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Badge size in the house sparrow Passer domesticus   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Summary I studied female mate choice in house sparrows Passer domesticus in relation to the size of the black throat patch of males (badge size), which is a signal of dominance status, and to territory quality. Males with large badges obtained a mate earlier in spring than males with small badges. Males which remained unmated during the entire breeding season had smaller badges than mated males, even when controlling for the effect of other morphological traits and age. Largebadged males had territories with more breeding sites than small-badged males. Territories defended by males with large badges primarily had hole nest sites, which were safe from predators, and nestlings rarely fell from hole nests. Females were implanted with estradiol to induce copulation solicitation displays. Females responded more strongly to a male taxidermic mount and song than to song alone, and they responded more strongly and frequently to male mounts with large badges. Female house sparrows chose mates on the basis of male badges and perhaps on the basis of the quality of the nesting territories offered.  相似文献   

Extra-pair fertilizations are common in many socially monogamous species, and paternity studies have indicated that females may use male vocal performance and plumage ornaments as cues to assess male quality. Female off-territory forays may represent a key component of female choice and male extra-pair mating success, and female foray behaviour is expected to be strongly influenced by indictors of male quality. In this study, we examined how male song and ornamentation affect how often females left their territories, which males they visited and extra-pair paternity in a socially monogamous passerine, the hooded warbler (Wilsonia citrina). We radiotracked 17 females during the fertile period and quantified male vocal performance (song output and rate) and plumage characteristics (size of the black melanin hood and colour of the black hood, yellow cheeks and breast areas). We obtained blood samples and determined paternity at 35 nests including those of 14 females that we radiotracked. Eleven (65%) of the 17 females forayed off-territory, whilst fertile and female foray rate was positively correlated with the number of extra-pair young in the nest. Females that left their territories more frequently were paired with males that sang at a low rate. In addition, extra-pair mates had higher song rates than the social mates they cuckolded (5.3 songs/min vs. 4.4 songs/min). Female off-territory forays or extra-pair paternity were not significantly related to male plumage characteristics. Our results indicate that a high song rate influences both the foray behaviour of a male’s social mate and the likelihood that he will sire extra-pair offspring with neighbouring females.  相似文献   

Summary Several aspects of nest defence behavior were investigated in song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) in eastern Ontario. Two independent tests were made of the hypothesis that the increase in nest defence observed through a nesting attempt is due to the birds becoming familiar with the nest threat, rather than because the nest contents increase in value to the parents. Neither test supported the hypothesis. As predicted by life history theory for species with age-independent mortality, males did not defend their nest more vigorously as they become older. Parents defended their nests less vigorously through the breeding season, contrary to the expected pattern of increased nest defence in response to declining renesting potential. This result may be attributable to a decline in offspring value through the breeding season. Nest defence behavior of mated individuals was positively correlated, independent of factors such as offspring age, renesting potential and brood size. From this result it is proposed that a source of variation in nest defence behavior may be individuals basing their own response on their mate's response in a positive feedback fashion. Males defended nests less vigorously than females, consistent with the expectation that males have lower certainty of parentage in the offspring. It is proposed that variation in paternal uncertainty could contribute to the unexplained variation reported in nest defence studies.  相似文献   

Vocalisations of many songbirds, anurans, and insects are shaped by sexual selection. Males acoustically compete for territories, and females choose their mates by means of male courtship songs. In courtship, richness and complexity of elements are often favoured characters. Only a few examples of complex songs are known in mammals. Males of the harem-polygynous sac-winged bat (Saccopteryx bilineata, Emballonuridae) have an uncommonly complex vocal repertoire, and different song types of males are used in the context of territorial defence and in courting females. We classified the daytime vocalisations of 16 male S. bilineata from a colony in Costa Rica, both on the basis of their acoustical properties and the social context in which they occurred. Seven vocalisation types were differentiated: echolocation pulses, barks, chatter, whistles, screeches, territorial songs and courtship songs. Territorial songs were short, rather stereotyped and not obviously directed towards a certain conspecific. They appear to be of importance in male competition for harem territories, in which females roost during the day. Courtship songs were exclusively observed when males displayed towards a female; they were long and complex, and consisted of highly variable elements (calls). We classified the calls in courtship songs of six males into call types, based on acoustical properties, mainly spectral purity and duration. Four call types are described in detail: trills, noise-bursts, short tonal calls, and quasi constant frequency calls. Twelve parameter values were extracted from the most common call type, the trill. Discriminant function analysis of trills showed that different males had different repertoires. This could allow females to use trill parameters for recognition of individual males and thus for mate choice.Communicated by G. Wilkinson  相似文献   

Song rates of dark-eyed juncos do not increase when females are fertile   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Frequency of singing by birds may vary with reproductive stage in ways that reflect variation in the functions of song in intersexual and intrasexual communication. In dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis) high-amplitude song is produced only by males. To investigate the function of this song, we tested whether fertility of females affected singing by their mates or by neighboring males. Using focal observations, song censuses, and radiotracking data, we determined whether song production varied between and among periods when females were fertile and non-fertile. Our findings show that males do not increase song production when their mates are fertile, nor do they increase song production when neighboring females are fertile. These results suggest that male juncos do not signal their intent to defend territories (or mates) more when females are fertile and that they do not use song to advertise to specific potential participants in extra-pair fertilizations. Received: 13 February 1997 / Accepted after revison: 2 May 1997  相似文献   

There are few empirical tests of the acoustic mate-guarding hypothesis for the function of duetting in birds. This hypothesis states that when females are fertile, males initiate many songs or answer most of their mates solo songs to form duets and repel rival males seeking extra-pair copulations. We tested the hypothesis by comparing song initiation and answer rates of males and females in socially monogamous buff-breasted wrens (Throthorus leucotis) during pre-fertile and fertile periods. During pre-fertile periods, males often sang for short periods before being answered by their mates, yet first duets were formed earlier relative to dawn and more duets were given during the dawn chorus on pre-fertile than fertile mornings. Males initiated more songs during pre-fertile than fertile periods, whereas there was no difference between stages in female song initiation rates. The proportion of songs answered by individuals of both sexes did not differ between breeding stages. Other mate-guarding behaviours, such as frequent copulation and maintaining close proximity to mates when fertile, did not appear to be important in this species, as no copulations were observed and there was no difference in the time pairs spent in close proximity when females were fertile or not. Parentage analysis revealed that only 3% of 31 broods had young that were likely the result of extra-pair paternity. These findings do not support the acoustic mate-guarding hypothesis, and suggest that the low rate of extra-pair paternity in buff-breasted wrens was maintained without the use of acoustic or traditional paternity guards.Communicated by R. Gibson  相似文献   

In noisy conditions, several avian species modulate their songs in amplitude and in the temporal or frequency domains, presumably to improve communication. Most studies on how passerine birds perform such adjustments have been carried out in oscines, a group well known for the importance of learning in the development of their songs. On the other hand, suboscines, in which learning appears to have little influence on the development of their songs, have been largely neglected. We evaluated song adjustment to noise in the vermilion flycatcher (Pyrocephalus rubinus), a suboscine bird. We conducted song recordings and noise measurements at several territories within Mexico City during the length of the dawn chorus. Males living in noisier places sang long songs, while those males inhabiting quieter places sang both short and long songs. We also found evidence of individual song plasticity, as males sang less versatile songs (i.e., songs with more introductory elements) later in the morning when noise levels were higher. This individual shift in song seems to be more associated to time of the day rather than to the observed rise in noise. However, we cannot discard an effect of noise, which should be evaluated with an experiment. We discuss our results in the context of other studies with oscine passerines and other taxa and consider implications for signaling in intra- and intersexual contexts.  相似文献   

Summary Male field sparrows settling on particular territories for the first time often sing two or more song types. Vocal experience with neighboring males then leads in most cases to the deletion from the male's repertoires of all but one song type. In 2 years, settling males retained the song type that most closely resembled that of a neighbor. Focal observations in 1 year revealed that the most actively singing neighbor was the one the new birds resembled. Songs were not selected on the basis of their absolute acoustic characteristics, but rather by their resemblance to neighbors' songs. After the attrition process is complete, males retain their song for the rest of their lives. Evidence supports the hypothesis that the actual acquisition of a song need not take place at the time and place as males occupy territories. Rather, males may acquire an abundance of song models earlier in life and then select songs from this repertoire that most closely resemble those of their neighbors. The development of mature repertoires and of local dialects is the outcome of one process in this species.  相似文献   

Developmental stress has recently been shown to have adverse effects upon adult male song structure in birds, which may well act as an honest signal of male quality to discriminating females. However, it still remains to be shown if females can discriminate between the songs of stressed and non-stressed males. Here we use a novel experimental design using an active choice paradigm to investigate preferences in captive female zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). Nine females were exposed to ten pairs of songs by previously stressed and non-stressed birds that had learned their song from the same tutor. Song pairs differed significantly in terms of song complexity, with songs of stressed males exhibiting lower numbers of syllables and fewer different syllables in a phrase. Song rate and peak frequency did not differ between stressed and non-stressed males. Females showed a significant preference for non-stressed songs in terms of directed perching activity and time spent on perches. Our results therefore indicate that developmental stress affects not only the structure of male song, but that such structural differences are biologically relevant to female mate choice decisions.  相似文献   

Much of our knowledge concerning the functions of territorial behaviour and how territories are defended by individuals comes from research on birds. The vast majority of this work has focused on temperate zone breeding territoriality in which territories are defended most obviously by males. Our understanding of the female role in territory defence is limited because they are less conspicuous and much harder to observe. We studied sex roles in territory maintenance and defence in a duetting, resident neotropical passerine, the white-bellied antbird (Myrmeciza longipes). This species maintains territories and pair bonds year round and both sexes sing and actively participate in territory defence. We performed a series of playback experiments throughout the dry (non-breeding) and wet (breeding) seasons. We exposed territorial pairs to three types of stimuli including: (1) single sex, male only songs, (2) single sex, female only songs, and (3) both sex songs/duets. Contrary to findings for most other tropical species, individuals defended their territories with equal levels of aggression regardless of stimuli. Furthermore, sex roles were very different, with males responding more aggressively than females to all stimuli throughout both seasons. Both males and females consistently responded more aggressively to territorial intrusions during the dry season than during the wet season, likely because food abundance is low in the dry season and territory value is high. Our analysis of duetting behaviour suggests that duets do not serve a significant role in mate guarding, or territory defence.  相似文献   

Mate choice by female white-crowned sparrows in a mixed-dialect population   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary It has been argued that the song dialects of white-crowned sparrows, Zonotrichia leucophrys, may function to restrict gene flow between dialect populations, thus promoting adaptation to local environmental conditions. One proposed mechanism whereby this may occur is if a female mates preferentially with males singing her natal dialect, typically the song type of her father. Previous field and laboratory studies of the role played by song differences in mate choice by female white-crowned sparrows have produced equivocal results. These investigations were conducted in populations in which a single song dialect was predominant. We examined mate choice in a population in which two song dialects are equally common. We found that songs of mates of individual females in successive years were no more likely to be of the same dialect than expected by chance. In addition, individual females did not mate preferentially with males whose songs matched those of their fathers. We conclude that, in this population, females choose mates on the basis of characteristics other than song type.  相似文献   

Despite numerous hypotheses proposed for the function of duets, there is currently no consensus as to why males and females should coordinate their songs in such a precise way. There is evidence indicating that duets sometimes serve in territory defence, but additional functions are rarely considered. The mate-defence hypothesis proposes that birds sing in response to their partner's song and the resulting duet repels rivals and may prevent desertion of a partner. We investigated this idea in the subdesert mesite Monias benschi using playback experiments in which we broadcast recordings of solos and duets to single birds and groups. Two predictions of the hypothesis were met: (1) the solo songs of both sexes incited aggressive responses from paired birds of the same sex; and (2) compared to solo songs, pair duets elicited weaker responses from groups and duetting pairs. However, groups responded to male duets with a vigour equal to that with which they responded to male solos. This indicated that the weaker responses of groups to pair duets compared to male solos was a function of the sex rather than number of vocalising birds. Groups responded more strongly to male solos than to either female solos or pair duets, and females' responses were generally weaker than those of males. This may reflect stronger competition among males for mates, due to a male-biased sex ratio in the population. We conclude that song serves similar functions in each sex and that duets may arise through mutual mate defence.  相似文献   

In this study we examine male song output as a measure of nest site quality in blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla). Song rate, breeding success, predation on nests and reaction to playbacks were investigated in individual males. Habitat features determining nest site and song post quality in terms of vegetation cover were compared between successful nests and nests that had suffered predation. We then related song rate of unmated males to habitat factors in territories and nesting sites in order to examine a possible predictor function of blackcap song for habitat quality. Several habitat features are responsible for variation in nesting success. These features also correlate with song rate of unmated males. The study indicates a potential role of song rate in the advertisement of territory quality. Furthermore, the data suggest that females use song rates rather than territory quality in mating decisions. The information females may gain about male quality in relation to territory quality are also discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Captive female song sparrows (Melospiza melodia), after treatment with estradiol, perform copulation solicitation displays when presented with songs of conspecific males. Females respond more strongly to eight song types than to four, and to sixteen song types than to eight. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that female song sparrows prefer large repertoires, rather than preferring normal or natural repertoire sizes (5 to 13 song types).The results with captive females might be taken to imply that females in the field prefer as mates those males with the largest repertoire sizes. This hypothesis was tested by observing pairing in a field population. In each of 2 years, there was no significant correlation between male repertoire size and date of initial pair formation. Furthermore, there was no correlation between repertoire size and the speed with which a second mate was acquired after removal of the first. It is concluded that repertoire size does not have an important influence on female choice of mates in song sparrows.  相似文献   

Acoustic territorial displays are common among birds but comparatively rare among mammals. An exceptionally vocal mammal well-known for its elaborate territorial displays is the polygynous greater sac-winged bat, Saccopteryx bilineata. Male S. bilineata are often philopatric and establish small territories in their birth colony in which females can roost during the day. During territorial defense, males produce complex territorial songs that are learned through vocal imitation. Territorial songs are mainly produced at dawn and dusk. We studied social influences on male vocal activity and the occurrence of vocal signatures in territorial songs of 27 male S. bilineata from 12 different-sized colonies in Panama. Males produced significantly more territorial songs when they had more territorial neighbors or when they had females roosting in their territories, indicating that male vocal activity rises with increasing male–male competition. Territorial songs are multisyllabic vocalizations with low-frequency buzz syllables being most prominent. We found statistical evidence for a pronounced individual signature encoded in the buzz syllables of territorial songs that could facilitate individual recognition among rival neighbors. Additionally, we found a vocal group signature in territorial songs, suggesting that young males may learn territorial songs from more than one tutor male. Resident male S. bilineata appear to cooperatively defend their colony against male intruders, making a group signature in territorial songs potentially advantageous.  相似文献   

Summary Tropical house wrens in lowland central Panama are, with rare exception, permanently monogamous. During a 3-year demographic study of 54–56 pairs of these brids, both males and females committed infanticide in association with takeover of breeding territories. New males and new females replaced previously identified (color-banded) parents before the termination of parental care in 13% of 328 breeding attempts. Replacement was accomplished by physical takeover in at least some if not all cases. Total nest failure at the egg, nestling, or fledgling stage occurred in 73% of the male replacements and 70% of the female replacements. Nest predation was excluded as a possible cause of nest failure. 76% of male replacements and 50% of female replacements bred in the same season. Infanticidal replacement males bred sooner than did non-infanticidal males arriving at similar stages of the nesting cycle. Contexts in which infanticide occurred included takeovers by first-year males and females of territories and mates, re-entry into the breeding population by males that had recently lost their mates, acquisition of neighboring females by bigamous males, and the elimination of one female of a bigamous male by the other. Sexually selected infanticide in these birds is promoted by a lengthy breeding season and extremely limited breeding opportunities for individuals not already part of the breeding population. Mate limitation appears to be more important than habitat or nestsite limitation in restricting new breeding opportunities once the breeding season has begun.  相似文献   

Birdsong serves to attract mates and to deter territorial rivals. Even though song is not restricted to males, this dual function has almost exclusively been demonstrated for male song. To test the generality of hypotheses on birdsong, we investigated female song in the sex-role reversed, classically polyandrous African black coucal (Centropus grillii) in the context of female–female competition. We compared spontaneously vocalizing females with females vocally responding to a playback simulating a conspecific intruder. Females changed vocal parameters in response to playbacks: They lowered the pitch of their vocalizations and enhanced the duration of song elements when being challenged. Also, the composition of the vocalizations was altered. There was no significant correlation between pitch and body size parameters in spontaneous song, but there was for response songs, with larger females having a lower pitch. These changes in vocal properties suggest that the vocalizations are important for mutual assessment of competitive abilities in females. Our findings confirm the general role of intrasexual competition in vocal communication of birds.  相似文献   

In most species of song birds, males develop song repertoires of several different songs. Among this variety, different songs may be used differently in communication and, thus, may have different functions. Here we studied vocal responses to playback of structurally different songs in male territorial nightingales (Luscinia megarhynchos). Nightingales have enormous vocal repertoires of about 200 song types. Among these songs, one category, whistle songs, sticks out syntactically and acoustically. Here we tested whether or not male nightingales match whistle songs with whistle songs and, if so, whether they also match the pitch of the broadcast whistles. Furthermore, we also tested if nightingales treat whistle songs as a separate category of songs. We conducted interactive playback experiments on nocturnal song in which each male received three playback treatments that differed in the number of whistle songs broadcast. Males responded differently during playbacks by singing significantly more whistle songs when the playback tapes contained many whistle songs than when they contained no whistle songs. Males also frequently matched the pitch of the broadcast whistle songs. In contrast to responses during playback, after the playback terminated males sang more whistle songs when no whistle songs were broadcast than when many whistle songs were broadcast. These findings suggest that whistle songs have a specific signal value and that nightingales treat them as a special song category. Electronic supplementary material to this paper can be obtained by using the Springer Link server located at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00265-002-0511-1.  相似文献   

Male migratory birds tend to be more faithful than females to previous breeding sites, suggesting sex differences in costs or benefits of dispersal. In Illinois, greater site fidelity by male yellow-headed blackbirds (Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus) was associated with reduced reproductive success the following year for dispersers relative to non-dispersers. Dispersing females suffered no reduction in reproductive success the following year. Males that attracted few social mates, and thus had low reproductive success, were more likely to disperse, whereas females dispersed in response to low-patch reproductive success, regardless of their individual performance. Males that dispersed appeared to be successful acquiring territories because none was observed as a floater. The rate of dispersal by males in this low-density population was greater than in more dense populations where dispersing males may be less successful at acquiring territories. Despite success at obtaining territories, males that dispersed acquired territories on the periphery of wetlands where fewer females nested, resulting in lower reproductive success. In the second year after dispersing, however, males moved onto more central territories where they acquired larger harems. Thus, dispersal by males may be a long-term strategy requiring at least 2 years for benefits to be realized. Long-term success was enhanced because dispersing males moved to wetlands on which reproductive success was higher than on the wetlands they left. In addition to demonstrating that both individual and patch reproductive success affect dispersal decisions, these data indicate that when evaluating costs and benefits of dispersal, researchers should use a time frame beyond 1 year.  相似文献   

We removed the mates of ten male black-capped chickadees (Pares atricapillus) during the nest-building period to determine the effect of female presence on dawn singing. During the first dawn chorus following mate removal, males sang significantly longer, increased movement within their territory, and increased the percentage of their territory covered while singing. After the female was returned, these parameters returned to the pre-removal values. Males did not alter the frequency range or modal frequency of their songs when the mate was removed, nor did they change the degree of frequency shifting in the fee-bee song. We conclude that dawn singing in the black-capped chickadee acts, in part, as an intersexual signal, and that the behavior of frequency shifting in the song may be directed more toward rival males than females. Correspondence to: K. Otter  相似文献   

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