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为对比勿色杆属菌种(Achromobater sp)SLTHX114株和黄色假单胞菌(Pseudomonas flavescens)SLTHX214株对原油降解特征的差异性,在40℃恒温有氧实验室条件下,使用两株原油降解菌对塔里木油田原油进行了生物降解模拟实验,分析了生物降解气组分、生物降解原油的族组分及生物标志化合物变化特征。实验结果表明,革兰氏阴性SLTHX214株对原油降解能力强于革兰氏阳性SLTHX114株,SLTHX114株对原油中的饱和烃具有明显的降解作用,而SLTHX214株更倾向于降解原油中的芳烃。对土壤石油污染修复和菌种选择具有一定的指示意义。  相似文献   

正由河南省豫源清生物科技工程有限公司开发的SBQ生物处理污水技术,适用于城市污水和工业污水处理。主要技术内容一、基本原理活化后的SBQ微生物在特定酶的催化作用下,迅速附着于惰性高分子生物膜载体上,形成高活性的SBQ生物膜。经微孔曝气使微生物与污染物充分接触,通过一系列生物化学作用,将污染物迅速降解,达到净化水的目的。二、技术关键微生物种类的选择、培养、激活,选择适宜微生物生活的环境和营养条件。  相似文献   

四川某制药企业的综合排放废水,有机物浓度高,水质复杂,处理难度大,原处理工艺已不能满足出水达标排放的要求。通过采用"调节池-两级厌氧生物膜法-三级活性污泥-三级接触氧化"的多级生化组合工艺对原有处理设施进行了升级改造。运行结果表明,经过工程改造后,系统运行稳定高效,COD和NH3-N去除率均高于90%,出水水质好于GB8978-1996《污水综合排放标准》的三级标准。  相似文献   

通过使用H_2O_2和Na_2CO_3·1.5H_2O_2所形成的两种类Fenton试剂对原油污染的土壤进行氧化修复,在比较两种试剂氧化效果的基础上,采用16s rDNA技术对氧化后土壤中土著微生物的群落结构和功能基因的影响进行了比较。结果表明:Na_2CO_3·1.5H_2O_2所形成的类Fenton试剂对原油的降解效果较好,原油降解率达到50.48%;两种试剂氧化后土壤中的优势菌种均发生变化,由原来的放线菌门(Actinobacteria)变为变形菌门(Proteobacteria),同时氧化后土壤中的总功能基因含量下降,由原来的58 093 193个分别下降到36 282 211个和32 355 524个,而各种通路基因在总基因的占比变化不大。  相似文献   

哈尔滨工业大学的新成果“生物膜过滤机理与应用研究”,为城市污水再生回用提供了一种可行的新方法。目前,国内在污水深度处理和利用方面多采用澄清(沉淀)—过滤—消毒的方法,而生物膜过滤方法是以生物过滤为核心技术,对城市污水经二级处理后的水进行深度净化,提供再生回用水。生物膜过滤机理就是滤池中长满生物膜的滤料发挥对悬浮物质的拦截作用和滤料上附着生物膜发挥对有机物质的生物氧化降解作用,既能起到物理筛滤二级处理水中悬浮颗粒的滤池本来的任务,又能氧化分解二级水中的溶解性有机物质并有一定的消化作用。出水水质指标…  相似文献   

废水土地处理方法是利用土地的各种净化机能,包括物理、化学、生物等方面,消除污水中的污染物的自然处理方法。广义地说,它包含污水灌溉,污水养殖,地下渗滤和氧化塘等等方法,其中氧化塘日益成为二、三级污水处理的关键项目。氧化塘是利用细菌和藻类完成废水处理任务的低费用废水处理方法。它运用流入塘内的废水中可利用的有机物,由细菌进行生物氧化而降解,而藻类则利用较简单的细菌降解产生的物质和阳光,生产出供好气菌使用的氧气。如果氧化塘的有机负荷很高,以致其需氧量超过光合作用和表面曝气所提供的  相似文献   

油污土壤微生物生态研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用微生物降解土壤中的油等有机污染物的就地生物治理技术受土壤及环境的诸多条件影响,在使用该技术之前,首先要进行油污土壤微生物生态研究,弄清影响微生物处理效果的各种因素。通过对胜利油田油污土壤微生物研究得知:胜利油田油污土壤的pH值、含水量等指标利于微生物降解原油。土壤优势菌种多为原油降解菌,并且与含油量呈正相关。油污土壤中氮、磷等营养物质含量不足时,向其添加一定数量的营养物质和降解菌,能够提高微生物处理地面溢油的处理效率。  相似文献   

炼厂脱盐脱钙废水处理工艺   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
原油中的钙盐主要存在于石油胶质和沥青质中。在原油加工过程中,有机钙盐因分解形成钙沉淀物而影响正常生产。对于原油中钙的脱除,目前应用最广泛的是螯合沉淀脱钙技术。炼厂脱盐脱钙废水中的钙、磷、石油胶质会对污水处理场造成不良影响,因而必须对脱盐脱钙废水进行预处理。预处理工艺包括物理和物理化学手段、生物处理工艺、化学氧化处理技术。技术可行性分析表明,可采用AOP高级氧化技术与生物处理相结合的工艺对脱盐脱钙废水进行预处理。  相似文献   

生物接触氧化法处理生活污水   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在生物滤池处理生活污水的基础上发展一种利用生物膜处理废水的新方法─—生物接触氧化法。其中心处理构筑物是接触氧化池,池内装有多种填料。从监测结果分析,虽然处理后水质都符合国家排放标准,但BOD5的去除率比较低,只有69%,由于监测是在试运行刚结束进行的,如果一切运行正常,BOD5的去除率可达90%以上。生物接触氧化法是目前比较成熟的生化处理方法,对含有大量有机污染物的生活污水处理效果较好,且处理后的污水还可进行灌溉、建筑、冲洗等重复利用。  相似文献   

王定晖 《青海环境》2009,19(2):100-102
文章主要介绍通过预曝调节、生物接触氧化法、过滤吸附三级处理法对生物制药废水进行处理并回用的设计及运行情况。该工艺处理成本低,工艺设计中采用自动控制,便于操作和管理,具有良好的经济和社会效益。  相似文献   

稠油炼制废水的可生化性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高生化处理效果,运用BOD动力学方程及频数统计的方法对胜利油田石化总厂稠油炼制废水的可生化性进行了研究。研究结果表明:BOD氧化速度常数k为0.08,氧化速度m为0.52,BOD/COD范围在0.165~0.655之间,其中在0.165~0.305之间占24%,在0.305~0.655之间的占76%,平均值为0.38;CODB/COD为73%,CODNB/COD为27%。说明稠油炼制废水可生化性尚好,但生物氧化速度较小。  相似文献   

原油在土壤中迁移及降解的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解原油在土壤中淋滤及降解的规律,剖析了大庆老油田开发区贮油池土壤含油状况,进行了自然植被不同类型土壤的浇油、室内原油淋滤模拟及栽培试验。结果表明:贮油池土壤原油淋滤深度绝大部分集中在0~30cm,以下原油明显减少(除沙化土壤外);盐碱土集中在0~10cm;草甸黑钙土集中在0~50cm;柱内油水混合渗透试验,80%集中在0~20cm;原油覆盖土壤表面时清水淋渗较弱,在0~20cm内残留94%;加原油的土壤降解试验,平均降解59.92%,范围为53.94%~62.25%,盆栽试验平均降解61.99%,范围为55.12%~70.68%。  相似文献   

对老化油进行回收再处理,不仅可以使其达到净化油标准出厂销售,同时还可以保障脱水系统的正常运行操作。为此,首先对老化油的组成进行了分析,并对老化油的形成原因展开研究,在此基础上,开展化学破乳与氧化破乳老化油脱水的技术评价。研究结果表明,扶余采油厂老化油含水率平均62.2%,乳化状态稳定,胶体FeS颗粒的大量存在是老化油生成的主要原因,氧化破乳对于老化油脱水更为有效,硝酸-硝酸钾在3%投加量下,老化油的含水率可降至5%以下,达到原油出厂指标。  相似文献   

Water Consumption in the Production of Ethanol and Petroleum Gasoline   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We assessed current water consumption during liquid fuel production, evaluating major steps of fuel lifecycle for five fuel pathways: bioethanol from corn, bioethanol from cellulosic feedstocks, gasoline from U.S. conventional crude obtained from onshore wells, gasoline from Saudi Arabian crude, and gasoline from Canadian oil sands. Our analysis revealed that the amount of irrigation water used to grow biofuel feedstocks varies significantly from one region to another and that water consumption for biofuel production varies with processing technology. In oil exploration and production, water consumption depends on the source and location of crude, the recovery technology, and the amount of produced water re-injected for oil recovery. Our results also indicate that crop irrigation is the most important factor determining water consumption in the production of corn ethanol. Nearly 70% of U.S. corn used for ethanol is produced in regions where 10–17 liters of water are consumed to produce one liter of ethanol. Ethanol production plants are less water intensive and there is a downward trend in water consumption. Water requirements for switchgrass ethanol production vary from 1.9 to 9.8 liters for each liter of ethanol produced. We found that water is consumed at a rate of 2.8–6.6 liters for each liter of gasoline produced for more than 90% of crude oil obtained from conventional onshore sources in the U.S. and more than half of crude oil imported from Saudi Arabia. For more than 55% of crude oil from Canadian oil sands, about 5.2 liters of water are consumed for each liter of gasoline produced. Our analysis highlighted the vital importance of water management during the feedstock production and conversion stage of the fuel lifecycle.  相似文献   

原油在土壤中的渗透及降解规律   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为了了解原油在江苏地区土壤中的迁移转化规律,真武油田分别在多雨及少雨季节进行了原油在土壤中的渗透及降解实验。实验结果表明:随着时间的增加,原油在土壤中的渗透作用逐渐加强;而其降解的可能性较小。  相似文献   

针对油井附近落地油污染地表土壤的问题,利用热蒸发色谱技术,对油污土壤中加入微生物对原油的降解特征进行了实验研究。实验结果表明,在油污土壤中加入微生物,对落地油有明显的降解作用,可以减轻石油生产过程中油污对土壤的破坏和对环境的污染。随着微生物降解作用的不断进行,土壤中污油的相对降解速度逐渐加快,相对降解率逐渐增加。生物处理法的过程较简单,处理费用低,处理效果好,一般不会产生二次污染。  相似文献   

Vernal pools are vulnerable to loss through development and agricultural and forestry practices owing to their isolation from open water bodies and their small size. Some vernal pool-dependent species are already listed in New England as Endangered, Threatened, or Species of Special Concern. Vernal pool creation is becoming more common in compensatory mitigation as open water ponds, in general, may be easier to create than wooded wetlands. However, research on vernal pool creation is limited. A recent National Research Council study (2001) cites vernal pools as challenging to recreate. We reviewed documentation on 15 vernal pool creation projects in New England that were required by federal regulatory action. Our purpose was to determine whether vernal pool creation for compensatory mitigation in New England replaced key vernal pool functions by assessing project goals and documentation (including mitigation plans, pool design criteria, monitoring protocols, and performance standards). Our results indicate that creation attempts often fail to replicate lost pool functions. Pool design specifications are often based on conjecture rather than on reference wetlands or created pools that function successfully. Project monitoring lacks consistency and reliability, and record keeping by regulatory agencies is inadequate. Strengthening of protection of isolated wetlands in general, and standardization across all aspects of vernal pool creation, is needed to ensure success and to promote conservation of the long-term landscape functions of vernal pools.  相似文献   

This research aimed at determining the variation of reservoir fluid property during the high-pressure air injection process. For this purpose, the forward multiple contact experiment was employed by pressure–volume–temperature (PVT) system to investigate the physical property variation of the crude oil and the complex oxidation reactions. The results show: under the relative low temperature and pressure condition, instead of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide dominates the products in the air phase. The gas/oil ratio and volume ratio increased due to the generated gas while the viscosity and density achieved a descending trend. The colloid and bitumen in the oil phase reduced by half but the amount of wax achieved a small increase. The low-temperature oxidation and pyrolysis reactions caused the fluctuated change of the different compounds. The amount of light compounds decreased at the beginning and then increased while that of heavy compounds showed the opposite trend. But at last, due to the H/C ratio, the light compounds increased to more than their initial value.  相似文献   

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