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Subsurface soils near Clyde Forks, Ontario, Canada, can have naturally high concentrations of mercury (Hg) from local geological sources. To investigate Hg in local aquatic food webs, Hg was measured in fish dorsal muscle (mainly yellow perch [YP] and pumpkinseed sunfish [PS]) and surface sediments from 10 regional lakes. Water chemistry, along with fork length, weight, and stable isotopes (delta15N, delta13C, delta34S) in fish were also measured. No lake sediments had elevated (>0.3microg/g dw) Hg, and average Hg concentrations in fish were not sufficiently high (<1microg/g dw) to be of concern for fish-eating wildlife. Variance in fish Hg was best explained by dietary carbon source (delta13C), and certain lake variables (e.g., pH for YP). PS with more pelagic feeding habits had higher delta34S and Hg than those with more littoral feeding habits. Potential biological linkages between fish Hg and delta34S, a parameter that may be related to the lake sulphate-reducing bacteria activity, requires further investigation.  相似文献   

Larssen T  Brereton C  Gunn JM 《Ambio》2003,32(3):244-248
During much of the 1900s, the lakes in Killarney Provincial Park have been exposed to high levels of acid deposition due to sulfur emissions from the nearby metal smelters in Sudbury. The sulfur emissions from this large point source have decreased to about 10% of what they were in the 1960s. Lake water quality in Killarney Park has greatly changed in response to reduced emissions, with noticeable declines in sulfate, aluminum and calcium concentrations. Here we apply the dynamic acidification model MAGIC to 3 lakes in Killarney Park. The lakes, which have different buffering capacities and response times, were selected to represent fast, intermediate and slow recovery from acidification. The model was calibrated to match observed data for the lakes and 4 different forecast scenarios for future sulfur deposition reductions were applied. The results indicate that there is still a large potential for improvement in the water quality in Killarney. The recovery time for the different lakes varies greatly. For the lake having the slowest response time several decades are needed for the chemistry to stabilize after implementation of deposition reductions.  相似文献   

Kerstin Holmgren 《Ambio》2014,43(1):19-29
Since the 1980s, Swedish lakes have in general become less acidified. Assessment of biological recovery is, however, hampered by poor pre-acidification data, confounding effects of climate change, and few lakes with annual sampling of fish and other organisms. Only three critically acidified, but non-limed, lakes had two decades of fish monitoring. The lakes had not yet recovered to pre-industrial chemical targets. Fish had low species richness compared to other organism groups. Roach (Rutilus rutilus) and/or European perch (Perca fluviatilis) were the dominant fish species, and the acid-sensitive roach had been lost from one of the lakes. Calcium decreased, possibly approaching pre-acidification concentrations, but exceeded minimum levels needed to sustain some Daphnia species. High or increasing levels of total organic carbon, likely due to reduced acidification and climate change, might influence the biological communities in unexpected ways, for example, facilitating more frequent occurrence of the invasive algae Gonyostomum semen.  相似文献   

Ra-226 was measured by alpha-emission spectroscopy in water, sediments, and fish (tissues and gut contents), from five lakes in a watershed containing U mining and milling operations at Elliot Lake, Ontario, and from control lakes in an adjacent non-industrialized watershed. Ra-226 transfer parameters from lake water and sediments to fish tissues, and annual intakes by humans consuming fish, were estimated. Mean dissolved 226Ra levels ranged from approximately 76 mBq litre(-1) in water of the most affected lake, to < 10 mBq litre(-1) in control lakes. Levels in summer were consistently higher than in fall or winter; no consistent variation with depth was noted. Sediment levels ranged from approximately 3000 mBq g(-1) dry wt in one study lake to < 100 mBq g(-1) dry wt of sediment in control lakes. Bone 226Ra concentrations were higher than in muscle. The lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush), a predatory secondary consumer, had bone 226Ra levels (< 20 mBq g(-1) dry wt) that did not show significant site variation. In contrast, bottom feeding whitefish had significantly more 226Ra in bone tissue (to 38 mBq g(-1) dry wt in the lake whitefish, Coregonus clupeaformis, and 76 mBq g(-1) in round whitefish, Prosopium cylindraceum) in study lakes than in controls (< 20 mBq g(-1) dry wt). Ra-226 levels in lake trout muscle were low and showed erratic variation among lakes whereas levels in whitefish muscle did not vary significantly among study and control sites. Lake herring (= cisco, Coregonus artedii), a planktivorous fish taken only from Quirke Lake, had mean 226Ra levels of 18 and 1.4 mBq g(-1) dry wt in bone and muscle, respectively. Gut 226Ra levels, highest in lake trout from McCabe and Quirke Lakes (126 +/- 53, 64 +/- 44 mBq g(-1) dry wt, respectively), and just detectable in McCabe and Elliot Lake whitefish (24 +/- 2, 36 +/- 14 mBq g(-1) dry wt, respectively), were below detection in lake trout and whitefish from other lakes. Concentration ratios (CRs) of 226Ra from water to muscle ranged from 8 to 14 in lake trout, 7 to 14 in whitefish, and 4 to 6 in lake herring. The water to bone CRs varied from 81 to 142, 314 to 548, and 126 to 272 in the same species. CRs were always < 1 between sediments and fish tissues. Annual intake of 226Ra by human consumers of these fish was estimated to provide an effective dose of 0.003 mSv year(-1). This represents a small fraction of both natural background (> 2 mSv year(-1)) and the public dose limit (5 mSv year(-1)).  相似文献   

Reductions in North American sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions promoted expectations that aquatic ecosystems in southeastern Canada would soon recover from acidification. Only lakes located near smelters that have dramatically reduced emissions approach this expectation. Lakes in the Atlantic provinces, Quebec and Ontario affected only by long-range sources show a general decline in sulfate (SO4(2-)) concentrations, but with a relatively smaller compensating increase in pH or alkalinity. Several factors may contribute to the constrained (or most likely delayed) acidity response: declining base cation concentrations, drought-induced mobilization of SO4(2-), damaged internal alkalinity generation mechanisms, and perhaps increasing nitrate or organic anion levels. Monitoring to detect biological recovery in southeastern Canada is extremely limited, but where it occurs, there is little evidence of recovery outside of the Sudbury/Killarney area. Both the occurrence of Atlantic salmon in Nova Scotia rivers and the breeding success of Common Loons in Ontario lakes are in fact declining although factors beyond acidification also play a role. Chemical and biological models predict that much greater SO2 emission reductions than those presently required by legislation will be needed to promote widespread chemical and latterly, biological recovery. It may be unrealistic to expect that pre-industrial chemical and biological conditions can ever be reestablished in many lakes of southeastern Canada.  相似文献   

The accumulation of Cu and Ni in successive life stages of the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar), feces, and foliage near an ore smelter at Sudbury, Ontario and a control site was investigated. Higher concentrations of Cu and Ni were found in all larval stages collected at Sudbury than in those from the control site indicating that elevated levels of these metals in the Sudbury environment is an important factor influencing body burdens. These differences were associated with higher metal concentrations in the foliage of host trees from this site. However, differences between sites became less significant for pupae and adult stages. At the Sudbury site, concentrations of Cu (microg g(-1) dry wt) decreased in successive instars and then increased in tissues of pupae and adults. In contrast, Cu content (microg/individual) increased during larval development and then decreased in pupae and adults. The pattern of Ni concentration and content in larvae from the Sudbury site was similar to that of Cu. Patterns of Cu and Ni concentration and content throughout the life stages are explained by changes in weight resulting in a dilution effect in early stages, and a concentrating effect in later stages. Differences in Cu and Ni concentration and content between Sudbury and control populations became less significant following the pupal stage suggesting metal elimination with the exuviae and meconium. This study also illustrates the importance of sampling all stages in an insect's development when measuring accumulation of metals. Fecal and foliar concentrations of Cu and Ni from Sudbury were not significantly different suggesting that metal assimilation is low. Even though gypsy moths from Sudbury contain elevated levels of Cu and Ni, metal burdens in their tissues do not represent a significant route through the food chain. However, the conversion of foliage with high metal content to feces implies that other ecosystem consequences should be investigated.  相似文献   

Snucins E  Gunn JM 《Ambio》2003,32(3):240-243
We used rehabilitation experiments involving the stocking of 2 native sportfish, lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) and smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu), in combination with recent fish community surveys, to study the recovery dynamics of fish populations in acid-stressed lakes near Sudbury and Killarney, Ontario, Canada. Population recovery rates differed between the 2 species. Introduced lake trout did poorly in species-rich lakes and exhibited slower growth, lower survival and delayed recruitment. Smallmouth bass, in contrast, readily colonized species-rich lakes. The biomass of natural smallmouth bass recruits increased to reference lake levels within 5 years following water quality recovery and spawning by stocked fish, whereas the biomass of natural lake trout recruits remained well below reference levels 5-15 years after water quality recovery and spawning by adults occurred. We document introductions by anglers of smallmouth bass into acid-damaged lake trout lakes, including some lakes that did not contain bass prior to acidification. This range expansion of a warm-water species (bass) that can alter food-web structure and reduce the growth of a cold-water species (trout), illustrates the potential for the combination of climate warming and species introductions to greatly alter the biological recovery endpoints in acid-stressed lakes.  相似文献   

Decomposition of white birch (Betula papyrifera Marshall) foliar litter was examined at metal-contaminated and uncontaminated sites established along gradients of soil Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn concentrations near Sudbury, Ontario and Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec. Over an 18-month study period, a significantly lower rate of litter mass loss was observed at the Sudbury contaminated site (S1) than at the uncontaminated site (S2). This result was not duplicated at corresponding sites (RN1, RN2) in Rouyn-Noranda, despite similar levels of soil metal contaminants and atmospheric inputs. Concentrations of metals in litter increased at all sites with time. However, the greatest litter Cu and Ni concentrations were observed at S1 (188 and 192 microg/g, respectively), a result of substantial net gains of these elements from atmospheric inputs. On a per hectare basis, Cu accumulation in litter at S1 approached recommended application rates of Cu as copper sulphate for control of fungal diseases in agricultural operations, indicating that the current rate of Cu smelter emissions in Sudbury may cause the observed impairment of decomposition.  相似文献   



Increases in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations have been reported in surface waters worldwide in the last 10 to 20 years. The causes behind these increases have been attributed to many factors, including climate change and decreasing depositions of atmospheric sulphate ( \textSO42 - {\text{SO}}_4^{{{2} - }} ). Trends in DOC concentrations and their potential causal factors were examined in a network of 30 lakes lying in undisturbed temperate and boreal catchments in the province of Quebec, Canada.  相似文献   

Keller W  Heneberry JH  Dixit SS 《Ambio》2003,32(3):183-189
Lakes in Killarney Park near Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, have shown dramatic water quality changes including general increases in pH and alkalinity, and decreases in SO4(2-), base cations and metals. While some lakes have recovered to pH > 6.0, many are still highly acidic despite decades of improvement. Very high historical S deposition related to emissions from the Sudbury metal smelters dominated the acidification process in this region. However, since the implementation of substantial S emission controls (90%) at the smelters, the Sudbury emissions are no longer the major source of S deposition in the Sudbury area. Wet deposition of SO4(2-) and SO4(2-) concentrations in lakewaters at Killarney now approach values in the Dorset, Ontario, area, about 200 km from Sudbury. This suggests that the S deposition to the Killarney area is now primarily from long-range transport, not from local sources. Studies of Killarney lakes are revealing the complex nature of the chemical recovery process. As lake acidity decreases, other changes including decreased Ca2+ concentrations, increased transparency, and altered thermal regimes may potentially affect some of these ecosystems. It is clear that continuing assessments of the recovery of Killarney lakes, within a multiple-stressor framework, are needed.  相似文献   

The Copper Cliff Tailings Disposal Area, located near Sudbury, Ontario, covers an area of approximately 2200 ha and constitutes more than 10% of the total area of all mine tailings in Canada. The area has been utilized since 1936, receiving sulphide-containing tailings from the Inco Sudbury operations. Field measurements of pore-gas oxygen and carbon dioxide in the vadose zone indicate that sulphide oxidation has progressed to depths of 1.6 m to 1.7 m within the tailings. The oxidation of sulphide minerals within the vadose zone, and the accompanying dissolution of carbonate and aluminosilicate minerals within these tailings releases SO4, Fe(II) and other metals to the pore water. In the vadose and saturated zones, concentrations of Fe and Ni exceed 10100 mg/l and 2210 mg/l, respectively. These high concentrations of dissolved metals are attenuated by a series of precipitation, coprecipitation and adsorption reactions. The precipitation of secondary sulphate and hydroxide phases also create hardpan layers at or near the oxidation front. Geochemical modelling of the pore-water chemistry suggests that pH-buffering reactions are occurring within the shallow oxidized zones, and that secondary-phase precipitation is occurring at or near the underlying hardpan and transition zones. Mineralogical study of the tailings confirmed the presence of jarosite, gypsum and goethite within the shallow tailings, suggesting that these phases are controlling the dissolved concentrations of Fe, SO4 and Ca. Extraction experiments conducted on the tailings solids indicate that the constituents contained in the water-soluble fraction of the shallow, weathered tailings are derived from the original pore water and the dissolution of highly soluble phases such as gypsum. The acid-leachable fraction of the weathered tailings accounts for up to 25% of the heavy metals, and the reducible fraction may contain up to 100% of the heavy metals within the shallow, weathered tailings. Based on the pore water profiles and the geochemistry of the tailings solids, a relative mobility scale of Fe=Mn=Ni=Co>Cd Zn>Cr=Pb>Cu can be determined.  相似文献   

Available information on soil contamination by trace elements in the Sudbury Cu/Ni mining and smelting region consists largely of total elemental concentration data. Little is known about the mode of occurrence and behaviour of Cu and Ni (the main metallic contaminants) in the soils of the region. In this study, sequential extraction and Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis (SEM/EDX) observations were complementarily used to define Cu and Ni forms in the Sudbury soils, so as to assess metal mobility. Most Cu (on average 75%) was associated with 'non-residual' soil forms, whereas Ni was mainly (on average 60%) associated with inorganic 'residual' forms of a sulphide and oxide nature. Therefore, Cu occurs in the soils in more mobile forms than Ni. Consequently, Cu should be removed from these soils at a faster rate than Ni. This is an unusual finding, because generally Ni is known to be more mobile in soils than Cu. SEM/EDX analysis confirmed the greater Cu mobility by showing that the metal was strongly associated with organic matter and was homogeneously distributed on the clay fraction surfaces. Nickel occurred alone or was associated with Fe oxides in various size fractions. Both elements were found as sulphides but Ni was often included in the silicate matrices of spherical particles in associations with Fe. SEM/EDX observations have shown that Cu and Ni are associated with soil forms which would not have been predicted by the sequential extraction alone, such as carbonaceous material, silicate spheres and carbonate particles, supporting complementary use of the two techniques.  相似文献   

Radionuclides (210Pb, 210Po, 230Th, and 232Th) and chemical Th and U were measured in water, sediments, and fish tissues (bone, muscle, and gut contents of laketrout, Salvelinus namaycush, whitefish, Coregonus clupeaformis and Prosopium cylindraceum) from four lakes in a watershed affected by U mining and milling operations at Elliot Lake, Ontario, and from control lakes in an adjacent, non-industrialized, watershed. Radionuclide concentration ratios between tissue levels and sediment and water levels were calculated. Annual radionuclide intakes and resulting doses were estimated for humans consuming fish from the watershed. Bone 210Pb levels were higher (186 mBq g(-1) dry wt in laketrout and 230 mBq g(-1) dry wt in one lake whitefish) than in muscle (< 50 mBq g(-1) dry wt in all cases), and generally higher in fish from study lakes than from controls, but no consistent differences were observed among fish species. Similarly, 210Po levels were higher in bone (208 +/- 33 mBq g(-1), in laketrout) than muscle (maximum 26 +/- 4 mBq g(-1), in laketrout), and in study lake populations compared to controls. Laketrout 210Po bone concentrations were higher than previously reported in Canada. Levels of 230Th, 232Th, and Th were below detection limits (20 mBq g(-1), 0.05 microg g(-1)) in body tissues in all fish species. Bone levels of U (14.6 +/- 3.0 microg g(-1), in lake whitefish) were higher than in muscle (most < 0.05 microg g(-1), except 0.12 +/- 0.04 and 0.08 +/- 0.03 microg g(-1) in lake whitefish) in fish from waters affected by industrial activity. In control lakes, bone and muscle levels were lower and not significantly different from each other. Muscle levels did not vary consistently with location. Concentration of 210Pb and U was seen from water and 'gut' material (taken as a surrogate for diet) to bone in laketrout and whitefish, and of U from water to muscle in whitefish, but in no case from sediments to tissues. Human intakes of 210Pb, 210Po, 230Th, 232Th, and U from consuming one meal of fish (375 g) per week could, in aggregate, represent an annual effective dose < 15% of the public dose limit (5 mSv). Monitoring biota living near the decommissioned Elliot Lake U operations, especially of 210Pb levels in fish muscle, with further assessment of human doses attributable to local fish and other animals in the diet, should continue. Because radionuclide effects on fish health (and on other non-human organisms) are of increasing concern, neoplasms, malformations, and reproductive anomalies in local fish deserve examination.  相似文献   

Ontario's only free-ranging elk herd located at Burwash-French River has been subjected to the influence of historic copper-nickel-iron (Cu-Ni-Fe) ore smelting operations within the Sudbury area. Metal levels in selected body tissues, preferred forage items and fecal pellets were determined, and their potential effects on health and reproductive viability assessed. Significant age effects were apparent in 13 out of 31 tissue metal values obtained, with most age-related differences attributable to elevated concentrations in fetal tissues. Cu and zinc (Zn) levels were four to six times higher in livers and one and a half to two times higher in the bones of fetuses as compared to post-natal animals. Enhanced pre-natal tissue burdens were also noted for cobalt (Co), Ni and lead (Pb) in muscles. However, mean cadmium (Cd) levels in kidney, liver and muscle tissues, as well as hepatic Fe concentrations, showed significant increases with age. Although Cd levels in the kidneys of older elk were still well below the reported threshold for irreversible organ damage, and not considered to be health-threatening, detailed histological study of the cortical tissues for subtle pathotoxicological effects may be warranted. Unlike renal and hepatic tissues, Cd concentrations in skeletal muscle were minimal and within levels considered acceptable for human consumption. Forage species collected in the elk range generally showed higher (two to eight times) Ni and Fe levels than the corresponding plants from a non-contaminated reference site. The highest Ni and Fe burdens were carried by eastern white cedar, a preferred winter food item for elk. No consistent site-related trends were demonstrated by Cu, Zn, Co, Pb, chromium (Cr) and Cd forage levels. Mean metal concentrations in fecal pellets generally exceeded the mean composite forage levels by a factor of 3, except for Ni, which was five times more concentrated in feces. Significantly elevated Ni and Fe levels in preferred browse species and fecal pellets of the Sudbury-area elk could be of concern and warrant further investigation.  相似文献   

Fifty-six headwater Canadian Shield lakes were repetitively sampled from 1979 to 88 to determine their response to changes in acidic deposition of the period. Annual wet sulphate loadings varied between 38 and 83 meq m(-2), with highest deposition in the late 1970s followed by somewhat lower but variable deposition in the 1980s. Median pH of the lakes increased 0.42 pH units from 1979 to 1985 and decreased by 0.15 units between 1985 and 1988. Short water renewal times (x=1.1 y) promoted rapid equilibration. Since lake were so responsive to changes in SO4(2-) inputs, they were at or near steady state at all times. Comparison of predicted original pH and ANC with 1979 data indicate a median decline of 0.45 pH units and a loss of 34 microeq litre(-1). ANC. Four of 9 lakes were found to be historically fishless, based on the continued presence of Chaoborus americanus in sediment cores. The remaining five lakes historically had fish populations, but fish were not collected in 1979 when pH ranged betwen 4.6 and 5.3. By 1987, fish species were found in five of these lakes where pH had increased on average by 0.9 pH units. Our data indicate that water quality improvements could allow for the reinvasion or resumption of recruitment for a significant number of Ontario lakes.  相似文献   

The shutdown of the Inco Ltd, smelter in Sudbury between September 1978 and June 1979 allowed us to evaluate its contribution to the bulk deposition (defined as that caught in a continuously open collector including wet and dry fallout) of free hydrogen ion, sulphate, total copper and total nickel at eight collectors near Sudbury and at eight collectors in Muskoka-Haliburton. Bulk depositions of total copper and total nickel up to 50km from Sudbury were significantly lower (3–76 fold decrease) when Inco was not operating. The deposition of sulphate decreased significantly (5–50% decrease) at stations within 12 km of Sudbury during the shutdown, but there was no corresponding decrease in free hydrogen ion. There were no significant decreases in the deposition of sulphate, free hydrogen ion or total copper at Muskoka-Haliburton during the shutdown.  相似文献   

Mussels as indicators of biological recovery zone   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Long-term (1987–2012) water quality monitoring in 36 acid-sensitive Swedish lakes shows slow recovery from historic acidification. Overall, strong acid anion concentrations declined, primarily as a result of declines in sulfate. Chloride is now the dominant anion in many acid-sensitive lakes. Base cation concentrations have declined less rapidly than strong acid anion concentrations, leading to an increase in charge balance acid neutralizing capacity. In many lakes, modeled organic acidity is now approximately equal to inorganic acidity. The observed trends in water chemistry suggest lakes may not return to reference conditions. Despite declines in acid deposition, many of these lakes are still acidified. Base cation concentrations continue to decline and alkalinity shows only small increases. A changing climate may further delay recovery by increasing dissolved organic carbon concentrations and sea-salt episodes. More intensive forest harvesting may also hamper recovery by reducing the supply of soil base cations.  相似文献   

An examination of tissue metal levels in Sudbury-area muskrat (Ondatra zibethica) revealed that animals collected in the vicinity of the local ore-smelters contained elevated burdens of Cd and Ni in their liver and kidneys. Respective tissue concentrations averaged 2-fold and 3- to 6-fold higher than background values and are believed to reflect accumulations resulting from food chain contamination in regional marshes, including that reportedly characterizing Typha latifolia stands-their primary food source-and adherent sediments which may be consumed inadvertently while feeding. No evidence of site-influence or enhanced tissue metal levels was seen for Cu, Pb or Zn. While Cd : Ni accumulations were positively correlated in both the liver (r=0.78) and the kidneys (r=0.65), between-tissue comparisons indicated that hepatic : renal burdens were significantly correlated (r=0.75) only in the case of Ni. With the exception of 30-35% lower hepatic Zn levels in females relative to males within the Sudbury population, tissue metal levels did not vary according to sex or age class at either site. Our findings substantiate the potential of muskrat to serve as useful bioindicators/monitors of metal pollution in semi-aquatic environments.  相似文献   

Snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus) trapped near U tailings had higher concentrations of (226)Ra in their bones (250 +/- 94 mBq g(-1) dry wt) than those from local control sites 3-15 km from the tailings (20-30 mBq g(-1) dry wt) and those from a distant control site 880 km away from the U mining area, which were below the detection limit (DL) (3.7 mBq g(-1) dry wt). Most chyme (stomach content) samples contained 226Ra below DL. Concentration ratios of 226Ra from tissues of local plants, considered important in the hare's diet, to bone ranged from 0.22 to 8.60. Concentrations of 210Pb and 210Po (95-245 mBq g(-1) dry wt) were not significantly different among tailings and control site populations. Disequilibrium between these isotopes and their precursors was noted. No significant accumulation of U and Th was noted at any site. Higher concentrations of 228Th compared to 232Th are attributed to accumulation of 228Ra in a manner similar to that of 226Ra. Based on bone 226Ra and 210Po contents, the maximum internal dose rates to the skeleton and the maximum life-time dose of hare living near tailings were 3.9 x 10(-5) Gy d(-1) and 4.2 x 10(-2) Gy, respectively. These rates were below the threshold required to produce osteosarcoma in other mammals and were considered unlikely to adversely affect hare during their lifetime. Radionuclide uptake by the animals was concluded to have no environmental significance in the transport of radionuclides from tailings to other locations.  相似文献   

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