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INTRODUCTION: The most effective means of preventing and controlling occupational injuries, illness, and fatalities is to "design out" hazards and hazardous exposures from the workplace. There is a long history of designing for safety for the general public and to a lesser degree for workers. METHOD: We now have the experience and insight from thoughtful, previous efforts to call for a comprehensive national strategy to implement a Prevention through Design (PtD) Initiative. RESULTS: This paper describes that initiative in terms of four overarching areas where action can be directed: practice, policy, research, and education. To obtain stakeholder input for issues in these four areas and to focus implementation efforts, eight sector divisions of the economy will be addressed. A seven year strategy is envisioned. 相似文献
Prevention through Design (PtD): history and future 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Manuele FA 《Journal of Safety Research》2008,39(2):127-130
中国国际安全生产论坛于2002年10日-12日在北京召开。会上许多国家代表介绍了各国职业安全卫生工作情况。这些论文有助于找们开阔眼界,开放思雏,促进中国安全生产工作的发展,本文是澳大利亚代表提交的论文,文中介绍了国家策略、国家远景、两个目标以及五个优先领域等。选译此文的初衷是,中国的安全生产监督管理部门是否可以参照或借鉴别国的做法,也能规划出我国在减少工伤事故死亡及伤害人数的近期(具体时间)或远期(具体时间)目标。 相似文献
劳动安全卫生费用模型 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
劳动安全卫生费用模型 (图 2 )反映了预防投资、事故费用、总费用与企业安全水平之间的关系。最小值 M点是一个正常的企业应当追求的状态 ,该状态使企业在总投资最小的情况下 ,达到较好的安全水平。图 4是因未感觉间接费用而造成对费用模型的扭曲。图 5、图 6是企业极度忽视安全卫生而又得不到惩戒时使费用模型受到的扭曲。扭曲的费用模型使企业预防投资的经济动力减弱或失去。蔑视劳动者生命价值的结果最终也会损害企业经济的发展。对所有扭曲的情况 ,既需要社会、法律的约束 ,也需要安全经济学的引导。 相似文献
职业健康安全属于安全管理中非常重要的一部分。开发职业健康管理系统为安全管理部门提高管理效率,掌握职业事故的发生规律起到积极的作用。阐述了职业健康管理系统的开发总体构想,结合使用Visual FoxPro 6.0软件、SQL命令以及数据库管理相关知识对系统进行开发,实现了对数据进行编辑、浏览、查询、统计分析和打印输出等功能。此类系统在职业健康管理方面具有应用前景。 相似文献
英国的职业安全与健康(二) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
安全与健康的改善措施和活动措施进行风险评估对风险进行评估是保证健康和安全的重要方法。如果被评估的工作存在很大危害或风险,不能降低到可容忍的水平,就需要予以取消。安全与健康执行局公布了题为“风险评估5个步骤”的指南,帮助雇主和个体户评估风险。5个步骤是寻找危险点;确定可能的受害人以及可能如何受害;评估由此危险引起的风险,确定现有预防方法是否足够;记录评估结果;审查风险评估结果。 相似文献
Occupational Safety and Health in Finland 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In Finland, occupational safety is the responsibility of the employer, while the occupational safety and health laws are enforced by the Labour Inspection Service, an organization of the state. The Labour Inspection is divided in 11 administrative districts, and it employs 360 professionals. They are mandated to carry out site visits without prearranged appointments to inspect safe work situations, working hours, construction safety, or any aspect of accident risks. The inspectors are also mandated to verify the existence of sufficient occupational health services as prescribed by the Occupational Health Services Act for all employees. The occupational health services are typically provided by enterprise-owned medical departments, by mutually owned health care centers, by private practitioners, or by municipal health care centers. The latter are required by law to provide all services as prescribed by the legislation to anyone who comes to the facility. This situation is prevalent in the countryside, where there are very few private caregiving centers. Declaring occupational accidents and disease cases is mandatory, and the Inspection districts examine all accidents to establish causes and consequences, and to initiate prosecution in case of criminal negligence. Labour Inspection Districts are also notified of the new occupational disease cases as they are declared to insurance companies. Insurance for occupational disease, accidents, and death is an obligation of the employer, although they can choose the insurance company. The medical confidentiality between the workers and their occupational health care providers is very strict. Official statistics are maintained by the state Statistics Finland organization, and they may be used, for example, for research purposes by scientific institutes like the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health. Construction industry accounts for 25% of all fatal accidents (120 cases per 1 million working hours), followed by mechanical, wood, metal, machinery, and pulp and paper industry (10% each of fatal accidents) with rates ranging from 100–160 cases per 1 million working hours. There are some 5,000 occupational disease cases per year (rate 22/10,000 employed). The major disease categories include repetitive strain injuries (1,300 cases), respiratory allergies (600 cases), occupational skin diseases (1,000 cases), and 900 cases of noise-caused hearing loss. In 1998, 589 cases of asbestos-related diseases were reported. 相似文献
加拿大是联邦制国家,实行联邦、省、地区和市三级政府制度,全国共划分为10个省和3个地区,各省和各地区政府都具有相对的立法权和行政管辖权。加拿大三级政府在职业安全与健康方面的职责和作用各有侧重。联邦政府的职责是负责制定劳动保障、工作条件、职业卫生和安全等方面的法规,约占加拿大全部劳动立法的10%;省政府则负责制定最低工资、工伤补偿、休假、加班等劳工标准方面的法规,约占全部劳动立法的90%;市政府则侧重对弱势群体提供就业帮助和社会保护援助。 相似文献
对 15 1家企业的伤亡事故状况进行了调查 ,采用平行对比分析法和前后对比分析法对调查结果进行了统计分析。通过分析发现 ,已建立和实施职业安全健康管理体系的企业的伤亡事故值低于正在建立和未建立职业安全健康管理体系企业的伤亡事故值 ;同一企业 ,建立职业安全健康管理体系后的伤亡事故值比在建和建前有所下降。这表明建立与实施职业安全健康管理体系是企业控制伤亡事故的一种有效方法 ,同时 ,体系的不断运行与完善 ,对企业持续地降低事故的发生及其损失也具有积极的作用。 相似文献
为了指导用人单位建立职业安全健康管理体系,建立预防为主、持续改进的管理模式,健全自我约束机制,有效保护劳动者的安全与健康,依据我国职业安全健康法律法规,结合国家经贸委颁布并实施《职业安全卫生管理体系试行标准》所取得的经验,参考国际劳工组织《职业安全健康管理体系导则》制定《职业安全健康管理体系指导意见》。 1.目的 (1)消除、降低和避免各类与工作相关的伤害、疾病和死亡事故的发生,保障全体劳动者的安全与健康。 (2)指导用人单位自愿建立职业安全健康管理体系,更好地贯彻职业安全健康法律、法规及标准的要求。 (3)指导相关部门制定职业安全健康管理体系审核规范及实施指南。 相似文献
企业联合安全卫生委员会(简称“联合委员会”或“委员会”)及安全卫生代表联合委员会是由工人代表和管理人员代表组成的咨询性机构。工厂依靠联合委员会协力推进劳动安全与卫生工作。委员会通常讨论安全与卫生的有关问题,审查工作进展和提出建议。 (一)下述企业被要求建立联合委员会有20名或更多名正式工人的任何工厂;正式雇佣20名或更多工人并且将延续 相似文献