS和GMM回归模型考察四化发展对水足迹强度的影响,同时设置四化之间的交互项来识别四化指标之间的相互作用。主要结论如下:首先,从四化水平的地域发展差异上来看,中国四化水平总体上呈现出东部优于中部、中部优于西部的格局,水足迹强度的分布与之类似,说明四化水平发展与水足迹强度之间可能存在相关关系;其次,计量模型显示四化水平的提升对于水足迹强度的改善有积极影响,但每一化对于水足迹强度改善的影响大小不一;第三,以交互项衡量的四化相互作用对于水足迹强度的影响作用为正,表明四化发展对水足迹强度的改善效果逐渐趋于收敛。因此,优先提升落后地区的四化水平,以四化水平的提升推动水足迹强度的降低,能够有效降低我国总体水足迹强度水平。  相似文献   

富营养化水体景观的微生物修复研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
沈士德 《环境科技》2004,17(4):14-15,18
把美国的基因工程菌应用于徐州市黄河故道富营养化水体,对水体中营养性指标进行了测定及分析,并对水体中生物生长变化情况进行观察,从而了解在富营养状态下水体水质变化的基本情况。在了解水体水质变化状况的基础上,利用消氮细菌及沉淀细菌对实验水体进行生物修复。  相似文献   

Toxic effects of two agrochemicals on nifH gene in agricultural black soil were investigated using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and sequencing approaches in a microcosm experiment. Changes of soil nifH gene diversity and composition were examined following the application of acetochlor, methamidophos and their combination. Acetochlor reduced the nifH gene diversity (both in gene richness and diversity index values) and caused changes in the nifH gene composition. The effects of acetochlor on nifH gene were strengthened as the concentration of acetochlor increased. Cluster analysis of DGGE banding patterns showed that nifH gene composition which had been affected by low concentration of acetochlor (50 mg/kg) recovered firstly. Methamidophos reduced nifH gene richness that except at 4 weeks. The medium concentration of methamidophos (150 mg/kg) caused the most apparent changes in nifH gene diversity at the first week while the high concentration of methamidophos (250 mg/kg) produced prominent effects on nifH gene diversity in the following weeks. Cluster analysis showed that minimal changes of nifH gene composition were found at 1 week and maximal changes at 4 weeks. Toxic effects of acetochlor and methamidophos combination on nifH gene were also apparent. Different nifH genes (bands) responded differently to the impact of agrochemicals: four individual bands were eliminated by the application of the agrochemicals, five bands became predominant by the stimulation of the agrochemicals, and four bands showed strong resistance to the influence of the agrochemicals. Fifteen prominent bands were partially sequenced, yielding 15 different nifH sequences, which were used for phylogenetic reconstructions. All sequences were affiliated with the alpha- and beta-proteobacteria, showing higher similarity to eight different diazotrophic genera.  相似文献   

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