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铁和铝氧化物涂层砂的过滤与吸附性能评价   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
总结性地对3种不同氧化物涂层砂和未涂层砂的表面特性、过滤和吸附性能进行了比较与分析,明确了适用范围。改性滤料的高温加热和碱性沉积两种制备方法中,涂铁宜选前者,涂铝宜用后者。涂层砂的比表面积增大,吸附容量增加,使石英砂表面电荷的带电性质改变,有利于水中杂质的去除。涂铁砂适合于除氟和除砷及除有机物;涂铝砂适合于除浊、除有机物和除锌。  相似文献   

研究了UV/H2O2工艺对十二烷基苯磺酸钠(LAS)的去除效果、溶液中阴离子对LAS降解的影响及机理.结果表明:UV/H2O2工艺可以有效地去除水中的LAS;在H2O2投加量为8 mg/L,14 W低压汞灯照射下,LAS在蒸馏水和自来水中的反应速率常数分别为0.018 0 、0.012 2 min-1;NO-3、Cl-、SO2-4和HCO-3对LAS光降解有抑制作用,当该4种离子摩尔浓度均分别为5、10、15 mmol/L时,对LAS光降解的抑制程度为HCO-3》NO-3》Cl-》SO2-4,且随着离子摩尔浓度的增大,抑制作用增强;LAS在自来水中的反应速率常数低于在蒸馏水中的反应速率常数是由于水中多种离子影响的结果.  相似文献   

Accumulation of two heavy metals (Al and Fe) by bryophytes was examined in a northern Pennsylvania stream system affected by acid-mine drainage. Four sites within one watershed were selected on the basis of their pH and dissolved metal concentrations. Significant differences among sites were found with regard to bioaccumulation of Al and Fe. A negative relationship between pH and Fe concentrations in bryophyte tissues was found, with the highest accumulation of Fe observed at the most acidic site (pH 3.5), whereas accumulation of Al was highest at a site with an intermediate pH of 5.2. Bryophytes transplanted from a circum-neutral site to acidic sites showed highly significant increases in Fe and Al concentrations in tissues after 6 weeks, and transplants from more acidic sites to a circum-neutral site generally showed highly significant declines in Fe and Al concentrations in tissues after the incubation period.  相似文献   

针对污水处理生化出水高磷酸盐浓度对水体富营养化影响的问题,采用阴离子交换树脂(AER)为基质材料,利用树脂上—NH2官能团中的N原子与Fe3+发生配位聚合,制备了除磷聚合配位交换吸附剂(Fe—PLE)。并采用Langmuir和Freundlich等温吸附方程对Fe—PLE和原AER进行了比较,发现Fe—PLE更加趋向化学吸附类型,且Fe—PLE最大吸附容量达到93.05 mg/g,比AER提高了47.98%。通过SEM、EDS、FT-IR及TGA对吸附前后Fe—PLE和AER的表征比较,认为通过配位作用形成Fe—O配位键是Fe—PLE的可溶性无机磷吸附效率提高的主要原因。通过静态吸附实验考察了吸附时间、pH和竞争性阴离子对AER和Fe—PLE吸附的影响,结果显示,Fe—PLE吸附平衡时间为1.5 h,比AER稍高;2种吸附填料都在pH 7.0时效率最高,AER的磷吸附效率对pH较为敏感,Fe—PLE能够在相对较宽的pH范围内保持高去除率;竞争性阴离子对AER磷吸附的负面影响较大,而Fe—PLE依靠其Fe—O的配位作用具有一定的抗干扰能力。通过4次循环再生实验,Fe—PLE表现出良好再生能力的同时磷有较高的回收利用率。  相似文献   

Chiang HL  Chiang PC  Huang CP 《Chemosphere》2002,47(3):267-275
Ozonation can modify the surface property of an activated carbon such as specific surface area, pore volume, and functional group. Results indicate that ozonation can increase the specific surface area of an activated carbon from 783+/-51 to 851+/-25 m2/g due in part to increasing micropores (those below 15 A). However, there is no change in macropore and mesopore upon ozonation. The amount of oxygen functional group (OFG) increases from 197+/-4 to 240+/-4 microeq/g, mostly in hydroxyl and carboxyl groups upon ozone treatment. These oxygen-containing functional groups are stable in the temperature range 30-250 degrees C, but begin to decompose when temperature increases beyond 300 and 350 degrees C. When the temperature reaches 1200 degrees C, all OFGs virtually disappear. The effect of ozone treatment on the adsorption of volatile organic carbon (VOC) was exemplified by methylethylketone (MEK) and benzene. The adsorption density of MEK and benzene by ozone treated activated carbon (AC(O3)) are greater than that by the untreated (AC), with MEK being more adsorbable than benzene. Results of factorial analysis indicate that physical characteristics, namely, micropore, BET surface area, pore diameter (PD), micropore volume (MV) play an important role on benzene and MEK adsorption.  相似文献   

用氯化十六烷基三甲铵(Cetyltrimethylammonium chloride,CTAC)修饰铁氧化物Fe2O3,得到氨基复合的铁氧化物纳米材料(Fe2O3@CTAC)并研究了其对As(V)的吸附去除性能及机理。CTAC修饰不会改变Fe2O3的物理化学结构,而形成的Fe2O3@CTAC不仅可以通过铁氧化物表面络合作用吸附As(V),复合材料表面的氨基也可以通过静电作用吸附As(V)。因而复合材料对As(V)的吸附去除效果显著提升,饱和吸附容量可以达到23.13 mg·g-1。Fe2O3@CTAC 吸附As(V)可以在2 min内达到平衡,符合拟二级动力学模型和two-site Langmuir模型。在pH为3~9的范围内,Fe2O3@CTAC均能有效吸附去除As(V),去除率均能达到90%以上。天然有机质和硫酸根、碳酸氢根、硅酸根对As(V)在Fe2O3@CTAC上的吸附没有明显的抑制作用。磷酸根由于与As(V)存在竞争吸附作用而抑制As(V)的吸附,然而在通常水体磷酸根浓度条件下,Fe2O3@CTAC对As(V)的去除率依然达到90%以上。此外,Fe2O3@CTAC可以再生并重复利用,经过5次循环利用后As(V)的去除率能够保持在85%以上。  相似文献   

铁-铝盐混凝剂混合投加是一种常用给水处理工艺。但由于缺乏有效表征手段,对上述工艺的内在机制认识不清。采用紫外-可见光谱法与非理想竞争吸附模型(NICA)相结合的方法,定量表征铁-铝盐凝剂混合投加时水体中溶解性有机物(DOM)特性。结果表明,铁盐(FeCl3)投加能在保证水处理效能的情况下,显著提高酚基类官能团的去除效率,并且通过竞争络合位点抑制络合态有机铝的生成量,使溶解性残余铝浓度显著降低。以上研究结果对优化混凝工艺控制具有指导意义。  相似文献   

以蛭石为吸附介质构建了3个人工湿地处理单元:跌流曝气系统(I)、挂膜蛭石床系统(Ⅱ)和无挂膜对照系统(Ⅲ)。在氨氮浓度为20 mg/L水平上,研究比较了蛭石与挂膜蛭石系统的纯基质吸附与基质吸附加生物转化脱氮能力的差异。结果表明:蛭石能有效去除废水中的氨氮。与系统Ⅲ相比,系统Ⅰ和Ⅱ的氨氮平均去除率提高了20%,且具有处理效果稳定的特点。通过跌流曝气供氧进一步提高氨氮去除率,在试验末期,系统I氨氮去除率高于系统Ⅱ24%左右。无植物处理系统中氨氮的降解主要由基质吸附和生物转化共同完成,生物转化在脱氮中的贡献率最大可达87.4%。生物转化除了硝化反硝化作用外,可能还存在厌氧氨氧化过程。相关性分析结果表明,影响人工湿地硝化反硝化强度的主要因素有溶解氧、硝化反硝化菌数量及生物膜生物量。  相似文献   

The adsorption of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), exemplified by benzene and methylethylketone (MEK), onto seven different types of activated carbon was investigated. Results show that for benzene adsorption the adsorption characteristic energy, enthalpy, free energy and entropy are in the range 17.12-36.86, -20.8 to -44.7, -11.89 to -16.22 kJ/mole and -29.4 to -85.3 J/mole/K, respectively. For the adsorption of MEK, the adsorption characteristic energy, enthalpy, free energy and entropy are in the range 14.47-32.34, -18.3 to -40.8, -10.78 to -15.56 kJ/mole and -24.8 to approximately -60.3 J/mole/K, respectively. The adsorption enthalpy can be calculated indirectly from statistical thermodynamic method and directly from the immersion enthalpy method. The adsorption characteristic energy is calculated by the Dubinin-Astokhov equation. The free energy is calculated by the measured equilibrium adsorption constant.  相似文献   

海绵铁还原耦合活性炭吸附-微波再生技术降解甲基橙   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用海绵铁(s-Fe0)还原耦合活性炭(GAC)吸附-微波(MW)再生技术降解甲基橙(MO)溶液,重点考察了s-Fe0投加量、粒径、微波功率等因素对MO去除效果的影响。结果表明,s-Fe0投加剂量为15.0 g/L、粒径为3~5 mm、超声波功率为200 W,反应1 h,MO的去除率为94.2%。其次,采用GAC吸附-MW再生技术(800 W,照射1 min)循环处理上述脱色后的MO废水。结果表明,GAC吸附可有效降低废水的生物毒性及残留的染料、TOC和总铁离子浓度,且MW辐射可有效再生吸附饱和的GAC颗粒。因此,s-Fe0还原耦合GAC吸附-MW再生技术可以有效降解MO染料,具有处理效果好、实现资源循环利用等优点。  相似文献   

设计了正交实验对5种材料吸附模拟废水中苯系混合物(苯、甲苯、二甲苯)的条件进行优化,CD02硅藻土与X型纳米分子筛以2∶1(质量比)进行复合后,对苯系混合物去除效果最好.采用顶空气相色谱法测定8种不同材料对水中苯系混合物的去除情况,结果表明复合材料对苯系混合物具有良好的去除效果,仅次于活性炭.复合材料在pH为7、搅拌时间为25 min、用量为1.8g/L时,对苯系混合物质量浓度为4.0 mg/L模拟废水的平均去除率为87.56%.经过4次再生后,复合材料的再生率仍高达84.90%,对苯系混合物的平均去除率为91.49%.  相似文献   

采用阳离子表面活性剂十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(CTAB)改性绿色合成纳米氧化铁(IONP),提高其稳定性和分散性,并应用于去除水中亚硝酸盐。实验结果表明,亚硝酸盐初始浓度为20 mg·L-1,反应温度 30 ℃时,0.4 mmol·L-1 CTAB改性的绿色合成纳米氧化铁(CTAB-IONP)去除亚硝酸盐的效率最高,为 97.32%,比IONP增加了 23%。通过扫描电镜(SEM)和傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)表征可知,经CTAB改性提高了IONP的稳定性和分散性,同时使其带正电,从而提高了反应活性。IONP对亚硝酸盐的去除反应遵循伪一级动力学,而CTAB-IONP则更符合伪二级动力学。  相似文献   

通过纳米铁对磷酸根和硫离子的单吸附和竞争吸附的研究,从吸附动力学和吸附等温线两个方面分析并验证了其吸附特性和模式。分析表明,相对于磷酸根,纳米铁对硫离子的吸附能力更强,在竞争条件下居优势地位。采用准一级和准二级吸附动力学方程对实验数据进行模拟分析,结果表明,纳米铁对磷酸根和硫离子的吸附符合二级动力学方程。吸附等温线分析采用Freundlich和Langmuir吸附等温线方程模拟分析,分析结果表明,纳米铁颗粒对磷酸根的吸附符合Freundlich吸附模式,而对硫离子的吸附符合Langmuir吸附模式。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The presence of volatile benzene series compounds (VBSCs) in the environment is continually increasing, with the potential for negative effects on...  相似文献   

In the present work the effect of the alkyl chain length and the position of the sulfophenyl substituent of the linear alkylbenzene sulfonates (LAS) on their anaerobic biodegradability have been investigated. Degradation kinetics of the linear alkyl benzene sulfonates homologues, 2C10LAS, 2C12LAS and 2C14LAS, have been studied. It has been also investigated the effect of the isomer type on the degradation rate of the LAS molecule through the comparative study of the 2C10LAS and 5C10LAS isomers. Batch anaerobic biodegradation tests were performed using sludge from the anaerobic digester of a wastewater treatment plant as microorganisms source. Ultimate biodegradation was evaluated from the biogas production whereas primary biodegradation was determined by specific analysis of the surfactant. LAS homologues and isomers showed a negligible primary biodegradation under anaerobic conditions. Furthermore, analysis of sulfophenyl carboxilates (SPC) by LC–MS indicated a low and constant level of these LAS degradation metabolites over the test period. These data are consistent with a minimal transformation of the LAS parent molecule in the anaerobic digesters. On the other hand, the addition of the shortest alkyl chain length homologues, decyl and dodecylbenzene sulfonates, reduces the biogas production whereas the most hydrophobic homologue, the tetradecylbenzene sulfonate, enhances the biogas production. This LAS homologue seems to increase the availability of organic compounds sorbed on the anaerobic sludge promoting their biodegradation.  相似文献   

系统研究盐酸浸出赤泥中铝和铁的过程,考察酸浸温度、盐酸浓度、酸浸时间、液固比以及赤泥粒度对铝、铁浸出率的影响。单因素实验和正交实验结果得出,在影响浸出率的酸浸温度、盐酸浓度、酸浸时间和液固比对铁、铝的浸出率的影响几个因素中,酸浸温度和盐酸浓度的影响最大,液固比和浸出时间其次。盐酸酸浸的最佳工艺条件为:赤泥粒度150 μm、酸浸温度80 ℃、盐酸浓度10 mol·L-1、液固比8∶1(V/m)、浸出时间150 min,此时铝的浸出率为96.7%,铁的浸出率为95.1%,铁铝总浸出率96.0%。  相似文献   

We report measurements of solubility limits for benzene, toluene, and TCE in systems that contain varying levels of biomass up to 0.13 g mL−1 for TCE and 0.25 g mL−1 for benzene and toluene. The solubility limit increased from 21 to 48 mM when biomass (in the form of yeast) was added to aqueous batch systems containing benzene. The toluene solubility limit increased from 4.9 to greater than 20 mM. For TCE, the solubility increased from 8 mM to more than 1000 mM. Solubility for TCE (trichloroethylene) was most heavily impacted by biomass levels, changing by two orders of magnitude as the microbial concentrations approach those in biofilms.  相似文献   

This work describes the use of rice hull as starting material for the synthesis of cements doped with iron and aluminum. Rice hull contains about 10-20% of silica along with organic material. In many countries rice hull represents an environmental problem since this material is merely burned at rice fields, rendering suspended silica particles in the air. Dicalcium silicate (beta-Ca(2)SiO(4)) is the second most important component of Portland cement and presents many environmental advantages over commercial cement. It can be prepared at lower temperatures saving energy and raw-materials. In this work we describe the synthesis beta-Ca(2)SiO(4) using silica derived from rice hull ash. Silica was obtained from heating rice hull at 600 degrees C. Starting materials (silica, calcium oxide, barium chloride, iron or aluminum oxide) were weighed in stoichiometric proportions and aqueous dispersions having water:solid ratio of approximately 20:1 were prepared and treated in an ultrasonic bath for 60min. After this, an intermediate silicate and the excess of calcium hydroxide were obtained. Finally solids were dried, grounded and heated up to 800 degrees C. It was observed that beta-Ca(2)SiO(4) was obtained when dopant concentration was limited to 1%.  相似文献   

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