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This article discusses the evaluative criteria which are applied for the assessment of contaminated soils. Guide values for materials in the soil (reference values, test values and action levels). Such guide values can be derived based upon either functional or constitutional criteria. The leachate from the soil must be analyzed for noxious materials in order to ensure the conservation of both ground- and surface-waters. Furthermore, existing concepts and drafts for evaluating soil contamination are discussed. The great diversity of the 37 regulatory publications for evaluating soil contamination is due to 1. different purposes these guidelines are aimend at, and 2. varying philosophies with regard to the degree of safety which is considered to be acceptable:
  1. The approach of the LAGA (Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft Abfall-German federal cooperative for waste regulation) is to merely avert dangerous effects of polluted land rather than to take precautionary measures.
  2. The approach of the state of Baden-Württemberg is to combine precautionary activities and defensive procedures in one scheme with the technical and financial feasibility as criteria for the final decision.
A summary of the valid legislation is discussed, based on the specific regulatory works of the individual German states:
  • - The federal soil protection act and the directives based on it
  • - Inherent problems with deriving test values from basic toxicological data as well as the question of a tolerable cancer risk level
  • The procedure of linking the test values with a concrete danger to health that was designed for the federal soil protection act is discussed and compared with an alternative procedure. A presentation is given of the LABO (Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft Bodenschutz — German federal and state cooperative on soil conservation) utilization concept for soils: The use of test values for assessing soil materials with regard to particular utilization goals. The article quotes the ?Guideline for monitoring the success in soil cleanup operations” as compiled by the GDCh working group on ?Environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology” (1996). This guideline provides a review of the evaluatory concepts applied in the German states of Hamburg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Brandenburg, Rhineland-Palatinate, Hessen, Baden-Württemberg, as well as those of the German federal cooperative for waste regulation (LAGA). The respective procedures and specifications of Holland, Canada, the USA are also noted in this guideline.  相似文献   

    Time in environmental science continues to be almost neglected. In connection with rising ecological problems long-term research, as is necessary for the evaluation and prediction of environmental conditions, seems to be an exception. Complex ecosystems, e.g. terrestrial and marine systems, however, are characterized by long lasting natural time-scales which must be taken into account by analyzing them. In this context the role of time in ecosystems research becomes important. Therefore, a data base was conceptualized that could take up the main characteristics of ecosystematic analyses. Annual research reports of ecosystem research centers were revised for taking them up into the data base. In this way it is possible to evaluate the pool of data on special aspects, especially on the time parameters of the analyses. One result — besides a partial unequality of the time scales in experiment and reality — is that long-term research in terrestrial ecosystems is very rare. The reasons for this are various, but cannot divert from the need for a greater consideration of longterm observation of the ecosystems. Otherwise the ecosystematic research will not be able to meet their tasks of evaluation and prediction.  相似文献   

    In previous trials, lucerne-meal induced increase in microbial activities (=LIA) was used as a new ecotoxicological indicator of pesticide effects on soil microorganisms. In the following, this technique has been applied to measure and compare the effects of the two dinitrophenol herbicides ‘Flüssig Herbogil’ (active ingredient dinoterb) and ‘Aretit flüssig’ (active ingredient dinoseb acetate) used as reference compounds. A loamy sand soil known for its sensitive microflora was treated with the herbicides and incubated up to 90 days under laboratory conditions. In order to ensure the comparison of the specific effects, equal amounts of the active ingredients of the two formulated herbicides, based on the field rate of ‘Flüssig Herbogil’, were applied. In a parallel trial, the soil was additionally amended with lucerne meal to enable the determination of its specific stimulatory effect on microbial activity. The two biomass-related microbial activities dehydrogenase (=DHA) and glucose-induced short-term respiration (=KZA) were measured, as well as the nitrogen mineralization (=Nmin). Depending on the dosage, the activities of LIA-DHA, LIA-KZA and LIA-Nmin as increased by lucerne meal, were affected by the herbicides. Normally, the biomass-related activities were inhibited with exception of LIA-DHA at the single dosage. However, the nitrogen mineralization was enhanced. In most cases, the effects caused by ‘Flüssig Herbogil’ (dinoterb) were more pronounced than those of ‘Aretit flüssig’ (dinoseb agetate) when the same amount of the active ingredients had been applied. The LIA of the tested microbial activities proved to be a sensitive indicator for pesticide effects on soil microorganisms. It enabled the differentiation of the ecotoxic effects of chemically similar pesticides. Using this indicator will support results from separate trials run with or without lucerne meal, because marked losses of microbial biomass will become more pronounced. In addition, this improves the interpretation of ecotoxicological effects of pesticides in soil.  相似文献   

    Separate collection and exploitation of used batteries facilates the recycling and eventual waste management of such heavy metals as mercury and cadmium. It is thereby possible to regain raw materials like zinc, manganese and iron for the raw material cycle. Although the collection and recycling of used batteries in Switzerland is financed by a prepaid disposal fee, their returning rate of almost 60% is too low for several reasons. A questionnaire survey carried out on 2000 households revealed the following frequenthy: People collecting paper, glass, aluminium, compost and tinplate, are more separate used batteries from ordinary garbage. The number of collecting points is supposed to be sufficient, but not all of them are sufficiently marked. The prepaid disposal fee (VEG) should become obligatory so that it would be possible to compensate the collecting points. It is not obvious from the results of the survey if the introduction of a deposit of batteries would raise the retourning rate. As far as advertising is concerned, only the “battery bag” sent to every household by the BESO seemed to influence the collecting behaviour in a positive way, poster advertising had only little effect. Appeals in newspapers, radio and television did not show any changement of the collecting behaviour. However, information and knowledge about batteries and their recycling do have a positive influence in the collecting behaviour of the consumers in this specific case.  相似文献   


    Goal and Scope

    In soil samples taken from several locations throughout Bavaria, the detection of p,p′-DDT by GC/MS was impeded by a superimposed peak. The authenticity of this compound, which has been identified as dichlorocarbazole by mass spectra databases, is confirmed and some characteristics of its occurrence in soils are described.


    The authenticity of the unknown compound has been checked by comparing the low resolution mass spectra and chromatographic retention times with those of standard compounds. Some methodical studies concerning extraction and clean-up were also carried out.

    Results and Conclusion

    Mass spectra and retention of the unknown compound are identical with that of the 3,6-dichlorocarbazole standard compound; additionally, a second chlorocarbazole was found with mass spectrum and retention similar to 3-chlorocarbazole. In many topsoils (A-horizons) and subsoils (B-horizons) from 200 locations of different land-uses, the dichlorocarbazole could be detected. In contrast to PAH and other POPs, maximum concentrations occurred in the A- and upper B-horizons of forest soils rather than in the organic layers. Assuming the environmental distribution properties of the chlorocarbazoles to be similar to those of the PAH, this could indicate that the chlorocarbazoles are not deposited from the atmosphere as a result of anthropogenic activities but might be generated by natural processes in situ.

    Recommendation and Perspective

    To our knowledge, the occurrence of chlorocarbazoles in soils of unpolluted sites has not been previously described. Their widespread occurrence in relatively high concentrations and their detection using analytical standard procedures is surprising and requires further examination.  相似文献   


    Scopes and main features

    In order to explain the behaviour of the artificial radioisotope137Cs towards landscape resources in the Saar-Lor-Lux-Region, the cross-border region between southwestern Germany/ Saarland, France/Lorraine and Luxembourg, regional distribution as well as downward translocation and depth functions of137Cs in the main soil substrates of forest ecosystems in the Saarland were investigated.


    The study shows that the highest137Cs activities are found in the north of the Saarland, whereas the south and south-eastern regions show distinctly lower concentrations of137Cs. Migration rates range between 0.25 cm/a and 1.0 cm/a. On an average, the highest migration rates were found in the clayey-silty substrates of the lime stone areas in theMuschelkalk regions (Middle Triassic) (0.66 cm/a), followed by the loamy substrates of Lower Permian clastic sediments (Unterrotliegendes) (0.53 cm/a) and the sandy substrates of theBuntsandstein areas (Lower Triassic sandstone) (0.41 cm/a). 90 to 95% of the137Cs activities in the clay-poor soils of the Unterrotliegendes and the Buntsandstein were traced in the upper 10 cm of the humus topsoil. The substrates of the lime stone areas (Muschelkalk), in contrast to this, reveal a137Cs activity of only 70–76% at the same depth.


    Due to the fact that the primary and secondary pores of the soil pore system, in their function as translocation pathways, decrease with increasing soil depth, a significant reduction in the migration rates of137Cs can be expected with increasing soil depth. On the other hand, the maximal migration depth of 40 cm found in shallow soils on jointed parent material, as well as on sites with high groundwater tables, implies a possible contamination of near-surface groundwater.

    Future outlook

    Based on the results of this study, a permanent monitoring of137Cs was added to the long-term Soil Monitoring Program run by the Federal Administrative Office of Environment of the Saarland (Landesamt für Umweltschutz des Saarlandes)  相似文献   

    Background, aim and scope The increasing use of wood for generating heat and electricity requires that more and more fuels be obtained directly or indirectly from the forest. Sound, sustainable recycling management calls for the return of any generated wood ash back to the forest to make use of the nutrients it contains. Similarly, recycling this ash in other locations such as agricultural land or private gardens can serve equally well as fertilizer. At the same time, it is critical that no accumulated pollutants be introduced into the nutrient loop. Wood ash that is heavily laden with such pollutants must not be considered for recycling. As part of this research project, commissioned by the Ministry for the Environment and Conservation, Agriculture and Consumer Protection of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany (MUNLV), ash samples of 209 wood-fired appliances generating between 10 and 4000?kW of heat performance were taken from throughout the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia. Untreated wood, either forested or scrap, was used as the sole fuel for these appliances. Materials and methods All course ash and fly ash samples were analyzed to determine their composition of main nutrients, heavy metals, and the elements Fe, Cl, Si, Al and Na. The purpose of this analysis was to evaluate the suitability of this wood ash for reintroduction to forest soils or as fertilizer in other types of soil. Results The majority of the wood ash samples in this study contained sufficiently high amounts of nutrients to match the requirement for stand-alone fertilizers (PK-fertilizer, potash fertilizer). However, the heavy metal content was highly variable, with a mean content high enough to prohibit them from being classified per se as PK- or potash fertilizer for agricultural land. Due to the high quantities of cadmium, application of this ash to garden soils would likewise be ill-advised. Discussion On forest soils German law permits application of a mixture of potash fertilizer containing, at most, 30?% wood ash (course ash). Because of the high amounts of cadmium and copper, wood ash from our samples can only comprise a maximum of 28?% when added to typically used potash fertilizers. Higher percentage of wood ash would exceed the cut-off value established by the German Fertilizer Ordinance (Düngemittelverordnung – DüMV). Conclusions The application of wood ash on agricultural land and in private gardens is, rightfully so, highly regulated by law. However, the rules governing application of wood ash in the forest are much more lax. Determination of heavy metal content in wood ash cannot be used to determine compliance with DüMV standards because of the high content and fluctuating nature of heavy metals found. Recommendations and perspectives Presently an alternative approach for classifying the ecologic risk of wood ash recycling is being developed.  相似文献   

    介绍Protel 99 Se在电路设计中的应用,指出设计中出现的问题,并给出具体的解决方法,为职校电子专业学生提供一种学习Protel 99 SE的方法.  相似文献   

    Nitrogen compounds accumulate in soils and the atmosphere and penetrate into groundwater reservoirs. This already affects terrestrial ecosystems, water and air quality, and the climate now and will even influence these parameters more in the future. Some of the effects only develop slowly, but the underlying processes can barely be influenced. Ecological precaution cannot be limited to a minimization of the exposure of organisms by xenobiotics, but should be equally concerned with the effects of anthropogenically enhanced concentrations of natural compounds upon organisms and ecosystems.  相似文献   



    Important properties and processes of soils are influenced by their humus contents. Therefore knowledge about the humus status of soils is an important requirement for a meaningful evaluation on dynamics and risk potentials.


    Based on the extensive database of the Bavarian Environment Agency typical humus content and humus storage are compiled for soils of the Bavarian and Upper Palatinate Fores. Their importance for questions on soil and environment is estimated.

    Results and Discussion

    The evaluation revealed rising soil organic matter with an increasing cool and moist climate on the mountains of the Bavarian and Upper Palatinate Forest. This is particularly true for the mineral soil above 600 m above sea-level, where more organic matter is stored than in the humus layer. Depending on altitude the calculated total humus stock of soils varies between 12 and 40 kg*m?2, which means medium to very high humus contents. The highest humus stock occur between 900 and 1200 m above sea-level, where intensively rooted ‘Lockerbraunerden’ are prevailing. The somewhat lower humus content in soils above 1200 m above sea-level (about 5 kg* m?2) is explained by a shallow indurated horizon, that reduce the rooting to the upper 3–5 decimetres. The even though considerable humus stock of this concrete like indurated horizon is therefore explained by infiltration. The remarkable thickness of organic layers above 1200 m above sea-level is probably not only a result of climate, but also of a difficult decomposition of the prevailing spruce litters.


    The high contents of organic matter in the examined soil should release appreciable amounts of CO2 if there will be a change in climate. Furthermore a decomposition of humus may considerably worsen the supply with water and nutrients on these sites.  相似文献   

    Using the example of the transboundary Biosphere Reserve Rhone, experiments were performed and expounded upon with regard to the concept of ‘integrated monitoring’. The paper describes the components of a step-by-step harmonisation of data sampling and analysis procedures. Special emphasis is given to topics dealing with suitable methods for a sound selection of areas and plots to be monitored, as well as on rules for the spatial integration and generalisation of sampling results. As tools for this purpose the concept of ‘integrated monitoring’ uses the federal ‘Classification System of Ecoregions’ (Standortökologische Raumgliederung) and geostatistical methods for the spatial integration of existing monitoring programmes and sampling grids. Further, the paper outlines how to judge the development of water catchment areas using existing data from hydrological analyses and by means of an ecosystem-oriented water balance model.  相似文献   

    Present knowledge assumes that different mechanisms acting downstream in high temperature processes lead to the formation of polychlorinated dibenzo(p)dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs). Concerning the 17 2,3,7,8-Cl-substituted PCDD/F congeners in particular, there is new evidence for a single-step reaction type (recently reported in this publication series, of. also parts 1 and 2). A formation based on a combination of the several mechanisms, which have been proposed and discussed since 1985, becomes more and more unlikely. Qualitatively the PCDD/F formation downstream from high temperature processes depends rather on a thermodynamically forced single reaction step, and on pure statistical distribution quantitatively. This may be a new ‘Thermostat Synthesis’ instead of ‘de novo’.  相似文献   

    The issue of municipal solid waste (MSW) arisings has received great attention recently since it is not only a by-product of economic activity but also serves as an input to the economy through material or energy recovery. The main focus of this study is cultural formation and especially the current picture of waste culture and public perception across European Union (EU) member states. Thus, this study will first evaluate environmental efficiency with data envelopment analysis (DEA) based on five parameters: waste, gross domestic product (GDP), labour, capital, and population density for 22 EU Member States and for the years 2005, 2010 and 2015 in order to evaluate which Member States are more efficient. Then the efficiency results are contrasted to Hofstede’s and Schwartz’s cultural dimensions on STATA with the use of regression modelling. Results show that for year 2005 no significant relationship is noticed for both cultural models, whereas for years 2010 and 2015 there appears to be a significant connection. The above-mentioned findings can be associated with the financial crisis that has hit Europe after 2008 making people more sceptical, while EU legislations have laid out some important directives in the field of waste management. Finally, along with the factors above, EU has faced severe environmental challenges due to waste arisings, as well as accidents and injuries for people working in this sector, which in turn have widely modified EU’s waste culture as supported by this study’s results.  相似文献   


    Goal and Scope

    A community test is introduced usingin situ periphyton communities and the pollution induced community tolerance for ecotoxicological testing. It was the aim of the study to evaluate the feasibility of the test for the assessment of xenobiotics and contaminated environmental aquatic samples.


    The herbicides Isoproturon and Prometryn were tested using standardised microphytobenthic communities of differing contamination. A pulse-amplitude-modulated fluorescence based method was used to detect the impact of the herbicides on the photosynthetic system of the microalgae.

    Results and Conclusions

    Despite the variability of the ecosystem (samples were taken from different sites and varying taxonomy throughout a period of two months), the tests show high sensitivity and good reproduction features. EC50 values of 0.025 mg L?1 for Isoproturon and 0.016 mg L?1 for Prometryn were evaluated. These effect concentrations ranged in the same order of magnitude as the results derived from cell reproduction inhibition tests withScenedesmus vacuolatus (0.029 mg L?1 for Isoproturon and 0.012 mg L?1 for Prometryn). For Isoproturon, the test was able to differentiate effect concentrations for single algal classes within natural communities. The test was used to assess a contaminated effluent entering a stream (Spittelwasser) in the region of Bitterfeld. The effluent originate from a local chemical industry site, where Prometryn was produced for 4 decades. According to the PICT-concept (pollution induced community tolerance), we hypothesed that periphyton taken downstream of the effluent was more tolerant to Prometryn than uncontaminated communities. It could be shown that the herbicide caused a shift in the concentration response relationships of communities from different contaminated sites, indicating the development of tolerance. We conclude that the test using periphyton communities and considering the development of tolerance is able to evaluate a causal analysis of chronic effects of pollutants on community level. The multi-species test usingin situ communities reflects a higher biological organisation level than a single species laboratory test.


    The PICT-concept could be used for ecological risk assessment of pollutants in the environment bridging the gap between single species laboratory testing and time consuming mesocosmos and field studies.  相似文献   

    Investigations concerning the measurement and evaluation of mineral oil hydrocarbons using Fourier-transform-infrared (FT/IR-)-spectroscopy,1H-Nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-NMR)-spectroscopy and Capillary gas chromatography — Flame ionisation detection (GC-FID) are presented. By means of various mineral oils and three certified reference materials (CRM) all tested methods were within a ±7%-range to the mineral oil nominal value and the 95% confidence intervals of the CRM’s, respectively. The GC-FID evaluation could be done without calibration using an relative response ratio of mineral oil to an internal standard (n-tetracontane). A1H-NMR-method was developed for the quantitative determination of mineral oil hydrocarbons, successfully applied down to 0.2 mg/ml. Due to the determination limit achieved, the1H-NMR-spectroscopy gain in importance as a reference method for the analysis of mineral oils.  相似文献   


    Background and Objectives

    As an instrument of agro-environmental economic policy, remuneration to farmers for implementing ecologically sound practices are often identified as beingthe alternative to inefficient or unpopular legal instruments. This paper shows that such an approach assumes to be an idealized conception of the way in which economic instruments work. Only result-oriented payment is capable of matching such an idealized conception; hence, the conditions are accordingly ambitious.

    Key aspects

    Starting from a definition of result-oriented remuneration for ecological benefits, this approach is systematically contrasted by action-oriented payments. Either is examined in respect to its comparative efficiency enabling assessment of the potential of both instruments. In the second section, the limits of the approach using result-oriented payments are discussed in relation to the corresponding prerequisites set down for them.


    The key criterion for distinguishing between result-oriented payments on the one hand and action-oriented payments and legal instruments on the other is the number of options available to the farmer when he/she chooses to take advantage of the payments. On the basis of this criterion, the following advantages emerge from the economic (rewards-based) approach: it promotes self-interest, increases innovative potential, reduces informational asymmetries, promotes continuity, promotes co-operative practice, promotes intrinsic motivation and, finally, it achieves a distribution of risks between farmers and society. However, one essential requirement for applying such instruments are indicators attached to payment. The attempt to develop such indicators reveal three central problems: the complexity of cause-and-effect relations, the diversity of environmental objectives and the normativity of the process by which indicators are devised. These problems simultaneously define the limits of the instrument of result-oriented payments for ecological benefits.


    No general statements can be made about whether result-oriented payments are preferable to other instruments, as this depends on the concrete circumstances and, in particular, on the specific environmental issues involved, along with the possibilities of developing environmental indicators. However, from the economic point of view, the benefits of result-oriented payments are obvious, as long as the prerequisites for the application of this instrument can be met.

    Further Research and Recommendations

    Given the persuasive benefits of result-oriented payment from an economic point of view, more efforts should in future be made to test the practicability of such instruments. Two examples of result-oriented payment are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

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