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绿潮藻类暴发对天鹅湖水体和沉积物磷含量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
魏权  邵雪琳  高丽 《生态环境》2014,(1):139-144
在荣成天鹅湖藻类暴发区域采集新鲜沉积物和丝状硬毛藻(Chaetomorpha spp.),进行室内模拟试验,监测了生长过程中硬毛藻的生物量、磷富集量以及不同处理水体总磷(TP)和可溶性磷(SRP)质量浓度的变化,并分析了藻类生长对沉积物中各形态磷含量的影响。结果表明,当水体磷含量较高时,硬毛藻生长较快,相对生长速率高达14.88%,之后随着水体磷浓度的下降,生长速率逐渐减小。不同处理间硬毛藻的生物量相差很大,高磷含量处理显著高于低磷处理,最大差值可达26.50 g。随着藻类的生长,水体TP和SRP含量明显降低,其中高磷含量处理的TP质量浓度由0.93 mg·L-1降至0.01 mg·L-1,低磷含量处理水体SRP质量浓度均降至0.006 mg·L-1以下。当水体磷含量降至一定水平,沉积物中磷可向水体释放,其中可还原态磷和铁铝结合态磷的降幅分别为23.98%和12.61%。在高磷含量处理组,藻体中磷的富集量显著升高,且当水体磷含量相同的条件下,有沉积物处理的富集量显著高于无沉积物处理。相关分析表明,藻体生物量与水体TP和SRP的相关性较好,其中高磷含量处理组生物量与水体TP、SRP呈高度负相关,而相对生长速率与之呈显著正相关。结果说明,水体及沉积物中磷均可作为硬毛藻生长的营养来源;另一方面,藻类生长可明显降低水体磷含量,并促进沉积物中磷的释放。  相似文献   

Larval and post-larval crab distribution was surveyed in three different habitats in Kachemak Bay, Alaska to determine temporal and spatial variability. Distribution varied temporally and spatially from June 2005 to September 2006. Nine sites of varying habitat complexity were surveyed monthly using scuba surveys and light traps to measure habitat variables and quantify crab zoeae and megalopae. A total of 10,016 crabs belonging to seven families were identified. Four species comprised the majority (97%) of the total crab assemblages and included Cancer oregonensis, Fabia subquadrata, Telmessus cheiragonus, and Pugettia gracilis. Peak abundances occurred in summer but varied on small temporal scales with species. No single bay-wide variable determined the appearance of all species. Depending on species, appearance may be influenced by seasonality of environmental variables. Spatially, highest abundances occurred in habitats with less structural complexity. Spatial differences in crab abundance may have resulted from variability on large scale physical transport mechanisms and not kelp-mediated flow alterations.  相似文献   

Judd KE  Crump BC  Kling GW 《Ecology》2006,87(8):2068-2079
An ongoing debate in ecology revolves around how species composition and ecosystem function are related. To address the mechanistic controls of this relationship, we manipulated the composition of dissolved organic matter (DOM) fed to aquatic bacteria to determine effects on both bacterial activity and community composition. Sites along terrestrial to aquatic flow paths were chosen to simulate movement of DOM through catchments, and DOM was fed to downslope and control bacterial communities. Bacterial production was measured, and DOM chemistry and bacterial community composition (using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of 16S rRNA genes) were characterized following incubations. Bacterial production, dissolved organic carbon (DOC)-specific bacterial production, and DOC consumption were greatest in mesocosms fed soil water DOM; soil water DOM enhanced lake and stream bacterial production by 320-670% relative to lake and stream controls. Stream DOM added to lake bacteria depressed bacterial production relative to lake controls in the early season (-78%) but not the mid-season experiment. Addition of upslope DOM to stream and lake bacterial communities resulted in significant changes in bacterial community composition relative to controls. In four of five DOM treatments, the bacterial community composition converged to the DOM source community regardless of the initial inoculum. These results demonstrate that shifts in the supply of natural DOM were followed by changes in both bacterial production and community composition, suggesting that changes in function are likely predicated on at least an initial change in the community composition. The results indicate that variation in DOM composition of soil and surface waters influences bacterial community dynamics and controls rates of carbon processing in set patterns across the landscape.  相似文献   

Summary. The stems of many Macaranga ant-plants (Euphorbiaceae) are covered by epicuticular wax crystals rendering the surface very slippery for most insects. These wax blooms act as selective barriers protecting the symbiotic ant partners, which are specialized “wax-runners”, against the competition of other ants. Glaucous stems occur almost exclusively among the ant-plants of the genus Macaranga (). We analyzed the cuticular lipids of 16 Macaranga species by GC-MS and investigated the wax crystal morphology using SEM. Presence of crystalline wax blooms was strongly correlated with high concentrations (52%–88%) of triterpenoids. In contrast epicuticular waxes of glossy Macaranga surfaces contained only 0% to 36% of these dominant components. Therefore we conclude that triterpenoids are responsible for the formation of the thread-like Macaranga wax crystals. In all Macaranga ant-plants investigated, the principal components were epitaraxerol and taraxerone accompanied by smaller portions of taraxerol, β-amyrin and friedelin. Only in the case of the non-myrmecophytic M. tanarius did β-amyrin predominate. Moreover, we found that only in M. tanarius, the dense wax crystal lacework is torn into large mosaic-like pieces in the course of secondary stem diameter growth. Both chemical and macroscopic differences may contribute to a reduced slipperiness of M. tanarius stems and appear to be functionally important. The distribution of wax crystals and their composition amongst different sections of the genus suggests that glaucousness is a polyphyletic character within Macaranga. Received 7 October 1999; accepted 3 December 1999  相似文献   

Neutral lipids in macroalgal spores and their role in swimming   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We followed changes in the neutral lipid content of actively swimming zoospores of the palm kelp Pterygophora californica in a laboratory experiment to investigate the degree to which spore swimming is fueled by endogenous lipid reserves. The neutral lipid content of individual zoospores during the experiment was measured by flow cytometry using Nile Red, a fluorescent stain that is specific for neutral lipid. Results showed that photosynthesis greatly influenced lipid consumption during zoospore swimming. We found no detectable change in the neutral lipid content of zoospores after 30 h of swimming under conditions where light was near the optimum for photosynthesis. By contrast, neutral lipid declined by ≃43% over 30 h in zoospores kept in the dark. To evaluate whether lipid reserves are generally related to spore motility in macroalgae, we surveyed spore lipid-content and composition in species with motile spores and non-motile spores using thin-layer chromatography (TLC), and flame-ionization detection (FID). We observed substantial differences in lipid content and composition among the 20 species examined. Spores high in total lipid (as estimated by the ratio of lipid:carbon) generally had a large amount of neutral lipid; motile spores had significantly more lipid and a significantly larger neutral lipid fraction than non-motile spores. The kelps as a group had the highest total lipid content and the largest neutral lipid fraction, while non-motile spores of red algae were generally low in total lipid and in the proportional abundance of neutral lipid. Phospholipids accounted for more than half of all lipid in 14 of the 20 species examined, while neutral lipid accounted for the majority of lipid in all five species of kelp examined. Triacylglycerols, which function primarily in energy storage, were the primary form of neutral lipid in all but one species of kelp (Agarum fimbriatum), whereas free fatty acids were the dominant form of neutral lipid in most red algae and in brown algae that had a small neutral lipid fraction. Our results are largely consistent with the hypothesis that macroalgae use endogenous lipid reserves to fuel spore-swimming. The small amounts of triacylglycerols observed in the motile spores of several species of brown and green algae, however, indicate that the amount of lipid reserves needed to fuel spore-swimming may be influenced by a variety of factors including swimming behavior, photosynthetic efficiency, and the light environment inhabited by spores. Received: 8 September 1998 / Accepted: 8 January 1999  相似文献   

Thallus segments of Fucus serratus L. and F. vesiculosus L. (Phaeophyceae, Fucales) were transferred into seawater media with a salinity range from 32.65 to 2.25 and maintained for at least 2 weeks. Several parameters of chemical composition as well as rates of photosynthetic and respiratory oxygen exchange, 14C-assimilate patterns, and release of 14C-assimilates into the culture medium have been investigated. Compared to controls, in both species dry weight, ash, chloride, and mannitol contents distinctly decline proportionally to reduction of salinity in the incubation media, whereas content of total N (in terms of protein content) remarkably increase. Respiratory O2-consumption is markedly increased at lower salinities, whereas rate of photosynthetic O2-evolution shows some depression. Relatively little effects of salinity changes are observed in distribution of photosynthetically assimilated 14C among the major groups of photosynthates. Release of 14C-assimilates into the incubation medium never exceeds 2% of total 14C-uptake, but is stimulated in media of reduced salt content. The results are discussed with emphasis on phenomena of long-term adaptation and osmoregulation in the marine fucoid species.  相似文献   

Economists are increasingly interested in causally interpretable estimates of environmental health externalities, particularly on infant health. This paper focuses on a specific case by investigating microcystin, a toxin produced by freshwater blue-green algal blooms. We exploit a natural experiment caused by a zebra mussel die-off in a large lake located in the state of Michigan, USA to identify changes in microcystin-related infant outcomes surrounding the lake. Using both the synthetic control method and a difference-in-differences strategy, we find that instances of low birth weight around the lake fell by 1.4 percentage points after lake water quality improved. Along the intensive margin, birth weight and length of gestation increased by 17.1 g and 0.47 weeks, respectively. Improvements to low birth weight result in $768,500 in average annual hospitalization cost savings. Many robustness and falsification tests are performed including using both annual and monthly data and accounting for possible weather confounders and seasonality. Results suggest that microcystin can affect infant health at levels below current water advisory guidelines.  相似文献   

Based on a large monitoring data set from Danish coastal waters we tested the hypotheses: (1) The vertical pattern of algal abundance is regulated by exposure in shallow water and by light limitation towards deeper water, resulting in a bell-shaped abundance curve, with peak abundance located deeper at more exposed sites, (2) in deeper water, total algal abundance and abundance of perennial algae decrease along a eutrophication gradient while (3) abundance and relative abundance of opportunists increase. The vertical pattern of algal abundance showed a peak at intermediate water depths which was located deeper in more exposed areas and thus confirmed our first hypothesis. For algae growing from depths of peak abundance and deeper, the study demonstrated that total algal abundance and abundance of perennials and opportunists at given depths decreased significantly along a eutrophication gradient and the relationships had high explanatory power (R 2 = 0.53–0.73). These results confirmed our second hypothesis. By contrast, the relative abundance of opportunists responded solely to salinity and was largest in the most brackish areas, in contradiction to hypothesis three. The lack of coupling between eutrophication and relative abundance of opportunists arises because both opportunists and the entire algal community were light limited and their ratio therefore relatively insensitive to changing water clarity. The analyses indicated that algal abundance initially responded slowly to increasing eutrophication but showed a more marked response at TN concentrations of 35–40 μM. However, the existence of possible threshold nutrient levels demands further analyses.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of a guild of micrograzing harpacticoid copepods (dominated by two species of Paradactylopodia sp. nov. and one species of Scutellidium sp. nov.) and a mesograzing periwinkle, Afrolittorina praetermissa, on the early recruitment of intertidal macroalgae on a wave-exposed, rocky shore. This is the first study, to our knowledge, to examine the effects of micrograzers (<500 μm) on intertidal macroalgal recruitment. Data showed that microscopic harpacticoid copepods altered the assemblages and reduced the densities of several macroalgal taxa, while A. praetermissa changed the assemblages and reduced both the density and number of macroalgal taxa. Recruitment of encrusting coralline algae was actually higher in copepod inclusions than exclusions, suggesting that copepods may be beneficial to the recruitment of this algal group. These results contribute to the understanding of grazing as a factor causing high mortality of algal recruits, but also highlight the need for more studies that examine the effects of micro- and mesograzers on the distribution and abundance of macroalgae.  相似文献   

Pocillopora damicornis (Linnaeus) is a ubiquitous branching coral found throughout the Indo-Pacific region. Like many other species of coral, P. damicornis displays a large range of morphologies. At One Tree Island, it occurs as two distinct morphs that are easily distinguished by the presence or absence of pink pigmentation. The two colour morphs of P. damicornis were found to differ in their distribution and abundance in the One Tree Island Lagoon. The brown morph was more abudant than the pink morph in the shallows (<1 m),whereas the pink morph was more abundant at deeper sites (>3 m). The two morphs also differed physiologically. The brown morph tended to have a greater calcification rate than the pink morph, regardless of environmental conditions. However, the difference in the calcification rate between the two morphs became non-significant under shaded conditions (5% full sunlight), indicating some degree of physiological plasticity of the morphs. The pink colour in P. damicornis was due to a hydrophilic pigment with a major peak absorbance at 560 nm. The expression of pink pigment had both genetic and phenotypic components. The brown morph has a reduced genetic capacity to express the pigment relative to the pink morph. On the other hand, pigment expression could be induced by light in the pink morph. Although genetic differences ultimately determine the differences between the two morphs of P. damicornis, the extent of pigment expression is under some degree of environmental influence.  相似文献   

Grazing pressure on macroalgae in littoral communities may vary with algal species, the age of an algal individual and grazer identity. Previous studies on alga–grazer interactions have shown that grazer preference for an algal species may release another one from interspecific competition. We measured the impacts of four common grazer taxa and the natural grazer guild on macroalgal communities at both their colonization and adult stages, and compared the impacts to grazer exclosures. The grazer effects were stronger on colonizing than on adult macroalgae; grazers did not reduce the total density of adult algae. Grazers both feed on propagules and indirectly facilitate other algae, depending on the grazer or algal species. Hydrobia species increased the settlement of spores of the red alga Ceramium tenuicorne. Similarly, the gastropod Theodoxus fluviatilis tended to facilitate one crustose algal species, but decreased the propagule density of annual filamentous algae, suggesting a preference for one species to the advantage of another. Effects of crustacean mesograzers on the studied macroalgae were weak. These results indicate that northern Baltic macroalgae are limited to grazing mainly during their colonization stage.  相似文献   

Offspring survival can be influenced by resources allocated to eggs, which in turn may be affected by the environmental factors the mother experiences during egg formation. In this study, we investigated whether experimentally elevated social interactions and number of neighbouring pairs influence yolk composition of collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis). Social challenge was simulated by presentation of a conspecific female. Experimental females spent more time near the cage and produced eggs with higher androgen concentration, but local breeding density did not affect yolk androgen level. Moreover, we found that females exposed to more intra-specific interactions and those that bred at higher density produced eggs with smaller yolk. These females may be more constrained in foraging time due to more frequent social encounters, and there might be increased competition for food at areas of higher density. In contrast, the present study did not reveal any evidence for the effect of social environment on yolk antioxidant and immunoglobulin levels. However, we found that yolk lutein and immunoglobulin concentrations were related to the female’s H/L ratio. Also, yolk lutein and α-tocopherol levels showed a seasonal increase and were positively related to the female’s plasma carotenoid level. Mothers may incur significant costs by transferring these compounds into the eggs, thus only females in good physiological condition and those that lay eggs later, when food is probably more abundant, could allocate higher amounts to the eggs without compromising their defence mechanisms. Our results suggest that environmental circumstances during egg formation can influence conditions for embryonic development.  相似文献   

Urban green land compensation plays an important role in county development, ecological environment management and many other fields. The concept, methods and principles of urban green land are introduced in this paper. According to the pay fee method, the value and ecological function of various types of urban green land were analyzed. The cost-benefit analysis method (CBAM) was used to estimate different external diseconomy benefits caused by green land loss. The authors applied CBAM to estimate such benefits in the case of Shanghai, China, and calculated the actual compensation value for green land. Results indicated that in 2002, the compensation value for the green land of Shanghai was RMB 8.58 × 105 Yuan/hm2.  相似文献   

Changes in amino acid composition (AAC) during ontogeny of some planktonic crustacean species commonly found in fresh and brackish coastal waters were compared. For these comparisons two calanoid copepods (Eurytemora velox and Calanipeda aquae-dulcis), two cyclopoid copepods (Diacyclops bicuspidatus odessanus and Acanthocyclops robustus) and two Daphnia (Daphnia pulicaria and Daphnia magna) species were selected. A discriminant analysis was performed to determine whether there were significant differences between the AAC of the different stages of each species. Results show gradual changes in AAC during ontogeny of the copepod species. Calanoids showed the greatest differences in AAC between stages, followed by cyclopoids. Gradual changes in AAC were due to the increase in some amino acids such as alanine, valine, glutamic acid, glycine, arginine, proline and tyrosine from nauplii to adults. The latter showed a remarkable increase in all copepod species. In contrast, Daphnia species showed a relatively constant AAC during development, with only minor changes being detected, and not related with ontogeny. Differences in the physico-chemical variables of the lagoons do not seem to be the cause of copepod ontogenic changes in AAC. Data suggest that AAC differences found between stages of copepod species could indicate a gradual change in diet during the life cycle of these copepods.  相似文献   

Directional changes in the species composition of a tropical forest   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Long-term studies have revealed that the structure and dynamics of many tropical forests are changing, but the causes and consequences of these changes remain debated. To learn more about the forces driving changes within tropical forests, we investigated shifts in tree species composition over the past 25 years within the 50-ha Forest Dynamics Plot on Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Panama, and examined how observed patterns relate to predictions of (1) random population fluctuations, (2) carbon fertilization, (3) succession from past disturbance, (4) recovery from an extreme El Ni?o drought at the start of the study period, and (5) long-term climate change. We found that there have been consistent and directional changes in the tree species composition. These shifts have led to increased relative representations of drought-tolerant species as determined by the species' occurrence both across a gradient of soil moisture within BCI and across a wider precipitation gradient from a dry forest near the Pacific coast of Panama to a wet forest near its Caribbean coast. These nonrandom changes cannot be explained by stochastic fluctuations or carbon fertilization. They may be the legacy of the El Ni?o drought, or alternatively, potentially reflect increased aridity due to long-term climate change. By investigating compositional changes, we increased not only our understanding of the ecology of tropical forests and their responses to large-scale disturbances, but also our ability to predict how future global change will impact some of the critical services provided by these important ecosystems.  相似文献   

Total lipids, hydrocarbons, wax esters, triacylglycerols, and phospholipids were determined for 22 major biomass species of zooplankton and fish in an Antarctic mesopelagic community that were collected in 1982 and 1983. Lipid levels were similar to levels in more temperate mesopelagic species. Total lipid concentration was depth related, with all lipid-rich species being collected at depths greater than 230 m. Wax ester content in copepods (60 to 70% of the total lipid) was generally higher than in subtropical species. Lipids indicated three predator-prey relationships (Parandania boecki-Atolla wyvillei, Thysanoessa macrura-Calanoides acutus andEurythenes gryllus-Atolla wyvillei). These were confirmed by gut content analyses. The mesopelagic fishBathylagus antarcticus, Pleuragramma antarcticum, andProtomyctophum bolini stored most lipid intramuscularly, whereasElectrona antarctica andGymnoscopelus nicholsi contained extensive stores in subcutaneous lipid sacs. The intramuscular lipids inP. antarcticum and the subcutaneous lipid sacs ofE. antarctica were primarily wax esters, possibly used for increased buoyancy or long-term energy storage. Unlike the odd-carbon preference of aliphatic hydrocarbons which typifies terrestrial plants and temperate marine organisms, even-carbon chain-length paraffins predominate in 80% of the Antarctic species analyzed. Although the source of these even-carbon n-alkanes cannot be determined from our data, their dominance in the species analyzed suggests that an unusual biochemical pathway may be responsible for their synthesis in this ecosystem.  相似文献   

The Jiushanwai channel is located in the Lucheng district of Wenzhou City, China. Four aquatic plant species (Canna indica, Cyperus alternifolius, Myriophyllum verticillatum, and Lythrum salicaria) were planted on floating-beds constructed in a north-south layout along this channel. Five sites were sampled during spring, summer and autumn. The physiological characteristics (content of chlorophyll and soluble protein, activity of peroxidase and catalase) of the plants and the corresponding water quality were determined and correlations between these indices were analysed. The physiological indices of the plants and water quality changed regularly at the five sampling sites. Myriophyllum verticillatum was the most sensitive species to water quality changes, whereas Lythrum salicaria was least sensitive. Of the physiological indices examined, soluble protein content was most sensitive to water quality changes. The physiological indices of M. verticillatum are deemed to be most suitable to indicate river water quality.  相似文献   

W. K. W. Li 《Marine Biology》1979,55(3):171-180
Prolonged exposure of Thalassiosira weissflogii (Grunow) to a sub-lethal concentration of cadmium in continuous culture resulted in the development of cellular characteristics allowing optimal growth in the presence of Cd. Examination of Cd-adapted and unadapted cells was made on steady-state populations growing at the same rate in order to eliminate any effects of differing growth rate on metabolism. Adaptation to Cd stress was manifested as increases in mean cell volume, dry weight, protein: DNA, protein: RNA, protein: carbohydrate, protein nitrogen: total cell nitrogen and carotenoid: chlorophyll a ratios. Subsequent exposure of the cells to Cd over a wide concentration range showed that cellular division rate, carbon photoassimilation and extracellular release of dissolved organic compounds were greatest near the Cd concentration to which the cells had previously been adapted. Enhanced cellular carbon photoassimilation in Cd-adapted cells correlated exactly with increased cellular protein content. The amount of dissolved organic excretion by Cd-adapted cells at the adaptation concentration was the same as that of unadapted cells at the same concentration. Since total carbon photoassimilation was greater in Cd-adapted cells at this concentration, the percentage of carbon excreted was less in these cells.  相似文献   

Canopy-forming plants and algae commonly contribute to spatial variation in habitat complexity for associated organisms and thereby create a biotic patchiness of communities. In this study, we tested for interaction effects between biotic habitat complexity and resource availability on net biomass production and species diversity of understory macroalgae by factorial field manipulations of light, nutrients, and algal canopy cover in a subtidal rocky-shore community. Presence of algal canopy cover and/or artificial shadings limited net biomass production and facilitated species diversity. Artificial shadings reduced light to levels similar to those under canopy cover, and net biomass production was significantly and positively correlated to light availability. Considering the comparable and dependent experimental effects from shadings and canopy cover, the results strongly suggest that canopy cover controlled net biomass production and species diversity by limiting light and thereby limiting resource availability for community production. Canopy cover also controlled experimental nutrient effects by preventing a significant increase in net biomass production from nutrient enrichment recorded in ambient light (no shading). Changes in species diversity were mediated by changes in species dominance patterns and species evenness, where canopy cover and shadings facilitated slow-growing crust-forming species and suppressed spatial dominance by Fucus vesiculosus, which was the main contributor to net production of algal biomass. The demonstrated impacts of biotic habitat complexity on biomass production and local diversity contribute significantly to understanding the importance of functionally important species and biodiversity for ecosystem processes. In particular, this study demonstrates how loss of a dominant species and decreased habitat complexity change the response of the remaining assembly to resource loading. This is of potential significance for marine conservation since resource loading often promotes low habitat complexity and canopy species are among the first groups lost in degraded aquatic systems.  相似文献   

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