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The pelagic crustacean Euphausia pacifica Hansen was sampled with a multiple-sample 1.0 m2 Tucker trawl and a multiple-sample 1.0 m2 vertical net in Dabob Bay, Washington on 17 dates between May 1985 and October 1987. Size (stage) structure and abundance of the population were determined for each date, while vertical distribution and diel migration were determined for 13 dates. Although internannual variability in both timing and magnitude of events occurred, consistent patterns were discernable. The population produced a large pulse of larvae (2 to 5 mm) in late spring of each year, apparently in response to the vernal phytoplankton bloom. Much lower abundances of larvae occurred during summer and autumn of each year, and larvae were completely absent during winter. Recruitment to the juvenile (6 to 9 mm) and adult (10 mm) stages was strongest during the summer, with abundances of these individuals peaking in summer and autumn. Individual growth rates, determined by modal progression analysis, were calculated for E. pacifica. Rates ranged from zero for some adult cohorts during the winter to 0.12 mm d-1 for larvae during spring. The latter are among the highest ever reported for this species in the field. The vertical distributions and diel vertical migrations (DVM) of E. pacifica varied seasonally and between size (stage) classes. At night, all size classes were distributed in the surface layer (upper 25 m) irrespective of season or year. During the day, the larger/older stages were always distributed at middepths (50 to 125 m). In contrast, the daytime distribution of the larvae was more variable, being concentrated at the surface during spring and early summer of 1985, and at increasing depths later in the summer and autumn of 1985 and again in spring of 1986. This resulted in invariant DVM in the juveniles and adults, but variable DVM in the larvae, the latter of which is hypothesized to be a response to variable abundances of zooplanktivorous fish.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution, abundance and community structure of oncaeid copepods were investigated in the Oyashio region, western subarctic Pacific. Samples were collected with a 0.10 mm mesh closing type net from five discrete layers down to a maximum depth of 2,000 m in September and December 1996 and in April and October 1997. The copepods were widely distributed from epipelagic to bathypelagic zones, and showed prominent peaks of abundance above the thermocline and/or between 250 and 1,000 m depth. Standing stocks of total oncaeid copepods ranged from 1.5 to 2.5×105 inds m–2 at 0–2,000 m in the water column, which are the same order of magnitudes as those reported in tropical, subtropical and polar regions by previous workers. A total of 38 species and two forms belonging to the genera Oncaea, Triconia, Spinoncaea, Conaea and Epicalymma, and two provisionally classified species of the family Oncaeidae were identified in this study. Of these, 14 species have already been recorded from the eastern subarctic Pacific. Several warm-water species were also found in December 1996 and/or October 1997, when the effect of warm-core rings originating from the Kuroshio Current was evident in the epipelagic zone. Dominant species throughout the whole water column were T. borealis, T. canadensis, O. grossa, O. parila, O. rimula, O. lacinia, Epicalymma spp. and Oncaea sp. A, and these eight species together always made up about half of the total oncaeid numbers. Community analysis revealed that species composition in epipelagic and upper mesopelagic zones varied temporally due to the changes of hydrographic conditions, whereas those in lower mesopelagic and bathypelagic zones were relatively stable, reflecting the constancy of deep environments.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   

Seventeen Longhurst Hardy Plankton Recorder profiles were taken over a diel cycle in January 1990 to study the feeding of four major copepods over the South Georgia shelf. Ontogenetic changes in vertical migration were followed and feeding cycles determined by gut fluorometry for Calanoides acutus Stage CV, Calanus sinillimus CV and CVI, C. propinquus CV and Rhincalanus gigas CV and CVI. In common with a neighbouring oceanic site visited two weeks later and reported elsewhere, all four species had a diel cycle of feeding and migration. The vertical distributions of C. simillimus (all stages), R. gigas (nauplii) and Euphausia frigida (postlarvae) were similar at both sites, the night being spent within the chlorophyll maximum at 15 to 30 m. However, the biomass dominants, C. acutus and R. gigas, dwelt below the chlorophyll maximum, about 30 m deeper than their oceanic counterparts. Unlike the oceanic site, feeding at the shelf site was not restricted to darkness, but increased 6 to 10 h before nightfall and finished at dawn; the intervening period coincided with sinking and digestion. Daylight feeding may have been induced by the shorter night, lower light levels or greater food requirements at the shelf site, despite planktonic predators being over three times more abundant. Daily ration estimates for R. gigas at both sites were only 2% body carbon per day. These low values contrast with its smaller competirors, whose rations were in the range 5.6 to 27%.  相似文献   

The seasonal successions of standing crop and floral assemblage were studied for oceanic coccolithophores at 5 weather stations in the western North Atlantic Ocean. The coccolithophores were less populous during winter at the northern stations, whereas they became scarce during summer at the southern stations. The average standing crop in the surface water was quite consistent throughout all climatic regions, being a few tens of thousand cells per liter. The average standing crop at the 100 m level showed a clear trend of increasing southwards. The population at this depth was only one-tenth as large as that of the surface level at the northernmost station, whereas it was almost two-thirds as large as the surface levels at the southernmost station. Many of the major species exhibited seasonally biased occurrences. The trend was mostly repeated in consecutive years, although the magnitude of their abundances fluctuated from year to year in some case. The average species composition was obtained for the 5 weather stations at the surfacewater (surface and 20 m levels combined) and 100 m levels; Emiliania huxleyi dominated the flora at all stations. The relationship between occurrences of major species and ambient water temperature was also studied. Although some species were stenothermal, the majority exhibited eurythermal characteristics; this accounts for the high specific diversity of the coccolithophore community throughout the wide range of waters studied.Contribution No. 2899 of the Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory of Columbia University.  相似文献   

Vertical distribution and population structure of four dominant oncaeid copepods (Triconia borealis, Triconia canadensis, Oncaea grossa and Oncaea parila) were investigated in the Oyashio region, western subarctic Pacific. Seasonal samples were collected with 0.06 mm mesh nets from five discrete layers between the surface and 2,000 m depth at seven occasions (March, May, June, August and October 2002, December 2003 and February 2004). The depth of occurrence of major populations of each species differed by species; the surface–250 m for T. borealis, 250–1,000 m for T. canadensis, 250–500 m for O. grossa and 500–1,000 m for O. parila. The ontogenetic vertical migration characterized by deeper occurrence of early and late copepodid stages, and shallower occurrence of middle copepodid stages was observed in T. canadensis and O. parila. Of the four oncaeid copepods, almost all copepodid stages occurred throughout the study period, suggesting that their reproduction continues throughout the year in the region. Nevertheless, a clear developmental sequence of stage-to-stage was traced for T. canadensis and O. grossa copepodids, implying their generation time to be 1 year. For T. borealis and O. parila copepodids, no clear seasonal succession was observed thus estimation of their generation time was uncertain. The present comprehensive results of vertical distribution and life cycle features for T. borealis, T. canadensis, O. grossa and O. parila are compared with the few published data on oncaeid species distributing in high latitude seas.  相似文献   

Vertical distribution, life cycle, and developmental characteristics of the mesopelagic copepod Gaidius variabilis Brodsky in the Oyashio region were investigated by combining analyses of field copepodite populations with laboratory-rearing data of egg hatching and naupliar development. Field samplings from five discrete depths between the surface and ≤2000 m were made approximately every month for 1 year. Most populations of G. variabilis occurred between 600 and 1000 m depth. A modest degree of reversed diel vertical migration behavior and some stage-specific depth-distribution patterns were noted. All copepodite stages were observed throughout the year, suggesting a year-round spawning of G. variabilis. From a prominent abundance peak of Copepodite Stage 1 (C1) seen in June to August, together with development times of eggs and nauplii obtained in laboratory-rearing experiments, the major spawning season was extrapolated to be April to June, the phytoplankton bloom season. Tracing the peak abundance of each copepodite stage (distinguishing males and females for C4 to C6), the generation times of males and females were deduced as 2 and 1 year, respectively. All between-stage increments in terms of wet-, dry-, and ash-free dry weights were greatest in C3/C4, and least in C5/C6 for both males and females. The increments in C3/C4 and C4/C5 were greater for males than for females, reflecting a longer stage duration of the males. These weights did not increase in C5/C6 males, possibly because feeding ceased in C6 males. These results for G. variabilis are compared with those for some mesopelagic copepods previously reported from other regions. Received: 25 October 1999 / Accepted: 20 March 2000  相似文献   

Respiration rates and elemental composition (carbon and nitrogen) were determined for four dominant oncaeid copepods (Triconia borealis, Triconia canadensis, Oncaea grossa and Oncaea parila) from 0–1,000 m depth in the western subarctic Pacific. Across the four species of which dry weight (DW) varied from 2.0 to 32 μg, respiration rates measured at in situ temperature (3°C) increased with DW, ranging from 0.84 to 7.4 nl O2 individual−1 h−1. Carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) composition of the four oncaeid species ranged from 49–57% of DW and 7.0–10.3% of DW, respectively, and the resultant C:N ratios were 4.8–8.3. The high C contents and C:N ratios were reflected by large accumulation of lipids in their body. Specific respiration rates (SR, a fraction of body C respired per day) ranged between 0.5 and 1.3% day−1. Respiration rates adjusted to a body size of 1 mg body N (i.e. adjusted metabolic rates, AMR) of the four oncaeid species [0.6–1.1 μl O2 (mg body N)−0.8 h−1 at 3°C] were significantly lower than those (1.7–5.1) reported in the literature for oithonid and calanoid copepods at the same temperature. The present results indicate that lower metabolic expenditure due to less active swimming (pseudopelagic life mode) together with rich energy reserve in the body (as lipids) are the characters of oncaeid copepods inhabiting in the epi- and mesopelagic zones of this region.  相似文献   

Several sets of plankton and hyperbenthos samples were collected from the Seine estuary in late May-early June of 1991, 1992 and 1994, and the abundance, size-frequency, horizontal and vertical distribution, and short-term fluctuations of Pleurobrachia pileus (O.F. Müller, 1776) were determined. In the Seine estuary, P. pileus was more abundant than reported for any other European shallow waters. Its depth-averaged density was 33 individuals m-3 in 1991 and 32 individuals m-3 in 1992, with a maximum density of 808 individuals m-3. The ctenophores displayed passive tidal advection and active diel vertical migration. In the outer estuary, high abundances were observed around low tide, and diel vertical migration was very pronounced. However, many individuals remained aggregated near the bottom at all times. In spring, the distribution of P. pileus coincided with the 33 and 150 S isohalines, with high abundances on the marine side of the estuary. It is suggested that aggregation of ctenophores near the bottom and diel vertical migration play an important role in the retention of P. pileus in the estuary. Two schemes of P. pileus life cycle in the Bay of Seine are proposed.  相似文献   

Studies off the west coast of Australia showed that the phyllosoma larvae of Panulirus cygnus George undergo a diurnal vertical migration, with light as an important factor influencing the depth distribution of all 9 phyllosoma stages. The early stages (I to III) occurred at the surface at night regardless of moonlight intensity, whereas late stages (VI to IX) concentrated at the surface only on nights with less than 5% of full moonlight. Midday peak densities of early-stage larvae occurred in the 30 to 60 m depth range while those of mid (IV to VI) and late stages were in the 50 to 120 m range. Depths of peak densities of larvae increased with distance offshore. The limits of vertical distribution of the phyllosoma remained within ranges of illuminance which were estimated to be in the order of 50 to 250 E m-2 sec-1 for early stages, 20 to 200 E m-2 sec-1 for mid stages and 5 to 50 E m-2 sec-1 for late stages. Minimal rates of net vertical movement were estimated for the larvae. Early stages exhibited mean net rates of ascent and descent of 13.7 and 13.0 m h-1, respectively, while the rates for mid stages were 16.0 and 16.6 m h-1 and for late stages 19.4 and 20.1 m h-1. Diurnal migrations and vertical distribution are shown to have a vital role in the relationships between circulation in the south-eastern Indian Ocean and the transport and dispersal of the phyllosoma larvae. The diurnal migrations of early stages place them at the surface at night, when offshore vectors of wind-driven ocean-surface transport dominate, and below the depth of wind-induced transport during the day, when offshore vectors are small or negative, thus accounting for their offshore displacement. Mid and late stages, because of their deeper daytime distribution and absence from the surface on moonlight nights, are predominantly subject to circulation features underlying the immediate surface layer. This is hypothesized to account for the return of the phyllosoma to areas near the continental shelf edge by subjecting them to a coastward mass transport of water which underlies the immediate surface layer.The western rock lobster is referred to as P. longipes or P. longipes cygnus in some of the literature quoted; these are synonymous with P. cygnus.  相似文献   

The species abundance, vertical distribution and diurnal vertical migration of cyclopoid copepods was analyzed in the central Red Sea in October–November 1980. Samples were taken to a depth of 450 m with a multiple opening — closing plankton net with 0.1-mm mesh-size. Selected important species were allocated to five different groups according to their depth distributions during daytime. The greatest number of species (9) was found in the lower epipelagic zone (40 to 100 m), below the strong seasonal thermocline. The lowest number of species (1) occurred in the upper part of the upper mesopelagic zone (100 to 250 m), which is characterized by a strong dissolved oxygen gradient. Five species had a bimodal vertical distribution, with dual peak abundances in the epipelagic and upper mesopelagic zones. Distinct differences in distribution patterns were noted between sexes and/or developmental stages. The vertical range of diurnally migrating species was small, usually less than 50 to 100 m. Characteristic diurnal changes in the vertical succession of dominant species occur within the epipelagic zone (0 to 100 m). Species-specific vertical distribution patterns are compared with published data from other areas. A conspicuous difference in the proportion of carcasses was noted between species: small species (<0.5 mm in length) had a much higher proportion of carcasses, usually between 20 and 40% of the total standing stock, than larger ones (<5%). The potential causes of this phenomenon, which may be due to (1) methodological bias, (2) a lower sinking velocity of small carcasses, or (3) a higher mortality rate of small species, are discussed.  相似文献   

The problem of vertical distribution and the movements of copepods was studied from several plankton samples collected by vertical hauls in the Saronic Bay, Greece during two cruises (8 to 17 August and 21 November to 1 December, 1969). The species, whose vertical movements were analyzed, were divided into 3 groups: (1) Those which perform diurnal vertical migration (generally psychrophilic species found in summer samples in deeper layers and in reduced numbers). In autumn, the number of specimens is generally increased and many individuals reach the surface at night. From surface hauls it is known that these species abound in night surface hauls during the cold period. (2) Those species which execute a seasonal vertical migration. These, too are, in general, psychrophilic and found in summer in the deep water layers. In autumn, the population of the upper layers increases. From surface hauls it is known that these species abound in day and night surface samples. (3) Copepods which remained at the surface layer in both seasons of our cruises. These species are thermophilic and are absent from surface hauls during the cold period.  相似文献   

The number, size, and carbon and nitrogen contents of eggs in the pouches of a euphausiid crustacean, Nematoscelis difficilis Hansen, were examined. A clear linear relationship exists between the number of eggs in the pouch and the body weight of the maternal euphausiid. The eggs are not spherical in shape, and the size of eggs is greater in larger egg masses. The carbon content of the egg masses (50.2%) is higher than that of the bodies (40.7%). The carbon: nitrogen ratio (C/N) is also higher in the egg masses than in the bodies of euphausiids. The carbon content of the eggs is equivalent to 28.4% of the body carbon, the nitrogen content to 19.2% of the body nitrogen.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal feeding patterns (determined from an index of gut fullness) are described for 10 typical species of calanoid copepods collected from the North Pacific central gyre (September 1968 to June 1977), an area where the zooplankton is food limited and there were a-priori reasons to suspect that feeding and competition for food were important in regulating zooplankton community structure. Over 100 samples from 11 cruises to the eastern part of the gyre were examined, and patterns of gut fullness were related to environmental variables and the copepod species structure. The copepods studied all tended to be omnivores and food generalists. Males had lower indices of gut fullness than females but both males and females of a species had similar spatial and temporal feeding patterns. Guts were usually fuller at night than during the day, even in nonmigrating species; however, within nighttime depth distributions, no depths were preferred for feeding. There were also differences between species in mean gut fullness, but different species tended to have similar spatial and temporal feeding patterns. There was considerable spatial variability, and locales could be identified in which most species had higher indices of gut fullness. The copepods were not necessarily more abundant in these locales, nor did these tend to be areas of above average chlorophyll concentration. These patterns were consistent with relatively nonselective feeding, and there was no evidence that these species separate their niches by feeding at differing places or times.  相似文献   

We examined the population structure of the black tiger prawn, Penaeus monodon Fabricius, 1798, in the Indo-West Pacific by analyzing the geographic distribution of elongation factor 1-alpha intron sequences from specimens collected during the winter and spring of 1997. Both the molecular phylogeny of alleles and F-statistics indicated very strong differentiation between populations from the western Indian Ocean and western Pacific. This pattern is concordant with other recent studies of marine species in this region, implying that the Indo-Australian Archipelago represents a biogeographic break between populations in the Indo-West Pacific. F ST-values among populations in the western Indian Ocean also indicate structure within this region, whereas no structure was found among western Pacific populations. Nucleotide diversity was significantly lower in the western Indian Ocean populations than in the western Pacific, implying that the populations have regional differences in demographic history. Received: 16 November 1998 / Accepted: 26 May 1999  相似文献   

The material was collected in the western equatorial part of the Pacific Ocean at a 24 h station on December 21 to 23, 1968. Collections were made by means of 2 Juday nets from 2 winches simultaneously. A series of hauls was made at 2 h intervals. The vertical distribution of 17 Cyclopoida species, belonging to 3 families (Oithonidae, Oncaeidae and Corycaeidae) was studied. From 0 to 300 m, the absolute number of Cyclopoida individuals was practically constant throughout the 24 h period. The bulk of the species performed no diurnal vertical migration, or migrated with low intensity in the usual way (i.e. moved upward at night and downward during the day). Only 2 Oncaeidae species performed significant diuranl vertical migration. No reversed migration in Cyclopoida was discovered. To characterize the vertical distribution of Cyclopoida, the distribution of the cores of populations (abundancies between 25 and 75%) was examined. During the 24 h period, the cores of populations of various Cyclopoida species were found at different depths; this steplike distribution was not disturbed in migrating species. The cores of populations differed both with habitat depth and time of ascent of the migrating species to the surface layer. This peculiarity, probably, tends to lessen the intensity of food competition between Cyclopoida species with similar nutritional habits.  相似文献   

S. Uye  C. Huang  T. Onbe 《Marine Biology》1990,104(3):389-396
The ontogenetic diel vertical migration of the planktonic copepodCalanus sinicus was investigated in the Inland Sea of Japan in summer 1988, when the water was thermally stratified with a thermocline of ca 5 °C between 35 and 45 m. Stage-specific differences in the diel vertical migration behavior ofC. sinicus were found. Eggs were spawned primarily within the surface-waters between midnight and dawn by ascending females, and sank gradually to deeper waters until they hatched into nauplii. Non-feeding nauplius stages (NI and II) were distributed throughout the water column, but the first feeding stage (NIII) performed an ontogenetic upward migration. NIV to VI and copepodite (C) stages I to III continuously aggregated in the phytoplankton-rich euphotic layer. However, the depth of the median CI to III populations descended as stage progressed. The onset of prominent diel vertical migration took place in CIV, and the amplitude of vertical migration increased with age, being maximal in adult females (CVI). Adult males (CVI), however, remained in the layer below 20 m, and did not migrate dielly. The ecological significance of ontogenetic diel vertical migration is discussed.  相似文献   

Specimens of the abyssal grenadier Coryphaenoides armatus (Hector, 1875), from the western North Atlantic and eastern North Pacific Oceans were compared electrophoretically at 27 presumptive gene loci. At 6 of the 7 polymorphic loci there were only minor differences in allelic frequencies but a nearly fixed difference was found at one locus, phosphogluconate dehydrogenase. Eastern North Pacific grenadiers typically have a narrower interorbital space, a shorter dorsal interspace, more soft rays in the 1st dorsal fin (9–10 versus 8–9) and more pelvic fin rays (21–23 versus 18–21) than grenadiers from the western North Atlantic (as well as grenadiers from the eastern South Pacific, which were included in the biometric analysis). There is an apparent disjunction in the distribution of C. armatus in the eastern Pacific at the Gulf of Panamá which coincides with the change of morphology. It is suggested that North Pacific grenadiers comprise a subspecies, C. armatus variabilis Günther, 1878, which is morphologically distinct from the subspecies C. armatus armatus (Hector, 1875) of the other areas.  相似文献   

C. Huang  S. Uye  T. Onbé 《Marine Biology》1993,117(2):289-299
The ontogenetic diel vertical migration of the planktonic copepod Calanus sinicus was investigated in the Inland Sea of Japan in June 1989, when the water column was thermally weakly stratified. Because of fewer eggs and less variation in their abundance, nocturnal spawning was not apparent. A pronounced upward migration occurred in NIII. NIII to CIII resided in the upper 20 m layer throughout the day, and from CIV on their median depths descended. CV and adult females underwent significant diel vertical migration, whereas adult males did not migrate. By integrating the results from the present study and those from our previous investigations (in August–September 1988, November 1988 and March 1989), we review seasonal variation in the ontogenetic diel vertical migration of C. sinicus. Spawning was largely nocturnal, reaching its maximum level around dawn, but spawning depth and fecundity changed seasonally. The distribution of pre-feeding stages, NI and NII, was similar to that of eggs. A pronounced upward migration always occurred in the first feeding stage, NIII, and late nauplii and early copepodites always resided in the food-rich upper layer, indicating that upward migration by NIII is feeding migration. As the stages progressed, they extended their vertical distribution range, and CV and adult females usually underwent diel vertical migration. However, the pattern and strength of this migration differed seasonally. Their day depths increased with the increase of relative biomass of planktivorous fish, indicating that predator avoidance induces their diurnal downward migration. High chlorophyll a concentrations in the upper layer (<15 m deep) relative to the lower layer (>20 m deep) amplified their diel vertical migrations. Diel vertical migration of C. sinicus is a phenotypic behavior.  相似文献   

C. Huang  S. Uye  T. Onbé 《Marine Biology》1992,113(3):391-400
The ontogenetic diel vertical migration of the planktonic copepod Calanus sinicus was investigated in the Inland Sea of Japan in November 1988 and March 1989, when the water temperature was weakly stratified in a reversed manner. In both investigations a pronounced ontogenetic difference in vertical distribution was found. Spawning always occurred during nighttime, being confined to the upper 40 m water column in November but to the layer below 35 m in March. The distribution of pre-feeding nauplius stages, NI and NII, was more or less similar to that of the eggs. The first-feeding NIII performed a marked upward migration, and late nauplius stages (NIV to NVI) and early copepodite stages (CI and CII) continuously aggregated in the upper water column where phytoplankton was abundant. CIII to CVI (adult female and male) tended to disperse in the whole water column. In November, however, they avoided the upper 10 m strate during daytime and some individuals migrated upward to the surface during nighttime. In March, CV and CVI aggregated in the layer between 5 and 15 m deep in the daytime and migrated both upward and downward at dusk, resulting in homogeneous distributions during the nighttime.  相似文献   

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