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Rarity is often considered an indication of species extinction risk, and it is frequently used to obtain measures of species vulnerability. However, there is no strong evidence of a correlation between species vulnerability and threat. Moreover, there is no consensus about how rarity should be measured. I used a multidimensional characterization of species rarity to calculate a vulnerability index for tenebrionid beetles inhabiting an Italian region in the Mediterranean biodiversity hotspot. I used different metrics to examine 3 dimensions of rarity: species range, ecology, and population. Species with rarity values below the median were scored as rare for each dimension. I combined rarity scores into a vulnerability index. I then correlated species vulnerability with range trends (expanded vs. contracted). Different measures of the same rarity dimension were strongly correlated and produced similar vulnerability scores. This result indicates rarity‐based vulnerability estimates are slightly affected by the way a certain rarity dimension is measured. Vulnerability was correlated with range trends; species with the highest vulnerability had the strongest range contraction. However, a large number of common species also underwent range contraction in the last 50 years, and there was no clear relation between range contraction and their ecology. This indicates that in general human‐induced environmental changes affected species irrespective of their assumed vulnerability and that focusing only on rare species may severely bias perceptions of the extent of species decline. Relaciones entre Rareza de Especies, Vulnerabilidad y Contracción de Distribución Geográfica para un Grupo de Escarabajos en una Región Densamente Poblada en el Hotspot de Biodiversidad del Mediterráneo  相似文献   

Abstract: Habitat loss is silently leading numerous insects to extinction. Conservation efforts, however, have not been designed specifically to protect these organisms, despite their ecological and evolutionary significance. On the basis of species–host area equations, parameterized with data from the literature and interviews with botanical experts, I estimated the number of specialized plant‐feeding insects (i.e., monophages) that live in 34 biodiversity hotspots and the number committed to extinction because of habitat loss. I estimated that 795,971–1,602,423 monophagous insect species live in biodiversity hotspots on 150,371 endemic plant species, which is 5.3–10.6 monophages per plant species. I calculated that 213,830–547,500 monophagous species are committed to extinction in biodiversity hotspots because of reduction of the geographic range size of their endemic hosts. I provided rankings of biodiversity hotspots on the basis of estimated richness of monophagous insects and on estimated number of extinctions of monophagous species. Extinction rates were predicted to be higher in biodiversity hotspots located along strong environmental gradients and on archipelagos, where high spatial turnover of monophagous species along the geographic distribution of their endemic plants is likely. The results strongly support the overall strategy of selecting priority conservation areas worldwide primarily on the basis of richness of endemic plants. To face the global decline of insect herbivores, one must expand the coverage of the network of protected areas and improve the richness of native plants on private lands.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Efficient sampling design in field studies is important for economical and statistical reasons. We compared two ways to distribute sampling effort over an area, either randomly or subjectively. We searched for red-listed saproxylic (wood-living) beetles in 30 spruce stands in boreal Sweden by sifting wood from dead trees. We randomly selected positions within each stand with a geographic positioning system and sampled the nearest dead tree (random sample). In the same stand we also sampled dead trees that, based on literature, were likely to host such species (subjective sampling). The subjective sampling (two to five samples per stand, depending on stand size) was compared with the higher, random sampling effort (fixed level of 12 samples/stand). Subjective sampling was significantly more efficient. Red-listed species were found in 36% of the subjective samples and in 16% of the random samples. Nevertheless, the larger random effort resulted in a comparable number of red-listed species per stand and in 13 detected species in total (vs. 12 species with subjective sampling). Random sampling was less efficient, but provided an unbiased alternative more suitable for statistical purposes, as needed in, for example, monitoring programs. Moreover, new species-specific knowledge can be gained through random searches.  相似文献   

Abstract:  To counteract habitat fragmentation, the connectivity of a landscape should be enhanced. Corridors are thought to facilitate movement between disconnected patches of habitat, and linear strips of habitat connecting isolated patches are a popular type of corridor. On the other hand, the creation of new corridors can lead to fragmentation of the surrounding habitat. For example, heathland corridors connect patches of heathland and alternatively hedgerows connect patches of woodland. Nevertheless, these corridors themselves also break up previously connected patches of their surrounding habitat and in so doing fragment another type of habitat (heathland corridors fragment woodlands and woodland strips or hedgerows fragment heathlands). To overcome this challenge we propose the use of semi-open habitats (a mixture of heathland and woodland vegetation) as conservation corridors to enable dispersal of both stenotopic heathland and woodland species. We used two semi-open corridors with a mosaic of heathland and woody vegetation to investigate the efficiency of semi-open corridors for species dispersal and to assess whether these corridors might be a suitable approach for nature conservation. We conducted a mark-recapture study on three stenotopic flightless carabid beetles of heathlands and woodlands and took an inventory of all the carabid species in two semi-open corridors. Both methodological approaches showed simultaneous immigration of woodland and heathland species in the semi-open corridor. Detrended correspondence analysis showed a clear separation of the given habitats and affirmed that semi-open corridors are a good strategy for connecting woodlands and heathlands. The best means of creating and preserving semi-open corridors is probably through extensive grazing .  相似文献   

Abstract:  Databases on the distribution of species can be used to describe the geographic patterns of biodiversity. Nevertheless, they have limitations. We studied three of these limitations: (1) inadequacy of raw data to describe richness patterns due to sampling bias, (2) lack of survey effort assessment (and lack of exhaustiveness in compiling data about survey effort), and (3) lack of coverage of the geographic and environmental variations that affect the distribution of organisms. We used a biodiversity database (BIOTA-Canarias) to analyze richness data from a well-known group (seed plants) in an intensively surveyed area (Tenerife Island). Observed richness and survey effort were highly correlated. Species accumulation curves could not be used to determine survey effort because data digitalization was not exhaustive, so we identified well-sampled sites based on observed richness to sampling effort ratios. We also developed a predictive model based on the data from well-sampled sites and analyzed the origin of the geographic errors in the obtained extrapolation by means of a geographically constrained cross-validation. The spatial patterns of seed-plant species richness obtained from BIOTA-Canarias data were incomplete and biased. Therefore, some improvements are needed to use this database (and many others) in biodiversity studies. We propose a protocol that includes controls on data quality, improvements on data digitalization and survey design to improve data quality, and some alternative data analysis strategies that will provide a reliable picture of biodiversity patterns.  相似文献   

In birds, host experience can modify response to parasites but nothing similar is known for insects. We studied two desert tenebrionid beetles, the subsocial host Parastizopus armaticeps and its obligate and ubiquitous brood-(clepto)parasite Eremostibes opacus, which mimics the hosts odour spectrum. Nearly 10% of host burrows in the field (n=214) remain unparasitised even after introducing E. opacus experimentally (n=22). In discrimination tests, 7% of naive host beetles eject the parasite, showing individual variation in olfactory discrimination ability. To test for effects of prior breeding experience, naive (first time) or experienced (second time) breeders with or without prior parasite contact were confined with E. opacus at breeding onset, their behaviour recorded and parasite number counted on breeding completion. More first- than second-time breeding pairs completely excluded the parasite and second-time breeders with no prior contact with E. opacus had fewer parasites than any others. These pairs increased burrow-guarding dramatically, mostly during early reproduction, this being the best predictor of parasite number. Prolonged guarding, however, must be traded-off against other brood-care behaviours. Hence, it might pay breeding pairs to take the risk of accepting some parasites breeding within their burrow, and we expect this effect will be more pronounced if poor feeding and digging conditions are taken into account. This might explain why apparently 90% of the P. armaticeps breeding burrows in the field contain at least one parasitic E. opacus.Communicated by D. Gwynne  相似文献   

Abstract: Although many roadless areas on federal lands have been mapped in the United States since the 1970s, there has been little specific research on how and to what degree roadless areas contribute to biodiversity conservation. We examined the ecological attributes of mapped roadless areas for the Klamath-Siskiyou ecoregion of northwestern California and southwestern Oregon (U.S.A.). Attributes examined include special elements (such as natural heritage, serpentine geology, late-seral forests, Port Orford cedar [ Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ] ), and key watersheds; elevation and habitat representation; and overall landscape connectivity. We compared designated wilderness to roadless areas, giving special attention to the relative importance of small roadless areas (405–2024 ha). We mapped nearly 500 roadless areas of ≥405 ha. Roadless areas occupied more than twice the land area of wilderness (approximately 27% of the entire ecoregion) and contained approximately 36% of the known occurrences of heritage elements, 37% of the mapped serpentine habitats, 36% of the remaining late-seral forests, 60% of Port Orford cedar strongholds, and 42% of key watersheds for aquatic biodiversity. In addition, roadless areas were composed of significant amounts of low- and mid-elevation sites and a substantial number of the 214 mapped physical-biological habitat types with strong complementarity with designated wilderness. Fragmentation analyses showed that roadless areas contributed to regional connectivity in important ways. Also, small roadless areas were an important component of the roadless-areas conservation assessment. For the Klamath-Siskiyou ecoregion, roadless areas and designated wilderness provide an important foundation upon which to develop a comprehensive regional conservation strategy.  相似文献   

城市环境宜居性评价对推动城市品质提升、功能优化有十分重要的意义.通过分析山地城市自然环境和人文环境的复杂特性,构建了涉及自然环境、人文便利性、人文舒适性、人文健康性、人文安全性5方面10个指标的城市环境宜居性评价体系.在此基础上,以重庆市两江新区城区为研究对象,通过评价指标计算、分级、赋权等工作,对城市环境宜居性进行了...  相似文献   

Summary Parastizopus armaticeps andEremostibes opacus are two closely related desert tenebrionids which also live in close association, the former having biparental brood care and the latter cleptoparasitising the brood.E. opacus is unable to discriminate between the conspecific and host odour even in the absence of physical contact. Gas chromatographic analysis of headspace volatiles of resting animals showed almost complete qualitative and quantitative odour congruity between them. Comparison of these odour profiles with those of two other tenebrionids sharing the same ecological niche,Gonopus agrestis andHerpiscius sp. (damaralis?) showed that congruity was independent of common foodplant utilisation. It is also independent of common defensive gland secretions. Parallels between resting odour spectra, defensive secretion spectra and systematic status suggest that the origins of congruity lie in odour homology, by means of which the cleptoparasite was able to exploit its host.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Invertebrates provide the majority of ecosystem services; thus, it is important that they be inventoried, monitored, and protected. Nevertheless, inventories, monitoring, and management generally focus on vertebrates and flowering plants. Consequently, there are few guidelines or case studies for invertebrates. We present a procedure for developing a monitoring program for species-rich invertebrates that entails (1) characterizing the community; (2) identifying surrogates for biodiversity; and (3) establishing efficient methods to monitor surrogates and any ecologically important or sensitive taxa. We used these procedures, biodiversity-based statistical advances, and a survey of arthropods to develop a monitoring plan for the forests of Shenandoah National Park, Virginia (U.S.A.). Our case study revealed that mixed hardwood and hemlock forests had significantly different compositions of arthropods in their soil and understory strata. Of the 10 orders tested Coleoptera and Hymenoptera were the only two to pass most of the five surrogate tests, and their combination improved predictions of overall arthropod diversity. Because arthropods represent the majority of macroscopic species in most ecosystems, the ability of this assemblage to predict overall arthropod diversity makes it a powerful surrogate. Of the 11 collecting methods used, the beat-sheet method was the most efficient for monitoring this surrogate assemblage. To complement this coarse-filter approach to monitoring at-risk, invasive, or other important taxa (fine filter), we used ordination analyses to match 66 taxa with the methods that most effectively sampled them. Our methods serve as a model for developing an invertebrate monitoring plan and should facilitate linking such monitoring with ecosystem functions and management.  相似文献   

Summary. Aphid colonies can reach high levels of abundance but last for short periods of time. The larvae of aphidophagous ladybirds (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) that feed on these colonies might therefore suffer from starvation, which favours the occurrence of cannibalism and intraguild predation. Thus, the assessment of patch quality becomes crucial and it has been shown that female ladybirds refrain from laying eggs in the presence of an oviposition deterring semiochemical deposited by their larvae. Adalia bipunctata (L.), Adalia decempunctata (L.) and Coccinella septempunctata L. are 3 sympatric species of ladybirds, which can co-occur in aphid colonies. As a consequence, their eggs and larvae are under threat, not only from cannibalism but also intraguild predation. Females should, therefore, also use the tracks deposited by heterospecific larvae to assess the quality of aphid colonies as oviposition sites. The expectation is that: 1- the strength of the reaction to each other’s larval tracks should be correlated with percentage habitat overlap and that 2- the reaction to conspecific larval tracks should be stronger than to heterospecific tracks. In order to test these hypotheses, females’ oviposition behaviour was analysed and a chemical analysis of the tracks of their larvae undertaken. The results show that oviposition behaviour is not related to habitat overlap. Both species of Adalia react to tracks of their own larvae and those of C. septempunctata, but A. decempunctata reacted more strongly than A. bipunctata. C. septempunctata reacted very slightly to its own tracks but not to those of either species of Adalia. The larval tracks are mainly composed of alkanes. Those of the two species of Adalia are qualitatively 100% similar and 60% so when the quantitative results are compared. They are, however, only 24–29% similar to those of Coccinella septempunctata.  相似文献   

Parastizopus armaticeps is a nocturnal subsocial detritivorous desert tenebrionid that produces very few offspring per brood. The two environmental factors that constrain reproduction, rapid sand desiccation rate and food scarcity, are countered by biparental effort. Males dig and extend breeding burrows, maintaining their moisture level; females forage on the surface at night for high-quality detritus, the larval food. This was shown to be a scarce and unpredictable resource for which there is high competition. When food was supplemented in a field experiment, offspring number and survivorship doubled and burrow failure due to desiccation dropped from approximately half, the typical failure rate for unsupplemented burrows, to zero. Food supplementation did not, however, increase larval foodstore size and there was no difference in the size of the offspring produced. Supplemented females reallocated their time, foraging less and digging more with the male. This change in maternal behaviour patterns resulted in deeper burrows which remained moist longer, thus extending the larval production period. Female foraging efficiency, particularly food retrieval speed, determined how much time females could allocate to digging, consequently increasing the reproductive success of the pair. Burrow depth and sand moisture level at the burrow base were the major correlates of reproductive success, but the scarcity and unpredictability of high-quality food on the surface and the competition for this resource influenced the number of offspring indirectly through their effect on female behaviour. Received: 29 November 1996 / Accepted after revision: 7 December 1997  相似文献   

基于上海崇明东滩2013年3月的实测数据,借助ArcGIS软件进行Kriging空间插值,运用SPSS 21.0软件进行相关分析及通径分析,研究了崇明东滩表层30 cm深度土壤有机碳含量以及环境因子的空间分布特征,并对土壤有机碳储量进行了估算.结果表明,崇明东滩表层30 cm深度土壤有机碳密度介于1.02~5.22kg· m-2之间,平均值为2.32 kg·m-2,土壤有机碳储量为1.15×10s kg.土壤有机碳含量、土壤全盐量、含水量和NDVI指数的空间分布规律类似,呈现北高南低、高潮滩高而低潮滩低的趋势.中值粒径和容重的空间分布规律类似,表现为北低南高,高潮滩小于低潮滩.高程和pH值的空间分布规律不明显,空间变异性较小.7项环境因子与土壤有机碳含量都存在显著相关性,其中土壤全盐量是影响崇明东滩表层土壤有机碳含量的最主要因子.  相似文献   


Biodiversity of a protected area of West Himalaya (Askot Wildlife Sanctuary) was studied and analysed for landscape, faunal and floral diversity. The forest and pasture land, ideal habitats for the flora and fauna, covered nearly 52% and 12%, respectively, of total reported area. Among the fauna Himalayan musk deer (Moschus chrysogaster), thar (Himitragus jemlahicus), snow leopard (Panthera uncia), koklas (Pucrassia macrolophas), monal (Lophophorus impejanus) and snow cock (Tetragalus tibetanus) are threatened species. Plant diversity is represented by 1262 species of vascular plants (Angiosperm 1112, Gymnosperm 7, Pteridophytes 143 taxa). Diversity of the species within families, genera, habitats, communities and along vertical gradient zone was analysed. Maximum diversity existed in the family Orchidaceae (120 taxa), genera Polystichum (13 taxa), altitude zone (1001–2000 m; 860 taxa), habitat (forest; 623 taxa) and community (Banj oak: 92 taxa). Seventy-one families were found to be monotypic. Species were further analysed for ethnobotanical use (medicine: 70, edible: 55, fodder: 115, fuel: 31, house building: 13 etc.), domesticated diversity (crops: 19, vegetables: 26, fruits: 16), agroforestry or marginal, threatened and endemic diversity. Similarity in species composition within the habitats indicated maximum similarity in areas of shrubberies and alpine meadows/ slopes (71.65%) and exposed open/grassy slopes and shady moist places (47.32%). 432 (34.2%) taxa are native to Indian Himalaya of which 24 are endemic and 235 are near endemics. 65.8% of taxa are represented in the neighbouring areas and other regions of the globe. Ten taxa occurring in the Sanctuary have been already recorded in the Red Data Book of Indian Plants. Conservation and management of species is focused.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Fire management is increasingly focusing on introducing heterogeneity in burning patterns under the assumption that "pyrodiversity begets biodiversity." This concept has been formalized as patch mosaic burning (PMB), in which fire is manipulated to create a mosaic of patches representative of a range of fire histories to generate heterogeneity across space and time. Although PMB is an intuitively appealing concept, it has received little critical analysis. Thus we examined ecosystems where PMB has received the most attention and has been the most extensively implemented: tropical and subtropical savannas of Australia and Africa. We identified serious shortcomings of PMB: the ecological significance of different burning patterns remains unknown and details of desired fire mosaics remain unspecified. This has led to fire-management plans based on pyrodiversity rhetoric that lacks substance in terms of operational guidelines and capacity for meaningful evaluation. We also suggest that not all fire patterns are ecologically meaningful: this seems particularly true for the highly fire-prone savannas of Australia and South Africa. We argue that biodiversity-needs-pyrodiversity advocacy needs to be replaced with a more critical consideration of the levels of pyrodiversity needed for biodiversity and greater attention to operational guidelines for its implementation.  相似文献   

Abstract: Captive breeding and reintroduction programs are rarely evaluated, and assessment criteria vary widely. We used the following criteria to evaluate a bighorn sheep ( Ovis canadensis ) augmentation program: (1) survival and recruitment rates in the captive population, (2) survival of released animals, (3) recruitment of released animals, (4) growth rate of the reintroduced or augmented population, and (5) establishment of a viable wild population. Captive bighorn survival and recruitment was high, averaging 0.98 (SD = 0.05) and 71.0% (SD = 19.4), respectively. Annual survival of free-ranging captive-reared bighorn ( n = 73, x = 0.80, SD = 0.11) did not differ (   Z = −0.85, p = 0.40; n = 14) from survival of wild-reared bighorn ( n = 43, x = 0.81, SD = 0.12). Recruitment was unusually low for both captive-reared (  x = 13.7%, SD = 0.24) and wild-reared ewes (  x = 13.7%, SD = 0.20). Although reintroduction did not result in population growth or establishment of a viable population, it helped prevent extirpation of the reinforced deme, preserved metapopulation linkage, and aided habitat preservation. Chronic low recruitment and low adult survivorship precluded achievement of criteria 3–5. Environmental conditions in the release area also appeared to hinder program success. Standard evaluation criteria for ongoing reintroductions allow for informative assessments and facilitate comparisons needed to refine reintroduction science as a recovery tool for threatened or endangered populations.  相似文献   

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