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Summary To determine the effects of male mating status on female fitness, we compared the reproductive success, survival, and future fecundity of female Savannah sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis) mated to monogamous vs. polygynous males in a 5-year study on Kent Island, New Brunswick, Canada. The proportion of males with more than one mate varied from 15 to 43% between years and sites. Polygynous and monogamous males fledged young of equal size in every year of the study. Females who shared paternal care with other females laid as many eggs per clutch and clutches per season as monogamously mated females. In most years polygynously mated females showed no delay in laying a second clutch, and they suffered no reduction in fecundity the following year. Recruitment of a female's offspring into the breeding population was generally independent of her mating status. Fitness costs of being mated to a polygynous male were only apparent in one year of the study, during which females mated to polygynous males had higher over-winter mortality than those mated to monogamous males. That same year, young raised by polygynous males were only one-third as likely to survive to reproductive maturity (as inferred by returns) as those raised by monogamous males. A male's mating status had no effect on his own survivorship. A male's mating status did not necessarily reflect his contributions to raising nestlings, which may partially explain why monogamously and polygynously mated females had equal fitness. At 35 nests the proportion of food deliveries brought by individual males varied from 0 to 75%; on average, males brought fewer than 30% of all food deliveries. Yet parental care by polygynous males was no less than that of monogamous males, at least at the nests of their primary females. Secondary females tended to receive less male assistance during the nestling stage, but their reproductive success was indistinguishable from that of primary females. Females feeding young without male assistance made as many food deliveries/h as did pairs in which males brought at least 30% of all food deliveries. Unassisted females did not suffer diminished fledging success or produce smaller fledglings. The benefits of polygyny for male Savannah sparrows are clear: polygynous males recruit more surviving offspring into the breeding population than monogamous males. The fitness of females, on the other hand, appears to be unaffected by whether their mate was monogamous or polygynous except in occasional years. Polygyny may be maintained in this population by the constraints of a female-biased sex ratio, the inability of females to predict a male's paternal care based on his morphology or behavior, the poor correlation between a male's mating status and his assistance at the nest, and inconsistent natural selection against mating with a polygynous male. Correspondence to: N.T. Wheelwright  相似文献   

Most studies of social polygyny in birds have examined male provisioning on the basis of the number of feeding visits. This may be misleading if males compensate for infrequent visits by bringing larger prey at each visit. We investigated nestling provisioning in the socially polygynous great reed warbler, Acrocephalus arundinaceus, in south Central Sweden in 1996–1997. We collected data on rate of feeding visits, prey size and the amount of biomass delivered by males and females. Males had lower rates of feeding visits and provided smaller prey to nestlings in secondary than in monogamous and primary nests. Secondary females had higher rates of feeding visits and brought larger prey than monogamous and primary females. These results confirm that secondary females face a potential cost of polygyny through a lower rate of male feeding, and that this cost was reinforced by the significantly lower male provisioning rate (biomass h–1) at secondary nests. Secondary females compensated for the lack of male assistance by increasing their rate of feeding and bringing larger prey. As a result, offspring in nests of secondary females received as much food as did those in nests of primary females. Prey load size increased with the parent’s proportion of feeding visits, suggesting that parents use different feeding strategies depending on their amount of responsibility for nestling provisioning. We suggest that parents which take the main responsibility for nestling feeding have to forage further away from the nest, and based on optimal-foraging theory, they should then on average bring larger prey to their nest. Received: 4 April 1999 / Received in revised form: 12 October 1999 / Accepted: 23 October 1999  相似文献   

Reproductive success of brood parasites varies considerably both among and within host species, mainly due to differences in host egg-rejection rates and survival of parasitic chicks. Here, we investigated the breeding success of the cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) in one of its major hosts, the great reed warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus), with respect to host social mating status. In this passerine, polygynous males provide less parental care to their young per nest than monogamous males. Consequently, their less-assisted females may fledge lower numbers of nestlings than monogamous females. This may be especially true for secondary females, which often receive limited or no paternal help with young at all. Based on these findings, we expected higher cuckoo reproductive success in nests of socially monogamous than polygynous great reed warbler males. More specifically, we predicted lower fledging success of cuckoo young in nests of secondary than primary or monogamous females. In line with the prediction, we found higher cuckoo fledging success in nests of monogamous than polygynous males, monogamous nests being more than twice as successful as secondary nests. We detected, however, only a tendency to lower cuckoo success in primary compared to monogamous nests and no differences between primary and secondary nests. Moreover, neither parasitism nor host egg-rejection rates differed among the nests of different status. Our results show, for the first time, that the social mating status of a host may influence the overall reproductive success of a brood parasite and thus should be considered in further studies.  相似文献   

Females capable of adjusting the sex ratio of their offspring should be more fit than females lacking such an ability. In polygynous birds where breeding success in males is more strongly influenced by body size and/or attractiveness than in females, females might produce more sons when predicting good conditions or when mating with attractive males. Polygynous great reed warbler, Acrocephalusarundinaceus, males direct most of their feeding effort to the primary (first-hatching) nest and in these nests increase their feeding effort in relation to the brood sex ratio (proportion of sons). Therefore, with the expectation of well-nourished sons, we would predict that females which start breeding first within harems might produce more sons than those which start breeding later, and in anticipation of sons with good genes, that females mated to polygynous males might produce more sons than females mated to monogamous males. I took blood samples from hatchlings and determined the sex using DNA markers. The sex ratio of primary (monogamous and polygynous primary) broods is more male-biased (mean 0.58 males, n = 50) than that of secondary (polygynous secondary and tertiary) broods (mean 0.46, n = 25). Moreover, in the secondary broods with the largest clutch (five eggs), in which offspring are most likely to suffer food shortage, the sex ratio was distinctively female biased (mean 0.33, n = 10). In the primary broods, sex ratio was correlated to harem size. The results suggest that great reed warbler females modify the brood sex ratio to produce both well-nourished sons and sons with good genes, but the former effect is probably stronger than the latter factor. Received: 11 March 1998 / Accepted after revision: 23 May 1998  相似文献   

Summary Nestling feeding by males is less common among birds with polygynous mating systems than in monogamous species, because of the pronounced trade-off between parental behavior and the attraction of additional mates. In this study, however, we found that male red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) commonly assisted females in feeding nestlings in several Ontario marshes. Male parental care was additional to that provided by females, and it significantly enhanced the fledging success of nests (Table 2). Male redwings did not help to feed all nests on their territories: primary and secondary nests were much more likely to receive male parental care than tertiary and later nests. Contrary to expectation, male parental care was not restricted to the nests of primary females: a greater proportion of secondary than primary nests were assisted (Tables 4a and b). The presence of new females settling on the territory at the same time that a resident female had nestlings, resulted in males deferring parental care until a later brood. This suggests that males trade off the recruitment of females against parental care to an existing brood. Although the number of nestlings fledging from a male's territory was strongly influenced by the number of females in the harem, males could additionally increase their reproductive success by feeding nestlings in one or more nests on their territories (Fig. 2). The reproductive success of females was significantly enhanced by male assistance in feeding nestlings (Table 3). However, those females not receiving male assistance on territories of feeding males did not suffer a significantly reduced reproductive success in comparison to females on territories of non-feeding males (Table 2). Males varied considerably in the quality of brood care given. We therefore suggest that the quality of male parental care may be a factor considered by females in choosing a breeding situation.  相似文献   

In polygynous species, the adults are faced with a dilemma during chick rearing. Males must decide how to distribute food between their females and food allocation patterns are often highly unequal. In turn, the females that receive less food from males have to decide how much time to invest in additional hunting. If they spend more time hunting, then they leave their young exposed to weather and predators. However, if they stay at the nest, they increase the risk of their chicks starving. One way that birds may compensate for reduced provisioning is by increasing the size of prey caught. We tested this hypothesis by comparing prey deliveries to nests of hen harriers, Circus cyaneus, with females of different breeding status. As expected, male harriers delivered less food items to the nests of polygynous females, and especially their secondary, or β females. However, both sexes were able to compensate by delivering larger items and there was no difference in the overall mass of food delivered to nests. Moreover, females spent a similar amount of time at the nest, irrespective of status, and there were no overall differences in breeding success. Our results show that polygynous female harriers can compensate for the costs of polygyny, but we suggest that their ability to do so will vary according to the abundance of both large prey and predators.  相似文献   

Although most birds are monogamous, theory predicts that greater female parental investment and female-biased adult sex ratios will lower the polygyny threshold. This should result in polygynous mating, unless obligate biparental care or the spatial and temporal distribution of fertilizable females constrains a male’s ability to take advantage of a lowered polygyny threshold. Here we present data on the extent of male sexually dimorphic plumage, adult sex ratios and breeding season synchrony in three populations of a socially monogamous seabird, the brown booby Sula leucogaster. For one of these populations, San Pedro Mártir Island, we also present data on differences in male and female parental investment, mortality and probability of pairing. The extent of plumage dimorphism varied among populations. Sex ratios were female biased in all populations. On San Pedro Mártir Island, parental investment was female biased, females failed more often than males to find a mate, but there was no polygyny. We suggest that on San Pedro Mártir: (1) a period of obligate biparental care coupled with a relatively synchronous breeding season constrained the ability of males to take advantage of a high environmental polygamy potential and (2) the resulting socially monogamous mating system, in combination with the female-biased adult sex ratio, caused females to be limited by the availability of males despite their greater parental investment. Received: 18 November 1999 / Accepted: 24 January 2000  相似文献   

Both cooperation and conflict between the sexes are commonplace in monogamous mating systems. However, little is known about how cooperation and competition varies seasonally in monogamous species that maintain permanent territories. We presented territorial pairs of male and female New Zealand robins (Petroica australis) with a large supply of insect prey at monthly intervals for 2 years. Behavioural observations after food presentation were then made to quantify seasonal and sexual differences in aggressive interactions over prey, prey acquisition rates, mate provisioning, offspring provisioning, selfish food hoarding and cache retrieval. Data were used to evaluate sex-specific behavioural strategies of mediating competition for food. Results showed that males aggressively excluded females from experimental food sources year-round. Females only accessed food sources when males left them unattended. Consequently, females acquired fewer prey than males. After controlling for differences in prey acquisition, both sexes consumed similar amounts of prey in the non-breeding season. Even though males aggressively excluded females from accessing food sources directly, males fed large amounts of prey to females during the breeding season. Both sexes provisioned young at similar rates. Males cached less prey than females in the breeding season but more prey than females in the non-breeding season. Females showed similar caching intensities year-round. Although males tried to defend their hoards, females frequently retrieved male-made caches. Overall, results showed that although New Zealand robins cooperate to raise offspring during the breeding season, conflict between the sexes occurs year-round. Males and females display different behavioural strategies to gain access to experimental food sources, which appear to lessen male–female competition for food and evenly distribute food resources between the sexes.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of brood size and female nesting status on male parental behavior was investigated in red-winged blackbirds Agelaius phoeniceus using brood size manipulation experiments. Male redwings allocated parental effort on the basis of brood size and nestling age. Males began assisting females only at nests with at least three offspring older than three days. Female nesting status had no singificant influence on male parental care. When females were unable to meet a brood's demand for food, males assisted females with nestling feeding. Females did not reduce the amount of food delivered to nestlings when males assisted. The amount of food brought to nestlings by the male was additional to the amount of food provided by the female. Male assistance increased fledgling success. When female provisioning was sufficient to meet a brood's demand for food males did not assist. The value of male parental care varied inversely with the ability of the female to meet nestling food demands. The ability of unassisted females to provide sufficient food and to raise a brood of nestlings successfully appeared to be influenced by resource abundance.  相似文献   

Recent studies have suggested that conflicts of interests between the sexes may lead to variation in copulation behavior among pairs. We examined differences in the rate and timing of copulation solicitations and copulations among females of different mating status in the facultatively polygynous starling in an attempt to explain why females copulate repeatedly with their mate. All within-pair copulations were female-solicited indicating that females control copulations in the starling. Before egg laying, females solicited copulations at a high rate (usually more than 2 per hour). In contrast to most other species studied so far, females continued to solicit copulations throughout the egg laying period, and also solicited after egg laying (the latest solicitation occurred when the nestlings were 4 days old). Primary females solicited more copulations than monogamous females both during and after the fertile period. Many copulation solicitations of primary females occurred at the nestbox where their male was singing to obtain an extra female. Both primary and secondary females solicited more copulations after the egg-laying period than monogamous females. A large proportion of female copulation solicitations was refused by the male partner: female solicitation resulted in more male refusals in primary females than in monogamous females. Primary females were more likely to be chased aggressively when they solicited a copulation than monogamous females; most aggressive chases occurred when primary females flew towards their male to solicit copulation when he was singing at another nestbox. Overall, our results demonstrate that there is a conflict over copulation between males and females in polygynous pairs. The conflict presumably relates to the cost of sharing male parental investment: females use copulation solicitation behavior to interrupt their singing males apparently in an attempt to prevent them from becoming polygynous. We present the first empirical evidence that female songbirds use copulation solicitation behavior as a form of mate guarding, often in a non-reproductive context. We did not find a positive relationship between copulation rate during the fertile period and the amount of male parental care as is predicted by the paternity confidence hypothesis.  相似文献   

One of the most interesting aspects of the mating system of pied flycatchers is the regular occurrence of polygyny. Here we present data on the reproductive success of polygynously paired pied flycatcher males compared to monogamous males based on paternity analyses through DNA fingerprinting. Males paired with two females suffered a higher loss in reproductive output per female compared to monogamous males due to (1) a greater proportion of unhatched eggs in their broods, (2) greater nestling mortality and (3) a greater probability of being cuckolded. Nevertheless, the number of fledglings was significantly greater for polygynous males. Based on the number of nestlings that returned for subsequent breeding seasons, however, the reproductive success of monogamous and polygynous males did not differ significantly. These data raise the question as to why males attempt polygyny. Received: 16 August 1999 / Received in revised form: 15 March 2000 / Accepted: 18 March 2000  相似文献   

In polygynous species, males appear to gain additional offspring by pairing with multiple females simultaneously. However, this may not be true if some females copulate outside of the social pair bond. Polygynous males could experience lower paternity because of trade-offs among gaining multiple social mates, guarding fertility with these mates, and pursuing extra-pair matings. Alternatively, polygynous males could simultaneously gain extra social mates and have high paternity, either because of female preferences or because of male competitive attributes. We tested four predictions stemming from these hypotheses in a facultatively polygynous songbird, the dickcissel (Spiza americana). Unlike most previous studies, we found that males with higher social mating success (harem size) also tended to have higher within-pair paternity and that the number of extra-pair young a male sired increased significantly with his social mating success. Females that paired with mated males were not more likely to produce extra-pair young. In contrast, extra-pair paternity was significantly lower in the nests of females whose nesting activity overlapped that of another female on the same territory. This pattern of mating was robust to differences in breeding density. Indeed, breeding density had no effect on either extra-pair mating or on the association between polygyny and paternity. Finally, nest survival increased with harem size. This result, combined with the positive association between polygyny and paternity, contributed to significantly higher realized reproductive success by polygynous male dickcissels.  相似文献   

Summary This study investigated whether reduced male aid in defending offspring potentially reduces the fitness of females choosing already-mated males in the house wren (Troglodytes aedon), a small, territorial songbird. Frozen snakes were placed at 23 nests of monogamously mated males and 12 secondary nests of bigamously mated males. All presentations were made during incubation stages of females attending focal nests. Snakes were placed at nests of secondary females when nests of their primary counterparts contained young 5–9 days old. Males are most attentive to primary nests during this period and should therefore be relatively inattentive to secondary mates and nests. Nevertheless, an equal proportion of monogamous and bigamous males discovered snakes within 15 min, and mean time to discovery, when discovery occurred, did not differ with nest status. Monogamous and bigamous males were also equally likely to attack snakes physically once discovered. Monogamous males appeared no more likely to discover snakes than bigamous males for two main reasons. First, although monogamous males were near focal nests (i.e., < 10 m) more often than bigamous males, monogamous males tended to stay out of view of nests for long periods. In contrast, bigamous males always went immediately to focal nests upon arriving in their vicinity. Second, about one-third of monogamous males in this study spent much of their time during trials at the far edges of their territories advertising for secondary mates. Our experiment suggests that reduced male aid in defending nests against small, diurnal predators probably does not contribute to the cost of polygyny in house wrens. Correspondence to: L.S. Johnson  相似文献   

Determinants of male mating success in the red bishop (Euplectes orix)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We studied sexual selection in the red bishop, Euplectes orix, a colonial, polygynous weaverbird widely distributed over sub-Saharan Africa. Male reproductive success measured in terms of the number of nests accepted by females and the number of eggs and nestlings in all the nests on a male's territory varied considerably. The standardized variance (variance/mean2) in male reproductive success ranged from 0.505 to 1.737 in different years, indicating a high potential for sexual selection in this species. An analysis of genetic parentage for 432 nestlings by non-radioactive, multilocus DNA fingerprinting confirmed that male reproductive success (number of young sired on the territory) in this species can be reliably estimated by the measures introduced above. In all 4 study years there was a strong positive correlation between male mating success and the total number of nests that males built in their territories. The number of nests built can be partitioned into the number of weeks a male held a territory and his nest-building performance. Both factors exert a significant positive effect on male mating success and in combination explained between 53.3 and 86.3% of the variation in male reproductive success. Male morphological characters were found to be of no importance. Males that established a territory in the following season built more nests and held their territories for longer than males that did not establish a territory in the following season, suggesting that these measures might be indicators of male condition and quality. Male nest-building performance (number of nests built per week) seems to be unrelated to male condition or quality. Received: 8 January 1999 / Received in revised form: 7 June 1999 / Accepted: 13 June 1999  相似文献   

Breeding synchrony and extra-pair mating in red-winged blackbirds   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Using data from a 6-year paternity study of red-winged blackbirds, I tested the hypotheses that increased nesting synchrony should either promote extra-pair mating by increasing the advantage of extra-pair mating to females, or decrease extra-pair mating by constraining males from seeking extra-pair copulations. Contrary to these hypotheses, the occurrence of extra-pair paternity did not vary with nesting synchrony over the breeding season, or vary with the number of synchronous nests within territories or within marshes, or with nesting order on territories. However, for nearly all nests with extra-pair young, there were fewer females synchronous with that nest on the cuckolder's territory than on the territory of the cuckolded male. This “advantage” of a synchrony difference was less pronounced for older males that cuckolded younger males, particularly when the two males were not neighbors. Collectively, these results suggest that breeding synchrony affects extra-pair mating by affecting mate guarding, but that breeding synchrony alone can not be used to predict which females are more likely to engage in extra-pair mating, nor with which extra-pair males they will mate. Understanding why extra-pair mating by older males is less affected by breeding synchrony may explain much about both the proximate and ultimate causes of extra-pair mating in red-winged blackbirds. Received: 7 June 1996 / Accepted after revision: 25 November 1996  相似文献   

The red bishop (Euplectes orix) is a highly polygynous and colonial weaverbird. Males construct several nests within their territories to which they try to attract females, and females are solely responsible for incubation and raising offspring. In this paper, we describe the characteristics of the red bishop’s mating system as a biological market and investigate the role of nests built by males as a traded commodity in a mating market. As timing of breeding in red bishops in arid and semi-arid zones depends on rainfall patterns which are often unpredictable, there are temporal changes in demand for and supply of nests within a breeding season, with breeding activities of males and females being highly synchronised. We found that males increased their nest-building speed with increased female breeding activity independently of rainfall, indicating that supply follows demand in this mating market. The supply of nests was always larger than the demand for nests. Construction costs for nests increased with demand for nests as indicated by shorter nest-building duration and shorter building delays between two consecutively built nests at times of high breeding activity. Males as a trading class are chosen according to the age of their nests offered, with young nests having a higher probability of being accepted by females. Furthermore, female choosiness with regard to nest age decreased when their own market value decreased, as predicted by biological market theory. The temporal changes of breeding activity together with the female preference for young and fresh nests require that males quickly adjust nest-building activity to varying female demand for new nests. However, males with a better adjustment of building speed to female breeding activity did not gain higher mating success.  相似文献   

In western bluebirds (Sialia mexicana), most pairs remain together for life and share equally in post-hatching parental care. We removed resident males of socially monogamous pairs during laying and after clutch completion to examine chick-feeding rules used by replacement males and current and future fitness consequences of paternal care. Replacement males were not infanticidal and 7 (47%) fed nestlings. Feeding replacement males and the females they joined fed at rates similar to controls. Females without a feeding replacement male compensated by feeding more themselves so that overall feeding rates were not compromised, but they reduced their brooding time. Unlike assisted females, unassisted females exhibited reduced nesting success and their 14-day-old chicks weighed less than controls. Field metabolic rates of unassisted females were 17% higher than those of control females, but the difference was not statistically significant. Older females were better able to raise young without the male's help than were yearling females. Female condition was not affected by male provisioning and unassisted females were as likely to survive to the next breeding season as assisted females. We found no future benefits of provisioning by replacement males; those that fed were no more likely to breed with the female on her subsequent attempt than were males that did not feed, and subsequent clutch sizes were not reduced for females rearing young without the male's help. These experiments suggest that male parental care increases nesting success in western bluebirds and that replacement males use an all-or-none rule to determine whether or not to feed chicks: if they are present during the fertile period they feed at typical rates; if they are not, they usually do not feed at all. Because chick-feeding by males is tied to opportunity for paternity, influences success in the current nest, and does not affect the male's future breeding success, it appears to be parental rather than mating effort. Received: 8 May 1998 / Accepted after revision: 23 July 1998  相似文献   

This study investigates social monogamy in the Australian sleepy lizard, Tiliqua rugosa. At a 70-ha site near Mount Mary, South Australia, we radio tracked 55 adult female and 39 adult male lizards during their spring activity periods. Each lizard was observed in 1–5 years. Females were observed with a single male partner on an average of 10.8 days per year, although in 17.3% of cases, females were observed on 2 or fewer days with a male. The most intense pairing period each year was 15 September–15 November when females were with male partners on an average of 36% of observation days. Partnerships lasted an average of 43.3 days each year. After mating in early November, the pairs separated. Observations of females pairing with other males were rare. Most males (82%) were also consistently monogamous, although 7 were observed pairing with 2 females within one season. To investigate paternity, we allowed 21 gravid females to give birth to 42 offspring in the laboratory. We determined genotypes at five polymorphic microsatellite DNA loci for the females, their male partners and their offspring. Four litters (19%) and 6 of the offspring from those litters (14.3%) showed evidence of extra-pair fertilization (EPF). Although the sample sizes are small, females of polygynous males were more likely to experience EPF. Received: 22 February 1998 / Accepted after revision: 23 May 1998  相似文献   

The theory of parental investment and brood sex ratio manipulation predicts that parents should invest in the more costly sex during conditions when resources are abundant. In the polygynous great reed warbler, Acrocephalus arundinaceus, females of primary harem status have more resources for nestling provisioning than secondary females, because polygynous males predominantly assist the primary female whereas the secondary female has to feed her young alone. Sons weigh significantly more than daughters, and are hence likely to be the more costly sex. In the present study, we measured the brood sex ratio when the chicks were 9 days old, i.e. the fledging sex ratio. As expected from theory, we found that female great reed warblers of primary status had a higher proportion of sons in their broods than females of lower (secondary) harem status. This pattern is in accordance with the results from two other species of marsh-nesting polygynous birds, the oriental reed warbler, Acrocephalus orientalis, and the yellow-headed blackbird Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus. As in the oriental reed warbler, we found that great reed warbler males increased their share of parental care as the proportion of sons in the brood increased. We did not find any difference in fitness of sons and daughters raised in primary and secondary nests. The occurrence of adaptive sex ratio manipulations in birds has been questioned, and it is therefore important that three studies of polygynous bird species, including our own, have demonstrated the same pattern of a male-biased offspring sex ratio in primary compared with secondary nests. Received: 1 June 1999 / Received in revised form: 10 January 2000 / Accepted: 12 February 2000  相似文献   

Multiple paternity and offspring quality in tree swallows   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is mounting evidence in a variety of taxa that females increase offspring quality by mating with multiple males, often resulting in multiple paternity. In birds, however, few studies have explicitly examined the benefits of mating with several different males; instead, the focus has been on whether or not extra-pair mating occurs, and its adaptive significance remains controversial. We examined the hypothesis that offspring quality, particularly immune response (phytohaemagglutinin assay) and growth, increases with the number of sires in broods of socially monogamous tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor). We found one of the highest known levels of multiple paternity in birds (84% of nests with two or more extra-pair young had at least two extra-pair sires). Among nests with extra-pair young, the number and diversity of sires continued to increase linearly with the number of extra-pair young, so there was no evidence that some males monopolized paternity at high levels of extra-pair fertilization. Indeed, the number of sires was actually greater than expected in large broods, suggesting that some females might be seeking more mates. We found no effect of the number of sires on nestling immune response or growth. In mixed paternity broods, the immune response of extra-pair young did not differ from that of their within-pair half-siblings. However, among all broods, nestlings had a stronger immune response in nests with at least one extra-pair nestling than in nests with all within-pair nestlings. These results are not consistent with a good genes benefit of extra-pair mating, but they do suggest that there are environmental effects associated with extra-pair mating that increase nestling immune response. These environmental effects could produce indirect genetic effects on sexual selection if they are heritable. The extraordinarily high number of sires in this species highlights a relatively unexplored source of sexual selection in birds.  相似文献   

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