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Maternal manipulation of offspring sex ratio in response to conspecifics is considered in relation to sex ratio theory using the parasitoid wasp Spalangia endius. Females produced a greater proportion of sons in response to mated but not virgin females. This is the first demonstration of a differential sex ratio response to virgin versus mated females and provides support for local mate competition theory. More recent sex ratio models that predict sex ratio responses to conspecifics, specifically constrained, perturbation, and crowding models, were not supported. An increased proportion of sons in response to another mated female occurred on the second day of oviposition but not on the first, and the day effect resulted from experience not age. When females oviposited alone after 2 days' exposure to another female, they still produced a greater proportion of sons than if they had always been alone, but only if the other female was mated, not if she was virgin. Females do not seem to assess the presence of virgin versus mated females indirectly by using a low density of males or a long latency to mate as an indicator for virgin females: neither affected offspring sex ratio. That mated females adjusted their sex ratios in response to other mated females, but not virgin females or males, may be due proximally to mated females not often encountering the latter. Virgin females and males are not located as deep in the oviposition substrate as mated females.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory offers excellent opportunities for testing how animals adjust their behaviour in response to environmental conditions. A major focus has been on instances of local mate competition (LMC), where female-biased broods are produced to maximise mating opportunities for sons. However, the predictions of LMC theory can be altered if there is both local competition for resources during development and an asymmetry between the competitive abilities of the sexes, as has been seen in animals ranging from wasps to birds. In this paper, we test the extent to which asymmetric larval competition alters the predictions of LMC theory in the parasitoid wasp Nasonia vitripennis. We found that the body size of both sexes was negatively correlated with the number of offspring developing within the host. Further, we found that when faced with high levels of competition, the body size of females, but not males, was influenced by the sex ratio of the competing offspring; females were smaller when a higher proportion of the brood was female. This asymmetric competition should favour less biased sex ratios than are predicted by standard LMC theory. We then develop a theoretical model that can be parameterised with our data, allowing us to determine the quantitative consequences of the observed level of asymmetric larval competition for sex allocation. We found that although asymmetric competition selects for less biased sex ratios, this effect is negligible compared to LMC. Furthermore, a similar conclusion is reached when we re-analyse existing data from another parasitoid species where asymmetric larval competition has been observed; Bracon hebetor. Consequently, we suspect that asymmetric larval competition will have its greatest influence on sex ratio evolution in species that have smaller clutches and where local mate competition is not an issue, such as birds and mammals.  相似文献   

Local mate competition (LMC) occurs when brothers compete with each other for mating opportunities, resulting in selection for a female-biased sex ratio within local groups. If multiple females oviposit in the same patch, their sons compete for mating opportunities with non-brothers. Females, in the presence of other females, should thus produce relatively more sons. Sex ratio theory also predicts a more female-biased sex ratio when ovipositing females are genetically related, and sex-ratio responses to foundress size if it differentially affects fitness gains from sons versus daughters. The mating system of the parasitoid wasp Ooencyrtus kuvanae meets assumptions of LMC. Females insert a single egg into each accessible egg of gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar, host egg masses. Wasps complete development inside host eggs and emerge en masse, as sexually mature adults, resulting in intense competition among brothers. We tested the hypothesis that O. kuvanae exhibits LMC by manipulating the number of wasp foundresses on egg masses with identical numbers of eggs. As predicted by LMC theory, with increasing numbers of wasp foundresses on an egg mass, the proportions of emerging sons increased. In contrast, the presence of a sibling compared to a non-sibling female during oviposition, or the size of a female, did not affect the number or sex ratio of offspring produced. The O. kuvanae system differs from others in that larvae do not compete for local resources and thus do not distort the sex ratio in favor of sons. With no resource competition among O. kuvanae larvae, the sex ratio of emergent son and daughter wasps is due entirely to the sex allocation by ovipositing wasp foundresses on host egg masses.  相似文献   

In behavioral ecology it is generally assumed that behavior is adaptive. This assumption is tested here for sex ratio manipulation in response to host size in the parasitoid wasp Spalangia cameroni. Females produce a greater proportion of daughters on larger hosts. If this behavior is adaptive, it is not through a positive effect of host size on the fitness of daughters, as theory suggests and as found for other species. Females that developed on larger hosts were not more successful at drilling into hosts, were not more successful at interspecific competition for hosts, and did not have greater dispersal ability as measured by wing loading (weight/area of wing and thorax). The possibility that S. cameroni's sex ratio manipulation may be adaptive through a negative effect of host size on the fitness of sons cannot be ruled out. Relative to males from larger hosts, males from smaller hosts had lower wing loading and thus potentially greater dispersal ability. The actual effect of wing loading on fitness remains to be tested.  相似文献   

Summary The parasitic wasp, Telenomus remus, lays her eggs in diserete patches of moth eggs, where her offspring develop and mate before dispersal, satisfying conditions for local mate competition (LMC). In the presence of other ovipositing females, wasps lay a higher sex ratio (proportion males), as predicted by LMC theory, and achieve this by a combination of two mechanisms, (1) avoidance of superparasitism and a sequence of sex allocation initially biased towards males and (2) a direct increase in sex ratio in the presence of other wasps, sex ratio increases with the proportion of previously parasitized hosts, as predicted by LMC theory. In both cases, chemical traces left by foraging wasps are indicated as the stimuli causing wasps to increase the proportion of males allocated to hosts.  相似文献   

Summary In parasitoid wasps, self-superparasitism (oviposition into a host already parasitized by the female herself) often contributes less to the reproductive success of the parasitoid than oviposition into a host previously parasitized by a conspecific (conspecific superparasitism). It could therefore often be profitable for parasitoids to avoid self-superparasitism. This requires a mechanism for either (1) the avoidance of previously searched areas and/or (2) the rejection of hosts containing eggs laid by the searching female. We investigated whether the solitary parasitoid Epidinocarsis lopezi is able to avoid self-superparasitism. We show that visits to previously searched patches were shorter than visits to unsearched patches and conclude that E. lopezi females leave a trail odour on patches they have searched. No differences were found between the time on patches previously searched by the wasp itself and on patches visited by conspecifics. However, E. lopezi superparasitizes fewer hosts previously parasitized by itself than hosts parasitized by a conspecific. Thus, they recognize an individual-specific mark in or on the host. We discuss how patch marking and host marking enable E. lopezi to avoid self-superparasitism.  相似文献   

Summary Parasitoid wasps often lay male eggs in small hosts and female eggs in larger hosts. The selective advantage of this strategy can be explained by assuming wasp fitness increases with host size and that this fitness increase is greater in females than in males. I conducted experiments to test a model based on this explanation and found the results generally supported the model with one exception; unlike what the model assumed, these wasps were unable to adjust their offspring sex ratios in each generation to different host size distributions. This finding suggests an alternate view as to how selection might operate in the evolution of parasitoid sex ratios.  相似文献   

We examined whether several facultatively gregarious encyrtid (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) endoparasitoids of brown soft scale, Coccus hesperidum L., manifest precise sex allocation under field conditions. Metaphycus luteolus (Timberlake), Metaphycus angustifrons (Compere), Metaphycus stanleyi (Compere), and Microterys nietneri (Motshulsky) evince brood sex ratios that are female-biased and extremely precise (low variance in the number of sons per host). Typically, this sex allocation pattern is attributed to extreme local mate competition (LMC) in which only one foundress exploits a patch of hosts and mating occurs mostly between her offspring. However, such a pattern of sex allocation was not detected for Metaphycus helvolus (Compere). Also, a large proportion of the broods in all five species contained only daughters; thus, an excess of male-only broods was expected if unmated females (i.e., females that can produce only sons) contribute offspring before mating. All-male broods were rare in our samples. This finding coupled with the life history characteristics of these wasps, such as the exploitation of aggregated hosts and the long life span and mobility of males, suggest that nonlocal mating is frequent. Our empirical work suggests that it is advantageous to allocate precise sex ratios in cases in which mating opportunities for males are not restricted to their natal host and/or when multiple foundresses exploit large patches of hosts. Limited theoretical work also supports this prediction but more detailed studies of this taxon’s mating structure and other life history characteristics are necessary to understand their sex allocation decisions.  相似文献   

Since the mating of the parasitoid wasp Melittobia australica occurs on their eclosed hosts, the sex ratio is predicted to follow the local mate competition (LMC) theory. However, while LMC models predict that the sex ratio will increase from female-biased toward a 1:1 ratio with an increase in the number of foundresses, the observed female-biased sex ratios (1–5% males) show little increase in response to an increased foundress number. Lethal combat among adult males may serve as an explanation for this observed phenomenon. Using a microsatellite DNA marker, we first examined the individual sex ratio of two foundresses who had sequentially parasitized the same host. Both foundresses produced an extremely female-biased clutch and the sex ratios of the second foundress were only slightly less biased than that of the first. A small number of sons from both foundresses emerged at a constantly low rate over a prolonged period, resulting in a temporal mixture of emerging males derived from both the foundresses. Second, we conducted a one-on-one arena experiment to examine the combat level in relation to the relatedness of the opponents. Almost all the later-emerging males were killed by previously eclosed males irrespective of whether they were sibs or non-sibs. These results suggest that each foundress should not produce males in a single burst, but continue to produce male eggs at a constantly low rate in order to avoid the high mortality of her own sons by lethal male-male combat. This combat may be one of factors in explaining the extremely female-biased sex ratio even with an increasing foundress number.Communicated by R.F.A. Moritz  相似文献   

In haplodiploid insects, males develop from unfertilized eggs; consequently, unmated females can reproduce. In a patchy, highly structured population, where brothers compete for mates and the reproductive return through sons is lower, females should minimize the number of male offspring. Consequently, unmated females are likely to have a reduced fitness compared to mated females. Here, we tested the oviposition behaviour of the haplodiploid beetle Coccotrypes dactyliperda. In this species, the unmated female can mate with her son to produce daughters. We predicted that unmated females could increase their fitness by (1) producing only few and small sons sufficient for mother–son mating and (2) dispersing to a patch occupied by conspecific females in order to increase their or their sons’ chance of mating. We demonstrate that (1) unmated females are common (23 % of all females), (2) they oviposit more frequently than mated females in occupied patches, (3) unmated females oviposit more eggs than mated females—this is in spite of the trade-offs, evident in this study, between the number of sons and the number of the mother’s future offspring after mating, (4) unmated females have a higher proportion of dispersing sons, and (5) sons of unmated females are smaller than sons of mated females. We conclude that the incidence of unmated females in the structured populations of C. dactyliperda is explained by plasticity in their oviposition behaviour. We discuss conditions where a high incidence of unmated females can persist as a successful strategy in structured populations.  相似文献   

The host size model, an adaptive model for maternal manipulation of offspring sex ratio, was examined for the parasitoid wasp Spalangia endius. In a Florida strain, as the model predicts, daughters emerged from larger hosts than sons, but only when mothers received both small and large hosts simultaneously. The pattern appeared to result from the mother's ovipositional choice and not from differential mortality of the sexes during development. If sex ratio manipulation is adaptive in the Florida strain, it appears to be through a benefit to daughters of developing on large hosts rather than through a benefit to sons of developing on small hosts. Both female and male parasitoids were larger when they developed on larger hosts. For females, developing on a larger host (1) increased offspring production, except for the largest hosts, (2) increased longevity, (3) lengthened development, and (4) had no effect on wing loading. For males, development on a larger host had no effect on any measure of male fitness – mating success, longevity, development duration, or wing loading. In contrast, a strain from India showed no difference in the size of hosts from which daughters versus sons emerged, although both female and male parasitoids were larger when they developed on larger hosts. These results together with previous studies of Spalangia reveal no consistent connection between host-size-dependent sex ratio and host-size-dependent parasitoid size among strains of S. endius or among species of Spalangia. Received: 28 October 1998 / Received in revised form: 20 May 1999 / Accepted: 30 May 1999  相似文献   

Summary Females of the parasitic wasp Antrocephalus pandens can detect differences in the quality of their hosts (pupae of Corcyra cephalonica, a stored-product moth) and allocate offspring of either sex accordingly. Larger and younger hosts are accepted more often in both dead and live hosts; more female offspring emerge from the perceived better hosts, while more males emerge from the smaller, older ones. These patterns are consistent with a sex allocation strategy by the mother, since females from a given size host tend to be larger than males and larger females produce more eggs. However, when wasps lay their eggs in groups of hosts of different size and age rather than encountering them one at a time, no difference in number or sex ratio of offspring is detected between groups. This result and evidence from the change in offspring sex ratio with female age and with numbers of females foraging on a group of hosts are interpreted and discussed in the context of sex allocation (Charnov 1979) and local mate competition (LMC, Hamilton 1967) theories.  相似文献   

The host choice and sex allocation decisions of a foraging female parasitoid will have an enormous influence on the life-history characteristics of her offspring. The pteromalid Pachycrepoideus vindemiae is a generalist idiobiont pupal parasitoid of many species of cyclorrhaphous Diptera. Wasps reared in Musca domestica were larger, had higher attack rates and greater male mating success than those reared in Drosophila melanogaster. In no-choice situations, na?ve female P. vindemiae took significantly less time to accept hosts conspecific with their natal host. Parasitoids that emerged from M. domestica pupae spent similar amounts of time ovipositing in both D. melanogaster and M. domestica. Those parasitoids that had emerged from D. melanogaster spent significantly longer attacking M. domestica pupae. The host choice behaviour of female P. vindemiae was influenced by an interaction between natal host and experience. Female P. vindemiae reared in M. domestica only showed a preference among hosts when allowed to gain experience attacking M. domestica, preferentially attacking that species. Similarly, female parasitoids reared on D. melanogaster only showed a preference among hosts when allowed to gain experience attacking D. melanogaster, again preferentially attacking that species. Wasp natal host also influenced sex allocation behaviour. While wasps from both hosts oviposited more females in the larger host, M. domestica, wasps that emerged from M. domestica had significantly more male-biased offspring sex ratios. These results indicate the importance of learning and natal host size in determining P. vindemiae attack rates, mating success, host preference and sex allocation behaviour, all critical components of parasitoid fitness. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The populations of many species are structured such that mating is not random and occurs between members of local patches. When patches are founded by a single female and all matings occur between siblings, brothers may compete with each other for matings with their sisters. This local mate competition (LMC) selects for a female-biased sex ratio, especially in species where females have control over offspring sex, as in the parasitic Hymenoptera. Two factors are predicted to decrease the degree of female bias: (1) an increase in the number of foundress females in the patch and (2) an increase in the fraction of individuals mating after dispersal from the natal patch. Pollinating fig wasps are well known as classic examples of species where all matings occur in the local patch. We studied non-pollinating fig wasps, which are more diverse than the pollinating fig wasps and also provide natural experimental groups of species with different male morphologies that are linked to different mating structures. In this group of wasps, species with wingless males mate in the local patch (i.e. the fig fruit) while winged male species mate after dispersal. Species with both kinds of male have a mixture of local and non-local mating. Data from 44 species show that sex ratios (defined as the proportion of males) are in accordance with theoretical predictions: wingless male species<wing-dimorphic male species<winged male species. These results are also supported by a formal comparative analysis that controls for phylogeny. The foundress number is difficult to estimate directly for non-pollinating fig wasps but a robust indirect method leads to the prediction that foundress number, and hence sex ratio, should increase with the proportion of patches occupied in a crop. This result is supported strongly across 19 species with wingless males, but not across 8 species with winged males. The mean sex ratios for species with winged males are not significantly different from 0.5, and the absence of the correlation observed across species with wingless males may reflect weak selection to adjust the sex ratio in species whose population mating structure tends not to be subdivided. The same relationship is also predicted to occur within species if individual females adjust their sex ratios facultatively. This final prediction was not supported by data from a wingless male species, a male wing-dimorphic species or a winged male species. Received: 27 July 1998 / Received in revised form: 11 January 1999 / Accepted: 16 January 1999  相似文献   

Phyllomorpha laciniata Vill. (Heteroptera, Coreidae) females lay eggs on the host plant and on the backs of conspecifics. Since egg survival is greater when eggs develop on the backs of conspecifics than when laid on plants, we predict that females should prefer to lay eggs on conspecifics. In addition, because conspecifics are a high-quality site that represents a limiting resource, females should experience oviposition stimulation upon an encounter with a conspecific. Our results reveal that, when both the host plant and conspecifics are available simultaneously, females lay eggs preferentially on conspecifics. The results also support the second prediction, since females housed with conspecifics lay more than twice the number of eggs than isolated females. Isolated females do not seem to retain eggs, suggesting that oviposition stimulation is the result of an acceleration of egg-maturation rates. Other studies have found oviposition stimulation by mating and have suggested that it is the result of male strategies to increase short-term male reproductive success at some cost to females. The evolutionary scenario of our model organism seems to be quite different since females benefit greatly from increasing egg laying when there are conspecifics, because the advantages in terms of offspring survival are likely to translate into substantial increases in female reproductive success.  相似文献   

Fisher's theoretical prediction of equal investment in each sex for a panmictic population (The genetical theory of natural selection. Clarendon, Oxford, 1930) can be altered by a number of factors. For example, the sex ratio theory predicts variation in equal investment in each sex when the maternal fitness gains from increased investment differ between sexes. Changing sex allocation because of changing payoffs may result from different ecological situations, such as foraging conditions. We investigated the impact of foraging travel cost on relative investment in sons vs daughters. Field studies were carried out with the central-place-foraging leafcutter bee Megachile rotundata (Fabricius), which has smaller males than females. Therefore, less investment is required to produce a viable son compared with a daughter. We found that with increased flight distance to resources, females produced a greater proportion of sons. Females also invested fewer resources in individual sons and daughters and produced fewer offspring with increased flight distance.  相似文献   

Summary Components of the green leaf volatile complex (Z-3-hexenyl acetate andE-2-hexenyl acetate) were shown to enhance responses of tobacco budworm,Heliothis virescens, males to the sex attractant pheromone of conspecific females in the field. The results are discussed with regard to green leaf volatiles which enhance the attractant pheromone of a cohabiting species, and serve as attractants of a parasitoid of conspecific larvae.  相似文献   

In cooperatively breeding species, parents should bias offspring sex ratio towards the philopatric sex to obtain new helpers (helper repayment hypothesis). However, philopatric offspring might increase within-group competition for resources (local resource competition hypothesis), diluting the benefits of helper acquisition. Furthermore, benefits of offspring sex bias on parents’ fitness may depend on different costs of production and/or different breeding opportunities of sons and daughters. Because of these counteracting factors, strategies of offspring sex allocation in cooperative species are often difficult to investigate. In carrion crows Corvus corone corone in northern Spain, sons are more philopatric and more helpful at the nest than daughters, which disperse earlier and have higher chances to find a breeding vacancy. Consistent with the helper repayment hypothesis, we found that crows fledged more sons in groups short of subordinate males than in groups with sufficient helper contingent, where daughters were preferred. Crow females also proved able to bias primary sex ratio, allocating offspring sex along the hatching sequence in a way that provided the highest fledging probability to sons in the first breeding attempt and to daughters in the following ones. The higher cost of producing male offspring may explain this pattern, with breeding females shifting to the cheapest sex (female) as a response to the costs generated by previous reproductive attempts. Our results suggest complex adjustments of offspring sex ratio that allowed crows to maximize the value of daughters and sons.  相似文献   

Summary Interference competition directed at soldier beetles, Chauliognathus pennsylvanicus, by four aggressive wasp species changed the mate choice of females. In the absence of wasps, females mated more frequently with males of greater weight and greater antennal scape diameter. Only in the presence of wasps did females frequently mate when they did not contain mature ova. When wasps were abundant, the proportion of beetles mating was higher. Wasps reacted aggressively toward mating beetles less frequently than toward single beetles. Therefore, females may have fed more efficiently in the presence of wasps when coupled.  相似文献   

Local mate competition (LMC) has been postulated to be the primary factor of female-biased sex allocation. In animals such as aphids that exhibit seasonal alternations of clonal and sexual reproduction, there is a high possibility of intra-clonal mating and LMC. This possibility is more plausible for more fecund clones, but outbreeding is predicted for less fecund clones. We hypothesize that clones that are more fecund will gain higher fitness returns by reducing investment in males because of more intense LMC among clonal males. We tested this hypothesis by elucidating the clonal sex allocation patterns of the galling aphid Kaltenbachiella japonica, in which inbreeding and LMC appear to be common. Winged mothers that emerge from a gall, belonging to the same clone, produced males and sexual females asexually on a branch, without dispersing to other trees. The heavier the gall, the more winged mothers were produced from the gall. Individual mothers produced a constant number of males and a variable number of females. The clonal sex allocation to males was 39.8?%, on average, and decreased with increasing gall weight. This result showed that clones that were more fecund exhibited more female-biased sex allocation and thus supported our hypothesis. Furthermore, our results corroborated Stubblefield and Seger’s hypothesis for sex allocation in patch structure rather than Yamaguchi’s constant male hypothesis. We conclude that K. japonica clones are able to adjust their sex allocation patterns adaptively depending on the quality of resources in the galls.  相似文献   

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