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As it is practically impossible in an industrial society to reduce impacts into ecosystems to a level that would preclude any damages, the need for damage valuation arises. One of the available valuation tools is the economic approach. Subsequent publications present this approach using the example of soils. In the first part, soils as part of ecosystems are considered from an ecological and a conventional economic point of view. In the following so-called ecological-economic perspective, more recent developments in economic valuation research are introduced. It is shown how ecological and economic valuation can complement one another. It is emphasized that economic valuations should be restricted to a critical soil structure which, in economic terms, is determined by the non-substitutable services of the ecological asset.  相似文献   


Aims and Scope

Over recent decades, the climate has changed. Up to now this statement has been made predominantly for the global and/or continental area. What, however, is the situation regarding the climatic trend at the regional scale? Is it already possible to show effects of a climate change in small-scale landscape structures? These questions were addressed looking at the example of the situation in the federal state of Rhineland-Palatinate (Germany).


Phenological data of plants of the last 50 years from a total of 386 stations of the German Weather Service (DWD) were evaluated. The timing of the different plant phases, beginning of the foliation and plant senescence in autumn, flowering and the first ripening of the fruits had to be registered for different agricultural crops, wild plants, ornamental woods as well as fruit trees. The analysed data material was used to develop the threefold phenological clock (DPU).


Summarising the findings of the DPU for the 15 evaluated nature districts of Rhineland-Palatinate according to individual seasons, which were defined in generic terms as spring, summer, autumn and winter, a tendency of a prematuring of the spring, a prolongation of the autumn as well as a shortening of the winter is evident. From a regional point of view, on the other hand, in individual nature districts such as the ‘Westerwald’ and the ‘Bergisch-Sauerländische Gebirge’, winter seasons are getting longer. Thus the effects of a climate change can differ considerably from region to region.


The regionally quite different changes of the climatic situation in Rhineland-Palatinate will not remain without an effect on the ecosystems of this federal state. The currently existing biocoenosis will therefore change. The consequences for forestry, agriculture and nature conservation are of special interest in this context.  相似文献   


Goal and Scope

At the present, air borne particulate matter is in the focus of public and scientific interest. In this context, it makes sense to remember the buffer function of vegetation for particulate air pollutants, notwithstanding technical and traffic management measures. Since trees with large and dense crowns might be able to shade windows and minimise the turbulent dilution of pollutants, natural-scientific results and socio-scientific aspects will point to the potentials of vertical greening with creeping plants.


To differentiate the endogenous and exogenous element fractions, the pollution caused by dust that covers the façade climbing creepers leaves was removed by a polyvinyl-butyrale based stripping method. The cleaning success is proven by SEM-Scans. The results of cleaned and not cleaned leaf-samples from an inner-city vertical greening for the element concentrations of Al, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, Pt, Rh, Sb and Zn between 1991 and 1997 are shown by AAS- and ICP-MS analyses.

Results and Conclusion

The results show the increasing element concentrations during the course of the separate vegetation periods. Due to the long investigation period, it is possible to detect historical aspects concerning pollution, such as the end of the use of leaded fuel and the introduction of the catalytic converters. The comparison of dust deposition data from different cities shows the relevance of the pollution filtering by vertical greenings with Japanese Creeper. The comparison of investigation results of sycamore leaves refer to entirely different filtering characteristics of the leaf-surfaces.

Recommendation and Perspective

If appropriate planning and maintenance is assured, vertical greening can be a useful contribution for air pollution control and neighbourhood improvement. As selected results from a survey show, from the citizens point of view, the aesthetical and psychosocial aspects of well-being are of more relevant than ecological arguments. Therefore it seems to be wise to implement the combined fields of interest.  相似文献   

Estimations of consumer exposure by inhalation have been calculated taking point estimates and were compared to estimates from a probabilistic approach using Monte Carlo analysis. The calculation is based on a model in which the liberation of the highly volatile substance, xylene is only limited by the velocity of administration. The loss of the substance is limited by the air exchange rate. It is also assumed that the substance is used in a single room. Other compartments were not considered. The distribution of xylene in solvent based paints was evaluated by probability analysis of the BgVV product data base. In the products there were xylene concentrations in a range between ~1 and 44% with a median concentration of 11,2%. For “normal-case” assumptions the exposure estimate differed between single-point and probabilistic calculations: The peak concentration in a room was 0,99 g/m3 taking the single-point and 0,49 g/m3 taking the distribution. The average concentration during duration of use was 0,16 g/m3 and 0,083 g/m3, respectively. Interestingly, comparison with calculations taking the EPA-SCIES programme revealed similar concentrations showing that models are comparable.  相似文献   



The second Gulf War (1991) led to the largest oil spill in human history. Over 770 km of coastline from southern Kuwait to Abu Ali Island (Saudi Arabia) were smothered with oil and tar, erasing most of the local plant and animal communities. This long term study was designed to reveal the processes of natural regeneration within the salt marsh ecosystems as well as the processes counter productive to regeneration.


Field data were collected along permanent transect lines during annual visits from 1994 to 2004. Soil analysis included grain size, carbonate, pH and total hydrocarbon (Soxhlet extraction). Heavy metals were determined by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy. Hydrocarbons were analysed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography.


The dominant processes of regeneration are characterized by four types of indicators. These are 1) the composition of hydrocarbon compounds remaining in the soil, 2) the hardness of the soil surface, 3) the abundance of laminated cyanobacterial mats, and 4) the abundance and diversity of macrofauna. Cyanobacteria turned out to conserve the oil within the soil where they built laminated mats sealing the surface and thus, preventing oxygen from penetrating the substrate. On the other hand, crustaceans were the first macrofauna returning to contaminated soils. Following bioturbation by the crustaceans significantly accelerates the biodegradation of the hydrocarbons. Since the occurrence of the crabs (mainly Cleistostoma dotilliforme) is primarily restricted to tidal channels the density of the channel network between the affected salt marshes determines the time which is needed for regeneration.


The re-setrlement of crabs is the key process initiating fast and effective biodegradation of the oil residues in the intertidal soils. Because dense laminated cyanobacterial mats and tar covered surface substrates often delay the re-settlement of crabs — even 13 years after the impact — tidal channels are the initial paths of re-colonisation.

Recommendations and Perspectives

Therefore it is recommended that if any restoration measures are to be undertaken, it would be most effective to create a network of artificial channels within the salt marshes in order to bring the pioneer species into the most affected ecosystems.  相似文献   

Background, aim and scope Sources of organic micropollutants occuring in surface waters are often unknown. Regarding environmental risk assessments for surface waters, construction materials have as till now, not been given much consideration, although biocides used as preservatives are known to reach urban storm water runoff. The study focused on biocides for facades coatings and aimed (1) to determine ecotoxicological effect values, (2) to quantify the leaching behaviour and (3) to assess the environmental risk for surface waters using a dynamic transport model. Materials and methods Eight biocides used in resin based facade coatings were investigated. Some biocides are substances known as pesticides for agricultural purposes like diuron, carbendazim and terbutryn. Ecotoxicological effect values for aquatic organisms were determined for every biocide. Leaching of four biocides from a render under UV-irradiation has been investigated in the laboratory including the influence of varying temperatures. Using 80 irrigation intervals over 28 days, facade runoff was sampled and followed by biocide chemical analysis. The total losses were calculated based on the concentration patterns. These data were used for modelling the transport of cybutryn from facades to surface waters. Biocide specific effect values and leaching characteristics have been taken into consideration. Results Acute and chronic effect values as well as predicted no effect concentrations for the investigated biocides indicate their high potential to affect aquatic organisms. The leaching of four biocides (diuron, terbutryn, cybutryn, carbendazim) from the facade render under the experimental conditions delivers high concentrations in the beginning followed by an exponential decrease. Rising temperature increased the concentration of biocides in the runoff. The total losses were between 7?% and 29?% depending on the substances. More than half of the losses occur in the runoff within the first 15 min of runoff from a 60 min irrigation cycle. The modelling result for cybutryn underlines its high environmental risk for small surface waters. Discussion The leaching of the biocides, their potential ecotoxic effects and persistence show clearly that the environmental risk for surface waters and soils seems to be high for certain biocides; whereas for others the risk seems to be significantly lower. With respect water quality criteria, polluted facades runoff has to be diluted before runoff can enter the discharge. Diuron and carbendazim are however also used as pesticides and preservatives for other materials and cybutryn is also used as an antifouling agent. All pathways have to be evaluated in order to identify relevant sources and to act more efficiently with respect to water and soil protection. Conclusions Concentrations with high environmental risk are expected at new facades, especially at facades with thermal insulation. With the given low predicted no effect concentrations in a range of a few ng/L and large amounts of biocides applied in paints and renders, the environmental risk for common biocides used in facade coatings has to be investigated in laboratory and field scale. It seems plausible that source control measures as the most efficient and sustainable precautionary principle need to be evaluated. Recommendations and perspectives Biocides and additives applied in construction materials have to be taken into consideration as relevant sources when evaluating the quality of storm water runoff, discharge into urban areas and the impact to soil and surface waters. A sustainable construction material management and storm water management are required. It is expected that ongoing laboratory and field studies with exterior paints, renders and flat sheets for waterproofing containing biocides and additives will give further insight into their environmental impact.  相似文献   

For precautinary environmental protection the Environmental Specimen Bank (ESB) has been successfully established as a permanent environmental surveillance tool in Germany. The presented monitoring results on chlorinated hydrocarbons (CHC) show very clearly the effects of political decisions and can be used for the identification of pollutant sources. The CHC burden of breams (Abramis brama) from five German rivers (Elbe, Rhein, Saar, Mulde, Saale) gives an current overview of the pollution situation of different limnic ecosystems in Germany. A calculation model about the distribution of organic pollutants between different tissues offers the possibility to predict concentrations in liver and muscle of breams. Legislative emission restrictions have led to a significant decrease of dioxin levels in herring gull (Larus argentatus) eggs between 1988–1996.  相似文献   

Background, aim, and scope Increasing background concentrations of ground-level tropospheric ozone and more frequent and prolonged summer drought incidences due to climate change are supposed to increase the stress on Bavarian forests. For such scenarios growth reduction and yield losses are predicted. Sustainable forest management in Bavaria aims to significantly increase the proportion of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) because of its broad ecological amplitude. In our regional study different approaches for calculating ozone impact were used to estimate the risks for Bavarian forests in the average climatic, rather moist year 2002 and the extremely dry year 2003.Materials and methods Measurements were conducted for eleven forest ecosystem sites and two forest research sites representing typical Bavarian forest stands under different climatic conditions and situated in different altitudes. For risk assessment currently used approaches were applied either based on the calculation of the cumulative ozone exposure (external dose; MPOC maximal permitted ozone concentration; critical level AOT40phen? accumulated ozone exposure over a threshold of 40 nl [O3] l–1, for the effective phenolgy of beech) or based on the calculation of the phytomedically relevant ozone flux into the stomata (internal dose, critical level AFst>1,6, accumulated stomatal flux above a flux threshold of 1.6 nmol O3?m–2 PLA; PLA = projected leaf area). For calculations continuously recorded ozone concentrations and meteorological and phenological data from nearby rural open field background measuring stations from the national air pollution control and from forested sites were used. Additionally ozone induced leaf symptoms were assessed.Results The exposure-based indices AOT40phen and MPOC as well as the flux-based index AFst>1.6suggest that Bavarian forests are at risk from O3 during a rather moist average year concerning climate conditions (2002) as well as in an extreme dry year (2003). Thus, growth reductions of 5?% are predicted when thresholds are exceeded. Threshold exceedance occurred in both years at all plots, mostly already at the beginning of the growing season and often even many times over. Ozone induced leaf symptoms could be detected only on a few plots in a very slight occurrence.Discussion The results for the applied critical level indices differed depending on climatic conditions during the growing seasons: Regarding exposure-based indices, the highest degree of threshold exceedance occurred in the dry year of 2003 at all plots; the flux-based approach indicated the highest stomatal ozone uptake and thus an increased risk at moist sites or during humid years, whereas the risk was decreasing at dry sites with prolonged water limitation. Hence, soil and accordingly plant water availability was the decisive factor for the flux-modelled internal ozone uptake via stomata. Drought and increased ozone impact can generate synergistic, but also antagonistic effects for forest trees. At water limited rather dry forest sites restricted transpiration and thus production, but concurrently lower ozone uptake and reduced risk for damage can be expected.Conclusions, recommendations, and perspectives For realistic site-specific risk assessment in forest stands the determination of the internal ozone dose via modeling flux based internal stomatal ozone uptake is more appropriate than the calculation of the external ozone dose. The predicted 5?% growth reductions are in discrepancy with the frequently observed increment increase during the last decades in forest stands. Comprehensive and significant statistical verification for ozone induced forest growth reduction as well as the systematic validation of thresholds for ozone in the field is still lacking. However, a multiplicity of different specific new and retrospective growth analysis data should allow closing the gap. Moreover, the determination of canopy transpiration with sap flow measurements is a novel approach to provide cause-effect related, site specific results for the effective internal ozone dose as well as for canopy water supply and consecutively for regional risk estimation. A further future objective is the refinement of O3 flux modelling by further consideration of soil/water budget characteristics and the above mentioned improved estimations of crown and canopy transpiration. Further, the introduction of threshold ranges for forest trees in view of their specific regional climatic conditions and their validation in real forest stands is necessary for developing meaningful ozone risk predictions for forests.  相似文献   

Particle-bound pollutants accumulate in river-bottom sediments, a process which results in a significant decrease in the ecotoxicological availability of toxicants for the majority of aquatic organisms. Under normal hydrologic conditions, the release of contaminants from bottom sediments is usually of minor importance. In contrast, flood events may remobilize highly contaminated sediments via in-stream erosion. The objective of this study was to develop a combined ecotoxicological and hydraulic approach to elucidate the ecotoxicological implications associated with the risk of erosion of contaminated sediments. This integrated strategy was applied to the lock-regulated Neckar river in Southern Germany. Both the bottom-sediment cores and suspended matter from two intensive flood events were investigated. Sediment samples below an erosional unconformity showed a sharp increase in the ecotoxicological load. Moreover, it was found that major flood events (HQ5 and higher) could possibly erode even very old, well-consolidated and highlycontaminated sediments. The suspended matter of the high discharge events investigated (return periods of 15 to 20 years) exerted significantly higher cytotoxicity and mutagenicity than a moderate flood with a 1-year return period. These findings support the conclusion that the observed ecotoxicological effects during major floods may at least in part be due to the in-stream erosion of highly contaminated bottom sediments.  相似文献   

Until now, assessment of contaminated sites is based on variable protection goals, whereby total contents and in part mobile contents are considered. Due to interactions of pollutants in soil and bound residues, total contents do not reflect the actual risk. In contrast an investigation based on availability/bioavailability of contaminants would enable a harmonization of the protection-goal-based evaluation and a closer-to-reality risk assessment for the individual location.  相似文献   

The registration of the present situation regarding environmental investigation is the basis for efficiently proceeding in the course of the implementation of environmental management systems (EMS). The basic analysis is found on the individual elements: reaction audit, management audit and compliance audit. Via an optimal performance of an environmental investigation while implementing an EMS, the basis for a maximum utilization has been created for the user as well for agriculture. Utilization for the company is provided by documentation of the organizational structure showing a transparency of procedures with regard to efficiency. Furthermore, an EMS is useful in the course of external tasks, e.g. public approach, business partners, position to authorities, deregulation or minimization of liability.  相似文献   

Risk assessment of chemicals requires comprehensive data material, which often is not available. To provide substitutes for the lacking experimental ecotoxicological and physico-chemical data, a software-system (SAR-System) has been developed comprising more than 90 estimation models for relevant endpoints. The approach is based on quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSAR). Two major aspects characterize the SAR-System:
  1. The implemented models were tested for their validity and application range.
  2. The QSARs are accessible by a menu-driven programme package.
The following endpoints are included: Thysico-Chemical Data: 1-Octanol/water-partition-coefficient log Pow, vapour pressure, water solubility, pKa-value, boiling point Biological Data: Toxicity towards fish, daphnia, tetrahymenae, algae, bacteria and mammals, mutagenicity. Distribution: soil sorption, bioconcentration, Henry-Constant, Mackay (Level I). Degradation: photodegradation, biodegradability.  相似文献   

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